All Search Results „bookrix“

1708 search results were found for the search term „bookrix“.

Books (1216)

BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik
Phil Humor BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik

Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren

  • Erotic
  • German
  • 28292 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 842
  • 15
BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik: Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren.   BookRix-Community - wenn Autoren sich zusammenfinden: Man kann diskutieren, in [more]

Keywords: BookRix, Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte, Erotik


BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik II
Phil Humor BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik II

Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren

  • Erotic
  • German
  • 47196 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 255
  • 12
BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik: Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren. Themenspektrum reicht von Liebelei, Flirt bis zu Handfesterem. BookRix-Community [more]

Keywords: BookRix, Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte, Erotik, Sex


BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik III
Phil Humor BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik III

Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren

  • Erotic
  • German
  • 24492 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 182
  • 1
BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik: Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren. Themenspektrum reicht von Liebelei, Flirt bis zu Handfesterem. BookRix-Community - wenn [more]

Keywords: BookRix, Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte, Erotik, Sex, Anthologie


BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik IV
Phil Humor BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik IV

Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren

  • Erotic
  • German
  • 19435 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 172
  • 3
BookRix Autoren-Mix Erotik IV: Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte von BookRix Autoren. Themenspektrum reicht von Liebelei, Flirt bis zu Handfesterem.   Die Autoren:   Phil [more]

Keywords: BookRix, Leseproben, Storys, Gedichte, Erotik, Sex, Anthologie, Sadomaso, Interview, Date


Bookrix Blogger
Dave Donahue Bookrix Blogger

A Blog by Dave Donahue

  • Short Story
  • English
  • 567 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 501
  • 0
Short blog about blogging for Bookrix. I am new to blogging and like writing. Its educational and [more]

Keywords: blogs, blogging, bookrix, blog

For Free

Users (80)

  • German
  • German
  • German
  • English
  • English

Groups (237)

  • 214 Members
Hier kann jeder beitreten der auch will das es von Bookrix einen App gibt
BookRix Hörbücher
BookRix Hörbücher
  • 83 Members
Dies ist die offizielle Gruppe zum BookRix Audioplayer. Ab sofort gibt es auf BookRix auch Audiobücher. Ihr könnt eigene Lesungen, Poetry Slam Beiträge, Hörbücher, Hörspiele, Podcasts, lyrische Musik und vieles mehr hochladen und mit der Community teilen. Audiobücher könnt Ihr, ebenso wie das klassische BookRix-Buch, per Code in andere Webseiten wie z.B. Eure Homepage oder Euer MySpace-Profil einbauen. Eine tolle Möglichkeit, um auch abseits von BookRix auf Eure Audio-Veröffentlichungen aufmerksam zu machen. Hier könnt Ihr zum Thema Audioplayer diskutieren, oder auf hörenswerte Audio-Veröffentlichungen die Ihr hier auf BookRix entdeckt habt aufmerksam machen. Sobald die ersten Audio-Files veröffentlicht wurden, findet Ihr diese in der Bibliothek unter der Kategorie "Audiobücher".
Bookrix Library
Bookrix Library
  • 19 Members
Want to read a book? want others to read your books? come on inside the Bookrix Library But Shhh! Quiet please.
  • 23 Members
Diese Gruppe wurde gegründet, um, wie der Name schon sagt, Patenschaften zu Vermitteln. Du kommmst auf Bookrix nicht so gut zurecht? Oder bist du gut im Umgang mit allen Bookrix-Funktionen? Oder möchtest du andere User einfach auf eine Reise quer durch Bookrix mitnehmen? Meld dich als Pate, oder als Pate suchender! Egal wie lange du registriert bist, auch länger regiesitrierte User brauchen manchmal Hilfe. Wenn ihr Fragen habt meldet euch bei mir(garcia.) oder klausniegeles. Ausserdem können so auch bestimmt wunderbare Freundschaften entstehen!
bookrix friends
bookrix friends
  • 49 Members
are you lonley on bookrix? do you not have any friends? do you have friends but not that many? do you have friends but want to have more? do you have books you want to advertise/ if you answered yes to any of those questions you should join this group! here you canmeet new friends advertise your book. you can do almost anything!

FAQs (63)

BookRix Homepage
BookRix Homepage

When you are logged into your account and click on the BookRix logo at the header of the site, you will see:


This dashboard contains five tabs listed: Sales, BX Rank, Amazon Rank Book Stats and Status. Please see below for information on each tab.

Sales: Displays provisional sales figures for your published books

BX Rank: Displays where your books rank on

Amazon Rank: Displays where your books rank on Amazon

Stats: Displays 'Favorites', 'Comments' and 'Downloads' since your last login

Status: Displays updates from BookRix

Recommended Books

Our BookRix team members continually read through our members work to identify ebook we can promote each week. We look for high quality covers and a good story line. From there, we share and promote them on BookRix as well as additional networking channels.

News From My Network

Your network is constantly changing with the latest information from your personal network of BookRix friends. In this section you can see who has befriended whom, new comments on a profile/group/post or book and who added a book to their favorites. This is a great place to discover new content and view recent activity.

Books I've Read

If you click on a book, regardless of whether you read it or not, it will be listed on your homepage under the Books I’ve Read heading. This section will only save the last 6 books you've clicked on, so if you want to go back to a book at a later time to read it, we recommending marking it as a favorite so its stored on your profile.

My Favorite Categories

You can choose your top 6 favorite book categories (genres) by clicking on the settings tool and manually selecting up to 6 categories from the list provided. This will appear on your homepage and acts as a shortcut to get to the book genres you enjoy most.

Meet New People

New readers and authors are continually discovering BookRix and creating accounts and this section is full of new members on our site. Be friendly and say hi! Everyone enjoys a warm welcome.

BookRix Social Media
BookRix Social Media

If you want to stay updated on the latest BookRix news, add our social media channels to your network. As an author it’s important to gain visibility. We encourage our writers to tap into our existing resources to gain readers and fans. Here are our current stats:

Facebook - 9,600+
Twitter - 4,800+ 
YouTube - 34,600+

Blog - All 500,000+ members in our community have access to our blog

What is BookRix?
What is BookRix?

BookRix is a free self publishing platform that offers eBook distribution services to independent writers. Our users can share their writing, connect with other readers and discover new stories and authors – all in one place. Upon registration, a new account profile will be created for you. Your personal profile can be customized to your liking and is equipped with all the tools you will need to create your own eBooks, list your favorite literature, promote yourself as an author and publish your work to major online shops.

Technology is constantly in motion. Over the years it has changed the way we play our music, watch movies and discover new content. The freedom that technology offers has inspired us to create a company dedicated to providing independent writers with the means to publish their work without the restrictions traditional publishing houses impose. With that idea firmly planted in our minds, BookRix was born.

BookRix was the first book community to give their writers a platform to promote and sell their work on the web as a published eBook. In addition, indie reading enthusiasts are given access to a fast growing virtual library filled with unique content to read and share among their reading circles.

BookRix is free - plain and simple. We believe that everyone has a story to tell and with our self-publishing services, writers can fully explore their potential. On BookRix you can:

- Publish your eBooks and take pride in your accomplishment!

- Distribute and sell your eBook on major online shops and earn money

- Learn simple ways to market your eBook and become a successful indie author

- Discover other readers and writers with the same passion

- Search the community for interesting group discussions, writing tips and reading recommendations

- Share your ideas, receive feedback and discuss your books and projects

- Write book reviews and provide quality feedback to aspiring writers

- Share your books with others via email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest

- Browse our virtual library for top rated books. New titles are added every day!

What does it cost to use BookRix?
What does it cost to use BookRix?

Using BookRix is absolutely, positively, unquestionably free of charge. You can create eBooks on our site, sell your books on the external  eBook market, make friends to help support you with your writing, join free writing contests, etc., and all of it is 100% free.

Creating a New eBook on BookRix
Creating a New eBook on BookRix

Creating an eBook on BookRix is easy! Log into your BookRix account and click the Create New Book button highlighted on the upper right hand side of your screen. You’ll be prompted to enter a book title. But don’t worry, this can be changed at any time. After you enter the title, click Create Book to get started.

On the book editing page, there are three options to choose from: Edit Book Content, Edit Book Info, and Edit Cover. Completion of all three fields is required to share or publish your book, but you can decide which section to fill out first.

Please note: There is a 2000 word minimum to publish and distribute your ebook.

After you have filled out all the information in the 3 required fields (content, book info, and cover), please select whether you want to sell your eBook in the external shops or publish your book for free, only on BookRix.

If you select Only on BookRix  and determine who is allowed to view your book (All Users or Friends) you can now click Publish Book. If your book is missing information, you will receive a notification directing you to the section(s) requiring your attention with a pink outline around the fields. If your book is published for free on BookRix you can edit it an any time. If you wish to remove the book from public view you can undo the publication by clicking Undo Publication when you are in the Edit Book section.

If you select All shops, you are agreeing to sell your book in the shops that we distribute to (Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Kobo, iTunes...). From here, click on Sell Book and then choose your price from $0.00 to $49.00.  Check the box that you have read and understood the Author Agreement and then click Sell Book.

If you have already published your ebook on Amazon, we can still move forward. But to do this, we will need the ASIN number associated with your ebook on Amazon. Currently, Amazon is the only exception we can make. If your book was published and sold on iTunes, we would be unable to accept your ebook for publication. To move forward with BookRix, you would need to remove your ebook from iTunes completely. Once removed, you would be able to use our services.

If you haven’t filled all of the required fields of the necessary areas (Content, Book info, Cover), you will receive a notification alert.  Then you will know which area is missing content because a pink line will appear around the Edit Book ContentEdit Book Info and/or Edit Cover button(s).

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