Cost and Registration

  1. What does it cost to use BookRix?
  2. Do I have to register?
  3. Can I have more than one account on BookRix?

  • 1. What does it cost to use BookRix?

    Using BookRix is absolutely, positively, unquestionably free of charge. You can create eBooks on our site, sell your books on the external  eBook market, make friends to help support you with your writing, join free writing contests, etc., and all of it is 100% free.

    Cost and Registration
  • 2. Do I have to register?

    If you want to be able to upload your eBook, vote on contest books or interact in the community, you will need to register. But you don't need to register to read the free eBooks.

    Cost and Registration
  • 3. Can I have more than one account on BookRix?

    As stated in our Code of Conduct (the great rules of BookRix); BookRix does not allow multiple accounts per member.

    If it’s discovered that a member has multiple accounts and has entered a contest, the less active accounts are deleted and the contest entries are disqualified.

    Cost and Registration
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