Technical Issues

  1. Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?
  2. My book is taking forever to upload. Why is that?
  3. The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.
  4. What does “In progress” mean?

  • 1. Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?

    Whether your book has been submitted for publishing and is pending BookRix approval or it’s already available for purchase in our online shops, you can still make edits. To do this, log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. All revision requests will be completed by the end of the following business day. If your book is currently being sold in online shops, it will remain there. Once you have updated and saved your book edits, please submit it for sale. BookRix will then send the newest version to our online shops.

    Technical Issues
  • 2. My book is taking forever to upload. Why is that?

    Sometimes your computer gets tired. No, but really, if you are using the file upload option, your file may be too big. Files up to 8 MB are generally easy to upload. Anything above that will have difficulty getting uploaded to the site. Please try to break down your books into a series of books, or copy and paste the text instead if this is the case.

    Technical Issues
  • 3. The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.

    One of 2 things can be happening here.

    1. Did you publish your book? You must publish your book in order for your book URL link to work properly. Once published, your book can be located using the ‘Search’ function on BookRix or a general search online.

    2. If your book is marked with an 18+ (adult content only) age recommendation, your book will only be searchable to registered users who are logged in and have their age of over 18 entered in their profile. Their “Family Filter” must also be turned off to be able to search for 18+ books on BookRix.

    Technical Issues
  • 4. What does “In progress” mean?

    “In progress” means you are still working on the book or that you do not want it visible to the public. You must publish the book for sale or offer it for free on BookRix if you wish your book to be visible for public view.

    Technical Issues
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