xxaustinxxclarexx’ Friends
- English
I am 13 years old,soon to be 14. I love music. If I wasn't in the pit percussion section in the LHS band I would go crazy, Lol.
- English
- 3 Books
- 94
i love: reading romance books; writing fantasy books; acting with freinds and singing in the shower. oh, and i cant go a day without saying something random about bob the builder.
- English
- 4 Books
- 12
Shut up voices or I'll poke you with a Q-Tip! All 6 of ya!! Where did my Q-Tips go?!
- English
- 11 Books
- 585
I have always had a love for writing and have been serious about it for the past three years. My style has changed since getting up close and personal with the PR genre. I usually have a rich dark tone to my work and have to remind myself to add some humor. I have been know to go feral without a brownie. If you... Read more...
Nina Kari
- English
- 1 Book
- 5896
Kumusta,Okay, so I never really know what to put on these things. So...let me 'say' I love to read. It is ridiculous how much I love reading. My favorites would have to be The Alpha and Omega series and The Vampire Academy books. But I will read anything in any genre.I also love writing. It's sort of my escape I... Read more...
- English
- 6 Books
- 18
I am very strict when it comes to bullying. If I even see a stranger being bullied I will stick up for them. People say I should be a football player because I am built broad, but it runs in my family. All of us females are built broad. I swear I am more broad then my puny uncles. But my point is if you like... Read more...