xxaustinxxclarexx’ Friends
- English
- 10 Books
- 179
What inspires my writing? Easy, music and dreams.
Usually, I'm listening to a play-list specific to my writing needs.
Current play list: David Gray (LOVE him!), R.Pattinson, Joe Purdy, Ray Lamontagne, Carolina Liar, Muse, Noah and The Whale, Joshua James, fun., and Amos Lee.
Quotes I love:
Reading is to the...
- English
- 89 Books
- 422
I live in Southern Calif twenty minutes from Laguna Beach. I've always daydreamed, but to busy to put whats going on in these dreams till now.My life is like the song "Our House" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.
- English
- 1 Book
- 8
dont let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game----you have to be in the game to win it----do you know y we close r eyes wen we cry wen we kiss wen we prey wen we dream? because we know that that the most beautiful things arnt seen but only felt deep within your heart---
High Overlord of Ramenkind
- English
- 10 Books
- 72
Current Character Status Effect:- Kalen, William, Amy and MayaMy books:Title, StatusDestiny's JokeThose That Are Silent: Writing Third DraftHuman Testing: Writing First DraftPersona: PlannedChangeling: PlannedDrifters: PlannedDestiny: PlannedDestiny's Joke Shorts:Lilies are for funerals: In progressDemon... Read more...
- English
- 8 Books
- 717
Name's Kayla. Prefer to be called Valentine, because that's always been my nickname. I'm 16 years old now, and currently I write about fantasy/science fiction/romance. I've created stories where gay or bisexual characters are present. Honestly, if you don't want to read those kind of books message me and... Read more...