For future reference, any and all advertisements on my page or books will be deleted with no warning. If you wish to have me read your work or others please inbox me with my name in the subject line and do not "spam" my books. It is rude and I do not appreciate it. Please do not post any type of spam or chain messages on my page or within the comments of my books. I do not care for "REPOST OR DIE" messages, I find them highly... Show more
Due to a copyright issue, I am going to remove half of the chapters of my completed novels. I’m sorry that this means the people who are in the middle of my stories will be hindered but until I can figure out the source of the issue, I feel it is best if I don’t reveal all my ideas to the public, especially the completed ones. I think even after I get the situation resolved, I’m going to put them up for maybe a week or two... Show more
Just to let anyone who stops by know, I have completed writing out the next novel or novella I'm going to post. I'm not sure about the title at the moment so a cover will be put off for a minute. I'm in the middle of looking it over before I get someone to type it for me, then I will go over it once more and post it chapter by chapter. Hope this clears things up.
For those of you who are waiting for me to complete my my other... Show more
I, personally, would be really happy to get to read more of "Saving Summer" :3
I would love to see the end of Indiscretion. I have to admit you have me hooked on that one. I check it regularly to see if its been updated lol.
Did Indiscretion get removed? I am not able to locate it anymore and I have the web address. It just says "This book is not available."
I did remove it but you can locate it here:
I'll no longer be posting on Bookrix.
I like your books!
I need closure for kat. The ending of indiscretion made me really sad for kat. She is still stuck with an ungrateful sister and still has no personal happiness: she gave up collins, she gave up her baby, she gave up her dreams and for what? To be reminded of something she had no control over? Please please please give katerina another shot. Otherwise i loved all your books, they were superb.
Hey hey
I'm not sure if I've updated here (can't remember if the site wasn't acting right or something) but Kat does get a semi happy ending in the first book of Indiscretion. I'm working on book two right now and there are more twists and turns that I'm sure you'll enjoy :)
Let... Show more
Do you plan on getting any traditional training for writing?
I've actually just graduated with my bacholors for technical writing (would have been creative writing but the classes weren't available sadly). I do wish to progress with my learning and be able to publish one day :)
Thank you for asking
Keep on doing what you do and do not give up on a dream coming true!
I will :) thank you. I love writing and I love when people encourage me :) thank you so much
Since my computer is still in the shop and I'm using my tablet for everything, updates are coming but they are slow. I've nearly got the next chapter finished writing but I'll still have to type it which sucks but my thought process is better when I write it out. Sorry for the... Show more
Since my computer is still in the shop and I'm using my tablet for everything, updates are coming but they are slow. I've nearly got the next chapter finished writing but I'll still have to type it which sucks but my thought process is better when I write it out. Sorry for the delay but it is coming soon. Spring break is next week, snow day today and tomorrow witought school or work so hopefully I'll get some writing done :)
One of the most intriguing book I ever read please accept my heartiest congratulations
you shoud really let ur books be downloaded