Mariah18 is Offline.
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Mariah you are very pretty. And I love u... I forgive u baby. U can be my gf again babe


Fuck off

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If your brave put this on your profile and see what do the people rate you, i would really like everyone to comment on this!!!
Be honest
Blue : you're so kind
Red : I love you
Yellow : I have a crush on you
Pink : I wanna hug you
Purple : you're awesome
Green : ............Sex ?:D
Orange : ........Friends?;)
White : Let's chat in privately.....
Grey : Let's have a relationship......
Black : go to sleep

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blue and purple


All of them but green and white XD

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love about 5 hours ago
if your brave put this on your profile and see what do the people rate you, i would really like everyone to comment on this!!!
Blue : you're so kind
Red : I love you
Yellow : I have a crush on you
Pink : I want to hug you
Purple : you're awesome
Green : ............Sex ?:D
Orange : ........Friends?;)
White : Let's chat in privately.....
Grey : Let's have a relationship......
Black : go to sleep
RATE... Show more

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Deleted User

Thank you for friend request acceptance :)

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