Mariah18’s Groups
Naughty Group
- 202 Members
- 266 Posts
- Public Group
Welcome to you, curious reader or writer! This Erotica group is the best for you to find more about how to write your sexy stories or make them be better or how to enjoy sex at the fullest. So please do not be shy to post here your curiosities because we will be glad to hear them.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 10:06am
Music Lovers!!!
- 178 Members
- 50 Posts
- Public Group
Just as the name says, this is for the music lovers on Bookrix! Any type of music... Classical, Rock, Rap, Pop...etc...
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 4:54pm
My little inbox
- 35 Members
- 16 Posts
- Public Group
Hello-meow my fellow friends! This group is what you need for a little enjoyment, a break through of the real world. On this group I will want to talk about romance, relationships and others. Come with me and lets get a little crazy.
Latest Post: October 07, 2019, 8:55am
Crime and Punshment
- 13 Members
- 9 Posts
- Public Group
If you're one of those who likes to read and write about the criminal aspect of the world we live in. Then this is place for you.
I've looked around and haven't seen a group for this yet. All I see is pertaining to vampires, werewolves, twilight, romance and other types but nothing for the criminal minded.
Latest Post: December 21, 2018, 4:07pm
your dead to me
- 32 Members
- 13 Posts
- Private Group
if u really hate someone and need to express it u can in this group
Latest Post: June 12, 2019, 7:25am
Paranormal Romance
- 6 Members
- 2 Posts
- Private Group
Witches, warlocks, demons, angels, vampires, shapeshifters, werewolves, sysans, banshees, nereids, fairies, elves, nymphs, i cal out to all the dark fantasy fans out there to join this amazing group where one can share their ideas, thoughts, and feelings about books related to this topic.
Latest Post: November 28, 2016, 8:24pm
Girls Club (from Milky)
- 27 Members
- 13 Posts
- Private Group
This is a group that I (milky) made for the love of girls, it's a sort of repaying back to them for being there for me in bad times and good. But still, every girl is invited to join. This is a group for girls only.. sorry buys, but I have a group for us too, so leave this one out boys...XD
Latest Post: May 17, 2016, 10:36pm
Its ok
- 22 Members
- 7 Posts
- Public Group
just come here to talk about ur problems instead of spamming people
Latest Post: October 07, 2019, 8:55am
Girls & Boys Hangout Group
- 53 Members
- 22 Posts
- Public Group
Friendly! Chat Group for ALL genders! RULES 1. No swearing 2.No Bullying 3.Talk of no gross and inappropriate things 4. Advertisement is allowed (for groups and books only!) 5. Have fun!
Latest Post: May 20, 2018, 10:57pm
pain, despair, heartbreak... Our stories
- 22 Members
- 16 Posts
- Public Group
This group is about sharing our stories in order to help others who might be going through something we have, to provide some support or to get the help and support we need in a dark time. You are not alone in your pain. Others were able to get through this and so can you. It is time to share our agony to end the misery!
Latest Post: April 24, 2018, 7:18pm