Mariah18’s Friends
- 18 years
- English
- 6 Books
- 2
'Ello! This Toasty goes by she/her and HI IM BI! Status: Single, but not lonelyI am a vibe. You like me or you don't! I am 16 and I hate the word toes. Rp? YESH! I am a writer and I will do poems of your request! Stay Toasty Yall!!
Blood Rose
- English
- 2
The voice of a ballerina breathes life into a vampire. Opposite worlds collide and connect more than they should. Here’s a tale of a love triangle, family drama, death, revenge, and a new found home.
- 25 years
- English
Hi, I am Shannon, I am 19 and love to write and read some people might even call me a bookworm. My hobbies are Soccer, reading, drawing and Fornite.
- 37 years
- German
- 15 Books
- 36
Lieblingsbuch : Der Alte der Liebesromane las. Musik : Höre ich gerne, von Kaki King, Alice Phoebe Lou und John Fogerty. und die unglaubliche Melody Gardot. Waterworld mit Kevin Costner zum Geniessen.
- English
I've discovered as I've grown up that life is far more complicated than you think it is when you're a kid. It isn't just a straightforward fairytale.
Audrey K. K. Wolfeye
- German
- 8 Books
- 49
Ich fotografiere (Naturfotos & Fotos alter, schöner Gebäude) und schreibe eigene Geschichten, Bücher, Gedichte, Songs, Kurzgeschichten. Aktuell arbeite ich an dem ersten Band meiner vierteiligen "Beryllion-Chroniken", einer Fantasy-Reihe und an "Wolfsmädchen", einer dreiteiligen Horror-Reihe.