rdfloyd10usn’s Friends


J.C. Laird

J.C. Laird

John C. Laird

  • English
  • 25 Books
  • 522

I was born and raised in Michi­gan, at­tended col­lege in Cal­i­for­nia. The plan was to be a his­tory teacher, but after a brief "test­ing of the wa­ters." I re­al­ized that my tem­pera­ment was not suited to deal­ing with ju­ve­nile delin­quents. If I had con­tin­ued in that line of work, I'm sure I would have in­curred a law­suit... Read more...




  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 94

I'm a sim­ple six­teen year old girl who doesn't get to go out much due to my lo­ca­tion there­fore i spend all my time in my fan­tasies. Or my books. I'm open minded and as long as you don't try to force your ideas on me we won't have a prob­lem. Be­lieve what you want to and be who you are just let me do the same. :)




  • English
  • 10 Books
  • 1014

Hey every­one, it's Jess. I'm grown up now, 23, that's crazy to think. I did it, I got pub­lished, then life got busy and I stopped writ­ing. Hope­fully some­day I will fin­ish these books, even if it is just one more, but until then, I truly hope you enjoy.    Old Bio: Hey Every­one! My name's Jess, or bet­ter known as... Read more...



  • 106 years
  • English
  • 29 Books
  • 809

But enough about me, let's talk about the weather... and me.




  • English

Im a cute but weird child. I am very kind and I love al­most every­thing. Im kinda old fash­ion but I like wear thing that are cute too. I am a Vam­pire geek and Im a sucker for ro­mance and fanstay.​Hehe I cant help my­self with read­ing. Im learn­ing how to act at the mo­ment but I just love to have fun. Oh, Im pretty... Read more...



  • English
  • 17 Books
  • 256

ENG­LISH Cus­tomer Sup­port for BookRix.​com. Please email all in­quiries to support-en@​bookrix.​com




  • 29 years
  • German
  • 6 Books
  • 69

Feuertränen, die mir den Wangen runter fließen brennen, sie tragen den ganzen Hass, der sie brennen lässt, sowie der Schmerz, in meinem Herz den du in meinen Feuertränen brennen fühlst, wenn du dich traust und sie berührst... ***

Die Liebe verwandelt mich zu einer Rose. Rot und romantisch, aber... Read more...

Paper Planes

Paper Planes

  • English
  • 13 Books
  • 207

I've never been the type of per­son that's en­tirely com­fort­able with the con­cept of writ­ing about them­selves. I guess that, in it­self, tells you a lit­tle about me? I'm self-con­scious, self-loathing and self-re­liant. I sup­pose that isn't a very good combination.​Now I wanna dance, I wanna win. I want that tro­phy, so dance good.

Nina Kari

Nina Kari

  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 5896

Ku­musta,Okay, so I never re­ally know what to put on these things. So...​let me 'say' I love to read. It is ridicu­lous how much I love read­ing. My fa­vorites would have to be The Alpha and Omega se­ries and The Vam­pire Acad­emy books. But I will read any­thing in any genre.I also love writ­ing. It's sort of my es­cape I... Read more...


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