J.C. Laird
J.C. Laird
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kRiz kRaZy

Hello... Hoping to be your new found friend.. :)

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JP Harris

Hi J.C...thanks for linking up...

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Deleted User

Thanks again Laird, I am Milky.

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Deleted User

Howdy J.C Laird!

How are ya?

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Really are you allowing this kind of language in the group Serious writers. I can understand it being used in the books but it has no place in the posts

succes is my only ****** option..failure's not ! !
By: Stig9
about 1 hour ago
succes is my only********* option..failure's not ! !

Deleted User

Let's see how he reacting about the critics to his attribution!?

J.C. Laird

Ken, you are correct. The post has been deleted.


Thanks John. :o)

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Thanks for friendship. Your books look intriguing. Have to check them out. All the best to you. .

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I get bored from time to time and take a quick look at books that I've read before and look at interesting covers, but your background picture for Cad-Bots is awesome. How did you do that? Is it a gif?

J.C. Laird

Alexandra (gracefulwings) did it for me, and I do believe it's a gif. Drop her a line; she could tell you more.


I will!! Thank you :)

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Your books rule...just had to say it :-) now if only I can get my book just as awesome as yours:-)

J.C. Laird

Thank you for the compliment; I'm glad you're enjoying them. No one is a born writer writer--they are self-made. Keep on writing, learning and applying yourself. It's a long journey for all of us, but for those who love to write, it's a fun trip.


Fun in indeed writing gets me excited when I think about its a dream of mine which I'm determine to follow :-)

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