Hi Rana,
I would like to inform you about my bookrelease this week. I would appreciate hearing your opinion on my book:
My book "Sharela's Diary - A Christian's every-day life" got professionally translated into English and will be available in bookstores soon!
Enjoy reading! If you like the book then feel free to tell others about it.
Have a nice day!
Sharela's Diary von Sharela Koch - eBook Download - Buch kaufen
Sharela is a young Christian and Blogger from Germany. In this book, she talks about her life, honestly and openly: about living your faith, searching for God and loving your neighbor. Using a pen name she shares her life without exposing her friends and family. This book combines amusing anecdotes from her every-day life with thoughts about God and the world and her most popular blog posts from the past four years. Feel welcomed by your next-door Christian!
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Oh, okay ^_^
Rana Ajeeb Rahman
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No po
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Well hello there XD
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Thank you for friend request acceptance :)
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r u for real 17?
u look younger than that.... (just saying)
thank you!