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Hello, good day, I am Milky, and you seem like a good reader/write.

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Deleted User

Can I ask you something, you're reader, would you like to join my project group?.. all you have to do in it is comment on the topics about books.


OK! I'll try , but I don't think I'll be too active in this period cause I've some staff do to ...

Deleted User

It's okay, just take a look in it and if you like then join it:

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Thank you for adding 'New Life' to your favourites!

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U're welcome :)
It was a very good book.

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The Twister

Hey there!! I hope you would be able to check out my books if possible <3 Negative and Positive feedback is most appreciated! My books are still in progress.. So I was hoping if you'll be able to check it out ^.^ It would be awesome if you did XD
So I hope you would be able to check it out <3 Thanks

Complicated Love. Would you fall for an Asshole? Love can happen when you least expect it... thats why love is such a bitch! Assholes??? Bitches??? People you just dislike??? Consider Lena's view of the people in Trinity Academy, her first day wasn't a good start... actually every day of her high school life wasn't a g...
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