Ami’s Favorites
- Psychology
- English
- 23843 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 78915
- 340
How can we free ourselves from mental suffering? How can we unlock what the poet William Blake referred to as “the mind-forged manacles” - those unhelpful, unfounded and inflexible habits of thought which keep us from reaching our true creative potential?
This book...
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, self help, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, freedom, gender, sexuality, politics
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- Business & Economics
- English
- 1881 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 849
- 4
Management and innovation expert David Silverstein investigates what's worked and what hasn't when it comes to best practices. Accompanied by business leaders Tom and Sharon, the three explore real-world examples, looking at organizations such as Google, Cisco, USAA, and... Read more...
Keywords: Business, Management, Leadership, Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, Self-Help, Strategy, Business, Management, Leadership, Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, Self-Help, Strategy
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Achieving Business Excellence by Creating a Vibrant Culture
- Business & Economics
- English
- 1078 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 774
- 8
Your most important strategic and competitive advantage is right in front of you—grow your culture, and you’ll grow your company!
Driving to Perfection: Achieving Business Excellence by Creating a Vibrant Culture is not your average business book. It was written by... Read more...
Keywords: Business, management, leadership, organizational behavior, ebook, Driving to Perfection, Brian Fielkow, business, management, leadership, organizational behavior, ebook, driving to perfection, brian fielkow
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An In-depth Analysis
- Business & Economics
- English
- 8135 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 2458
- 7
The courier industry in Kenya has been experiencing exponential growth since its inception in the pre- independence era when it was being run by the East African British Government. The industry has grown to attract international firms operating together with local... Read more...
Keywords: COurier Industry in Kenya, Parcel management, D-Trail, Couriers, Kenya
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Theory and Practices
- Business & Economics
- English
- 33809 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 6665
- 53
During the last decades of the 20th century many barriers to international trade fell and a wave of firms began pursing global strategies to gain competitive advantage. Rather than thinking in terms of national markets and national economies, leaders of business thought... Read more...
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- Psychology
- English
- 1659 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 17062
- 110
If you want to find your soul mate, you first have to know yourself. If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? offers intelligent, practical, and engaging guidance to singles looking to improve their romantic relationships--by getting to know their own past patterns and... Read more...
Keywords: self-help, psychology, relationships, romance, ebook, love
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- Romance
- Italian
- 674 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 9810
- 60
Katrin aveva sempre sognato ,un amore grande e puro..Quando un giorno incontro´ Devid un ragazzo dagli occhi di ghiaccio che la fece soffrire..dopo 15 anni si rincontrano in un locale di amici..Katrin fece finta di non conoscerlo pero´ il cuore li batteva talmente forte..
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Creating Happiness
- Business & Economics
- English
- 17230 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 8462
- 71
This purpose of this book is two-fold:
1. To raise the bar of what we should be trying to achieve organizational and individually in our work and personal lives. 2. To provide the action steps and related tools to attain the new goal.
Keywords: CEO, Buddha, Leadership, Business
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Adem Bacelli
- Biography & Autobiography
- Albanian
- 69161 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 7292
- 6
Nuk ka histori të vërtetë përveç biografisë.
Hyrje tek Libri "FAMILJA BACELLI"
“Mos ja thuaj askujt hallet e tua. Dhjetë përqind e atyre që të dëgjojnë, nuk të ndihmojnë dot ti zgjidhësh ato, ndërsa nëntëdhjetë përqind të tjerë,... Read more...
Keywords: Bacellinjte
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