eBooks „Rebellion“
- Drama
- English
- 229719 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 90
Keywords: roots, rebellion, warcraft, adventure, historical drama
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- Fiction
- English
- 229921 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 108
Keywords: rebellion, roots, revolt, resistance, war, revolution, love, coercion, conformity, subversion, sacrifice, angels, good, evil, demons, invisible world, occult, dark ages, magic, magick [more]
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- Fantasy
- German
- 6645 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 403
- 2
Keywords: Blut, Krähen, Gott, Engel, Dämonen, Chaos, Katastrophen, Monster, Siegel, Narbe, Himmel, Flammen, Flügel, Kirche, Zeichen, Tod
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- Poetry
- German
- 940 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 547
- 24
Keywords: Gedichtband
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- Fiction
- German
- 163 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 778
- 20
Keywords: ä
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Line Story #36
- Science Fiction
- English
- 1125 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 277
- 1
Keywords: fiction, science fiction, humor
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Band 2
- Fantasy
- German
- 32185 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 282
Keywords: Fantasy-Romance, Neuerscheinungen 2019, Fantasy-Liebesromane, New Adult, Fantasy-Romane, Romantasy, Urban-Fantasy, Liebe, Spannung, verschiedene Welten, Gedächtnisverlust, Mord, Serie, Folge1, Urbanfantasy, Liebesromane, Drama, Romane, Fantasy Liebesromane, romance, paranormal, urban, Paranormal Romance deutsch, Paranormale Liebesromane, Urban Fantasy, dramatisch, Reihe, Gewalt, Freundschaft, Fantasyroman, New York, Fantasyromance, Young Adult, Mystery deutsch, Mystery, Dark Romance, Fantasy Dark Romance, Übersinnliches, Paranormal Romance, deutsch, Paranormale Dark Romance, Urban Fantasy deutsch, Darkromance, Horror, Neuheiten 2019, Bestseller 2019, zwei Welten, zwei Schicksale, Folge2, Neuheiten2019 [more]
- Fiction
- German
- 112062 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 48
Keywords: Klimawandel, Gesellschaft, Spannung, Action, Zukunft
- Fiction
- English
- 42786 Words
- Ages 18 and up
- 2
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