All Search Results „Paranoia“

58 search results were found for the search term „Paranoia“.

Books (55)

mango96 Paranoia

Du kannst dich nicht verstecken

  • Horror
  • German
  • 1255 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 11
  • 0
Eine etwas extremere Veranschaulichung zum Thema "Stalking" Als Angelica nach Toronto zieht um dort Medizin zu studieren, wird ihr [more]

Keywords: horror, stalking, alptraum, student

For Free

Alica Weber Paranoia
  • Short Story
  • German
  • 1530 Words
  • Ages 10 and up
  • 318
  • 0
Wovor hast du am meisten Angst? Wieso hast du Angst davor? Was unternimmst du gegen diese Angst? Wer ist stärker? Du [more]

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vulpecula (Alina) Paranoia
  • Drama
  • German
  • 612 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 355
  • 0
Eine kurze Geschichte, die mein Kopf nicht mehr verlassen wollte. Im Prinzip geht es um den Verlust einer nahe [more]

Keywords: psycho

For Free

Thomas B Paranoia
  • Short Story
  • German
  • 813 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 395
  • 5
Schatten an der Wand, Geräuche in der Nacht, sie beobachten ihn, doch sie wissen nicht, dass er sie [more]

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Samer Zeidan Paranoia

Hidden madness

  • Thriller
  • English
  • 2620 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 15860
  • 9

Keywords: Thriller, Relationship, Death, short story

For Free

Users (2)

  • German
ICH BIN VERRÜCKT. Wäre ich normal, würde ich wahnsinnig werden! Hi und herzlich willkommen auf meiner Seite! Ich bin hier noch relativ neu, war aber schon mal angemeldet. Ich werde hier hauptsächlich Fantasy-Bücher schreiben, da ich das am besten kann. Vielleicht auch mal das ein oder andere über etwas anderes, aber ich denke, dass es von mir hier auf jeden Fall erstmal Fantasy geben wird. VIEL SPASS BEIM LESEN MEINER BÜCHER! ;)
Paranoia Psycosocial
Paranoia Psycosocial
  • German
Wenn ihr was wissen wollt >>
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Groups (1)

Creepypasta lovers
Creepypasta lovers
eedeater: 'How else, losing people makes me wonder' Mr. Widemouth: 'I have a new game we can play' Skin-Taker/Candle Cove: 'YOU HAVE TO GO INSIDE' Smile Dog: 'SPREAD THE WORD' BOB: 'Human, but not quite' The Rake: 'HE IS THE RAKE' Jeff the Killer: 'Go to sleep' Jane the Killer: 'Don't go to sleep, you'll never wake up' Slenderman: 'ALWAYS WATCHING - NO EYES' Masky: 'He is a liar' 'Eyeless Jack: 'Just empty, black sockets Laughing Jack: 'You can't spell slaughter without laughter OR pop goes the weasel!' Zalgo: 'HE COMES' Bad Dream: 'The covers behind you begin to shift' Lavender Town Ghost/Pokemon Creepy Black: 'This town is known as a grave site' Suicide Mouse: 'REAL SUFFERING IS NOT KNOWN' Lost Silver: 'He died' Ben: 'You shouldn't have done that' 'You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?' Tails Doll: 'Can you feel the sunshine' BRVR (Pokemon Dead Channel): 'Good things never last' Angelica (Rugrats Theory): 'A princess? Or a psychopath' Revolution: 'You're destined to do great things, what they are is up to you' Tulo Beloff (Home Run Killer): 'Hate the player, not the game' Trichotilliomania: 'The conductor can not be destroyed' Hanging Gardens: 'Perfection is the great abyss' Clockwork: 'Your time is up!' Nightmare Fuel Can You Survive: 'I closed my eyes and waited to wake up. But nothing happened' My Buddy Sandman: 'How hard could it be to track down someone named Sandman Archibald Bundeford?' April 12th Mind Story: 'I only saw her for a brief moment in the crowded hallway of my school but what I did see was enough to make my heart skip a beat' Elevator Safety Guidelines: 'Do not scream, remember, other guests are trying to sleep!' Paranoia: 'Your days are numbered' I Won't Leave You: 'I won't leave you Lonli' Hauntings Don't Exist: 'Hauntings don't exist. Plain and simple. The idea that a supernatural entity can roam the earth after death is truly irrational.' The Observer: 'Am I Interuppting?' Ticci Toby: 'Who needs a social life when you have the voices in your head to keep you company?' Hoodie: 'He is a liar.' 'Bloody Painter: 'Don't be excited about tomorrow, because there will be no tomorrow. 'Sally Williams: 'Play with me 'Lily: 'Will you be my doll So yeah, those are all I've got. Once again, if I haven't said it enough, all credit goes to IdealisticPrawn for both the idea and the majority of the quotes. Are there any that I missed? Comment down below what you think I missed and I'll update the page!
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