eBooks „Interpretation“
- Literary Criticism
- German
- 2 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 414
- 4
Keywords: Autor, Interpretation, Textinterpretation, Herrschende Meinung, Eigenleben der Texte
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- Psychology
- English
- 226080 Words
- Ages 6 and up
- 540
Keywords: Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud, Oedipus Complex, Super ego, id, ego, History, Psycology, Psychoanalyst, Psicology, Dreams, Movements, Psychoanalysis, Annotations
Interpretation of Am'ma Part
- Religion
- English
- 128394 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 308
Keywords: spiritual, islam, quran, thinkers, interpretation, faith and works
Schullektüre einfach verstehen
- Study Aids
- German
- 8994 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 498
Keywords: Die Bürgschaft Interpretation, Gedichtinterpretation Bürgschaft, Gedichtinterpretation, Die Bürgschaft Schiller, Die Bürgschaft Lektürehilfe, Die Bürgschaft Lektüreschlüssel, Die Bürgschaft Ballade, Die Bürgschaft Erläuterungen, Friedrich Schiller Gedichte, Bürgschaft für Schule, Bürgschaft Inhaltsangabe, Bürgschaft sprachliche Mittel, Bürgschaft Reimschema, Balladen, Schiller Balladen
Schullektüre einfach verstehen
- Study Aids
- German
- 16585 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 7925
Keywords: Interpretation, Gedichtinterpretation, Die Glocke Interpretation, Die Glocke Schiller, Die Glocke Lektürehilfe, Die Glocke Lektüreschlüssel, Das Lied von der Glocke Interpretation, Die Glocke Reimschema, Die Glocke sprachliche Mittel, Geschlechterrollen Schiller, Das Lied von der Glocke, Die Glocke Ballade
Perspicuous Edition 2014
- Law
- English
- 20634 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 893
Keywords: Sultanate of Oman, Law, Employment laws Oman, Strikes Oman, Henrietta Newton Martin, Legal Consultant Oman, Lawyer Oman, Elsela Legal Book stacks, Labour law Oman, Industrial laws Oman, Part I Oman law, Henrietta's book on Oman Labour Law-Simple easy to read edition, Newton's Book on Oman Labour law-simple easy to read for common man, recent Amendments To Oman Labour law 2013, Henrietta Newton Martin's simple interpretation of new labour law amendments
Introduction to Shari’a and Islamic Legal History
- Law
- English
- 7764 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 242
Keywords: Islamic Law, Legal Interpretation, Muftis, Fatwa, Critice
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Ich bin, also dumm...
- Satire
- German
- 1049 Words
- No Age Recommendation
- 474
- 1
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Builders Of The Adytum
- Esotericism
- English
- 3083 Words
- Ages 18 and up
Keywords: tarot, occult, ann davies
- Philosophy
- English
- 17570 Words
- Ages 18 and up
- 3
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