
I hate my life, i hate my family. Basically i hate most of everybody. If there is someone in this fucking worl i don't hate is my friends, they are the onlythig real in my life. I hated my life,i hated my family, i hated most of everyone except my friends. They have always been there for me. Unlike my family-
meaning my mom-who thought all i needed was money and a life without difficulties. My mom was always working-or with one of her boyfriends having sex or something like that-my dad past away three years ago, he was the only person who understood me and i love
him so much. I had a brother, he got merried six years ago and moved to Hawaii with his wife so he didn't live with us anymore. I was stuck with my mom, it was like i was her only child. My brother rarely talk to her since dad past away. However if he called it was only because he needed money. Dad left us alot of money but he spend all of it in a house he bought over in Hawaii. He didn't visit, and mom hated planes so she didn't visit either. I didn't like him so everytime mom suggested me to visit i told her i had other things to do. It wasn't true but i just couldn't tell her i hated him. Besides i loved my friends and i wasn't going to leave them, even if it was to go over to Hawaii, i wouldn't mind but my brother was there and been near him wasn't something i wanted to happen.

Today was saturday night and mom wasn't here- like always it was like living by myself- and i was home alone. I decided to text Michael, he was my best friend, i knew him since i was little. He was two years older than me- he was 20 and i was 18- he has always been there for me. If i needed him he would be there no matter what. If you don't belive me let me tell you this.Two months ago i got into i big argument with my mom. I call him to pick me up-i didn't have my beautiful 2011 black Chevy camaro-, he wasn't at his house wich was ten minutes away from my house. But he told me to wait for him in our place-wich was the an abandoned house a block away from my
house, behind the house was a tree with a treehouse on it, that was our place- i grab my cellphene and bag and left. I waited 20 minutes for him, but finally he was there. He pull me into a hug and kiss my forhead. He asked me if i was ok and i told him what happen. He pull me into his lap and told me everything was going to be fine and not to worry about my mom. I ask him if he could stay here with me-at the treehouse- and he said that this was not a place for me to stay at and he took me to his house. Furtunatelly there was no one in his house. So we didn't have to hide from his parents-they like me they just don't let him bring girls home they say is disrespectful- I didn't notice he wasn't wearing a shirt until we were in his room. I ask him about it and he say that he leave in a hurry, and he wasn't able to put all his clothes back on. That ment he was with someone when i call him. I told him i was sorry about interrupting him and he said it was fine-he had sex pretty much everyday- he say i actually save him. Apparently she wasn't good at it. I was laughing at that memory. I learned the lesson, i text him to know what he was doing that way i wouldn't interrup like that time two months ago.

'Hey are you sex busy?'

'No why' he answer really fast so it was true.

' want to come over, mom is not coming back till tomorrow you can stay if you want' i text him back.

'Is that an offer?...on my way.....want anything form the store?' he answer back.

'hahaha no is not...the usual please.....i'll be waiting thankx :)' the usual was a coke and a bag of Doritos. I waited for him, we were together most of the time, well tha was when he wasn't busy working at college or having sex with someone. He didn't take anyone serious, he just wanted sex. We were somewhat alike, i didn't take anyone serious but i had never had sex with anyone. He knew this and he say i was smart to not let anyone used me the way he used the girls he was with. I open the door as soon as i saw the lights of his Nissan. I hug him and we headed to my room to see a movie.

" So what are we watching today Jen?" He called me Jen, all the time. My name was Jennifer and he always say that it was too long. He was the only one who called me Jen-in part because he didn't let anyone else call me Jen- most people called me Jenny.

" I don't know you choose".He smiled and walk to the TV. He chose 'Nightmare in Elm street' i hated scary movies. I just bought them because he loved them. He click play and lay in my bed and i cuddle besides him. I ate my Doritos and tried not to scream but like always, i couldn't. He just laugh at me." I don't think is funny!"

" I do!" i frawned and started to get up. " Jen i'm sorry, but you have to admit is funny to her you scream at something so stupid....ok I'll sut up sorry." He was fighting a smile. i just got up and headed to the restroom to change into my pj's - some really short, shorts, that look more like panties and a black tank top that showed my belly-I went back to bed. He look at me up and down. I just ignore him.

" Oh want to barrow a shirt and some shorts?"

" Hell no, if you let me barrow your clothes they are not going to cover anything, i might as well just sleep naked. It will be the same as sleeping in your clothes"

" Ha, ha, ha, ha, real funny." I rolled my eyes." I wasn't talking about my clothes. Since i call you every day to stay her with me, i bought you some. That way you can be confortable" I smiled at him and he smiled back, i walk to my closet adn brought a pair of shorts and a tee.

" If you want me to be comfortable, why don't you let me sleep in boxers?" He teased thinking i would say no." If that's what you want." I throw the clothes back in the closet, closed the door and jump into my bed. He was looking at me like i lost my mind. " I'm serious if you want to sleep in boxers, you can." I was hoping he would say no, but insted he took off his shit and then his pants. I have seen his abs before, but eveytime i saw them i couldn't help but awe at them. He had perfect eight pack- yes eight- and he was really cute, he had light brown eyes, short black hair and was really tall. He turn off the light and went to bed with me. We shared my bed, it was big enought for both of us. If someone walk into my room and see us in my bed they will probably think we were doing something we shouldn't. But we were friends we knew everything about each other. So what other people thought or say about us, didn't matter to us at all. I didn't realize i was moving until i feel his hot skin, touch mine. I placed my head in his chest and my right hand in his abs. He held me thighter and place a soft kiss in my hair. Then we went to sleep.

When i wake up the next morning i was on top of him-yes on top of him can you believe that- and his hands were around my waist. I wanted to move, that way he wouldn't notice. As i did he wake up. Still in his arms i pull my head up and he smiled at me. " Hey Jen, how exactly did you manage to get on top? You are a bad girl, but still is sexy to wake up with a girl on top of me." he was teasing me again i couldn't help but blush." Ah, you look so cute when you blush." this time he was serious.

" Well thanks, i guess"

" You're welcome...hey i'm hungry, is there any kind of food in this house?"

" Not cereal do for you since you are that hungry, we can go to a restaurant as soon as you finish so you can eat real food."

" You need to get someone to make food to you, all that junk is not good for you.....yeah i guess cereal is fine i'm not that hungry." He walk into my closet and grab the clothes i gave him yesterday. there was nothing at the fridge, not even milk. He shoock his head in dissapointment. Went to my room and came back with a hoodie and some sweats for me to wear. " Put this on, we are going home. I'm going to make you a 'real' breakfast." When we got there his mom was making pancakes. " Oh, hi mom, i invite Jenny to meke her some breakfast. But i see you already make pancakes." He called me Jenny in front of his mom. He only used Jen when we were alone.

" Good morning Jenny, how are you this morning? I'm guessing Michael spennd the night at your house."

" Morning, yes he did mom wasn't home, you know how she is.....Thank god we have a guest room for him to stay." If she knew we slep together she would freak not because we were in the same bed but because she will probably think we were having sex she was afraid he would get me or anyone pregnant. She probably knew he had sex every now and she trusted him to at least wear a condom. She knew we were just friends so she didn't worry anymore about us having sex like she used to when we first started sleeping together.

" Yeah i guess you are right" I spend the rest of the day at his house. When i got back home my mom wasn't there. Mike left because he had to sleeep. He had classes early tomorrow -college sucks according to him. Thank god i was in my last year of high school and i don't have to worry aboutt college just yet.

I had other friends here but nothing like Mike, i only see them in luch mainly because all my classes are advanced, but i still loved them. I was at the lunch line when john, my botfriend pull me back and kiss me. He was tall and hot, he had blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin.Next to him was Miri one of my friends she was short, she had black short hair and brown eyes and caramel skin.

" Hey Jenny i missed you so much. I called you saturday and sunday but you never answer." I turn around he didn't know i spend the weekend with Mike. And if he find out he was going to be pissed.

" Oh, sorry. Mom was home you know how she is."

" It's ok."

We walk back to our table where our friends were waiting for us. I only had five-real- friends, not including Mike. There was Miri,John, Sarah- who was tall, with blue eyes, red hair and white skin- Vanessa- who was as tall as sarah, she had hazel eyes, brown hair and white skin- and Andrew- who was tall and as hot as john, but was the opposite. He had brown eyes and curly brown hair with caramel skin just like Miri- they were my friends, my true friends.They were talking about their weekend, i wanted to join but i didn't wanted to lie so i just shut up. Then i got a text message from Mike, he wanted me to come over to his house. I text him back telling him i was in school. He just send me a sad face back. He was always there for me, and now he needed me.

" Hey guys i need to go, if someone ask tell then i wasn't feeling good and i went home."

" Why what happen?" John was getting up and everyone was staring at me.

" Nothing is just that i'm not feeling good."

" What's wrong?" Ask Sarah

" Oh nothing don't worry about it."

" Whant me to come with you?" Ask John. I shook my head, kiss him and left. Thank god i had a car, mom gave it to me in my eighteen birthday a month ago. As soon as i saw my black Chevy Camaro, i run turn on the engine and left school. No one saw me. I speed up and before i could notice i was outside mike's house. I knock the door and he open it, surprised it was me. I hug him and ask him what was wrong. He got into a huge fight with someone who was messing with him. They took his scholarship away from him because of it. His parents had money but they wouldn't pay because they say he had to find his way without their help.

" Hey, you know i have money, i can pay for you. I want to help you, and you won't be able to pay for your car and college at the same time."

" NO WAY!"

" Why not? i don't really used it and i know how much this means to you ."

" I say no Jen, this is your money not mine. If i have to i will just quit, shit. I have to call my parents." I waited for him to finish and by the
look in his face things weren't going well. He was sad college ment everything for him, it was a way of succeding without his parents help. They told him from day one he had to pay for his college, not because they didn't had the money but because they wanted him to be responsible for it.

" What did they say?"

" Like i say they are pissed, they say this was all my fault , they say i shouldn't listen to that kind of people."

" Sorry, i....i...i'm sorry ." I look down unable to see his face.

" Jen, you know what? never had sex with someone else's girfriend, well in your case boyfriend-having sex isn't that good- hey look at me." I didn't, so he grab my face between his hands and make me face him. As i look into his eyes the weirdest sensation run through my body. I ignore it and look at him. " You hear me? can i stay at your place? they are pissed at me and i don't really want to see them today. Well if that's ok with your mom."

" She's never home, you know that. So yes you can stay as long as you want." he nodded and we left in my car.He sleep with me like always. The next morning i went back to school. Since he didn't have school anymore, he stay home sleeping. I was heading to my fist period class when i saw it. John was kissing other girl, i didn't love him but it still hurt. How long has he cheated on me. Instead of runing away from them i walk towards them. I stopped about a foot away from them.

" Hey John, i can see you got yourself a new girlfriend." He was taken by surprise, i wasn't crying or anything like any normal teenage would if they saw their boyfriend with another girl.

" Shit, Jenny i can explain....I..." He walk towards me and i take a step back.

" I don't need to know.....I'm just glad, you make my job easier. You see i was going to break up with you, but i guess i don't need to anymore." I smiled at him and walk away from him before he could answer. I wanted to go home, but i couldn't that would be like telling him i was hurt. I was but i wasn't going to admit it to anyone but Mike. I got to lunch- word travels fast everyone knew by now- I was just smiling like if nothing had happen at all. John wasn't at the table, he was to the other side of the cafeteria, with the girl he was this morning.

" Hey jenny we are sorry, we hear what happen." Vanessa, sarah, Miri and Andrew were staring at me concern in their faces.

" Don't worry, like i say to John i'm glad he is with someone else." I smiled, and they smiled back.

" Ok, but what happen?" Ask Vanessa. I told them everything-except the fact that it hurt- and they were pissed at him. The rest of the day went fast, thank god for that. As soon as i got inside the house i couldn't take it anymore. I fall to the floor and started crying. I forgot about Mike, i tought he left, but soon i was in his lap. He hug me and then he help both of us up and carry me to my room. Once in my room he sat at the edge of the bed and sat me in his lap again. He let me cry until i was ready to talk. I told him what happen and just like the rest of my friends he was pissed.

" I wish i knew this guy, so i could beat the crap out of him for hurting a beautiful girl like you."

" You really think i'm beautiful?"

" Of course you are" I pull my head up and he smiled at me. Then he lead down and kiss me on my lips......wait kissed me? Yes he kissed me, and just like yesterday that weird emotion went through me. His kiss was sweet, nothing like i ever experienced before. He lay back, and i was in top of him. He never stopped kissing me. I was about to take his shirt off when he pulled away. I was breathing hard, he told me he was sorry and left. I stay there unable to move, i hadn't realize how much i cared about him until i kissed him. I Love him, but he didn't feel the same. I was crying so hard, his reacting hurted me even more then seeing John with that girl. I grab my keys, and i left my house, not bothering to take my cellphone i didn't wanted anyone to call me. Crying all the way, i was finally in the treehouse, there were so many memories of Mike and i together. I remember every minute i spend with him. I was still crying, and i remember him walking away from me. That was paintful, the worst thing i been through, i curl into a ball and fall to sleep.

Michael's P.O.V

I Left her, there i couldn't beleive i just kissed her. Damn it! i was so stupid, i just ruin our friendship. But there was something else to it.
Once our lips touch i couldn't help but think about having her, but not just to satisfy myself. I haven't realized i loved her until that minute. I have always feel something for her; that was why i spend so much time with her. I couldn't be away from her, i knew there was more than friendship. Everytime i was near her i feel full of life and happy but when i wasn't, i was mad and always looking for someone to fill my emptyness - thats why i had alot of sex- i thought it was normal after all she knew me better than anyone she was my best friend. I been fooling myself, to think it was only friendship, but she didn't feel the same. She was hurt, because of what that guy John
did to her, she probably loved her and i couldn't argue or do anything with that.

I got a call, it was Jen. I guess is time to face my reality, it has been hours since i left her house. It was nine already. " Hello."

" Michael hi, i'm Jennifer's mother....sorry to call you but i wanted to know if she is with you, i'm worried about her. I'm leaving and i haven't seen her at all, i got home at three and she wasn't here." What his mom, wait a minute, if she wasn't at her house and if she wasn't with me where was she at?

" No, she is not with me. But don't worry i'm going to look for her."

" Oh thank you so much, i got to go but if you know anything please call me."

" Sure" She hang up, i was worried but apparently she had something to do. She didn't care at all about her. What if something happen to her. I look for her everywhere, and I didn't find her. I text her friends but they didn't knew anything at all. It was 11 already and i still hadn't find her. I was going nuts, what if i never find her? what if i never see her again? the waiting was driving me insane, she was my life i just figure that out and I wasn't going to give up, i will find her even if i had to spend the night out looking for her. I will find her even if i had to turn the world up side down. I decided to go to our place, i haven't check there, i just didn't thoght she will be there it was cold and she hated to be cold. I sighted in relief when i saw her curl into a ball sleeping, thank god she was fine. I ran to where she was and pull her up into my lap. She screamed in fear. " Shh, is me Michael....God Jen, don't you ever do that to me. I was so worried
about you" She pulled away, and frawned at me.

" Is not like you care about me." She was crying, i tried to hug her but she moved away from me.

" What are you talking about? I care about you, i love you."

" Yeah right, is that why you left me there? you don't love me, no body does. The only person who love me was my dad and now he's dead, and my mom, she's never home she will be better if i just die as well. My brother, well i don't give a fuck about him. And you, you don't love me, you just...." She drop to her knees and cried even harder.

" Jen, everyone loves you, they just don't know how to show their feeling to you. You know your mom called me? she say she was worried because she hasn't see you, I'm sorry i left, i just....." I sigh, it was so hard to tell her the way i felt about her, so i didn't i just pull her up in my harms and kissed her again, it didn't matter if she didn't feel the same. I loved her, the only thing that matter to me was her. She kissed me back, i lay her back and went on top of her. I was breathing hard, her body was cold against my skin and she was shaking.

Today was cold, she has been here for so long time she was probably freezing. I broke the kiss it was hard for me to do it but she couldn't stay here any longer. " Come on Jen, let's get you to your house, is freezing and you are going to get sick".

" Thanks for making me believe you like me, the way i do. I know you don't feel the same, you don't have to pretend anymore i'm fine now. Are you going to stay with me? if you don't want to, you don't have to. You probably have a date like you always do." I kiss her again.

" I'm not pretending. But you are right i have a date, with the love of my life." She tried to get up but i was still on top of her. so i didn't let her.

" So if you have date why don't you just get the fuck away from me and go to your date?"

" Oh, are you jealous?....before you say anything else let me finish. I have a date with the love of my life who just happen to be..." She didn't let me finish, now she was pissed.

" Yes i'm jealous so what?... i don't need to know, just leave." I kissed her, but she bite me so hard it made me bleed.

" Hey, why you do that for?"

" If you have a stupid date with one of your whores, why don't you leave and stop messing with me!"

" I didn't knew you considered yourself a whore." She punch me again, it didn't hurt at all. I just laughed, she kept punching me, all of the sudden she stopped and stared at me. " What are you done? or do you want me to get up so you can beat me up" I was teasing her and she started crying again. I got up and she run away from me. She got down of the tree so fast, i run behind her. Finally i stopped her, in
front of the house.

" Can you just let go of me, i know you don't like me but please stop making fun of me."

" Jen, i'm not making fun of you, when i say i have a date with the love of my life, i was talking about you. That if you want to, I love you Jen." I kissed her again and pull her up in my arms, she wraped her legs around my waist and her hands around my neck, pulling herself closer to me. This kiss was everything, her mouth was warm despite the cold of the night. I slied my hands under her shirt, her skin was cold. She shiver and i pull my lips away from her. " Come on lets go." I help her in the car and turn the heater on. She was still shaking so i
gave her my sweeter. Once in her house i make her take a hot bath. She was wearing that Pj the i loved, the one with the super short, shorts and a black tank top that showed her belly. I was in a chair at the corner of her room looking at her up and down; she was kind of tall- not as tall as i was of course- she had a big butt and brests, and she was skinny, but some how she looked perfect. Her long light
brown hair was still wet and her eyes were light brown, with a shade of green on them, her skin was white. She smiled at me and ask me if i was going to sleep like that. I was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt." Why do you have a problem with my clothes?"

" No, i just know how much you hate to sleep in your normal clothes. i know you don't like pijamas either." She blushed, so i guess she wanted to know if i was going to sleep in my boxers. To answer her question i take off my jeans and shirt, she was staring at me up and down like i did to her. I walk to where she standing unable to move. I wanted to be with her, but i knew she was still virgin if we do it i want it to be perfect and special for he. I pull her up in my arms and carry her to the bed, i place her gently in the bed. Then i turn off the light and walk to my side of the bed. I lay back and she placed herself on top of me. She slighly open her legs i wrapped my arms aroung her waist and she went to sleep. With out having or thinking about sex, -i was happy i never though i will be happy to have a girl on top of me and not having sex with her- i watch her sleep in my arms. She was so sweet, and pretty she has been through alot of shit since her dad die, but know she had me to protect her. While i was alive nothing bad was going to happen to her ever.


Publication Date: 07-18-2011

All Rights Reserved

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