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Books (7)
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Nina Kari

Hey, I've updated Forbidden Fantasy again, take a look. The entire story is up now

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Nina Kari

Hey there, just uploaded another chapter to Forbidden Fantasy. Thanks for reading, sorry for taking so long with the updates (College :/ meh!) and hopefully I'll get back into the groove.

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Deleted User

Hey i don't know if I let you know but Don't Keep Me Waiting is finished. I'm working on a second. Hope you like it.

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Hey ^_^
I love your books.
Please add more soon, ;)
I`ll be waiting...!
haha, Thanks.
~Maddi <3

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Deleted User

Hey there, I just added more to 'Don't Keep Me Waiting' hehe lol see i didn't keep you waiting too long. I'm really into the story so there may be more later this weekend again, I'm unsure at the moment. Hope you like. Feel free to leave me a comment and tell me what you thought. Thanks again.

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Deleted User

Hi, i was just stopping by to thank you for the heart on My Vampire Love. I hoped that you enjoyed it.


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i love ur books please finish to love my best friend i love it and there aren't any words in this world that could describing how good ur books are please finish :)

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Deleted User

Hey there, i added a little more to 'Don't Keep Me Waiting' It's a little graphic, just a heads up. I think it may be a little but before i add more because i really need to update other books. Hope you like it

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New book! is called The begining, i just uploaded the firts chapter....hope you'll like it. P:

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