

Aslam- O- Alikum (Hello to my friends and readers)

This story is thought by me and also written by me. So, you have not any right to copy the lines or any character of this story.

Names, characters, places and dialogues are imagination of author.

This story is about two lovers and it's romantic. In this story, there is the mature scenes and dialogues, so it's depend on you that you want to read or not. If you like this story, please do comments, votes and and share this story with your other friends, because I am writing this type of story first time. So, if you want that I write more like that or more than it, please show your supports as I can write stories.

I will publish one chapter in a week. If I get good response from readers then I will work on it more and will publish two chapters in a week. So, please stay with me if you want, I write more.

CH# 1: Meeting With Dreams


Meeting With Dreams



I believed on one thing that God has created a person for everyone in this world. Who wants to love and cares you and who wants to live in your heart for all life. Indeed, God has placed a girl, a person, for me who is my life, and for her I am here in this world. And, she is here for me.

As I was waiting for her to meet, she was waiting for me too. My all parts of body are created for her. My eyes are created to see her. My ears are created to hear her voice. My heart is created to beat for her. My breath is created to strike with her breath, and I am born to shelter her from sorrows and to give her happiness. So, I was waiting for her.


As we come in front of each other, our every part of body will fall in love at that moment, and their yearning will be more increased. I hoped she would near to me, and her heart beats were finding me also. I didn't know when I would meet her.


I worked in an office and was living my life lonely. My all goals, targets and works of life were completed. Now, I wanted just one thing in my life and it is true love, care from someone. I wanted a hand which touches my body and finishes its wounds. 

I knew that I would get this last thing before death because God has created her to complete my last life best thing, and I am created to complete hers.


On Sunday, I used to go different places of city to find her. I wandered in the city as a bird wanders in the sky to find its food. 


I usually prayed from God, "Oh! My Lord, you have given me everything which I wanted from my life. My God! Now give me last relaxant, love, in my life. My every body part is waiting for her to complete their last wish. Oh God! I want someone who participates in my happiness. Who holds my hand and walks with me. Oh my God! I want someone who hugs me; whenever, I feel fear. Oh my God! I want someone who can feel my heart beats which are beating for her. Oh my God! I want someone who can feel my love. And, if you have not created that person for me, depart my soul from body because now I don't need anything. Oh my Lord! Just bring me up from this world. And, if you have created for me that person, make her to meet me soon because I want to live my rest of life with lovely and precious moments."


On the Sunday, I woke up early in the morning. As I awoke, I heard the thundering clouds. I got up and drew the curtain from window. I saw the crowd of clouds in the sky, and in the winds, which were dancing, I could feel an aroma of her, and I could feel that she was near. 


It was looking that they had brought a message for me from God that I was going to find her on that day. I felt happy because the God was with me. I started preparation for going. I put on black full coat, a brown shoes and a golden color watch. I stood in front of mirror for combing my golden hair. I also take an umbrella with me because it was raining outside. I went out from home and locked the entrance door. 


 I began to walk and with me the drops of rain were walking. I felt the happy winds of air, and I felt an aroma of her in the winds. I was happy because on that day the clouds, the rain drops and God with me to find her.


 Firstly, I went to the little garden, which was near of my home. I used to sit there after that I went at other places to find her. 


Now, the rain was stopped. I sat there on the bench, and closed the umbrella. Surrounding me, there were pleasant flowers. After raining, they were very happy with their family, and they were singing and dancing in the happy weather. To see them, my all body parts' yearning was increased for her. They all wanted someone who could love them in that lovely weather.


I was looking at the road, which was besides of the garden. The vehicles were passing continuously on that road. 


In that moment, a beautiful, girl appeared at the other side of road. It was looking that she had came suddenly along with drops of rain, crowd of clouds and with the pleasant winds of air as God sent her. 


She was completely wetted. She was tall enough with fit body, black opened hair and beautiful face. She had worn a Moron tulip skirt and white shirt. In her hand, it was a red purse. 


To see that girl, my body parts became happy because their wish would be complete, and their yearning were more increased because the eyes wanted to see her for forever and the heart wanted her near of itself and my hands wanted to hold her hand and I wanted her love, care, respect, and wanted to make my life precious with her. I was known that she was the girl who is for me. 


She was trying to cross the road and came to another side of road, where I was on the bench.

 As she crossed the road and came near to me, my heart started to beat fast with happiness, and my yearning was more increased. I thanked to God, "Oh! My God, I am thankful of you that at last I have found her. Oh! My God thanks, I have found my love. Now, I want to live my life more because now it will give me something which I want, care, love, respect and precious moments." 


She came more near to me and sat on the bench, on which I was. At that moment, I whispered with full inner feelings, "Oh my God!" 


 I was feeling lucky myself that I had got that moment. In that time, she turned her face and looked at me. As she turned her face, I felt as the beautiful and fresh Rose had came in front of me and giving me its freshness that had relive my life and that had made my heart fresh. 


At that moment, my hands wanted to touch that creamy body. My heart was being anxious to say her something, and my mouth was asking for permission to utter the words for her. 


At last I uttered the words hardly, "Hello! I think you are feeling cold." She again looked at me and uttered from her sweet lips, "Yeah! I am feeling." 


As she said these words, my ears wish was completed, but they wanted to hear her voice for forever. 


Suddenly, the rain began fast. Quickly, I opened the umbrella and asked her, "You may come under the umbrella." 


She smiled and said, "Sure!" 


She came to near me under the umbrella. She had sat so near to me, and at that time I was feeling like electrical currents in my body. I just wanted to crimp her in my arms. My all organs had become happy to feel her near.


At that moment, the rain started raining fast. The weather was being worse. All people, who were at that place, had went to their homes.


 Being of bad weather, I said her, "My home is near, so you can come with me. It's not better to stay here in this weather." First she looked around her and then she replied, "Okay, let's go!" we both stood up and started to walk together with the one umbrella.


 Walking with her was blessing from God for me, and the happier clouds, the dancing winds of air, and the singing drops of water were the signs that she was the girl who is created to give me love and to make my life precious for me. That was the girl who was sent by God only for me. 


As we reached at my home, I said her to hold the umbrella. She holed it then I opened the lock of door. 

We entered, and on the entrance of her everything of home became happy as they had got a new life. 


"Sit on the chair! I am bringing hot coffee," I said her. She smiled and sat.

 I brought two cups of coffee, and gave the one to her. After that I sat, on the other chair which was in front of her, with the cup.


 "Do you live alone at here?" She asked. 

"Yeah, I am single," I replied. I asked her politely, "I want to know about you, so can I ask some things?"


 she answered sweetly, "Yes of course! You can." I smiled. 

While talking to her, I was feeling that an angel is in front of me, and along with that angel shining stars, beauty of nature, and happiness had walked to my home to finish my sorrows and to complete my last thing of my life. 


"Firstly, what is your name?" I asked. 

She put the cup on the table and answered, "My name is Zinnia. And, what's your?"

 I said, "It's good, and mine is Alvin."  I continued, "Are you a single?" I asked. 

She replied, "Yeah! I am single." I put the cup on the table and said,

 "Good! Do you want any relationship? Means, someone in your life?" 

She answered, "No, I am not interested in it." 


As she uttered these words, I was completely shocked. Because, if she is created for me, she had to feel like me, she had to year as I was yearning. As I was as anxious for her, why she was not? 


I said to God mentally, "Oh! Now don't put me in trouble. Make her to feel like me, because I have completely fell in love with her and want to complete my last wish of my life with only her. " 

After saying her, I could not utter any word, because every part of my body was disappointed. 

Then, I asked her hardly and with low voice, "What do you do?" She answered, "I haven't any special work." I said, "Oh, Alright!"

 She stood up and said, "Now, I have to go, and rain has stopped too."

 As she said for leaving, I stood and said her, "Yeah, you may go," I continued, "But, can we be friends?" 

She said smiling, "We became friends when you helped me."

 Gazing into her eyes, I said with low voice "But still something remains!" She asked being puzzled, "What something?" 

I finished gazing and answered, "Leave, nothing!" She said "Okay bye! Now I am going." 

As she was going, I called her from behind, "Hey, listen!" she turned back then I continued,

 "You are going without telling me that will we meet again or not?" She told me with sweet smile, "No, we will meet." Then, she told me a place for meeting where she used to spend some time in evening.

 As she went out, my every part of body worried, and my eyes became red. I felt as shining of stars had went as water had went out from ocean as smell of flowers had went out from them as king had lost his queen, and the candle had lost its light.

 I locked the door of home and went into my room. I turned of all lights and sat in the chair and was thinking only about her. I was anxious to bring her in my life, but I didn't know that why she was not?

 I whispered with myself, "Every knock and corner of my home was become happy on coming of her, and they got a life, but they were dead on leaving the home." I could not sleep all night because my relaxant and everything was she. I was just waiting for the evening all night in the dark and alone with her dreams.


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CH# 2: Meeting With Dreams Again


Meeting With Dreams Again

As the morning fell, the birds had freed to find food for their families, and they were freed to prove their love for family. By the happiest sound of birds, I was awakened. As I awoke, first I remembered my beloved God then I remembered my life, my smile of face and my key of happy world, Zinnia.  

Then, I prepared and went to the office. I was very upset for her and on other hand I was happy that I would see her again, and my every body part will be relive again. 

Sun was freed from its duty and evening was about to fall. I prepared to go on that place, which she told me. 

When I reached there, it was place like that I have shown the picture  above as a background, beautiful view, seaside, sunset, talking waves of air, glamouring waves of sea  , and she.

She was sat on the rock and was looking at water and sun deeply. I stood beyond her for a while and lost in her. The last rays of evening of sun was falling on her hair and making it more shiny and appealing. 

I went forward and sat silently on rock, besides her. She was still in same position, didn't utter any word. The sight was very lovable and attractive, but for me she is beauty of nature, so I was lost in her profoundly.

She was lost in her wold and I was lost in her, my world. 

While that , I talked, "when you sit silently and deeply, you seems very innocent and beyond that there is something disagreeable and sorrowful happened with you. To your innocence, these are torturing and making use of it.  "

She turned her face to me and said painfully, "may be!"

Her eyes were hiding mysteries of her life. I was anxious! There was something which I had to know.

I took deep breath and said, "Zinnia, you should tell me. Maybe, God has sent me to save your innocence."

 She turned her face to see view and told in slight voice, "There isn't any mystery beyond my innocence because I haven't life. But,  it hides some frightful works.

I asked confusingly, "Frightful works? Which?"

She look at me and smiley said, "You can't understand. Leave it," gazing at scenery she said in deep voice , "you just try to understand these joyful waves, these gossiping winds and to this lighted sun which is going back. It does its duty very honestly. It lights everything and from sky sees everything. In world, hundreds of people injustice with poor! Hundreds of hearts are broken. Hundreds of people do sins and many many more bad. And, the sun bears barbarous things silently; doesn't leave its duty and doesn't complain to the nature," turned face to me and continued, "So, that's why I come here daily and see that innocent, constrained and helpless Sun and for forgiving because I am also involve in many things, I think. I also do many sins. And, these rocks are best friends of my heart because it has been like a rock, dead but behind it the thousand of things are hidden. So, only these rocks can understand my heart as state of of these is like it.

I was confused. looking at her, "I can understand these waves, winds and the story of the Sun. Every single wind has its own life, but I am not getting you. I want to know about which work you are talking. I am puzzled."

"I am also puzzled," she said.

"What do you mean, Zinnia?

"Leave my life! Tell me about you," she said standing up.

She began to walk along the coast. "My life have just started," said while walking with her.


That moment were forcing me to spend my whole life like that. I was feeling different type of expressions, joy, happy, kind of sad. Before her, I was just breathing and was living unwanted, but now I had given a life like a normal person. Now, there was my occurrence in the World. I just wanted to walk with her like that into the Paradise, which is the end of beauty.

"You can't understand," I answered. Still walking

She smiled and said, "we both can't understand each other. How strange it is," she continued in slow voice, "We are different from the world; we both haven't life as God has sent us to support each other. 

I stopped and started gazing into her eyes. Now, her eyes were showing that her heart wanted me to its near to hold her to give her life. Now, The body, which was living without soul, was appealing  for the happiness, for the reasons of living and for the soul. Now, I wanted to give values to her breathes.

I was lost in her very deeply.

"Hey, what happened?" she asked bewilderedly. 

I averted my eyes and said, "You can't understand. Leave it!," I asked to walk, "let's go."

As I turned , she called me from back, "Listen!"

I looked at her and replied, "Yeah!"

She continued," You shouldn't go deep in me and don't give me value heartily. I am meaningless, and I don't want someone in my life. I am dead, apathetic. Don't create feelings for me."

These words made my heart to stop and were finishing my life, which I had just got.

I encouraged, "Oh my Lord! Now, don't take her from me. If you have placed her in my heart, now I will not let her to go. There must would be causes beyond her destroyed life. I will relive her life."

"Don't mind please! But, you can meet me and can talk to me," She uttered sweetly.

"Thank God! it's enough for me," I whispered.

"Nothing, I have gotten you," I said smiley.

"Okay, It's too late. I should go now," She said.

"Yeah sure," I replied.

"Take it! it's my mobile number. You can contact me," she said giving me a piece of paper.

"Okay, but can we meet here daily?" I asked.

"Why not! I come here daily. Just, you have to be punctual." She said with smiling face and continued, "Okay bye! Take care."

I replied, "Take care you too!"

She went but I was still there.

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Text: Rana Ajeeb Rahman
Images: Rana Ajeeb Rahman
Cover: Rana Ajeeb Rahman
Publication Date: 09-30-2017

All Rights Reserved

Dedicate to my beloved Cousin Shumaila

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