This Corrupt World

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Hey guys and girls. Does anybody but me think that this world has gotten crazy? I think it is so crazy how people get mad at someone and go bomb a marathon. Or they go shoot people at a parade. I don't think this is why God created Earth. In fact, I know it's not why he did. This world has gotten way out of control. I don't understand why people have to kill other people to get back at other people.... Show More


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Yeah... By: Deleted User
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This world is a crazy place,
It was given no rules,
A world where no others seem to understand you.

I just lead someone to the Lord By: Israel
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I just lead someone to the Lord

I think no I know that God is not dead and He surely didn't put us on this world to go crazy or k... By: Israel
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I think no I know that God is not dead and He surely didn't put us on this world to go crazy or kill people. He put us here for our own good so we can live in a beautiful place until He comes back again.

Something awesome! By: midknight
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I also read an article about a mother who saw a man grab her 5 year old daughter and put her into his car. She saw her daughter being abducted so she chased him down in her car and got him, even though he let the little girl out of his car before she went after him...I guess he gave up before it started because he knew he had been seen. Kudo's to that though!

What is up? By: midknight
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Hello! I defiantly think that the world is going crazy! I was just just watching the news about that guy...David Silva? Who was beaten to death by the police as his neighbor watched. The neighbor claims that he wasn't doing anything liable for them to beat him and beat him and beat him until he dropped dead! I watched some of the video too! It was crazy! And now, people are protesting and wearing V for vendetta mask. People... Show more

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