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This is a group of dreams, where you can be who you are. You can ask questions, share your creations, and get advice! Dreamers is a group for those who love the fantasy from Aliens to Zombies! Come join, we don't bite!


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Hey everyone!! Being the newest co-mod, I wanted to get to know you all a bit better. Whather I k... By: stormstar1
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Hey everyone!! Being the newest co-mod, I wanted to get to know you all a bit better. Whather I know you or not, introduce yourself here.

Also, I would like to welcome dad (lazarus67 and no, he isnt actually my dad, he is like a dad to me) to the group. thank you for accepting my invitation.


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Hey everyone. I am new to Bookrix and am still trying out the site. I have started to write a book if you want just read it and see how it is.


Welcome to the group and the site.


My name is Shadowsoldier1 your can call me Apollymack
I love killing zombies playing rated M video games =} and i love blowing crap up because i learned how

Need help with your story? Can't possibly think of a name? Can't think of a story starter? From t... By: wayofthewiltedrose
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Need help with your story? Can't possibly think of a name? Can't think of a story starter? From time to time, I will post some help with a subject.

Name Help:
This website will help you find the name you are looking for, all you have to do is fill out the short form!

Story Starters:
This will help with story ideas!
Post for any story help websites you need.

Post your book here, along with the booklist! The booklist may be able to hold books, but it only... By: wayofthewiltedrose
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Post your book here, along with the booklist! The booklist may be able to hold books, but it only shows the two newest books. Here, anyone can see your books!
Feel free to add a video with your book (if you have made one) to advertise. Also, feel free to add the link to your bookrix book.

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Deleted User

My fantasy book, 'Dance of Shame,' has gone through some dramatic changes. You can see the new prologue and first chapter here:


Dance of Shame. Book One of the Crowned Burden Series http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sabrina-jade-howard-dance-of-shame/ The world has never been very forgiving... Eli is a testament to this. He is a poor baseborn lad, his mother gone, and his father never seen. His whole life, he has had to live a life of scorn a...

This is one of my newest books. It's a Science-fiction Suspense Thriller for anyone who may be interested in checking it out.


Sylent Nyght. Part 1 of the Sylent Nyght Saga http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-amber-riel-sylent-nyght/ Evlyn lives in a boring small town until one day she learns about a murder. Little does she know the town will be covered in blood? More murders begin to happen and burglaries slowly start. Oddl...
Zombie horror! By: Deleted User
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Zombie horror combines with military battles, guts and gore exploding from the pages of this super awesome, action-packed read. If you like a fast moving, thrill ride of a book, be sure and check this one out.


Amazon.com: Bloody Raged Corpses eBook: Rookie Burwick: Books https://www.amazon.com/Bloody-Raged-Corpses-Rookie-Burwick-ebook/dp/B078G4S36Q/ref=sr_1_1_twi_kin_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1514687058&sr=1-1&keywords=bloody+raged+corpses Bloody Raged Corpses - Kindle edition by Rookie Burwick. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Bloody Raged Corpses.
heyyyaa By: Deleted User
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Stars in the sky looking so bright
Moon in the sky with it's dancing moonlight
as air around us chilling my spine
we sitting on table linking our hands
and music in the air
and rhythm of ur heart
no is there who can make us apart
.............it's all happening in my dream
hello guys m new hear ............. :)

Awesome new BIGFOOT hororr novel new to kindle! By: Deleted User
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Like to read novels about Bigfoot? How about horror novels? Put them together and you have my newest novel, now on kindle!


Hi By: Deleted User
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