New York, NY
Trump should address the terrible state of treatment centers in the U.S. So
called Addiction Treatment Centers like Fresh Start, owned by Narconon make
money by misleading desperate parents and addicts claiming amazing success
rates. Once lured in, treatment is often non-existent or somewhat provided by
poorly trained staff IMO. My experience as a parent, saw Narconon as poorly
staffed and having a lack of sympathy for... Show more
Sydney, Australia
""Hubert Humphrey arrived in the Senate in 1949 as a liberal in an illiberal
institution. Southerners held the reins of power in Congress, and they hated
Humphrey for his opposition to Jim Crow segregation and 'that speech' at the
Democratic National Convention.""
I am so tired of this hateful, backward minority holding the rest of us back.
Will it never end?