Free eBooks - Horror
Here you can find free books in the category: Horror. Read online or download Horror eBooks for free. Browse through our eBooks while discovering great authors and exciting books.
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Part 1
- English
- 44713 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 64917
- 649
When a gang of outlaws leave an innocent girl and her father for dead, what they awaken will be their undoing.******************************
Keywords: Western adventure, thriller, horror
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"The most frightening story I have ever read" - NoSleep
- English
- 17439 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 51110
- 351
"The most frightening story I have ever read", "Terrifying", "I never want to sleep alone again", "The first time I have read a story which has made my heart race", "Brilliantly written", "Honestly the most gripping story I've read in a long time, from the very first line t... Read more...
Keywords: horror, ghost story, frightening, scary, terrifying, stephen king, james, blackwood, creepypasta, nosleep
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Not movie based
- English
- 1139 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 21546
- 192
This is not movie based. It's a story that i submitted for scary nightmares contest. This story is based on a nightmare that haunted me a while back when i watched the movie the boy in striped pajamas. I dozed off before i saw how the movie ended and this is what i dreamt later that night.
Keywords: pajamas, ghost, scary, goosebumps
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It calls to you...
- English
- 17127 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 20490
- 163
'I've never been so scared by a story. This kept me up at night for days. True horror!'. Prepare for the terror that awaits you, 'On a Hill'...
Keywords: frightening, terrifying, scary, ghost story, horror
For Free
- English
- 53963 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 11891
- 66
Surviving in an un-dead world is not easy when the dead are not the only threat a young man attempts to help a group survive a drastically changing world. An amateur work completed August 2013 feedback welcome if you enjoyed it please share with your friends. This was w... Read more...
Keywords: Zombie, Apocalypse, End, of, the, world, Armageddon, Horror, Fear, Undead, Infected, Virus, Walkers, Survival, series, walking, dead
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Part 2
- English
- 42444 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 9258
- 127
The exciting conclusion of The Daughter Part 1- When a gang of outlaws leave a father and daughter for dead, what they awaken will be their undoing.
Keywords: Western thriller, horror
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- English
- 779 Words
- Ages 18 and up
- 7979
- 624
**Caution: Don't read if you get scared! Or if you don't believe in ghosts! (That would end badly!)**
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most of horror
- English
- 518 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 6926
- 79
THIS STORY IS ON SERIES A FULL HORROR CASES I THINK IF YOU READ YOU ALL FEEL FRIGHTENED JUST COMMENT GUY'S IF YOU LIKE ..............................................LETS GO GHOST,EVIL WORLD.............................................
Keywords: evils, ghosts, window, door
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The Eyes That See No More
- English
- 10534 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 5172
- 85
This book is about Marisa a girl who up until her 16th birthday was as normal as any other girls her age. Yet the night after her birthday she found that she could hear someone in her room in fact she could feel them on her bed sitting next to her. However no matter how har... Read more...
Keywords: Death, End of the world, Last days, The end, Horror, Bloody, Pain, Love, Cursed, Afflicted, Forsaken, Murder.
For Free
- English
- 7146 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 4821
- 52
These are horror stories. Some fantasy some thriller but all downright horrifying. Welcome to the family my friend. Enter the world of your nightmares. Enter if you dare
Keywords: horror, blood, murder, knives, fantasy
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