Engelchens Alptraum führt geradewegs in die Hölle, obwohl es sich keiner Schuld bewusst ist.

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R︀a︀t︀e︀ ︀m︀y︀ ︀n︀а︀k︀е︀d︀ ︀p︀h︀o︀t︀o︀s︀ ︀♀︀ ︀,︀ m︀y︀ ︀b︀l︀о︀g︀ ︀↦︀ www.date4fuq.com?_ebook-wolfgang-hiller-alias-hl-ween-engelchen

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West Windsor, NJ

Obama: Yeah, congrats Vlad on winning that free and fair election!
Putin: Yeah, right, it was just too great!
and Obama grimaces and snorts and Putin laughs, because they both know they're
talking about a sham.

Trump does not understand, he doesn't get it: the above exchange would go
right over his head while he grinned and nodded; then he'd get upset because
his name wasn't mentioned.

Excellent piece, by the... Show more

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