Pregnant cat outside my window

User: ggbrixcat
Pregnant cat outside my window
How cats can be honorable. They are affable and gregarious. Only if people knew how to talk to them, bond with them. I wish people will see true nature of cats.

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thank you very much. but this story was meant to be just an exercise for quick writing. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to edit but no, of course. my draft is always bad, more like incomprehensible. I regret it deeply.

Important Post

Hi toshiyuki. I enjoyed reading your story, and while your word phrasing made me read a passage over, your frame of reference, from your language viewpoint, was indeed charming! As was the story! Now about that last line; you've hit on a marvelous insight of the constant struggle of living a life with animals...and cats, in particular. Again, very charming. Wa do, Elizabeth

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