Free eBooks - Short Story
Here you can find free books in the category: Short Story. Read online or download Short Story eBooks for free. Browse through our eBooks while discovering great authors and exciting books.
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A Fictional Story on Earthquake
- English
- 2014 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 268474
- 828
A short fictional story of two friends held in the claws of a ravaging earthquake.
Keywords: Freinds, friendship, true friendship, earthquake, natural disaster, teacher
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- English
- 2319 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 111898
- 533
A true story of a young mother's life, loss, and growth through the the darkness of abuse and a new knowledge of her own inner strength.
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- English
- 278 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 86684
- 288
A short story about a lonely girl surprised with the greatest Christmas Present she can think of.
Keywords: Love
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- English
- 1641 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 54112
- 207
Old fashioned romance in the autumn of life.
Keywords: romance
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- English
- 2552 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 47041
- 426
Off-duty police officer Danny Sullivan comes home from shopping to find a corpse lying on his kitchen floor.
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- English
- 921 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 42666
- 251
This is a short story that I wrote one day, I hope you enjoy it.
Please note that the cover image does not belong to me. It was found on Google.
Keywords: Snow, Homeless, Christmas Eve, Heartfelt
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What is Sarah hiding?
- English
- 2991 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 30779
- 237
Sarah Grayden is called away from class to see some visitors at the office of her high school. Who has come to see her and what secret does she hide behind her shame.
Keywords: Family, Adolescence, Secondary College, Child Protection, Foster Care, Shame, Sexual Abuse, Society
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- English
- 9864 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 24735
- 224
"Fathering isn't something that perfect men do, but something that perfects the man." Frank Pittman
Enjoy this story? Please feel free to support the author with a $1.99 purchase! $Danee626 (cashapp).
Keywords: Family, Son, Drama, Disease, HIV, AIDS, 80's, Fathers
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- English
- 2029 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 22397
- 43
Who remembers the Fun with Dick and Jane reader? Dick wants fun. He has no dog. He has no cat. No Spot. No Puff. But he has a plan. See Dick board the plane. See Dick fly away. Far, far away. Bye Jane!
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- English
- 1033 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 21593
- 209
I know that Alice returns the porsche but im doing it my way to change it up a little
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