Madison, WI
The problems of these arid areas of the globe are not limited to exacerbation
solely by global warming. There are on going (for decades) tribal and regional
wars. There are wild animals, poaching, criminals, lack of jobs, education,
health care, government indifference or complicit actions in making matters
worse and of course there is a growing population and less and less resources.
We can't solve all the problems of... Show more
Madison, WI
The problems of these arid areas of the globe are not limited to exacerbation
solely by global warming. There are on going (for decades) tribal and regional
wars. There are wild animals, poaching, criminals, lack of jobs, education,
health care, government indifference or complicit actions in making matters
worse and of course there is a growing population and less and less resources.
We can't solve all the problems of these peoples. And we can't sit idly by and
wring our hands either.
One of the problems of climate change is the continual deforestation of many
areas of the globe, mainly the rain forests. The rain forests are sometimes
called the ""lungs of the earth."" Throughout South America and across Africa
rainforests are greatly endangered. Even in the United States and Canada
formerly pristine, ancient old growth forests are in danger.
There are other climate and land/forest/lake/stream/ocean changes that are
also having broad ranging effects, mostly negative. Collectively, the damages
to the Earth's resources are having far reaching effects.
In my view we must place greater concentration on controlling population
growth. The current population explosion if it continues at the current pace
well see the Earth unable to sustain peoples everywhere. If we can't feed and
house people now where will we be in 100 years? The wars over natural
resources will become even bloodier. And the Earth ever warmer and dryer.
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