Drippy Drabbles

Drippy Drabbles

A grouping of three original drabbles for the 100-Word Drabble Challenge. Solitude takes its toll, a girl comes to terms with loss, and a family is looked in on from a departed member. Enjoy!

Posts and Comments
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You write clearly, and each of your stories is poignant.
I am really impressed! Excellent work. Just REALLY good!

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Lucy Anne,

You have written three very touching stories and the ones I like most...

The happy little girl and the purple balloon...to me shows patience acceptance at such a young age.

Undying love...yes Although we die those we love most will always remember.

Excellent writing!

Important Post

Great stories! Looks like Happily Ever After was smack-dab in the middle. I loved the purple balloon story!



Important Post

Such thought provoking short stories. I in perticular liked the last one...so sad.

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