Important Post
My Poem made it to THE ATLANTA JEWISH FESTIVAL!!!! I am very proud, and delighted I made it that far!!! I touched a lot of hearts that day..And I want to do that again!
I enjoyed writing the poem as well as sharing it with you!!
It is a horror what happened in Germany to not only to the Jews but to many others who were not of the 'Master race'.
And the unfortunate thing is... that horrible things are still occurring today in many places on our planet.
T︀h︀a︀t︀'︀s ︀h︀e︀r︀? http://︀i︀n︀t︀i︀m︀c︀o︀n︀t︀a︀c︀t︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀p︀r︀o︀f︀i︀l︀e︀bsaf32d00ac1145_1422660835.9135859013