Free eBooks - History
Here you can find free books in the category: History. Read online or download History eBooks for free. Browse through our eBooks while discovering great authors and exciting books.
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- 336262 Words
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- 24
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”, Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister Great Britain 1868-74
History is a lie. Most of the things you have been taught by your governments or your education about... Read more...
Keywords: illuminati, jews, judaism, genocide, muslims, 9/11, hitler, ww2, ww1, bolshevik revolution, Rothschild, freemasons, federal reserve, lincoln, civil war, tavistock, jfk, war on terror, isis, israel, palestine, mass migration, child abuse, cancer, migration, ufo, global warming, agenda 21, fema, Vaccinations, 5G, Coronavirus [more]
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- English
- 163680 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 22249
- 13
9/11 happened in 2001 but still the true perpetrators of this crime have not been held accountable. There is a lot of evidence which suggests that Israel, Mossad and their Jewish Zionist control of the American government and Media were behind the planning and carrying out ... Read more...
Keywords: 9/11, london 7/7, mumbai, mumbai terror, israel, mossad, Al Qaeda, isis, palestine, libya, syria, twin towers
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- English
- 174713 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 19183
- 26
We are all familiar with the story of Adolf Hitler that the United States, Britain and the Jews would like you to believe. Hitler has been made out to be one of the most “evil” people to have ever lived, slaughtering millions of innocent Jews. This same story has been echoe... Read more...
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, world war 1, ww1, bolshevik revolution, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Churchill, Holocaust, russian revolution, Bombing of Germany, battle of britain
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Death is just around the corner....
- English
- 7001 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 13121
- 119
Set into the 1660's in London, young Amelia Right sees people dying around her painfully, and horribly. Will she be next in death's deed?
Keywords: death, horror, story, london, plague
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A Essay for History Class
- English
- 526 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 7506
- 37
So this is an essay I had to write for history class and it contains info about the upper, middle and lower classes. Its 5 parragraphs and has a middle school reading level. Keep in mind it is a work in progress.
Keywords: Ancient Egypt, History, Social Classes
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- English
- 140383 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 7158
- 42
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