Ashes and Diamonds

Ashes and Diamonds
Claire was just fourteen years old when her life was taken by a sadistic attacker. He's still out there.

Amanda, Claire's older sister finds herself becoming a killer trying to find a killer. All her friends that try to help her mysteriously disappear.

All of her friends can't seem to be trusted. Her own best friend's father is a suspect of her sister's death. And the police don't seem to care about the case.

Time is running out. Amanda is going to become her own Veronica Mars to figure out her sister's death.

Everyone who helps her die or survive...if they are lucky.

Amanda might die in the process of finding her sister's killer to get him prosecuted.

The one's who are good, always get punished
The one's who are bad, always get rewarded.

But, in the end the ashes and the diamonds come together.

And the one's who were rewarded.

Burn in hell with Satan.

There is always two sections

The Ashes (Demons)


The Diamonds (Angels)

Which one are you?

Posts and Comments
Important Post
Deleted User

It's good, it's just going too fast.

Rock star forever

Thanks for your advice, I truly needed it! (:

Deleted User

Your welcome, it's a really good story~! :)

Important Post
Rock star forever

Sorry that I couldn't give you all my work. This is all I have for now. But I hope you enjoyed what you read so far and you are very intrigued.

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