For Claire it was a normal day like always, you wake in bed with a stranger who you believed you saw last night, and you feel quite sore, as he was beating you all night. Abuse, is a good way to put it. It’s scary to realized you remember nothing from the night before, let alone anything. Claire was feeling quite uncomfortable that day. So I lied today is not normal, it’s abnormal, to my point of view.Claire couldn’t get out of the bed, like how you feel during the time you have to get to your school. Claire got out of the bed, preparing herself for what’s to come. She laid her feet down on the floor lightly for she didn’t want to risk her chance of escaping, by waking her attacker. Claire sadly ruined her chance, and her attacker woke up unexpectedly. “Why are you leaving so soon?” He brushed her hair as if they were in such a serious relationship. She look into his eyes, so pathetic to kidnap such a young girl who’s 14 years old. “Don’t touch me!” Claire slap his hand away and proceeded to leave. The attacker grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the floor. “I wouldn’t leave paradise.” Claire screamed in agony. “But, I would leave the depths of hell, when I had the chance. I’m leaving your sick paradise. The type of paradise where kids never see home again, I don’t call that paradise, I call it evil.” The attacker grabbed Claire by her neck once more and strangled her until she had no breath to spare. The attacker smiled lightly and laid her on the bed. “ It’s so sad, you died so young.” He laughed and left her dead body to spoil` . He closed the door and got into his vehicle.
I laid on my bed. I had one of those nightmares again, where the past haunts you into the present. Claire, my 14 year old sister died just two years ago, and they found her body ten days ago. She still haunts me, the people say, like it’s a bad thing. But, I kinda feel like...It’s a warning. Her killer was not found. And my parents seemed to have forgot about it and act as if it was normal again. I don’t think I will ever be normal again. I lost my younger sister. And i’m off to college. We always debated whether my sister could have my room because it was bigger. Those times I will never forget. It’s hard to walk into the hallways of my house in the night. To use the restroom, I have to pass by my sister’s room, which I can’t even bare to look at. I feel like i’m to blame for her death, and I can’t even find her killer, and the police seemed to have forgotten about the homicide, and I don’t even know how to become a Veronica Mars, or a Sherlock Holmes to even figure it out by myself. It’s hard enough on top of that because there is more problems to my life, and I can’t even figure out those particular problems. I heard footsteps come along on the staircase. My mother opened the door, “Sweetie, It’s time to go. I love you so much.” She came to hug me and I hugged her back. “Goodbye mother, I wish you well.” She smiled and grabbed my suitcases and guided me out of the room. I turned around giving it one last glance before leaving it vacant. I kissed my father and they watched as I sped away from my home in my sports car they gave me when I was sixteen. After fourteen hours of driving from Atlanta to New York. I finally made it to my destination. I moved myself and my luggage into the Art institute of Manhattan. I was welcomed by the secretary of the college and was guided once more. She guided me into my dorm room and gave me the key. “Good Luck! I have a huge feeling you will be one of the best here. Unfortunately, you will have to share your room with a boy, I know that’s not what you wanted but -.” “No, It’s fine, Thank you. As long as I get my assignments done, I will be ok.” The secretary put my bags down with a smile and left the room with a slight slam to my dorm room’s door. Who is this person I will be sharing my room with, who is he? In ten minutes I answered my own questions. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, I panicked and attacked. “Whoa, jeez calm down. I’m your roommate.” I frowned and then looked into his eyes which I believe says trouble. “I apologize.” “No, it’s fine.” He unpacked his bags and made his bed then proceeded to move to the bathroom to take a quick shower before class. I had a strange feeling about this boy, like he’s up to something. I waited until I heard the water of the head fall down on to the floor of the shower. I bent down, and went through his stuff. Then I found a picture of my dead sister. “HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Dumbfounded, I got up to see my roommate quite angry. “What’s this.” I said quietly. He remained unresponsive and snatched the photo out of my hand. “What concern does it it have towards you.” “One, you have a dead body photo in your bag, and that dead body is my sister. WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS!?” He turned away and a tear came down his face. “She’s, um. Never mind.” He’s a fake. He might be her killer. I’ll wait and see. “You killed her didn’t you?” He smiled lightly. “That’s for you to figure out.” He walked out of the room with a slam of a door. I know now, I know.
I sat on the floor completely silent thinking about what he said. I felt fairly scared. Sharing a room with a suspect is not what I attended to happen. I didn’t feel like going to any of my classes that day. I decided to stay in the dorm alone. My door opened. It was the boy. “I never introduced myself.” I stared at him, “You don’t need to.” I rolled my eyes. He smiled and sat next to me on the floor as I moved away. “I’m going to anyway, the name is Charles. What’s yours?” I glanced at him, and I could see he was desperate to get an answer. “My name is Amanda.” He got up and walked around the room as if a ghost was following him. “Look I can’t keep this from you any longer, I’m investigating your sister’s death.” My mouth started to transition downward. I throw a pillow at him. “HOW CAN YOU NOT TELL ME THIS!!” “THIS IS WHY!!” I looked at him and I could feel the face burning tears running down my face. I moved over to my bag and got out my pistol. “Tell me...right now.” I whispered as I came closer. “What do you know about my baby sister?” Charles backed away afraid I might take his life. “Sit down and put the gun away and I will.” I pushed the gun closer to him. “ Tell me right now or this gun’s bullet will be fired into your helpless little body. He stopped move back and moved forwards. Before I knew it two other men were in the dorm that just appeared there. I screamed for help, and then everything went black.
Gunshot. Grunt. Darkness of unconsciousness.
I woke to the sounds of tears and cussing. At first it was blurry until I saw what actually happened. Charles was dead. And so was one of his friends or should I say, suspected murderer. I got up slowly off the floor and clutched my chest. I was really close to being shot, a little too close. It was dripping just specks of blood on the carpet, but not enough blood to put my close to death body in the emergency room. I stood staring at the man who seemed to be choking on his own tears. He got up and walked towards me with the gun, I most likely accidently shot Charles and his friend with. “I’m going to kill you!!!” He started running towards me and I moved over to the side. I didn’t realize there was a fireplace right behind me and my attacker flew right in the flames of the furious fire. I turned around and watched him burn for a few seconds. I wondered if I should call for help. But, he taken too many lives to live himself. Even him being dead doesn’t repay all the lives that he had taken, in fact he had almost taken mine. So i’m sure I was not going to be the only one. I picked up my bags and suitcase and ran out of the dorm. Is this what happened to my sister, only she was the dead one. Possible. Wait….the picture!!! I ran into the dorm room as fast as I could and received the picture of my dead sister. I ran back out. I examined the picture closely. My best friend’s father was in the car, in the background… In the same type vehicle the suspected killer…. drove in. Oh my gosh. It could be him….Then again….He never said he liked my sister…
“Any ideas Amanda?” A voice whispered in my ear I turned around...It was my best friend, Sabrina. I jumped in amazement. I looked into her green eyes. “Please…” I said as I held up the photo. She looked around the hallway and eventually her eyes landed on mine. “Amanda, i’m going to try to give you as much information as I can.” Sabrina continued on. “My dad is a suspect but, that’s all I know so far. That’s all I know. I’m sorry.” Her eyes dragged on the floor. “You can stay in my dorm, I don’t have any roommates.” “Ok.” I grabbed my bags and she grabbed hers and we walked down to her dorm on the other side of the building silently. Sabrina grabbed her keys from out of her pocket. “We’ll have to duplicate my keys so you can get in without me.” I nodded my head slowly and walked into the very luxurious dorm room which was way better than my old one, that now smells like death. She smiled at me. “I got a first class dorm room. I got a full scholarship at school. So I guess they got me a first class one.” I nodded once again. Since when was there first class dorms!! Heck, It wasn’t a dorm room!! It was an apartment!! She guided me into my own personal room. “Make yourself comfortable. You will be here for four years.” I laughed. “Then again it doesn’t sound half bad.” We laughed for a long period of time and before I knew it she was gone into the kitchen to make dinner. I checked my phone for any new messages and there was. One from mom, “Hi my darling, How’s your dorm room? Are you settled? Are you having fun? Are you enjoying all your classes? If you have the chance please call me. You are my only daughter right now. Love, Mama” One from dad, “How’s the food? When are you coming home? Are you getting married?” Not sure where that idea came from… One from….unknown, “Amanda, I killed your sister and i’m going to kill you. In 48 hours start being aware of your surroundings. Beware who you’re friends with. Beware who your average neighbors are, because i’m one of them. Here’s a hint…..I’m related to your uncle. I’m related to you. And that’s why I can get away with killing you.” I threw my phone across the room which hit the wall hard. I grabbed the pillow and cried into it. Who is he. I’m becoming a killer myself trying to find a killer. Maybe….I’m the killer….Nonsense!
“Amanda can you please drive me to my friend’s house. We have an important meeting for book club, and i’m president! Please Amanda, don’t make me walk!!” Claire did her pouty face but I didn’t give her what she wanted. I automatically wanted Claire to know she can’t always depend on me, Especially, when it comes to getting a ride. I said no, and she stomped out of my room quite angry, but not angry enough to not talk to me for weeks. Claire got on her average casual outfit she always has on, just in a different color. Claire stepped out of the house and started to make her way down the sidewalk. The most of the streetlamps seemed to be broken. So Claire had to use her Nexus phone for a flashlight, which wasn’t much help. She continued down into the dark path of the sidewalk. Eventually, Claire made it to her destination. Claire knocked on the door of her friends house and was let in immediately. Her friend, Daniella was pretty relieved Claire was safe. Daniella’s mother wouldn’t let Claire leave since it was abnormally dark outside. Daniella was not the brightness apple out of the bunch, and decided to sneak out. Claire wasn’t the brightest either. Why do you think they were such good friends?! Claire forgot to bring her phone, but was the point. It was already out of juice. And Daniella didn’t get a phone yet. She wasn’t as responsible. They waited until 12:00 at night, exactly when everybody’s less likely to wake up. They snuck out
of the small window just barely fitting their fast growing bodies. They stepped lightly on to the grass of her backyard and ran into the woods. Unfortunately, it was too dark to see anything, and they were too far to find their way back home. They heard footsteps and then sticks breaking into two by large feet. Daniella was far behind and then Claire heard a scream coming from her best friend’s mouth. Daniella could see nothing, but the flames of a raging fire. Daniella was going to be burned to death, and she was. On the other hand, Claire had no choice but to leave her best friend behind. Claire continued to run for her life. Her attacker eventually started to catch up to her. He had a chainsaw going off in his hands, and Claire never thought she would be apart of the “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (if you know what I mean.) He scratched her back which let Claire know not to look back. She kept running and tripped over a rock…..and fell. The attacker picked Claire up off the floor and threw her over his back. Claire was unconscious. The attacker walked a long distance to his red truck and put Claire into the open trunk. The attacker got into the driver’s seat and drove to an abandoned cabin in the woods. He put Claire into his bed. The attacker stared at her close to dead body and laid by her side…. Only lonely people would do such a thing, but he wasn’t lonely….he was crazy.
Again, one of those dreams happened again. Those haunting nightmares made by dead loved ones.
And that loved one is my sister. I can’t make myself believe she’s gone. If I said to keep her butt at home, maybe she would be here today. I got up and out of my bed and went into the kitchen. Sabrina was at her classes by now, but she left me a note on top of the breakfast she made apparently before she left. I picked up the note and put my eyes on to the perfume covered letter, “Here’s breakfast that I hope you enjoy. In fact I enjoy sharing a dorm with my best friend!! So cool!! Also, I have some news I would like to share with you too. It’s about your sister.” Honestly, I don’t want to talk about my sister today, at least...Aloud. After that nightmare I had about her or a flashback. It makes me remember the text message I received from an unknown. I need to get myself prepared for classes. If I miss another day, I will be kicked out of college. I got on my favorite outfit, that I got a lot of compliments on in grade school. I made myself some coffee and got my car keys and transitioned into my sports car. I looked at my car’s clock. 9:15 , I’m fifteen minutes late. I made it in time for classes!! I went into the room where they were teaching fashion. I sat down in a desk closest to the teacher. Ten minutes later a boy and his sister came in, The boy sat next to me and the girl obviously already popular sat next to her clique, I don’t have a clique at least not right now. The boy was writing something on a piece of paper. He handed it to me with a smile. I grabbed it and opened it up in my lap. “Hey, my name is Logan. Um, I would like to know what’s going on.” I laughed at the way he put his words, I would like to know what’s going on? Funny. I got my pen out and began to write, “Hi, My name is Amanda. I have no idea what’s going on, therefore, I can’t tell you what’s going on. I kinda just got here.” I smiled at him and handed him the note. He looked at me and then at the note. He got out his pen and started to write again. He handed me the note. “You know there’s a party going on in my dorm….Want to come? It’s for my little sister’s birthday. And i’m sure you would have a great time!” I gave him back the note. I whispered to him, “Sure, I would love too.” This is my chance to find the killer!!!!!!!!!!
I was finishing up my crop - tee design and handed in the teacher. Automatically I got an A+ and was dismissed from class. I was walking down the hallway and saw Sabrina and her mom. Sabrina’s face was covered in tear stains and Sabrina’s mom, Angelina face was not happy, furious in fact. I didn’t want to say I got an A+ in class today. It didn’t seem like a good time. Sabrina saw me standing in the middle of the hallway. She wiped her face and told her mom goodbye and walked away. She walked towards me, “Hey Amanda, How was your classes?” We started to walk to the secretary to get the keys duplicated. “Good, I guess. It seems you had a more exciting day then I did.” Sabrina moved her eyes to the ground. “No, not really...I was invited to a party though.” My eyes got filled with excitement. “Really!? I was invited to a party too!!” Sabrina’s tear stains seemed to disappear into her face pores. She stopped walking and so did I. “Really?!?! By who!?!?” I screamed in excitement, “By Logan!!!” “OMG ME TOO!!” Sabrina and I looked at our surroundings to find everyone staring at us. Some people said look at those freaks. I swallowed deeply, “There is nothing to see here.” Sabrina started walking again and so did I towards the secretary who luckily didn’t see our moment. Sabrina leaned towards me, “There was something to see. Us acting like total nutcases in the hallway.” I laughed, “We wasn’t acting, we are nutcases.” Sabrina chuckled and punched me in my arm. Sabrina wiped her dress skirt and grabbed the key from the secretary and passed it to me. We walked to our dorm talking about all the times we embarrassed ourselves in public. She opened our dorm’s door and went into her room and closed the door. I went into my room and got ready. I put on open back dress and black pumps. I looked at myself in the mirror closely. I smiled and then french braided my hair, then I undid the braid which made my hair wavy. Sabrina just put on a summer dress with flip - flops and let hair do whatever it desired. We came out of our rooms at the same time and we laughed. Sabrina sat down at the kitchen table, “Whose car are we taking?” “Mine, I guess.” I said. I grabbed my car key and my dorm room key and walked out of our “apartment” with Sabrina. We got into my car and drove ten miles to Logan’s dorm. You could hear pop music streaming from out of the dorm two miles away. We knocked on the door and then Logan answered, “Oh hey, Amanda and Sabrina. How are you?” He smiled as he was guiding us in. Sabrina stepped closer to him, “We’re doing just great!” Logan’s smile faded, “I was meaning only Amanda, I don’t like my sister’s friends. Just kidding!” He hugged my friend, and Sabrina laughed. I was kind of in the background just watching all of this happening. I spoke up after ten minutes of Logan and Sabrina giggling like a bunch of five year olds watch babies eating lemons. “I’m good.” Logan didn’t even hear me and just followed Sabrina around like a bird. I walked off and went back home after two minutes, I had nobody to talk to anyway. I got into my car and texted Sabrina to call me when she wanted me to pick her up. I turned to my favorite radio station and drove back to my section of the college. As I was driving I was wondering if Charles body was still in the dorm, if not why wasn’t there a trial being held?! It makes no sense. I got out of the car and went into my new dorm room and sat and watched “Ellen” for a few hours. I got a phone call from Sabrina, and I answered, “Hello?” “OH MY GOSH PICK ME UP NOW!!! LOGAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!! I’M SERIOUS!!! HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP -..................” The phone hung up, and I know that Sabrina is in trouble….because she never said help me in her life. At least not twice. I threw on some shoes and drove past speed limit and saw Sabrina outside crying. “SABRINA GET INSIDE!” Sabrina ran to my car and jumped in. I drove back to our dorm going past limit again and we ran back to our dorm as fast as we could. We ran in and I locked the door. “WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED!!?!??” Sabrina caught her
breath and sat down, “It wasn’t a birthday, It was a type of crime.” I sat next to her. “What do you mean?” “Like, killing. They were trying to kill me. I told you that on the phone.” I knew something was up with that party. Wait Killing. They may be apart of my sister’s murder. Sabrina got up, “I just want to go to bed...Good night.” “Good night” She closed the door softly. I got up and got into my PJ’S and went to bed.
Part Two
My alarm went off at eight o'clock in the morning, and I was not ready for my classes, partly because I had to sit next to Logan. I don’t even know if that’s even his real name! And why did his actions change so quickly, and why did he change them after I left. Did he purposely leave me out so I would want to leave and leave in the next few minutes. And he was oddly close to Sabrina for a long time and on top of that I think he was trying to get her to trust him, and she did, and he decided to kill her. I’m starting to think he is the murderer of my little sister, and it’s completely possible. I slid my legs off of the bed slowly and went into my closet and threw on a hoodie and some jeans. I knocked on the door of Sabrina’s bedroom, no answer. I opened the door slowly and she was still sleeping, it must be her day off. I got my car keys and then closed the door of our dorm slowly. I started to walk down the hallway to my classroom and then I finally got there early! But, nobody was there. I sat down in my desk and looked around the room. And then the lights cut off and, the door locked by itself. I got up and ran to the door. I bang on it and screamed on the top of my lungs hoping to catch someone’s attention. I turned around and saw Logan, and he came pushed me against the door. His face didn’t have a happy face on it. “What did Sabrina tell you!” I pushed him off of me and then he pushed me against the door again with slightly a little more force. I winced. “TELL ME NOW!” “NOTHING!! GET OFF OF ME!!” The lights turned on and Logan ran and sat in his desk, and I moved away from the door. A whole bunch of students came and sat in their desk. I ran and sat in mine. Logan quickly whispered in my ear, “If you tell anybody about this, I will kill you.” I chuckled, “That’s if I don’t kill you first.” His face turned red and he strangled me, I gasped desperately for air. All of the students started to scream in fear and Sabrina came just in time with the teacher. I was gasping my last breath, until I heard a gunshot. Logan fell on top of me and I looked up to see Sabrina holding a gun that was smoking. She ran over to me and pushed off Logan’s dead body and gave me a hug. “I’m so sorry I didn’t come earlier!” I looked at her, “No, it was your fault!” We hugged even harder. All the students were gasping and then Logan sister Paris, came in. “Why is everyone all -” Paris looked at her dead body then at Sabrina. “YOU DID THIS!!” Paris jumped on Sabrina and started to pull on her hair and punch her in her face. Paris started to reach for the gun and then I grabbed mine and shot her. I told you, I’m becoming a killer myself….trying to find a killer. Maybe I should just look in the mirror, there’s a murderer right there. Ten minutes later the police arrived. The police walked over to me,”Ma'am what happened here?” He was the same cop who said that he’ll figured out my sister’s case and called a few days later saying it was useless. He blinked a few times before realizing who I was, “Oh there you go stirring up trouble!” He got out his handcuffs. “I thought you said you'd help me on my sister’s case!” “A girl like you doesn’t deserve to have a sister!” I turned around...and slapped the cop. I hit him so hard he fell on the floor. He got up and took out his walkie talkie and called for backup. Sabrina came to try to help and was stung with a stun gun. Sabrina let out a traumatizing scream and fell to the floor shaking. I screamed her name multiple times before falling to the floor next her being in pain. All of a sudden, I was shaking out of control and then everything went black. Am I dead, if so...which world would I be going to? Hell, for killing so many people? Or Heaven, for doing it out of defense and praying every night, and being a good Christian...At least a Christian that would be accepted in Heaven. I didn’t want my life to end that way. I wanted to die a wrinkly old lady dying in her sleep, not being stung to death! But, as they say...Life isn’t fair.
“Hand me that strap please. Hurry up before she wakes! Ok, give me that strap. Is she secure? Ok, good. Let’s go. Lock that door behind you! Sheryl, Who’s my next patient? Is she ok? Oh no. Get me a phone to call the family. How’s Sabrina? Critical? Ok, good. Is she strapped tight like Amanda? Excellent. Alright, Sheryl get me some coffee. It’s going to be a long day.” The doctor and his team walked down the hallway with every step leading to a echo. I opened my eyes slowly to a blinding light. I waited until my eyes adjusted to find myself strapped down on a patient bed. I looked around the room and then at myself. I’m in my own horror movie. I realized i’m in a insane asylum. The cops think I was making up my sister’s death and unleashing my wrath upon people. I turned to look over to the right and I saw Sabrina’s pale, silent, body. She turned to look at me, “Amanda where are we?” A tear came down my face because I realized that the people who are in insane asylums never come out alive, they always die immediately or, die in there just from old age. Sabrina repeated her question, “They think we are insane Sabrina...We are in insane asylum =, and we may never come out.” Before I knew it I was creating a small pond in my bed. My voice started to crack, “They might just kill us.” Sabrina looked at me and then at her straps. She started laugh insanely. “They didn’t strap me good, we have a chance at leaving this place.” She was moaning at first as she was removing her body free from the straps and before I knew it she was standing over me. She started untying the straps and I got up and hugged her. We ran out into the hallway and checked if there was any guards. Then Sabrina went down the hallway to check if there was a exit..There was. “HURRY UP FOLLOW ME!!” Sabrina and I ran to the exit and smelt the fresh air. I started to choke on my tears. “KEEP RUNNING AMANDA!!” We ran for a few hours and then we saw Sabrina’s house. “I HAVE THE KEY TO MY HOUSE LET’S GO!!” We ran up the steps and then she unlocked the door. We ran inside and locked the door behind us. “Sabrina, we did it.” “Sabrina?” We got up from the floor to face Sabrina’s dad AKA suspect. “Hello Daddy.” He held a knife behind his back. “I love you sweetheart.” “DAD NO!!!” Screams filled the room and then eventually darkness.
I woke up in bed next to Sabrina’s dad in a cabin. Oh my gosh, this is how my sister died, this is her killer. I looked at him and saw he had a camera in his hand. I slid it out of his hand then looked at his pictures, He had pictures of me dozed out and bleeding, then I saw Daniella’s body (Dead), Sabrina’s body (Dead) and then, Claire’s body (Dead). Mine (Alive). I’m seriously going to end my life this way. I got out of the bed and ran out of the bedroom. I tripped over a nail and fell to the floor in agony. Screaming in pain as I watched the blood move down my leg. I realized I have no time to be watching blood fall but, I have enough time to run from this vacant cabin and survive. I don’t want to join my sister not being able to tell her her killer is dead and he was executed in jail. Yep. They brought that punishment back just for him. I got up and started to run, and the pain in my leg was unbearable but, I couldn’t stop. At least...Not yet. I continued to run as fast as I could and saw the light of the door. Right when I was about to leave the door slammed in my face, and the light….Was gone. I tried my best to pull on the door and push on the door but that door was not budging. All of a sudden, I felt hot and wet air breathing slowly on my neck. I turned around to find Sabrina’s dad watching me, “Why are you leaving so soon?” “You do this with all your victims?” “What do you mean with that statement?” I rolled my eyes. “Oh don’t get all intelligent with me! If you were intelligent all those girls lives you taken would be still here today?” “Please tell me what you meant.” “Ok, fine. Knock them out, Drive them to your remote cabin so no evidence will be provided for the police. Lay them in bed and lay next to their close to dead bodies. Which is sick by the way, heck you are sick and medicine won’t be able to treat your body! And you say the same thing, “Why are you leaving so soon? Why would you want to leave paradise?” Slam them into the nail filled floor, and then laugh at their dead bodies saying, “So sad, you died so young.” But, let me tell you something. None of those people will repeat those words with a single tear but with a harsh laugh. Because honestly you deserve to die a terrible death. Nobody will shed tears or attend your funeral.” I laughed like a cold hearted villain. “But, they will, they will attend your execution. And they will laugh at your dead body. And trust me this will happen, because i’m leaving out of here with bruises and scars, but i’m also leaving out of here with a soon to be dead man and my soul still full of life.” “I wouldn’t bet on that.” “But, I would. In fact, i’m not betting. I’m telling. This is going to happen. Whether you stab me with a blade of a knife once, i’m a soldier, and I will be coming out alive.” He laughed and tried to stab me with the knife in his hand in my shoulder blade. I dodged and he missed stabbing the door with is defenseless knife and skills. I ran off get a flashlight I saw earlier on the floor and picked it up and shined it on him. “DAD!!!” Tear streamed down my cheeks like the flames of fires. “How, How, How could you do this to me and Claire and her friends, my friends, people, girls?” He remained silent coming towards me with the knife in his hand. I ran as fast as I could with the flashlight present in my hand. I found a open window in the bathroom and ran in there. I locked the door. I stood there for a second. How could I be so blind, that’s why my parents did not want to talk about Claire. Because my own dad was a suspect, my own dad was a killer. Maybe that’s why Sabrina’s mom was mad at Sabrina. Just because she was friends with me. She believed being friends with me would put her daughter in jeopardy, and it was true. Because now….Sabrina….she’s dead. I climbed out of the window knowing my dad would follow but, that just only apart of my plan. I ran into the woods feeling like I had asthma. I turned around see my dad running after me. If he’s smart he won’t follow me….Let’s see. I ran into a town well - populated and ran to one of the people. “Can I please use your phone!!” The nice lady took it out from her pocket and I dialed 911. The cops came immediately. And saw my dad. “THERE HE IS GET HIM GET HIM!!” My father, I can’t even call him my father any longer. The killer tried to run away but the cops stung him with there stun gun. What didn’t see is the gun in my father’s hand. He shot me. Everyone around me gasped in agony. I fell to the floor. Light, Darkness, End. Is this the end. I don’t know…..It’s a mystery...That’s for you to figure out.
Publication Date: 02-17-2015
All Rights Reserved
This goes to law and order!!! XD