The Origin of the White Shadow By:
Main characters:

Bruce Loan: Detective (main figure of the story)
Steven: colleague
Bob: His Neighbor
Gloria: Therapist
The killer: Angel killer
Mrs. Norris: Secretary
Dr. Hawkins: Forensics expert

Readers will be presented with a novel that has drama ,mystery and Crime in its content.They notice a switch between narrative point of view and characters.The time when the events occur its not static.Although it begins in the present with the events occurring it skips on the past in things that are related to Bruce live. There are ten chapters and they need to be read in that order to understand the whole book.

The plots opens by introducing Bruce Loan and giving a short introduction of his life, mind and beliefs.Bruce in the moment the story is presenting is 42 years old.He has lost everything on his life and need to find meaning or he is going to get crazy.

Readers then learn more about how he lost his father in his early age.The story explores how he feels about that and how the event happened by returning back on time.The story of the book develops by narrating a crime case(which is not the main one happening in the book) of a mother and son killed in their home and how that is affecting on his world perception.

The focus then returns on his present (2013) when the main crime case of the book starts to get shape.He is on charge of investigation for a murder of a female under Telma River bridge.The case is so difficult for his mind because the victim was tortured and finally left with an angel mark on her chest.
The story develops more on investigating the crime but it turns back in times through his memory telling how he lost his wife Joan and his son Nick and how that affected him.

Those skips on time will become very usual in book in order to explain more of the story, with the killer getting more attention and killing more victims but in the same time more of the Bruce life getting reviled.

In the last chapters book take another shape because Bruce starts to go in group therapy and feels that he is being understood there, but this is not the most important thing there because he meets Gloria a woman that gets on his heart so fast.

The investigation leads on exiting events as far as Angel killer case while he gets new faces on his life and takes a journey in a village of an African tribe when he gets a whole new perspective of live.

The last chapter (10) is the final part of book which gives final touch in three dimensions of book: His emotions and adaption from losing his wife and son, story with Gloria and finally fighting with the demons outside.Readers will also notice a small detail in the end which gives indications what will happen in the second part of this series having in mind that this book is only the first one.

Posts and Comments
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Hi, Gashi, it's me Ammad, with a different account, I'm still reading your book, so far so good....and I'm adding your book to my both accounts.

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I read through most of this, but needed to stop and talk to you. It seems your mind is a fully functioning library, filled with an amazing collection of knowledge. For a writer, that's extremely important - having a background rich in experiences, information, understanding, and the ability to express the resulting philosophies is vital to the creation of a good, solid story.

That said, I would like to offer some observations... Show more

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Shkumbin Gashi

I'm looking forward to your advices, a young writer like me needs this words in order to be more motivated.

You are a blessing

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Hey hey hey, sorry man!.....I came as soon as I read your message, I was out but came for a visit and discovered your message, I'm sorry, I may be the first one to get your message but I'm afraid I'm the 4th one to get my hands on your book, I feel so awful being the the way I just started reading it but I'm adding it to my favorites cause I like to support my "REAL" friends....i'll post another comment when I finish your book.

1 Comment
Shkumbin Gashi

ThANK YOU man , you are good friends, i ll hope you like it he book

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Deleted User

i am halfway through , it is really interesting i love the plot and characters are mysterious
some grammar work and this piece will be a gem

Shkumbin Gashi

Thank you Payalparade for kind words. and yeah I'm aware for grammar mistakes but ill fix them , first i wanted to show the book to you guys
Glad to hear that you like it.

Deleted User

my pleasure , and call me payal :)

Shkumbin Gashi

Okay payal nice to be on touch with you,

Deleted User


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