
Table of Contents

1. Fighting with the Shadows


2. Adaption or Illusion


3. Facing the Demon


4. Deprived Family


5. Evil has evolved


6. Traitor among Us


7. Live or die


8. The Nightmare is back


9. You think you know me


10. Why you monster


About the Author

Objective Part:

Shkumbin Gashi was born on 17.05.1991 on Podujeva- Kosovo. He started his primary school on his village on the age of 6 but he had to stop it because during that period 1999 the war started on Kosovo.


He continued and finished primary school on Hasan Prishtina in capital city of Kosovo Prishtina when he showed big curiosity on science and human behaviors.


     After this period he continued his education on Sami Frasheri gymnasium. During this time he went deep in his interest on the field Psychology and criminology as result of that he applied on Philosophic University of Prishtina –Department of Psychology BA degree which he finished on 2013 intellectually and psychologically well formed.


     He lives in Prishtina (age 23) with his family and its chasing his dream of finding new research ways on fighting schizophrenia and writing books about human condition. Chasing Light in Darkness (Origin of the Invisible Soldier) is the first book of a series planed to be written on the near future.




Subjective Part:

    “Working in our dreams is big step, but believing on them is the key to success

                                                                                                            Shkumbin Gashi



    The future belongs to a person who doesn’t stop before any obstacle in his way, doesn’t let fear and other inside demons set clouds in front of him, but instead show the real force of determination and laugh to those doubts and demons by proving them wrong.


 I've always thought that my only way to fully understand myself is to do what I really believe to be my mission, no matter how impossible it looks to others. And this road is writing books that challenge our thinking.

Inside me I take my decisions and trust in their finality ,so  I am confident that my dream will be soon reality, not just a imaginary picture inside my head.


     By the time I was 13, I understood that despite my peers I didn’t want to be a famous soccer player but instead wanted to help people and write books.


    I recall an event that has made me think deeper during that time. When I was in primary school(6th grade) a new kid came to my class ,the first moment I saw him his face was covered with a shadow of sadness .First days I didn’t understand that pain inside his heart ,but when I started  spending more time with him,  I realized that he has lost his parents in war.


       Seeing him crying and seeing his mother face only in his dreams it was painful even to me .Since that moment I promised that I will do anything I can to never see a kid in that powerful horrifying state of emotions .That is the primary reason I applied in psychology .


      Filled with the desire to go further in the field of researching and studying for human nature I applied for study in psychology at University of Prishtina, Kosovo.


During that 3 years time in my classes, I learned important information about human behavior and emotional life, more important how to deal with the situations when a person is harmed emotionally, physically or in sexual form. 


     I have to say that this 3 years period was the time which helped me to be formed intellectually and cognitively, and have more accurate picture how to deal with the issues that are related with psychology of vulnerable people in general. This also has equipped me a power to write books that show the reality how it really is.


     For my common sense a real career in books writing cannot be formed until one gets involved in it purely with the best intentions combined with academic and scientific component.


Chasing Light in Darkness-Origin of the White Shadow  is the first book written by me. The story is written in the blurb (book description) but the reasons and the subjective part after the book I will explain below.


  There are solid subjective reasons why I wrote this book. Few years ago when I was only 12 years ago I saw a woman committing suicide.


She was a woman who jumped from her apartment that was one floor above my apartment. I never understood why she did it.


 This event made me think about human nature, how far we can go on evil. Few years latter l started thinking about writing a book exploring human behaviors. I was playing with my imagination to come with a fiction story but that reflects reality on the same time.


 When I wrote this book I had on mind especially one group of people, as I like to call them the deep ones, people who have a strong critical voice, who search for meaning of things on life


 The inspiration for me to write this book except that case mentioned above is you the deep ones, I want to have a cognitive connection with you people and discover the world like it’s really is not how we like to be.


 It took almost a year writing this book. In order to write in perfect way I had to visualize everything and play it like a movie on my head. So I feel really excited that finally it’s done and I hope it will reach at the ears that need to hear this.


 While writing it I learned very valuable thinks, the same I think you potential reader will. In the end I learned that I have to accept my shadows and fight with them, in order to make peace with myself.


Chapter I


                     Fighting with the Shadows


      -London in first sight a dream city, gives you impression that everything is amazing and perfect. Houses and other architectural objects are constructed in dream way, charming with connection between antique and modern.


As a matter of fact the rich neighborhoods of London are famous for their luxury and well being life since medieval times. In this city lives the main character of the story Bruce Loan a well known and highly decorated detective.


Now in the age of 42(it’s the year 2013) he is passing a life transition and an identity crisis this affected by many events that had happened on his life leaving deep marks on his heart and mind.

He is a respected man with good life standard but he was missing something... a big space was on his chest.


A stranger may think that nothing can go wrong there; very easy fallen dreams can rise again granting a pure happiness. But a deep person has to think more and use introspection to understand if it’s possible that this material well being can fulfill this spiritual gap or even more to substitute it.


  History has proven that this social and economical well being not always is a guarantee for light and happiness so much hoped for. Many historical figures are the best fact and proofs that not everything material is a medicine for spiritual.


        Prince of Nepal Buddha had everything he wanted inside his palace, he was a prince and everyone would think that he was the happiest man in the world, ultimately what he could desire more than to have all that money, or to be surrounded by people who cared even for his sleep.


  But seeing others outside the palace that were at war for survival, but were still happy deep inside them, and in other side all his wishes were guaranteed but still he couldn’t understand himself and find purpose, he felt that he needs a change, a drastic one.


 As a result of that confusion Buddha decided that in order to find his path he has to leave behind his luxury life and search for medicine on spiritual way.


 Eventually he did it, finding the inner peace and latter becoming an inspirational figure for millions of people. Some see him like a god others like a big philosopher but in the end all agree that he leaved a great lesson for humans.


Life is an ocean, a person has to dig deep inside him to find meaning, fight with his demon, and not accept what he doesn’t totally understand, because his end could be on an abyss of anger and sorrow.

 Those questions and hypothesis that are philosophical and sometimes complicated for other people for Bruce are very vivid and practical.

After a long day of chasing the bad guys of city, Bruce was sitting on his room all alone, accompanied with his best friend a Jack Daniels bottle that he had received as a gift from his colleagues few years ago. The curtains didn’t allow the light to get in on the room instead of that, the darkness substituted that absence of the white


 His mind is playing games with him, he was doing a scary monologue with his mind or you might call it debate because sometimes he feels like he is separated on two parts the one belonging to heart and other to mind.


        A man is in constant war with others and the self, the second one it looks that has more painfully battles. It fights with emotions, behaviors, decisions, and question like (who I am? Is my reality illusion, what is my purpose) interrupts even his breath by tormenting it to find a solution or go on the road of the madness.

I am a good man ,at least this is what I hope and believe, but recently everything is suspicious and confusion  I’m not a big fan of myself, so I don’t ask something like that from anyone, not love, or mercy, I just want to be saved in one way or another.


 Without finishing those words he falls in deep sleep that looks comfortable, but for Bruce it was another level of consciousness that wasn’t leaving him alone not even on his dreams.


 A terrible nightmare that visits him every night didn’t forgot to pay a visit even this time. Demons within started to hunt him on his black and scary nightmare.


 Bruce stands lost in this ground that looked like some unknown planet atmosphere, in a far galactic, with no signs of life. In this shallow Bruce is walking half naked (that represented his emotions) like lost, without a known destination, changing the rhythm sometimes running faster.


 Suddenly in that dark a powerful light appears with the power of hurricane, and it looked that was coming from something supernatural. Following that light became a guide on his nightmare that was becoming so real and powerful, it didn’t look like dream anymore.


     In few moments it looked that he was getting closer to that blinding eyes light, that apparently was the only difference of that darkness, but it didn’t look the light of salvation, it was more of a big fraud. It was impossible for him to catch it, the light started to disappear in the moment he reaches it.


 Bruce was in emotional pain; his mind was playing with him. Suddenly he woke up and saw that his body was paralyzed .He started crying with voice and felt of his bed hurting his leg. The night nightmare was gone ....temporary. Now was the time for the day one.


 He noticed it that it was already morning, he figured it out not by the clock, because he couldn’t even stare to it but from a friendly beam that was shining on his bed. It looked that the sun felt sorry for it and decided to give him some light on that emotional darkness.


  Somebody by seeing it like that would think that he didn’t slept for weeks, poor Bruce didn’t dare to close his eyes and get back to it demons again, facing that shadow.

Why can’t I be normal person , like everybody else whose problems are I forgot to take my children of the school or I didn’t finish my project or anything like that but not like this, he thought with his tears falling like rain.


 Why can’t he be like Bob the neighbor who seems always happy, but it was very clear that he wasn’t doing very well on this thing called life.


     He lives in the apartment next door. A big dog that often looked like an angry wolf was all he has, no one ever did a visit to him, furthermore he stays all day long without doing anything that can make the day meaningful, but never you can’t see his face sad.


 There must be a catch there: he either is the biggest emotional master of hiding the pain of his life  or he is really that happy how it seems, but things are not even this simple I guess.


 How he looks, maybe he suffered that much that he don’t care for anything else anymore and lives today for today, who knows?


 Speaking of Bob he knocked at the door in that early morning. He does it sometimes, inviting Bruce for coffer and a morning talk. Usually he gets refused in polite way of course but this time Bruce decides not to do that, he was thinking for him all morning.


Bob: Hello Bruce how are you this morning my friend.

Bruce: Hey Bob fine thnx, come inside I treat you with a coffee.

Bob: Really because you usually refuse me, it’s a surprise for me this now, I’m not turning you down (started smiling and entered on the main room)


There he was standing on the sofa with his blue pants and white shirt. He was 76 but looked like 50 very vital man, even why he didn’t have hair; his mustache made him quite good looking man. How is fighting crime going Bruce?


Well we are doing our best to make the town safe, you know how things go those days with more people getting on trouble but we are taking care of it (the conversation continued for 30 minutes with the coffees served from Bruce than Bob left with his smile on face ,a smile that Bruce forgot to do it)


 Human beings are mysterious and incomprehensible sometimes. Bob the happy man wasn’t the only man that Bruce thought that was in better condition than him. Practically all the people he knows were happier according to his perception.


 Far but far away from him he saw even his friends that were more job colleagues and he has to  interact with them every day, as for him he would stay all alone always ,so he tries to avoid as much as he could contacts with other people.


 He is not a beast or a demon even why he fights with them every day and night, but he is afraid if he was going to be hurt emotionally or hurt others and he didn’t want more weight on his shoulders.

 The way things were going on his life it missed just one more thing on him to go crazy and do something unthinkable.


As far as happiness concerned for him even the criminals that he caught were happier, even considering the fact that some of them were going to pass the whole life on prison.


I am the real demon and every criminal that I’m catching is innocent, they are just covering me and my bad side.


 Talking about criminals and crimes a case that happened two years ago gets on his head very often it was something he will never ever forget.


 One day ,one of those usual ones on London he got a call telling him that a heavy murder has happened not too far from his home, in it was involved a kid, it was that kind of case that make sad even a person without heart.


  Bruce was eating breakfast and getting ready to go to his office probably going through one of those routine days with documents. It was boring indeed but better like that rather than having to cover with white blanket a face full of blood. But the faith has prepared something else for him.


 This call changed the direction of his day and not only. When he arrived on murder scene that was Yorkshire Avenue 20 minutes driving from his home, he saw a scene like in a movies with crimes, but this was more painful because it happened for real.


A cop helped Bruce to avoid the crowd gathered there maybe from curiosity, or they were thanking god that they weren’t victims, that they have still to give on this life.


Walking together they started talking with each other.


Bruce: Where is the scene crime?

Officer: This way sir, in the kitchen, I was shocked from what I saw.

Bruce: Those damn criminals never sleep. We have to catch the step with them too .Don’t let people get on house they can incriminate the proofs.

Officer: Yes sir... I will come to you with a report after few minutes


Entering on the house that looked that it was possessed by devils, Bruce spots a negative energy that could be felt on the air.


  The place when the crime has happened (a mother 31 years old and her son 5 years were killed with knife) was an ordinary kitchen of a typical middle class English family.


 What the eyes could see on those moments was very unpleasant and ugly. Seeing a mother hugging her kid it’s something divine but in another contest not in this covered by a river of blood.


  An Investigating police Mr. Ron Hawkins from forensics department came to Bruce and updated him. The murder is done by knife sir. We have found a finger prince on the knife and a cigarette; I hope this will tell us something.

I see Ron good job, continue with the investigation and see if you can find anything else that will lead us at near solving the case.


 The crime has happened on the kitchen when Bruce was standing looking on the bodies that were on the kitchen s floor. The woman has covered her son with her hands; they probably were eating something in the morning. In other side the boy was only 5 years old. He was so young; he still was wearing the teddy bear blue pijamas.


It was a torture to see them like that Bruce covered their faces and told Hawkins to take them on the forensic department for future examinations.


 Where are we going with this killing anyone, even animals are better than us. Bruce continued in the boy bed room that looked a usual room with lot colors of a young boy with big dreams in front of him.


 Big toy train in middle of room suddenly reminded him how much he wanted one when he was little, but he could never have it,


Instead he found comfort on a piece of wood that was shapeless but small Bruce by his imagination gives that shape based on the toy he saw at other kids.


 Thinking on the retrospective he always knew that he was lying to himself, but he didn’t have another choice to try to be happy. Sometimes people do funny things to satisfy their egos, to give meaning to things, or even a small kid with no abstract thinking can go crazy.


 After he gets out of his sad memories Bruce sees a photo of the murdered boy with two friends on the park, and another with his mother, what was weird is that he didn’t see a photo of a father,


 Maybe he didn’t know him, but his mother should have something from him. With that doubt on his mind he continued to investigate on the woman room that now wasn’t existing on this world, that who knows if its real or it’s a illusive reality., kind of  a alternative reality of another bigger reality, some kind of a bigger and longer dream that looked that was never going to end.


 The bed was untouched in one side that looked clear that only one person had slept there; anything else was random but....still no husband photo.











Chapter II

         Adaption or Illusion


 Sir we may have something. A witness saw something about the murder said the officer that came on the room when Bruce was investigating.

 Bruce: Is there any information for the husband, does he know about it.

Officer: Sir they were divorced a year ago according to neighbors, we haven’t located him yet but we are working on that direction.

Bruce: Why they were divorced

Officer: Apparently the man started gambling in one of secret places in London. You know when only invited people can go.

Bruce: I see. How did the neighbors know this if it’s secret?

Officer: When drunk he told anything to people around him. One night he came to house drunk after he lost everything. That night he started to beat his wife and everything went to hell. After that it was released a restrict order for him and he couldn’t get closer that 1000 meters to his family.

Bruce: So this family had some serious troubles. You are doing a good job son keep going. His eyes looked horrified from the crime he was only a rookie and Bruce was trying to calm him down for a moment.

Officer: Thank you I really want to serve my country and I don’t want to back up from this. My father died in duty, I want to be like him and make my family proud.

Bruce: Don’t need to die to be a hero, so minds in your head boy.


Is it possible that the father could kill his own child? Are there are cases when parents kill their offspring to? It may look like no but Bruce s memory hits him again.

It was 16th of May 2011 when Bruce was called to investigate a death of a kid that died from poison on Birmingham. He was a 12 years old boy living only with his mother. His parents were divorced 5 months before the poisoning started.

It was so hard case because it looked like an accident in the beginning but two things changed the course of investigation. The first one was a conversation with the doctor that took care for the boy. Hello detective can we go in my office I think I have something you may want to know said the doctor that it looked like a grandfather who tells good stories. That impression he gives to you

Yes sure, I was coming to talk with you in few minutes.

Doctor: Look I know that you came to investigate this accident, but I don’t think it was accident.

Bruce: What you mean to say with this?

Doctor: I saw the analyses and there is something disturbing me look here(showed a letter to Bruce)you see he came to hospital 5 times only last 3 months. We treated him with  the therapy but anytime he went to home his condition came and become worst. Someone was throwing poison on his food I think.

Bruce: He lived only with his mother. She wouldn’t do that. It looked to me when I saw that she would prefer to die than live without her son.

 Doctor: I don’t know I just thought that it will be better to talk with you for my doubts.

Bruce: No its okay you did well actually. I have to go to her home and take an interview of her.

The address where she was living was only 10 minutes far from hospital. It will be hard to talk with her for this thing. Her son died only two days ago. But it was something to be done especially after the words of the doctor.

He knocked on that door. From it came a lovely blond woman but who was wearing black clothes. May I help you?

Bruce: We talked last day I’m the leading detective on the case involving your son death.

Woman: Oh yes I remember you Come in Inside. Do you want anything to drink?

Bruce: No thank you I’m fine, I would love to make you some questions.

The interview continued for almost 25 minutes and Bruce couldn’t notice anything suspicious until he saw something. A bottle of rat poison was under the sofa. From this his doubts were even bigger and the case took another lead.

The interrogation on Birmingham police department made her confess that she has poisoned with purpose her son. A psychologist Seth Robins helped Bruce with the investigation.

Bruce: How is this possible, a mother to kill her son.

Seth: The divorce has affected her so much, she tried to get back to her husband so much but he refused to get back to her. So she started to poison her son with rats poison because anytime he went to hospital she could see the husband.

Bruce: This looks impossible.

Seth: It is actually and in Psychology is defined like Munchausen Syndrome. Someone pretends to be sick or makes someone relative sick in order to gain attention from someone.

Bruce gets back to the scene crime from his memory of the case that illustrated the fear that a parent could kill his son/daughter.

Tom the neighbor was an honest citizen who wanted to help the police because he saw something. He was feeling uncomfortable speaking about it but he had to do it in order to help the police investigate the murder.

Bruce: Hello Tom thank you that you agreed to talk with us, you are helping so much.

Tom: It’s so sad, how could this happen, I will try to tell you everything I saw on details.

It was 05:20 the time when all were sleeping my wife; children even trees looked that have fallen to sleep. I wake up because I couldn’t sleep. I’m an architect and now I’m working with important project. I have been assigned from Crouch Brothers to work with their new building, quite an achievement for me. I was standing on the balcony watching the sky and dreaming for the day when ill become famous. All the sudden I saw something that drew my attention to Mrs. Tina s house. A person with mask came running from her house and entered in a car waiting before house. Then they escaped in big speed with their car.

Bruce: Thank you for the interview Tom. (I didn’t get anything that would help me to identify the murder except the fact that two people were involved on it)

  The motive was unclear even why there  were some leads, some jewelry and money missing from woman’s room, this was concluded because the locker when she kept them was opened and all the way how the room looked gives indications that this was a robbery gone bad.

 In the end the scene crime started to get empty. Everyone was leaving even two victims but those two without hope for a new morning. The bodies were being sent on police station for autopsy.

 This is the way how this horrifying scene ended on that day that even with sun, no one was seeing it.

The biggest mystery was which shadow has taken those two innocent lives.

 There was no other development until two days after the crime when detectives have located and found the husband that was missing on his family photos, and apparently even on their lives. Bruce was told that he was on the room of interrogation.

 Bruce was standing on his office when someone opened the door. We have located the husband, who is waiting for you in the interrogation room.

I will be there right away. Going on the room of interrogation in his head rotated different thoughts about what he is going to say to the man.

There he was a devastated man waiting on the room. He was crying it looks that his heart is dying from the pain. The alcohol smell was obvious on it but he still was aware that he has lost absolutely everything valuable he had. His son and wife have passed away.


 Interrogation was a quite disturbing emotional process, but Bruce was getting released because what he feared that the man killed his family was getting out of equation because his alibi was proved when he was spotted on a casino from camera. The conversation between Bruce and James was very emotional.


Bruce: I’m sorry for your family, believe me I know the feeling of losing the most valuable people on life and remain alone.

James: It’s my fault; I should be there to protect them, facing those monsters that killed them (than a moment of silence followed with tears on his face)

Bruce: I know it’s hard for you, but I promise that we will catch and punish whoever did this, you have my word.

James: Will that return them to me?

Bruce: No but at least you will be released a little bit, and they will not have the chance to hurt other people.

  The interview continued few more moments with big tension and emotions. Bruce advised James to go for a while at one of his relative, in away to have some comfort from his relatives.

Mr. Hawkins forensically expert gives to Bruce the final report of autopsy, and he had some good news. The finger print that we found on crime scene it belongs to one young boy who has been arrested several times for robbery. Also the cigarette has his DNA. The commander also told me that a new witness is waiting to give his testimony for the case,

This is great (finally some light thought Bruce)I will go and talk to him right away to see if he gives the same person of DNA prints found on the scene.

The interrogation room was getting quite helpful for the investigation. Witness was a person age 45 Hispanic male Sanchez

 Bruce: I have been told from other officers that you saw something that could help us solve the case.

Sanchez: Well I hope I got what you are looking for.

Bruce: Tell me what you saw please take your time.

Sanchez: Well that day I stayed out until morning because I and my colleagues were celebrating for a done deal. I wanted to walk because my home was near the restaurant where we were celebrating.

Bruce: you were celebrating, so you drunk some glasses of alcohol I guess.

Witness: No no  nothing like that I  don’t drink alcohol, my father died from it and I promised I will never ever drink so for me Cola is enough.

Bruce: I see please continue.

Sanchez: Where was I .. Oh yes I was walking when I saw two males going out from a car very worried. I saw them but didn’t cause importance, but latter when I saw news and police announcement that they were suspecting two male s with Black Sedan car I noticed that I saw them and decided to come here.

Bruce: You did well. In that moment Mr. Hawkins entered the room telling that the finger print belonged to Dru 18 years old. He also gives a photo of him and his big uncle Michael.

Bruce showed the photo to the witness. Yes they are those two I saw that early morning.

  The criminals were Dru 18 and his Uncle Michael 24.They came from a poor neighborhood of London. This case was really serious because of the people involved on it.

The planed scenario was for Michael to wait on car and Dru to enter on house rob and escape fast. But things didn’t go according to plan.

What is happening with this world? Bruce was feeling sorry for Dru even why he committed a horrible crime,

 Michael the older guy has pushed Dru to destruction, and left to him the seal of criminal as long as he lived.

 Crime never stops, and never stopped even on Bruce jurisdiction but this event was on his head more than others putting on his heart a curtain of wrath, and negative view for the world.


 Somehow he felt guilty why he couldn’t stop that crime and save the lives of that woman and her son. He started thinking that this world was so black, that it’s not worth it to try do good things eventually you fall on hands of dark.

 Now he started to have doubts for who he really was, felt alienated because everything that he believed was crashing down, life looked like a lie, illusion, production of his mind. All what he believed that were human attributes now things that are invented from him and others to give meaning to existence,

 Very often with black humor he said to himself (he only talked to himself for those things) that he was going on Nietzsche road looking for answers that looked abstract and hard to answer leading to complete madness.


 To have a better understanding of Bruce’s pain lets travel back to time... the time of big holes on heart.

 Bruce is working on London police station since he was 20 because that is the time that he started the police academy.

The big moment came. It was morning of hot summer when young Bruce was in front of police academy doors.

 The academy building was white and big it looked like smiled to new comers. In the hall there were a lot of cadets expecting to begin their most important journey.

They were surrounded from crowds of people who came to see their beloved ones... But one person was all alone and he was who else except young Bruce.

He was carrying a little bag with personal stuff (those were his only companion on his journey) and he was sad because that feeling that he wasn’t like others hit him again  this time those emotional punches had more power.


He saw other cadets followed by their family members and not only, a blond guy eyes were shining  because all his neighborhood came to follow him, and tell him how proud they were that he was going to serve homeland.


 Bruce in other side... he wasn’t seeing not even his mother that he loved more than his life, this could be justifiable because Ms Loan had to work like a maid in a hotel in city center. She didn’t have the luxury to follow Bruce on his new journey other ways she would lose her job.


What was like a knife in heart for him was that his father wasn’t there for him like fathers do. It was only an illusion. More of an Image that was coming toward him to hug him and give blessing that he was creating with his brain to comfort himself because he didn’t see his father since...since he didn’t remember.

 In the first sight it looked that Bruce was like a rock and has not pain on his heart because human beans are strong and sometimes overcome their limits but deep on his mind and heart he is empty and curse those little good memories that only make the pain bigger.


  This idea that people get used and adapted on everything it is not much to be believed.

Imagine a big cataclysm happening suddenly and destroy entire human race but for some reasons there were alive only two persons.

 Hypothetically let’s say a scientific horrifying phenomenon has happened on our planet and has destroyed everything.


 The phenomenon called NEUTRON STAR it’s a star like a brother of sun and during the period of destruction creates a big explosion like SUPERNOVA.


The parts created from star explosion fall in earth and can destroy our planet until 95% or more but for matter of argument let’s say that impact its little bit smaller and there were left alive only Bruno and Katarina.


It’s the year 3045... Bruno opens his eyes for few seconds everything was blurred on his eyes.. He was having a headache and looked that he was sleeping for 100 years. Where am I, what happened my head is going to explode. Where are the others?

                            Hellooooooooooo, Anyoneeeeeeeeeeee


 He didn’t see anything else except fire and destruction it looked that earth spirit was vanished and has no life on it... It was gone.


In fact this reminded him a documentary he saw on TV for the destruction of Pompey thousand years ago from a super volcano. God it looks like the horror of Pompey, this can’t be happening.

I have to pull myself together now, but this doesn’t look like earth it’s more like Mars. What is this a illusion or I am seeing a woman near that rock.


 He approached to her slovenly and talked to her. Hello can you hear me?  Katarina wasn’t responding. So he sits next to her desperate and started thinking about a plan. If that didn’t kill him it means that he had a big mission in front so he couldn’t give up.

 He woke up and saw a aircraft..Actually it was a skeleton of it and decided that it was the best place to build a camp.


Two hours passed in that plane and all the sudden Katarina opened her eyes .Where I am, who you are.

Calm down lady I’m Bruno I found you near that rock.

Bruno was interested on psychology and knows about brain damages so he understood that she was suffering from a rare disorder that came during a stressful period, usually in war when there were huge explosions BLIND PARANOIA.

  In this disorder the brain refused to look because of fear of experiencing the same terrifying things again (same disorder had even Hitler while he was serving like a simple solider in First World War).

 After 50 minutes Bruno has given to Katarina an update of what happened and where they are now the atmosphere between them it was more relaxed but still it was tension, fear and confusion on air.

 Both of them have lost everything, their families and everyone that they know. There was no more return back what was left for them is hope for better days.


Apparently they were in front of a big test the biggest of their lives, they had to make the first step and continue human kind, and not let us vanish like dinosaurs did centuries ago.


 A new live begin for them, it was the year 3065 20 years have passed since the catastrophe and now they have given birth to four children, two sons and two daughters.


Judging from up, or seeing them for first time someone may think that nothing bad have happened to them or an apocalypse that have vanished  from earth their families.


The idea is to track their minds and go deeper and see that this adaption for Bruno and Katarina was something they had no choice but this didn’t mean that they forgot everything from their prior life.

 They still missed their past life, their beloved ones, but in order to not have a cognitive dissonance (psychological stress) they used repression as a defensive mechanism and were living like nothing apocalyptic happened to them.

 Absolute emotional adaption in new situations is not that easy as it looks in books and theory.

 Precisely this feeling explained on pseudo apocalypse was what Bruce was feeling in the moment he was getting on police academy.


The absence of father was killing him from inside, especially when he was seeing his new colleagues having his family near them on those moments.


 Even why there have passed years since the time when his father wasn’t with him and his mother Edit he still feels his absence. That word far from eyes far from heart is not worth it in this case.

 Apparently when we talk for emotions, things get really complicated, so an explanation like the one of Katarina and Bruno it’s exactly the table that someone needs to see inside Bruce’s heart and his adaption to loosing of relatives (his father it’s not the only family member that he lost in his life)

 So it’s not too much to get deep on an apocalyptic story just to give colors to his emotions. For him and for most of the humans beans I guess this feeling of not having people that you love’s something like,, like the end of the world.

 Since we are traveling to time let’s get back further more in time..To make it clear this emotional shadow that he has on his head. On his childhood.

 Bruce was born in Westminster from Edit and James. He was the only child. The day of birth was one of the best and happiest moments of that family from London.


 In beginning everything was going very good. New child has brought positivity and new light on Loan s house.

Edit has quitted job to commit on small Bruce with all her being.

 Earlier she used to work at one rich family, actually the wage was very good but humiliation from that family toward their maids was very big. Edit has handled all those years because she didn’t have another choice.

 What allowed her to rest and leave that humiliating job was James business that was a taxi driver. He started to expand the business together with a friend of his, and bought 6 cars, so practically they were a small company already.

 This improved their life and has created a very good social status quite respectful on London also James was working on a woods factory with half time and things couldn’t go better.


Until Bruce was 4 years old they have moved up on a new house, one that James and Edit has dreamed   since they meet long time ago. In fact their story of love and life it was a story with very hard too.

 It was the time when James saw Edit entering on university period which they started a romance together.

The love started to get bigger between them but Edit parents have found one husband for Edit, one from a rich family some farmers from Liverpool.

 They were aware for the meetings between James and Edit and knew about his economical standard. He wasn’t the perfect person for their daughter. What happened further it was quite painful for Edit.

Edit escaped from family by sacrificing the honor of family, just to make reality her love. Since that day Edit has never talked with her parents, they died and never saw her anymore

Edit never forgave herself for what she has caused to her parents but she continued living with James and now they had their fruit of love Bruce.


Anyway let’s get back to Bruce now, who its 4 years now and living happy together with his parents.

 James started to take with him his son on factory very often; it was his pride and bragged in front of his colleagues with his wise and healthy son

 Bruce’s life would be much different if this heaven father-son would continue but things started going down just after 1 and half years.

Taxi business has started to give low profits because of a new company on town who had new and more luxury cars, so they brought in front of destruction James and his friend business.

 Here things started to turn black, the atmosphere in home has started to get heavier, and you couldn’t t see nowhere that happiness that had been present in this family for some times.


Buddha says:

 Family is a garden full of fruits when all the thoughts are in harmony, but (there is always a but) the harmony gets destroyed if one mind gets out of tracks, and the thunder hits the garden by destroying the fruits


This left big mark on Bruce and apparently that heaven was becoming an illusion, walking in factory together with father now were just a good memory because his father James rarely spoke to him.

 All this took eternal shape in one night when James  came drunk in home and beaten Edit, little Bruce has seen all this hidden behind a door, his heart was beating so hard he felt so much pain for his mother.

 Even why he was only 5 and half years of age he understood the situation in which his family was.

 What was even worse it’s that this has happened so fast that those happy days looked like yesterday. This kind of atmosphere on family have lasted two and half years until James has moved out from home and never return.

 Edit has always told to Bruce that the father has escaped not because he wanted to but he went to find a better job, and he will eventually return and will live together. Those things have removed the pain for some time.. But not forever eventually things exploded years later.


According to Freud theory childhood is the period when a child gets a psychological shaping, by moderating from parents. All this creates a perception for world function, individual relations, difference between good and evil, and gives or not the sense of empathy/


Very often when the absence of this relation doesn’t mean to be only physical because there are cases when child sees his parent every day but doesn’t take the love and father figure for his children. So in worst scenario can happen two things

 A child can experience what he shouldn’t, or experience what he should. In the first be victim or witness of sexual, physical or psychological violence, and secondly not to experience love and the attachment of their parents even why they are present physically.

 Actually Bruce has experienced both versions; this has left a big mark on his life. Things started to turn for good few years later after his father s abandonment when Edit Bruce’s mother has started a job like a nanny in a London family.

 They allowed Edit to live on their home because it was big enough and taking Bruce there was a good think during that time. Few years latter Edit and Bruce found themselves on the streets again because the family has fired Edit from Job.


Since that time it was a big hell for them, living from one place to another filled with rats, but Bruce always went in school even he had to change a lot of them. He wasn’t technically prepared but always left great impression at his teachers.

 With that desire for knowledge he managed to register on police academy, he was a grown man everything has changed , his body, psychology , perception for world, but what remained static is that feeling that was escorting him every second of his breath, feeling alienated, different it was the same since the day that his father has left forever.

 Things got even harder when two years before entering to academy his mother told him that his father has left them forever, this was a big shock for him, because even he had small hopes, deep inside always thought that one day his father would enter on the door and hug him.

 What had helped him to deal with this pain it was defensive mechanism that it’s   called information prejudgment that makes an individual to believe in a less painful version, by ignoring the facts that tell the opposite no matter how strong they were


In this case he always believed that his father has left them to search a job and come back but always,, he felt..Felt different deep inside him. Simple as that adaption for him has never happened, it was stuck like a shadow.


 When he read about Schopenhauer life has thought that he is the unluckiest person that him, but during life Bruce changed his opinion and put himself on the head of her list.

Chapter III


                                     Face the Demon



There have passed almost 22 years since the academy and the events that happened that time. Bruce still standing on his feet, even sometimes he feels like a dead man alive, covered from existentialist faults, and wrong actions of the past and the present.


 Morning of Monday 2013 will change everything and will grow the intensity of emotions even more. In fact this day will be only the beginning of new tormenting period for him.


 That day that looked like usual a new case came to his desk in the first look it looked like usual case of dark human part that will be followed with long investigations..


 It was 8 e 30 of morning and Bruce was on his office  filing his cup of coffee  not with coffee but with some alcohol from a small bottle from his jacket pocket, he needed that to fight with dark opinions on his head which were becoming more tormenting, and the worst was yet to come.


Mrs. Norris (she was a nice lady at her 50) who was his secretary knocked on the door .Mr. Bruce we received a call for a murder near Thelma River and commander said that you will be on charge of investigation.

 Okay I ll be there n a minute. Inform the forensics too.

I already did it. Let’s hope you will find who did the crime.

Let’s hope let’s hope Mrs. Norris (you could see the pain on Bruce s voice)


He took his jacked and went as fast as he could in the crime scene .In the place that was under the bridge there you could see few people there and two cars of police. 


  The reporting police officer came to him with an update before Bruce reaches the dead body.

 At 7 50 a police car has received a call for a dead body of a female gender, age 27.Body was all naked and deformed, still no clues for identity of victim because there was no id documents with her. Until now we have two witnesses that claim that they saw something that can lead to any lead for solving the case.


 After reading that Bruce continued further to examine crime scene, searching from a officer that was near him to move away people who were gathered there except two witnesses which who he will talk in few minutes.


 The location when the crime occurred was down  Thelma river bridge , a abandoned site when very often there is no movement, it’s just silence of death  the only movements there were of  individual who is drunk and has lost his way(speaking metaphorically and for real)


 As a matter of fact nobody dares to pass here because of the reputation of a place, but this is a rule for normal people not for psychotic killers who worship those places because it’s the perfect place when they can make their fantasy alive.


He wasn’t at the body yet but in base of the officer words and report he was feeling that this case is more serious than when murder happens from wrath of moment.


 Here it was a body that doesn’t look like that anymore. Before reveling her face Bruce looked one more time up and thought .Now I own to her family to find who killed her  like he always felt with the crime victims, always felt guilty, even why he was convinced that he couldn’t do nothing to prevent it but yet.


Live has treated him so bad and this was affecting his brain because this feel of guilt it looks that he was suffering what is known on forensically psychology like a negative greatness syndrome when a person in illusive way take guilt even for the victims of Auschwitz.

The body was half naked and in first look it appeared that could be related to sexual rape, the body was cut in hands the face was deformed from beatings and a part of her finger was missing.

 It looked like the work of a killer with sadistic features. What was weirder was a sign with an angel head in victim’s chest with the knife.

This was making the situation scarier and mysterious for Bruce and other cops in the crime scene.


After examination the body he told to police to send it on the department for future examinations with the hope to find other crime clues.

The investigation has just begun but there was no trace of a killer. Not a single one


Two witnesses were waiting and staying on the corner with a police officer, they will appear on the station to make a full statement but Bruce wanted to know if they can give anything to help solve the crime.


 Ronny the police officer who was staying with them was a young man who just entered on the academy and he( was trying to hide it but Bruce saw that he was scared) ,presented the witnesses,

 The first one was a 75 years old person called David who was on this street, even he knew that this neighborhood was so dangerous(sometimes you have to ask yourself where some people leave their emotions)

 The second one was a much younger man called Pitter.  Bruce told to Pitter to wait until he takes the declaration from the old David.


Bruce: Can you tell us what were you doing on this place?

 David: I am man that don’t have a home, you mention a city I tell you that I have slept there, apparently today this bridge was my shelter.

 Bruce: Can you tell us what have you seen (I hope he gives me something useful, some clue some hope)

 David: I was sleeping under bridge right there (showed the location with finger) it was quiet, all the sudden I hear a scream of a girl and I saw a man cutting a girl with knife, but i didn’t dare to go out of packets because I was afraid for my live, seeing that girl in that condition dying slovenly brocket my heart but god damn it I’m a coward I always was.

 Bruce: Can you tell me for the identity of killer?

 David: Devil,he was wearing a black leather coat, it was so violent his heart was missing, Seeing him cutting that girl I noticed that he was a monster, I didn’t see his face but his body he was powerful and big. I hope I will never see him again. I don’t have family I’m all alone but i know what its pain, me too was a human once...far away from now but I was.

 Bruce: Thank you for the interview David (everything is so blur, we don’t have nothing concrete, despite the fact that we are dealing with a crazy man)

 Next thing to do was interview with Pitter in which Bruce was hoping to have something more clearly in order to have something to work with.

 Bruce: Pitter can you tell us why you were here on this time. You don’t seem like a guy who would hang out on this time here.

 Pitter: Yes you are right I don’t come on this kind of places but I have a  confession to make, few weeks ago I had an important test for my scholarship on university and I have broke on my professor office to steal it, somebody has made a photo of me and started to blackmail me..o my god how did I come on this. That person told me to come here with 5000 dollars in this time if I want to take negatives of photos

 I’m sorry I don’t really do this stuff, I have seen this only on movies. I don’t even cheat on exams I have great grades, but this one was so important, and was getting me on a lot of trouble if I would fail it my future and everything I have sacrificed will be worthless didn’t expect to find something like this here...I’m horrified

 Bruce: Are you aware that what have you done is a crime, but even blackmail for it it’s to a crime.

 Pitter: I know, believe me I regret, it was a moment of weakness  when I stole the test,  it’s the fourth time that I’m failing this test, no matter how much I learn and I’m studying molecular biology this is my dream and mu parents pride. I didn’t want to disappoint them.. I’m really sorry.

 Bruce: Okay Pitter we talk another time for this we have to solve it anyway, but first tell me what have you seen here..

 Pitter: I can’t say much because I came on the end of crime, the person that was blackmailing me wasn’t here and I was surprised.

If I would arrive few minutes earlier I could stop that murder maybe to do something noble once in my live. When I saw the girl I went to her and saw her. the image  of her body chopped will be with me until I go to grave, I didn’t know what to do I started running to go at a police officer, I saw them patrolling and I noticed the rest you know yourself.

 Bruce: Pitter get on the police station to give your declaration on written form , we will see what we will do for blackmailing issue , don’t worry we will figure out something.

 How crazy and inhuman is this murder. Bruce started to sweat and feeling that guilt again, his shadow wasn’t leaving him alone was putting his demons on game always.







Chapter IV

  Deprived Family                     



The view of that girl who was dismembered was rolling on Bruce s head until he left to sleep. It was all day long thinking about that she was somebody s daughter; she had a mother and a father.


 Things started to connect  in his mind and become subjective, because this case reminded somehow in his mind with his wife and son that were no longer living and he now sees them only on his dreams.

 Bruce has meet his wife Joan in work cocktail that was organized from his police department, in honor of their heroic job against crime 15 years ago,


 Joan was working as party planner and she organized even that one. Bruce actually didn’t want to go in that party but his colleagues had convicted him.


 When Bruce arrived on the party, his eyes immediately noticed a beautiful woman( he wouldn’t believe that she will be the love of his live) wearing a white dress with curly hairs  she looked a little bit nervous because of the organization but still you managed to see her wonderful smile. She is the prettiest woman I have ever seen, what a smile she has, after all I think I did good that I came on the party.


 Bruce was wearing a black tuxedo and looked like a movie star that night that will be one of the most important nights of his life. He saw his three colleagues Sony, Murdock and Kane gathered together joking and went directly to them. Hello guys here I am said Bruce that looked quite happy and one of the reasons was the woman he saw.

Sony: Look who we have here.. Told them you will come.

Bruce: I couldn’t disappoint you, after all that you did

Kane: We shouldn’t invite you, you are taking the whole attention hahah

Bruce: Well everybody has his 5 minutes of fame. I guess those are mine

The conversation continued with jokes but Bruce s head was up many times searching for that pretty woman.

 All night was thinking how to take courage and talk to that woman that had conquered his mind like no one before. But he was decided to catch the last train for his future, and while it was almost the end of evening he saw her staying on the corner and watching the party.

Bruce: Nice party you organized here.

Joan: You think.. Thank you I don’t really have problem organizing one but this is more special for me because you are our pride and I wanted to make it good for you

Bruce:  Don’t worry even I that don’t enjoy those things tonight I had fun, good detail those napkins with our flag..I’m Bruce by the way

Joan: I am Joan nice to meet you.

Bruce: I watched you since I came here, you look pretty. We didn’t had the chance to spend some time together I would love to know you better,

Joan: haha you go straight to point. You know what I accept. Are you free after tomorrow on 8 o clock night?

Bruce: That sounds nice to me. Give me your phone number and I will call you.

Joan: Okay (and wrote her number in a napkin) see you.

 They both left good impression at each other. Bruce left the party few minutes latter.


 The second meeting between them has gone great. They went in a good restaurant and had wonderful time together. She adored his jokes and a wonderful romance has born between them.

 Two months latter he proposed to her, Bruce looked that he has find that element that was missing to him now he belonged somewhere.


 Bruce and Joan gave birth to Nick 1 year after their marriage.The night that he was born Bruce has cried all night from happiness, he even vent to church and thank the good. This was something very rare for him.

Seven years have passed since Nick has came to live, and everything was working fine, Bruce was assigned to chase a mafia boss from Romania who was smuggling drugs and guns in London.


 His work was hit by Bruce because he was arresting all his men one by one; this was becoming a big obstacle for this mafia family because the task force leaded from Bruce was the only thing interrupting them from becoming super rich. The boss was Gabriel Obrocha who came as emigrant on London and then created a net of crime.


 One day Bruce was on Newcastle University holding a lecture to its students for police work. In the middle of lecture while he was talking about interrogation techniques his phone rang. It was Steven from his department. Hello Bruce, I have to tell you something.

Bruce: Yes sir what can I do for you

Steven: I have to tell you something. Joan and Nick…

Bruce: What what about them.

Steven: A bomb exploded in your home and ee I’m sorry son.

This was the biggest hit that life has made to him. Obrocha family decided to make Bruce an example and planted a bomb on his house.


 This was such a big shock for him that it crashed his heart. After their funeral he started drinking and the next years were horror for him, he was closed on himself. Never getting out, many times he was suspended from job because of big violence used during actions.


 This event has killed the angel inside him and has released a demon that was so hard to control it, two years later he started taking therapy for anger management and alcohol but this didn’t help him to continue his life.


 There was a time when he passed every prediction by planning something that nobody thought he will do. For him at that dark period there wasn’t any difference between good and evil.


He took the report of investigation from bombing case on his family and saw that Jar Kastler was the person that ordered murder of his son and wife.


Jar was living with his wife and two sons in London.  In one night Bruce has entered on his home using his military skills and had neutralized the guards that were on home arriving on the main room and turned the gun to Jar sons and wife.

  In the last moments Bruce didn’t trigger the gun and escaped from home running thinking: O my god what was I thinking, killing children, becoming like them, I have turned on a monster, I’m same with them. Something divine has stopped him from doing something that he will regret all his life. Maybe it was his Joan from the sky..who knows


Bruce promised to himself that he will destroy them but with law on his back. For two years he and the taskforce destroyed Obrocha family mafia by arresting them all.


Chapter V

      Evil has evolved



Next morning after murder that happened near Thelma River everything on city was on chaos. In fifth channel the news started with that subject:

News reporter: Yesterday something very brutal happened on or city, a murder of a kind that reminds you Jack the Ripper happened on our city, police has no clues about the person who committed the  murder. Let’s hear a police statement released few minutes ago about this case.

Police officer: A body was found yesterday down the river of Thelma, it’s the body of the woman A.R 24 years old. The investigations are continuing and we are chasing traces to catch the murder. Anyone who knows or seen anything please share that information with us, it will be very helpful.

We have solved a lot of cases with the help of our beloved citizens, so we expect the same even on this case. This is it for now, that s why we are not receiving any question. In the moment we will understand anything we will notice you. Thank you for your cooperation.


News reporter: And we are back to studio after that declaration from that police statement. Let’s continue with other news. Business man Sheamou oConnor has declared that…(in that moment Bruce stopped the TV)


Everything is the same even this morning, why can’t we have news that doesn’t give those informations.  Where are the happy news said Bruce.


A new day on the office was waiting for him. The case was putting him and the department in a lot of pressure.


He woke up from the bed and went to the closed to take his clothes that he ordinary wears, a black suit. He saw something there… it was painful to see it .His weeding suit.

All the sudden he remembered the wedding day. Such a lovely day. After the proposal of Bruce to Joan they decided to get marry in the church of city two months from proposal.

They called small number of people on that wedding, some of Bruce colleagues and from Joan side her family and friends.

The big moment came Bruce was standing on church expecting his queen, he was having a fear that she will not appear .What if she decided not to appear. But she did it.


Dressed on white dress with her curly brown hair and shiny smile she was so lovely, coming to the altar Bruce kissed her and started the ceremony of marriage.

Priest: We are gathered here on this day to celebrate unity between Bruce Loan and Joan Sinclair. Let’s proceed. Joan Sinclair do you accept to take for companion of live Bruce Loan in good and bad, wealth and poverty, in good health and illness.

Joan: Yes I do (she was smiling so much; you could see the happiness on her eyes)

Priest: Making the same procedure again.

 Bruce Loan do you accept to take for life companion Joan

Bruce: Yes of course I do.

Priest: You may kiss the bride now.


That was one of the happiest days on Bruce’s live, but now it’s only a torture.. Every time he sees that suit he remembers this day on details.

He even thought of burning it one day but he couldn’t. He had nopower to do that.

He took his regular clothes and touched gently his wedding suit and prepared to go to office and start to deal with the crime.

He lives on the fifth floor and the elevator most of the times didn’t work (like they always do).It was the third floor when something strange happened.

On that building it was kind of dark on the halls, when a man appeared fast he was hiding on the elevator site and took a photo of Bruce, the light disoriented him for few seconds. It has caught him on surprise.

After few seconds he started to chase him, to ask why he would do that, he was a floor before him and when Bruce arrived on the street that weird man was already mixed with the crowd. Bruce turned his head on all directions but that man disappeared. God damn it… what was that he said


Something like this has never happened to him before..And all the way to the station that he usually does with his red Mercedes he passed thinking about that event.

In the end he came to conclusion that perhaps is one of those reporters who know that he is on charge of investigations and is preparing something for the news.

Sometimes some people do anything just to get a story. This calmed him down a little bit on that morning.


The police station was in the middle of the town and just 20 minutes out of his apartment, sometimes he walks but most of the times he goes driving because he always wakes up on the last moment so he has to rush to go on the right time in job.


In station there was a big mess like always, police officers receiving their duties from their commanding officers, you could see every kind of officers there. Corrupted who had sold their souls to the devil. Rookies who are living  their dream, and think how to impress during duty and finally you have those veterans some of which have lost everything to serve homeland and are thinking for their retirement and some silence on their last years of life.

Hey Bruce, commander is waiting on his office claimed Mrs. Norris with her lovely voice.

This interrupted the ordinary path toward his office, because Commander Steven office was in other side of the building.

Bruce: Hello sir you called me?

Steven: Yes take a seat son, we have to discuss about the case.

Bruce: yes in fact I’m worried about it, it’s much different that other cases is more brutal, and the fact that we can’t find anything for it I scares me.

Steven: Look Son I called you to talk about it , I know how hard you had it  in the years without your family and how involved you get  with the cases so I’m begging you please don’t turn this case in personal vendetta , I will have to take you out of the case.

Bruce: Sir.. I know that I wasn’t the best officer ever but I always try to do my duty in the best way possible, I really will try to do it even now without involving my anger.

Steven: I’m sorry that we had to do this conversation son you know how much I respect you

Bruce: I understand you sir, I have to go now to talk with them from forensic department to see if they have anything for me.

What if he hits again, working fast in those cases is crucial and Bruce went right to the forensics to see if they found anything useful. Their room was on the same floor with his office.

Bruce: Hello Dr. Hawkins please give me something useful, I’m desperate about clues.

Hawkins: Well let’s see..  I did the examinations and I found some things. The victim is killed by a cut on her neck, but before that she was tortured because the wounds were made before death.

Bruce: So she was witnessing all that

Hawkins: Unfortunately yes, she has 4 broken ribs, big cuts on her chest, she wasn’t raped sexually. The sign on his chest with angel head it was made from cutting of knife as you may see. But he was very careful with the cuts he made them in order not to kill the victim before that last hit.. He is probably doctor or someone who knows the anatomy excellent.

Bruce: So we have to do with someone with high education I guess..Thanks doc, please inform me if you find anything else.


He was going to his office and entered there to do some writings, it was desperate he couldn’t find nothing for the case.

In his desk there was a envelope writing for Bruce, weird he thought. Mrs. Norris who brought this envelope?

I didn’t see anything Mr. Bruce, nobody has given to me, and I’m surprised to see it.


Bruce started thinking about the envelope before opening he didn’t like surprises at all. What was written it will give a new meaning and scale to the events of a murder.

Earth is possessed by devils..

 They landed from hell to destroy us.

They getting inside us ..Taking our bodies,

 Eating our flesh and drinking our blood.

We have to fight them with the power of God that it’s given to us.

Fight or Perish

 This is for you Bruce you either with us angels or with them demons; it’s up to you to take sides. In your jacket you have got another letter with the clues where I’m going to hit next.

What the hell is this? We are dealing with a psychopath a twisted mind. And looked in his jacket with another letter on it

This is simple but things are going to get worse.

Somewhere in the place is an abandoned bird

He is guided by two friends

Two lions standing there frozen

Who take orders from the place of god


You can be the savior that you want for next lost soul. But lets make it interesting you have to unlock the puzzle by 3:45 or you will be the responsible for their death. If you decide not to save them I take that like a answer that you are united with us against the army of devil.

Bruce was horrified from this. He looked at clock it was 12:01 and he had only few hours left to solve the case.

Mrs. Norris call me the commander right away, tell him I have something important to tell him

I will call him right away.

Few minutes later Steven was in the office looking surprised. What has happened?

Bruce was also in shock state,they never had such case on their department. I entered on office and I received this letter with two parts, see it with your eyes.

Steven started to scan it with his eyes and you could see his eyes looking so surprised from what he saw there. This must be joke we have only few hours to unlock this words puzzle and we are starting to play his game… god damn it this is getting so dangerous.

Steven and Bruce started thinking about the meaning of puzzle but that wasn’t something they could really remember.

Bruce even decided to try their faith on technology by goggling it the poetry if they could find anything. The search was unlucky it doesn’t look like something written before.

Time has already gone 01:04 it was flying so fast. This is so unclear

I have to go now Bruce I have to be witness in a important process but I will come as fast as  I can.

Steven felt confused but for a moment he thought he had something. Maybe is a shelter for animals or pigeons place I don’t know .I was never good at this things. This is meaningless what about frozen lions and place of god.

They were testing their knowledge to the limits and it was 03:30 only 15 minutes before timeline when they started getting somewhere. Apparently Bruce found it the puzzle

I got it. Abandoned bird it’s the plane that crashed on Brisbane neighborhood and its left there the remains, and you know the square which has two statues of lions near the church .O god that it’s the place. Brisbane.. Let’s go fast call some unit to go there .we will not be able to go there on time.

Bruce started running to the car in order to go there as fast as they could. He called police patrol to go there. Bruce was flying from speed.

The clock was running fast when he entered on the street that sends to that square. It was 03:50 and they were seeing the crashed plane few months ago.

That plane crash was a tragedy that shocked London. It was one of random flights from London to Paris with 150 people on it who are going on Paris for different reasons.

5 minutes since they started flying a big noise from the first engine came. It was a big surprise for the crew and they didn’t know what hit them. What is this, check the engines said pilot to his assistant

Sir something is crashed with our both engines, I think some kind of flying birds.

What… this is impossible the plane is designed to survive to them. Call Mayday to the center. We are losing heights.

Back on the people who were flying there was a panic because the plane was all shaking. In this flight was even Sara student of art school on Paris who was only 18 years old and returning for second semester.

She was so happy for getting here and now this was something that could shatter her dream. She startedpraying and watching the window. She had one more issue, recently she was fighting with her mother and didn’t really told how much she loved it .

All the sudden a voice came from pilots’ cabin. Hello this is captain speaking, we are experiencing some difficulties and that’s why the plane is shaking.. we are trying to solve the problem.)Please don’t panic.

The passengers were together with Sara were released because the captain s voice was so calm it looked they had everything on control. (They actually train that in order not to make panic to passengers)

But 1 minute later.. The plane started going down side.. What a horror that was and crashed in park, everybody in Brisbane heard that explosion and saw the light .All passengers and crew died. That was a black day for London and all England.

The authorities started an investigation started in order to see what really happened. A new crew for USA came on help. Since the plane was American they had the obligation to join the investigation.



After 5 months reviewing two black boxes (that are red) the data recorder and voices recorder and plane was reconstructed and other proofs London investigation unit and the Americans came with a report which told how the accident had happened:

It was a press conference in which those data were reviled/: Family members were gathered there with their tears on eyes but at least they know why and how they beloved died.

In the crowd was even Lisa mother who was destroyed emotionally. The report claimed that all this happened because of 15 birds entered on planes engines that are on wings. Those accidents happen quite often but the plane’s engines have protection for those for birds who weight 1.4-3.5 kg. The problem this time was that those birds were migratory and they weight was 4.5 each. So the engine protection system couldn’t handle the pressure and this is how they damaged the engine.

All England was sad for this event London was cowered on shadows of death. But in memory of the death the mayor decided to leave the reconstruction plane there and make it like a memorial for them, it was a place covered with flowers and candles.

So this is a very emotional place for Bruce too and he was already late for minutes to prevent something else to happen in the same spot.

He saw the two lions frozen and church there in square. There they were seen by a police officer who reached the place earlier than them for, but not enough to save lives.

Hello officer.. What we got here?

Sir down the church we found two dead bodies of two females and they were hanged, I didn’t touch them because I was afraid I can make damage at any trace… It’s there better check it with your eyes.

Steven came in that moment in the crime scene Mrs. Nowak has told him for the place.

Bruce and Steven started running to the crime scene when they saw It was horrifying. Steven started to puke. 

Two woman aged 24-25 were hanged all naked in a tree on the same spot he described on the puzzle. Bruce couldn’t see them like that; hanged for a tree this was so painful

.He started taking photos of them and then with the help of officer he cut the ropes and landed the victims on land carefully in order not to make damage on evidences.

The first woman was black hair probably European woman aged24.It was a prostitute like the first victim of this monster. She was cut with very sharp knife on her hands, and beaten with a strong object. The final cut was on the neck to finish it.

On her left hand she was missing a part of her finger. It was bizarre. And finally he left his mark an angels hand made by knife in victims’ chest. This is getting something like in movies, I never seen something like this thought Bruce and continued to the second victim to investigate it.

She was left opened eyed. Her eyes showed what she was experiencing during the moments of torture.

He closed her eyes because couldn’t stand seeing her like that,, his heart was beating so hard. It was apparently a 25 years old woman red hair probably from Ireland or Wales.

The cuts of knife were identical with the European girl, same cuts in hands, same scars of being beaten with a hard object, a missing part of finger missing and that angels head  on victims chest.

Steven it was still shocked but started to get used with the view. What you think it’s the same person right Bruce? (He was looking to Bruce and hoping he have some answer that will give them something to catch the monster)

I think yes , the puzzle wasn’t a joke but a letter directly from him and killing his action, You have the same cuts ,patterns of beating and torture and angel s head on victims chest.

The only thing is that he is gaining confidence. The first murder was in much abandoned place but this a memorial its much opened, and his fantasy is getting bigger now he killed two victims

I’m afraid if we don’t catch him fast things will become worst. He is a serial killer now.

The forensics came to the scene and started to investigate for clues.

At least three teams of reporters have arrived to the scene, the information has leaked and this made Bruce mad, because this will spread more fear and will make him archive his attention that hewants. The information released for media should be very careful. Steven what are they doing here,, who told them for the crime.

Steven: I don’t know but they always know, sometimes they know before us .I will go and talk with them.

Bruce: God damn it .No I ll go and talk with them commander, I ll try to back them up.

Can I have your attention please am Bruce Loan detective of London metropolitan police and I’m on charge of this investigation. Will you please let us do the job.. Tomorrow we will release a press statement for you.

Who is doing this, do you have anything to catch the murder. Shouted a reporter

As I said the investigation is continuing and we will notify you and the public with the news.. We are doing anything that it’s in our hands to solve it.

Reporter: We have the right to know things.. Who are the girls?

Bruce: Please don’t make things harder than they are respect our job and people s pain. Please officer move journalists from the crime scene.

That guilt feeling its hitting again him.. That feeling of him being guilty for the murder and this time was worst because he started thinking what if he would find the puzzle earlier. Maybe he could save the girls.

It was almost 7 afternoon and they still were on the scene crime.. Bruce go in home you are tired, I will take it from here.

Bruce: It’s okay Steven I ll stay here

Steven: I insist go just go, I will inform you for anything


Chapter VI

Traitor among Us


Okay Steven I will walk. I need to clear my head. You take the car.  He continued to walk for 30 more minutes until he reaches to McGregor s toy store. Memories strike again. This time was for Nick his son.

It was Nick 6th birthday and Joan has organized a big party for him on the back yard but Bruce couldn’t come to it because he was on a mission. The only thing he could do is to call him on the phone. Hello Joan how are you .. How is Nick I’m sorry I couldn’t come there, you know how things are going here.

Joan: Don’t worry my love just be careful. well He is fine. Very happy but he asked for you a lot of times. Here talk with him.

Nick: Hi daddy, I was waiting you here

Bruce: Buddy I know but I have to catch the bad guys here. What are you doing now?

Nick: We are playing here with Simon and Mertens, we are going to cut the cake in few minutes I’m so happy.

Bruce: Listen to me I ll come tomorrow early and we will go on McGregor s store and we will buy the biggest bunny here okay. Daddy has to go now.

Nick: Okay daddy we will talk tomorrow than.

Bruce came on the morning on home and sends Nick at McGregor’s as he promised.Nick gived him a big hug and said to him: Daddy I love you, you are my hero

This was very special moment for Bruce that its why anytime he goes near McGregor he remembers his moment with Nick.

After this moment of his memory he continued his walk to his apartment. Under the door he sees another letter. More puzzle. This is going to get me crazy. I have to get inside and sit before I read it.

There are great generals who have lost their battles because they were betrayed from his followers. But this didn’t stop them from winning the wars and you know what happens to traitors?

They get the heads killed together with other soldiers of enemy. Just read history and you will see what I’m talking about. When I send you the puzzle I leaved you with the choice to be with us angels of god or with them demons.

 If you didn’t go to Brisbane you also would be soldier of god but you made your choice. This makes you a traitor one of them,

 I will pray for your soul because deep inside I feel sorry for you. As a matter of fact I love you and I know you for long time. Believe me you are always on my eyes.

 Prepare for next battle and this time it will have more blood.

P.S I’m so curious to know how you will profile me but I will see it when you talk to you colleagues.

Kind Regards.

Your worst nightmare


How a hell he knows me? He has something personal with me. Knows where I live even had access to my closes (he leaved the second part of first letter on his jacket)


Bruce started to walk on his room and thinking who may be this lunatic person, he needs to be stopped or only God knows what he will do.

 Its Bob, everything fits. He lives alone, is so secret, always get near me since it’s my neighbor can have access to my apartment easy. He is very suspicious. I have to investigate him carefully.

It was 9 o clock and it was getting dark when Bruce sees Bob going somewhere and he was looking behind if anybody was seeing him. It’s him he is doing something dark again. I have to go after him. This man has to be stopped at any cost.

Bruce went fast after him until he reached a distance from which he could see him but far enough not to be spotted. The case continued for 15 minutes until Bob reached to the cemeteries. What the hell is he doing here?  I have to be careful and wait to see what he is doing. With his psychotic problems he can even take people from their grave.

Waiting and waiting the night was getting pure dark. Bob gets near a grave as far as Bruce could see it was a woman called Ana Robins. He started talking to her. Hello dear, sorry that I didn’t visit for a long time but it’s hard for me to see you here even why there have passed 19 years  15 days and 15 hours since you leaved me.

Bruce was shocked. This is his wife but why he never told me for her, why so secret.

Bob was crying and continuing his monologue even in his mind is a conversation between two persons. Maybe it was.

 Things have changed. The politics still the same only the persons are those who get changed. People are not polite as they were.

But here is something that will make you happy Liverpool is fighting for the title now. We have a great young coach who is working very hard to get us glory. While he was talking his tears continued to fall like rain.

I have to go now because I left Spooky alone and even he is just a dog he can’t stay without me , he will be sad if he don’t sees me on home. Till next time my love. I miss you so much. He started to walk to his home but his eyes were still with tears,


Poor man, he is suffering just like me but its hiding it. What a strong man he is. But this still doesn’t put out of my head the idea that he is that killer. I have to talk to Seth (he is owner of a store) to see if he saw Bob yesterday on the park.

Bob was walking faster on his way home so do Bruce who after saw Bob entering on the building continued to Seth store which was few yards away. Hi Seth how business is going?

Seth: Hey Bruce what a pleasure to see you here. Well I had better days but I’m not complaining.

Bruce: This is business I guess some days are good some are not that good just like live. Can I ask you something?

Seth: Yes sure go ahead (while he was talking he was counting the sales he made with his blue giant calculator)

Bruce: Have you seen Bob yesterday during the day?

Seth: Why you are asking? Did he do anything?

Bruce: I’m just getting worried about him, he doesn’t have anyone to take care for him.

Seth: This is nice from you to know that you care for him. Yes I saw him almost all day he was on park with his dog. He even took a nap near that big tree in midday.

Bruce: I see, thank you very much Seth I have to go now to sleep. Have to go to work tomorrow.

Seth: I can imagine, I saw the news about that killer, I was scared I hope you catch him fast.

Bruce: we are working on it. Have a nice night Seth.

Bruce continued the road to his apartment he was tired it was 11:03 night but satisfied that could prove that Bob is not the killer. He is a good man but life has been bad with him.

I have to sleep now….

Demons within started to appear on his dream. Still the same view. He is staying naked on that unknown environment when it’s everything dark.

 He runs and runs in all directions but everything is covered on black. All the sudden a white light appears. But it was so far Bruce just can’t catch it.

But he doesn’t give up when he reaches it he stretches his hand in order to catch it but in that moment the light disappears forever.

This wakes him up and it’s like a salvation from that nightmare that is the same over and over again. It was 6:30 morning just the time to go to the office.

 Back in the office everybody was there watching the TV the big one in the main hall. Steven, Mrs. Norris and Doctor Hawkins were staring the news reporter who started to give the news.

News reporter: Good morning people of London. The first news comes from the horror that it’s hitting us recently about a serial killer in our streets. The number of people he killed now has gone in three. All of them were girls who used prostitution as a way of living. Police still has nothing on their hands and this means that the terror from the Angel killer will continue.

 Doctor Hawkins: Now they have a name for it.

Steven: And what a name Angel killer this is because the scars he leaves on victims chests is that right?

Bruce: Yes that is the reason why they give that name, but why they have to leave a name and make him more get more power.


News reporter: We have sent the camera on different places of London and asked people about what its happening. Let’s follow some of them.

Woman: I live here for 40 years and we never seen something like this, the police department have to act fast that s why we are paying them to protect us. I’m scared of it. Do something or there will be more killings and I don’t want to be one of them.

Old man: Times have changed in my time we didn’t see those things. A man killed for honor or to protect homeland not only why he or she doesn’t like people. Until police officers solve this we have to be very careful where we go. We have to fear for the safety of our children.

News reporter: We heard those worried people and now let’s get back at …..

They have the right to inform the public but they are spreading more fear and panic over them said Bruce talking to his colleagues.

Steven: We have a statement to make on 15 minutes and we will explain things there to them, I ll take care of it

Bruce: I ll do it, you have done enough man it’s not even your case but you are helping a lot. In the end you are my commander.

Steven: Okay just be careful what you say. After it come in my office and inform how it went.

Bruce: I will and Mrs. Norris is everything prepared on the room of conferences.

Mrs. Norris: Yes sir, everything is set the journalists are there a dosed of them actually, we are waiting only you.

Bruce went in conference room with fast steps and it started….

Bruce: Good morning and thank you for coming here. As you are informed in past few days in London are happening some killings three already that have made us very worried.

It’s important to remain calm and work hard to catch the killer and this will be done with the help of you journalists and our people.

We in the department are working with all resources we have got to solve the case as fast as we can. For the moment we are working with our evidences from the crime scenes and hope they will send us to the killer.

We would be very grateful if you are careful what you say in the news for the case because this could help him or her archive what he really want. This is it for now.

Journalist 1: Are you close on finding the identity of killer?

Bruce: We are working in our evidences but until now we don’t have anything concrete.

Journalist 2: There are words that angel killer is the copycat of Jack the Ripper is that true.

Bruce: I can’t respond to that, but I would be very grateful if we don’t jump to that kind of conclusions.

Journalist 2: But you can’t deny this right?

Bruce: In those cases there are always similarities but it’s not good for the investigation to jump on this hypothesis.

Journalist 3: You are telling us not to panic but do you believe what you are asking I mean we have 3 dead bodies until now frankly to say I don’t know how is this possible,

Bruce: Look we are not asking from you not to report it’s just this person is doing this among others for attention and in this way he is getting it. We shouldn’t play his game.

This is all we will talk to you as fast as we can with new information and hopefully with the murder in the jail making him pay for what he did. Have a nice day.

Bruce went right after that in Steven s office to inform him the meeting with journalists went.


Steven: Was everything right there?

Bruce: Thanks god it’s over

Steven: That bad it was.

Bruce: Good point it’s that I think they understood that they have to be careful what they write for him and not stimulate him. But something bothered me.

Steven: What is that?

Bruce: One of the journalists said that this killer “Angel killer” how they are calling him that he is a copycat of Jack the Ripper.

Steven: Well you can’t say that he isn’t right.

Bruce: I know this worried me more. I mean there are some patterns. He targets prostitutes, deforms they bodies and its taunting us with letters just like the Ripper did.

Steven: Let’s just hope we catch him faster than they did with Ripper. And I’m not sure if they really caught the real killer.

Bruce: you know I came on this office 1000 times but never noticed so many medical books in your library. You look like a big fan of medicine?

Steven: There are lots of things you don’t know for me my friend. You haven’t seen me cooking.

Bruce: We will know those things on future. It will be interesting to see you cooking.

 Anyway I have to go and eat something because I have to prepare a psychological profile for the killer and talk with officers.

Steven: Yes you are right we don’t have much time to talk for my talents. Just be careful there

The whole nation was waiting and fearing from where is the killer going to hit again. This was putting Bruce in big pressure.


After that tensed morning with the news reporters very curious and the meeting with Steven he went on eating launch. He had a psychological profile to do.

The conference room was still with full of people but this time not with reporters but all officers of the department.

Dear colleagues you already know that this person we are chasing has already killed three women so he is a serial killer. We have to act very fast

We are dealing with probably a male based on the description of a witness. He didn’t see his face but it said that it looked a big and powerful body. We have to rely on his words.

 He is between 40-55 years old. Highly educated with knowledge on medicine based on the way he did his tortures. During crime he wears a big black coat; this is part of his fantasy too.

About his psychology it looks that he has sadistic features because he enjoys torturing his victims and make those cuts until they are alive. He is narcistic individual because of the taunts he makes with us sending puzzles. He is in big need for control.

For him this is a game. Since he is so careful and educated he may have a job with good money. Don’t consider only the scenario when he lives alone, he also may have a family but they may not know this part of their beloved.

Finally he claims that he has a divine duty to kill demons in the earth this is based on his illusions and hallucinations so he has schizophrenia disorder

Anyone spots someone suspicious you have to control him. Be careful he can play games with you to and fool you with his words. Remember he is educated and intelligent.


Officer 1: But this isn’t giving anything concrete to us.

Bruce: Well psychological profiling is a science I would call it but it’s not 100% exact so we have to work with what we got and then match their alibi with our doubts. This is our only chance.

At least we are entering on his head and know how not to act when we are dealing with him. He clearly wants to play with us so by knowing his twisted mind we can interrupt his plans. Just be careful he can be very dangerous when his fantasy is not realized.

Guys we have to do our impossible to stop this lunatic. We own this to our citizens. They don’t deserve to experience this terror, they deserve to be happy. So we and only we can make that happen. If anybody has a divine duty is us not that psychopath. Let’s do it.

Finally after Bruce words in the room was felt a positive energy a big motivation of those officers to catch the Angel Killer. It was like everybody was saying yes we will.

It was afternoon and that day was quite intense but with nothing concrete. Bruce was staying on the office anxious looking on the profile he made to see if he can find anything else.

Something intriguing is about to happen……

The door knocked. It was Officer Jeffrey Smith a colleague of Bruce. May I come in?

Bruce: Yes sure, I was just watching the file we are preparing sit down please.

Jeffrey: I was in the room earlier today when you did the profiling.

Bruce: Yes I saw you there

Jeffrey: But this is not for what I came to talk. It’s something you should know.

Bruce: What is this secret talk man you are making me curious?

Jeffrey: (before starting to talk he wake up and went to the window looking outside).I was there seeing you talking about the case and that reminded me something. You know two years ago when you went on that investigation of that poisoned boy in Birmingham.

Bruce: Yes what with that?

Jeffrey: As you know you stayed here for 2 months to investigate and lot of things happened during that time. But what I think is important is ee a murder that happened on Leicester.

Bruce: Yes go ahead.

Jeffrey: Well I remember when I and Steven went to investigate. It was the same man.


Bruce: Really. What happened, did you catch anyone?

Jeffrey: We took a lot of people on questions and tried but nothing. The case was closed because we couldn’t find anything.

Bruce: Why Steven didn’t tell me for this? Thank you man it was helpful.

Jeffrey: Just catch him. See you

Jeffrey went off the door fast. I have to talk to Steven but before that I should check the archives.

Archive room was on the basement so it took some minutes for him to arrive on it. Searching took five minutes until he reaches the box with the evidences. He takes the box and puts it on one table there.

When he opens the box he sees a report there telling that the body was beaten and have scars of knife. Furthermore in the last part of report he sees that angel head on victim s chest. A bunch of bloody clothes were there too.

 How a hell Steven didn’t tell me for this. Is he crazy or what? Bruce closed the box and went furious in Steven s office.

Bruce: Are you out of your mind how can you hide something like this?

Steven: Calm down what are you talking about?

Bruce: I saw the archives the same case has happened when I was on Birmingham. Don’t you thought you should tell me that little little detail you moron,

Steven: Don’t rush. I forgot man I really did only now I’m remembering it.

Bruce: You can’t forget something like this , are you kidding me.

Steven: It was two years ago god damn it I’m getting 55 now I’m not that young anymore my memory it’s not working right. Only now I’m remembering I swear a god.

Bruce: I can’t believe that. Why didn’t you tell me earlier when I came back from Birmingham you usually tell me everything.

Steven: I wanted to but when you came you remember you were destroyed from what you saw a mother killing her son. So I didn’t want to give you more pain. I know that you take crime fighting like a personal vendetta.

Bruce: And you decided not to inform me. Thank you very much.

Steven: Are you an idiot or what, I am trying to protect you because I know what you experienced. Remember I almost lost my job protecting you before commission. I put my career in risk for you, I try to be with you anywhere, to be like a brother and this is how you return to me.

Bruce: Look I’m sorry man I know that have you done for me. You were the only one near me when Nick and Joan died. It’s just this case is entering in my mind. Forgive me

Steven: Just get out of my office please.

A moment of silence after that happened. Bruce sometimes lost control. Steven didn’t deserve to experience that wrath. He treated him like a little brother he never had. Brother from another mother.

Sometime demons within gain control on Bruce s mind and make him do actions that he latter regret. How far they will go?

Next three days passed with high stress on the office looking for evidences. The police was getting hopeless. A consolation was that at least the killer didn’t appear on the surface and killed anyone.

For Bruce nothing happened until one day

Chapter VII

   Live or Die


-          It was a quiet morning in the office. Bruce was there looking on the window and thinking about his life and other things.


He started talking to himself but it looked like he was trying to say something to all criminals and people who have forgotten what is to be a human bean.


Why are things like this? We are getting in self destruction with our actions. Killing, lying, destroying lives, everything is the same. I know people have problems. I do have issues to.


 I’m living with my demons to. I have no wife no son no family not even a dog. And I know sometimes I even think of doing bad things but I don’t do that. I fight with my evil. You are getting fired from job, or getting divorced and all the sudden there are other people to blame, to kill because you couldn’t do things right. Well this is sending us in bad path, one that we will regret when reach the end of it.


You hate rejection well I’m not a big fan of them either. I experienced them since I was alive. My own father didn’t like me. He abandoned me just like that. That doesn’t give me permission to destroy others lives.

Lonely, alienated, forgotten, rejected and much more oh man I experienced them all. They are my pain…


Bruce is about to experience a travel back to a painful moment on his life all this thanks to its memory who is really not helping him by reminding him all he had to go on live.


It’s the Richmond High school. Bruce was in the last semester of it. Everybody was preparing for prom night. It’s a big moment for those guys. There were remaining only two days before the big night.


School s yard was full of students talking and making jokes. But like every school even this one had its own social rules. Very rarely you could see mixture of students in one group.


 Most of them stayed in their own group, the place they thought they belonged, or they don’t but they don’t have other choice.


In one side you could see geeks who were some weird guys whose live was possessed by science. They were talking about a documentary on National Geographic that told how to evacuate earth. It was impressive how those guys destroyed that documentary with their arguments.


Just a few matters below them there were other group. Some young teens with tattoos and skates belonged there. They looked like rebels of the school and this way of live and the way they were living it was a protest for a society who is not accepting them as they are but tries to change them with all it costs.


There were a lot of groups like Punks, artists, even emigrants, the rich ones who looked that they had anything they wanted but deep inside they also understood that just living today for today without thinking about who they really are  is not the real purpose of their live.


Well he wasn’t in none of the groups. He was standing alone near a wall and watching Melanie a girl he wanted to invite on prom night but he was having doubts. What if she is refusing him? But finally after few minutes debating with his mind he decided to take a stand. She was staying few meters away from him with her two friends.

Bruce: Hey Melanie how are you, can I talk to you for a second

Melanie: Yes sure, wait here girls I ll be back fast. What s up Bruce?

Bruce: You know I have been thinking lately for ee you know

Melanie: No what

Bruce:  You know prom night and I I wanted to ask you if you will be my partner for the night.

Melanie: Yes why not you are sweet. We will see than with you after tomorrow. See you

Bruce: Thank you very much Melanie.

Prom night came and Bruce was wearing the best clothes he had, Edit his mother had to work a lot for those clothes but she know it s her son special night.


This night was going to be remembered for long from him but not the way he thought. Bruce was waiting in front of prom place door because he didn’t have car to take Melanie from home.


 She appeared but with Jake Thompson they actually looked quite happy together. Bruce was furious for that. He was the only person there who didn’t have partner all night passed with people laughing with him, he was so embarrassed.


 In one moment a guy with microphone on the stage was joking with Bruce and his event. He felt so bad that night, alienated, rejected and felt worthless.


There have passed more than twenty years from his prom night and he still remembers that moment. I have to quit thinking about my past its killing me. I better sit this view of people its making me think deeper and I don’t want that.


Mrs. Norris knocked on the door in that moment she was left without breath Bruce knew that something had happened.

You have to go fast..

Bruce: Where I should go, calm down what happened?

Mrs. Norris: There is a person who is trying to commit suicide. But he said he wanted to talk with you.

Bruce: People are getting out of control, where is he?

Mrs. Norris: He is here in that building of W company.

Bruce: Ill be there (he took his jacket and went there running)

The building was 15 minutes from police department. Like always there were a lot of people there, journalists and cops. Bruce said to one officer: I ll talk to him.

He was in 5th floor of the building and he was Pitter the guy who was witness in the first murder.

Pitter I’m coming up. Let’s talk together. Don’t do anything stupid.

Bruce entered on the building and went fast in the roof when Pitter was.

Bruce: Pitter don’t do anything stupid. Let’s talk.

Pitter: You promised me that you will help me but you didn’t.

Bruce: But I told you to come on the department and we will talk right?

Pitter: You did and I came. I searched for you but they said that you cant accept me because you are very busy.

Bruce: Boy I told you to come in my office, I didn’t tell them for you because if they will know you would be in big trouble. What are you doing up here?

Pitter: Everything is over now, my scholarship is canceled. The person who was blackmailing me showed the picture to the professor and they did what they did. My father is not talking to me. I’m destroyed I don’t deserve to live.


Bruce: Can I get closer and talk better?

Pitter: No no don’t come or I jump.

Bruce: Okay okay we will talk like this. So you think this is the solution to your problems, committing suicide and making your parents suffer as long as they lived, you want that.

Pitter: I’m not making them happy even now. My degree on molecular biology was my only hope to get things right but that it’s gone.

Bruce: You know what listen to me and then decide what to do, it’s up to you but first jut help me. My live was hell.

My father left me when I was just a little kid, I had to live on street with my mother, My son and wife were killed with a bomb, I have nobody, no social live and there is much more believe me.

You know how many times I thought of suicide. Million times but I didn’t do. There is always some reason to keep you alive. If you choice to suicide you will be a coward but if you try to fight you will be big man. So you decide. I’m not stopping you.

Pitter: But how to handle all this. I have lost everything.

Bruce: No you don’t, you have lost your scholarship but you have a family, a live, you are young, you have your future before. You have anything someone can have. I wish I was in your place. You see down there is your mother with your father waiting to go home .Don’t make them suffer more.

Pitter: I’m sorry I didn’t know what I was doing (he starts crying and come to Bruce down people were cheering for his action)

Bruce: You are doing the right thing son; you will be convinced by yourself.


This made Bruce happy because he saved that young man s life. Long time since he didn’t felt like that.

People down there all looked him like a hero. Everybody was looking him with admiration. A news reporter came to him: Sir how you feel about what you did?

I was just doing my job. Please don’t make it big deal. That is a young boy there who was thinking wrong for a moment; don’t make his life worse by talking for it and everybody will know him like a weak person. In the end everybody would do what I did (he didn’t believe that at all, he things that people are getting less caring for others) Thank you very much.

 He was so tired; it was long but good day. Saving that boy s live did good to Bruce. It was afternoon and he was going in his home when he sees Bob staying in the park and just watching his dog while he was doing his maneuvers.

Hey Bob can I join to you, am I interrupting you?

Bob: Yes sure I’m glad that you ask my friend.

Bruce: I’m living on this place for years and never noticed how beautiful this park is.

Bob: I always asked you but you refused

Bruce: I was busy fighting bad guys to think of my live.

Bob: My friend I saw your pain and I know how you suffered that is why I always tried to approach to you. I lost my wife to. So I understood you. I came to your door every morning not that I like to hang out much with people but I wanted to make sure that you didn’t do anything stupid.

You know where I was young man I saw evil in the world but newer thought it will catch me. It was so illusive for me. But just when I found my love and I was living my dream god took it from me.

Bruce: Do you want to talk for it. I Will b..

Bob: No please I don’t think its good idea. Can I give you an advice?

Bruce: What advice?

Bob: Why don’t you try to go on Bhelp Center? It was good for me for real.

Bruce:  What it’s that?

Bob: For me was salvation from my pain. It’s a help group to face the loss of family members. I know that you still suffer for Joan and Nick.

Bruce: Err.. I don’t know.

Bob: Just try it, go one meeting. The address is on Bobstay Street, 40.Its a small house there, you will see when you go at place.

Bruce: I ll see tomorrow what I do thanks man.

The conversation continued for 30 minutes…. It was getting dark and the sky started to take that color that Bruce hated the most. Black

Tomorrow Bruce decided to go to the place Bob told him. In the end what he had to lose? The house it looked small from outside but inside had a big hall with at least 8 rooms.

He started walking in that hall and saw all the rooms. Some of them were familiar to him. He went on anger management and alcohol anonymous after the death of Nick and Joan.

One room was to help father how to handle their new children. That was something that he hadn’t the right to experience it. Life has denied him the opportunity of having those three sons he always wanted.

 He dreamed that him and Joan together with their kids to buy a small farm and live there. That it’s just a painful dream now.

In the end of hall it was the room he was searching. Help group for people who have lost family members.


Bruce entered on the room when he saw that other people already were there. A group of 6 individuals were steering him. The table was circle. Bruce took a seat and started listen a woman who had already started talking. It was Theresa a brunette woman age 35 who has lost her twin sister from cancer.

Theresa: When Susie died I thought my whole world is destroyed. As you know we were connected too much with each other. I left my job. Only thing wanted was to sleep. I still miss her only god knows how much.

But now I accepted that she has gone but she still loves me. I talk with her before I go to sleep every night. I know it may look crazy but I know that she is up in the sky listening me. Thank you all. I would never reach so far without you guys. I love you all. I know that Susie is in better place now.

Gloria (the therapist woman age 45) Thank you Theresa, we are happy for your progress. You may sit now. Before we continue guys we have a new member here Bruce. He will be part of us for future sessions with the hope that we will help him and he will help us. Is that right Mr. Bruce.?

Bruce: Hello all thank you for your hospitality. Can I just watch today please and Theresa I’m glad that you have passed the pain; I wish I could do it like you.

Theresa: You will to Bruce we will help you don’t worry.

Gloria: I’m glad that you are feeling comfortable with each other. Let me introduce with other members of group. And yes you can watch this session but we would be very pleased if the next one you will be the first one to talk.

 This is Wayne (age 36, lost son) than we have Geronimo (age 56, lost wife) Selma (age 25 lost mother) and Rudolf (age 26, lost friend in war)

Gloria: Now that you all know each other lets continue. Wayne will you come in front and talk from where were you last night. Can you make a fast update for Bruce to?

Wayne: Bruce I have lost my son Ruben 6 months ago in a car accident. He was driving his bike when a car hit him. I was there but I couldn’t do anything for him.

Bruce: I’m sorry to hear that Wayne, I have lost my son so I understand your pain.

Gloria: Are you still seeing the same dream yet.

Wayne: Yes yes I do every night. Ruben coming in home covered in blood. He is pointing his finger to me and saying: Why you didn’t love me daddy. This is crazy but he is right I didn’t save him.

Geronimo: You have to let this feeling of guilt out or its going to kill you man, you didn’t caused the accident

Selma: We all know how much you love your son, I think he knew this to. Your wife just needs some time; you will see she will get back to you.

Gloria: Wayne I know those nightmares are horrible for you but you are fighting with them, this is a good sign don’t you think?

Wayne: Yes I know! I’m trying ee I don’t know.

Gloria: We are proud with you, what do you think of your first meeting here Bruce

Bruce: Frankly to say I feel bad that I didn’t come before. Now I see that I’m not alone.

Gloria: Okay we will call it off for today until the next week meeting. Bruce will you wait me at the door please.

Bruce: All right.

The group meeting has impressed Bruce and given him a sense of being in the same shoes with other people.

Bruce was waiting at the door when Gloria came holding some books in her hands.


Gloria: I’m glad that you enjoyed your first meeting, this is very important for healing process.

Bruce: For the first time in long time I felt like I belong here. I saw people with the same pain like mine and I have to say I was impressed with Theresa s healing process.

Gloria: This is nice, I hope in the next meeting you start telling your story.

Bruce: I will for sure.

Gloria: Here is my car, I guess here is where we separate, and you know I’m not allowed to have to much private time with my clients according to ethics.

Bruce: I understand but sometimes rules should be broken right hahaha

Gloria: Haha I guess yes. See you next week.

Bruce: For sure have a nice night Gloria.


This was a quite impressive turn of events. Bruce spent all night thinking about the group, meeting and Gloria that woman has impressed him.

I’m betraying Joan’s memory I shouldn’t think for another woman. My heart and mind belongs to her.


He tried to deny those new feelings but it looks it was out of his hands, something has moved in his heart after a long long time.

The night has passed with that kind of thoughts. In the morning something new had happened. He woke up normally, not angry and crying after a nightmare but he did the best sleep since well since he didn’t remember.


Next morning it was raining…

His car was waiting for him to do the same road like always to the office. While driving his phone starts to ring.

 It’s so strange because it was an unknown number but he decided to answer anyway. Hello who is it?

Anonymous: Hello….


Chapter VIII

The Nightmare is back


This call he received while he was driving to job will make things more intense.

Anonymous: You thought I forgot you right!

Bruce: Who are you, please let’s talk we will figure this out.

Anonymous: Leave those good human crappy lectures when you talk with me. I’m in charge here.

 Bruce: But why! Why you are doing all this?

Anonymous: I can see what you other people can’t, those demons only I can see. By the way I liked your profile about me and I clearly like the name media left to me The Angel Killerrrrrrr

Bruce: How did you noticed about the profiling, were you there?

Anonymous: If you just knew. But I ll guess you will figure it out fast. Behind mirror you have a small poetry that I left for you.

Bruce: What poetry? Wait hallo hallo.

The killer had stopped the call. Immediately Bruce looks in his car near inside mirror and search for the letter. There it was a big white letter standing there.

Those messages were getting like a nightmare, because he knew every time he reads one something bad is about to happen.

This one is easy If you don’t go in this place we will accept you in God s army, this is your second chance don’t waste it; don’t come, let us do the noble fight.

 When beasts were released

   They were held in a cage


     The cage is near his master

      Who controls those beasts

     But now, everything is illusion

   It’s gone only the ghosts stay there


Ah almost I forgot, if I’m calculating right by the time you are reading this I will be hunting the demons, so you have less time this time.fiffty minutes I think if I’m correct, oh wait I am.

P.s: I’m playing so bad with you and I know I’m getting in your head.

Kind Regards,

Your worst nightmare.


Bruce was feeling so anxious. The rain continued to fall even more. He said it’s easy but it looks hard this puzzle.

Bruce: I have to think fast, think Bruce, and use your head 

Beasts, cage master, illusion ghosts all those words are together but what,

Bruce was trying a lot of equations on his head but nothing until after 10 minutes. He finally finds out.

Ghost and illusion this is for a place that doesn’t exists anymore,

 Master cage and beasts, oh god beasts are prisoners and cage is the prison

 the master is the police department.

It’s the old prison that it’s closed last year because of the new one. Why this person always choices the places near me? Maybe it’s someone who has easy access on this geographic area.

I think I can go there on time. He started the engine of the car and started going so fast in that rainy morning thinking on how to stop this monster. He passes the police department and continues on high speed until he reaches the puzzle spot.

The rain continued to fall like hell. Bruce got out of the car pulled out his gun and started look for the killer in order to stop it. The spot was enormous but he doesn’t sees nothing just a big abandoned building.

Aahhhhhhhhh….Help. Somebodyyyyyyyyyyy

What is this scream (it was a woman screaming and looking for help)

It’s him doing his evil again. I have to follow the voice.

He started running in the direction that the voice came it was the second floor. In a prison cell here he sees the horror.

 That man with black coat and a mask torturing a young woman. She was suffering because he was doing that angel sign with knife on her chest.

Bruce: Hey you stop or I shoot you.(those eyes where I have seen them)

The killer started running and jumped from the window that it was with no bars. The woman was in bad condition. Its okay it’s over. I m sending you in hospital now.Dont cry

He carried the woman in his arms to the back seat of his car and started going in hospital. In order to keep her conscious Bruce talked to her during driving.

Hey talk to me don’t you die me please..I’m Bruce who are you

I am Bar.. Barbara.

Bruce: Okay Barbara tell me about your family just talk something.

Barbara: My son… he is Robin he must be worried for me. I have to talk to him.

Bruce: We will don’t you worry just be strong okay we are almost on the hospital.

Barbara: Rob, Robin (in that moment she felt unconscious)

Bruce: Oh god no, don’t do this to me, I had enough with this.

After few minutes he reaches the hospital. Somebody help I have a wounded woman here. She needs immediate attention.

The doctors took her and send immediately in the operation room while Bruce was waiting outside for any news. He called her family from her phone and told them the situation.

Her son the she was mentioning and her husband came fast on the hospital. They were very worried.

Back on the operations room things were getting complicated. Her pulse was falling drastically.

Doctor 1: We are losing her. Prepare electroshock

Doctor 2: We are on it, ready where you say.

Doctor1: Do it now….   She is not reacting give me 100

Doctor 2: On it….. Still nothing should we go on 200

Doctor 1: Go on its not reacting give more adrenaline

Doctor 2:…The pulse is returning to normality

Doctor1: Okay continue with the procedures now

The operation was so hard and long but Barbara made it, she is a strong woman. Doctor talked with her family and Bruce and told them that she is all right now but they have to wait 2-3 days before she gets better.

Steven came fast to hospital to get updated for what happened. I came as fast as I could thank you for calling Bruce you know how much I want to help you solving the case.

Bruce: I was so close on catching him. He slipped from my hands.

Steven: Could you see who was it?

Bruce: Hard to say, big body but he had that black coat and a mask covering his face I could see only his eyes.

Steven: Don’t you worry you saved a life, that it’s what it’s important.

Bruce: He is not going to stop with this, he is getting more confidence because he has given me less time for the puzzle and it’s not targeting only prostitutes anymore, Barbara is a married happy woman.

Steven:            He is always one step before us, we are powerless. Where can you make cognitive interview with Barbara?

Bruce: Next week I think, she will wake up after three days but will not be able to speak until next week, until than nothing. I have to talk with two officers there and tell them to guard her room carefully, he may think of finishing his job.

Steven: We have nothing else to do here let s go in office.

Back in the department everybody was talking for the morning event. Turn on the TV on channel 5 said Mrs. Norris who came running from where she was staying

One officer there near turned it and everybody in the hall including Bruce and Steven started watching with curiosity.

News reporter: Our sources inside police have confirmed that in this morning the angel killer did his newest crime by trying to kill a woman in the abandoned prison. A police officer went there and saved the woman but unfortunately couldn’t catch the angel killer. We the people of London seriously hope that the police will do something very soon or ..

Bruce: Stop that TV please. Who is telling them for God s sake?

Mrs. Norris: I don’t know sir, we are not releasing anything official, you told us not to do until you say so, somebody is telling them in secret.

Everyone was getting worried with where they were going with the case, nowhere! Crime was everywhere but it looked that all the eyes of police were on this case, everybody wanted this nightmare for this to finish fast.

Days started passing fear and panic just getting bigger.

1 week latter…

Its Wednesday afternoon everything is in chaos in the city but finally something good for Bruce is about to happen. The therapy day has come and he can’t wait to go in that place

It was 5 noon and the group was already there. Wayne, Geronimo, Selma, Rudolf, Theresa and finally Gloria they were all sitting there and waiting for Bruce to take his seat.

Gloria: since we are all here, I think we are ready to begin this session. How was your week what about you Selma?

Selma: I think better, yesterday I visited my mother s grave and I managed to not do what I you know. I didn’t sleep there; I’m starting to accept this. But I miss her so much!

Gloria: I see Selma, we have to take it easy, you are doing well. Do you agree to let Bruce tell us about him and try to help him?

Selma: Yes sure we are here for each other.

Gloria: Bruce are you ready?

Bruce: I think I am, thank you for giving me the chance. I don’t know where to begin,

Rudolf: Wherever you feel comfortable man

Bruce: Well as you know I’m Bruce and I’m a detective. Those last days have been horrible. You know the serial killer, well I am chasing him and it’s just entering on my mind I really have to catch it. He is getting me in lot of pressure.

Gloria: Yes we heard of it, I mean who doesn’t but we believe on our police and that you are doing anything you can, as a matter of fact I think you are going to catch it so fast and release from that monster.

Bruce: But this is not all, my life is what I want to fix it.

Theresa: What about you family they must be proud with you right.

Bruce: Here is a problem I don’t have one. My father leaved me when I was 6 and half and since then I was living with my mother on bad conditions. Years passed and finally I met Jane the woman of my live we get married. A year latter my son Nick is born. I thought that my live was perfect and it was until one day. They..

Gloria: Are you okay, I mean if you want to stop here feel free to do it.

Bruce: No I’m fine I have to remove this from my chest. They were killed from mafia members with a bomb, I couldn’t see their faces for the last time they were burned. This miserable live took me everything.

Wayne: Man and I thought my live is hell.

Gloria: Wayne please we are here to help not to make things worse.

Bruce: it’s okay he is honest I’m familiar with that reaction.

Theresa: I’m sorry to hear that, can I give you a hug.

Bruce: Yes sure you are so lovely, long time I didn’t had this offer.

Gloria: That it’s nice from you Theresa I like this atmosphere we are creating here. Okay Bruce how you feel now for the events that happened in your live?

Bruce: the way I feel its destroying me, I doubt on human beings on moral values even on my own purposes and thoughts, there are times when I think that that s no need to save the people and fight the criminals in my mind sometimes is everything black.

Gloria: Bruce we all thank you that you shared this with us. We will be here for you and try to help you fight those feelings because we all believe you are a good person.

Bruce: I’m already feeling good. Thank you

Gloria: This is it for today, I think it was a good meeting. See you next week. Bruce will you sign in the list here, its some procedure, others did but since you came late.

Bruce: Yes sure. Where do I sign?

Gloria: Here in the end of letter, you know you were great today in your opening, we all welcomed this.

Bruce: You made it that possible for me, I feel like people understand me here.

Gloria: Glad to hear that. I ll guess we see next week right?

Bruce: Before we go can I ask you to go for a coffee sometimes in near future?

Gloria: You know that it’s against ethics, but as you say sometimes we can break rules. One day we will drink that coffee.

Bruce: Okay Gloria have a nice night tonight. Bye    


Next morning….

Bruce decided to go in hospital when Barbara the saved victim of Angel killer was standing to take an interview if she could give anything to him.

He entered on the room 17 when she was hospitalized and now was getting better and ready to talk.

Bruce: Hello Barbara I’m Bruce you remember me?

Barbara: Yes sure you saved my live, how can I forget you?

Bruce: Its fine I’m glad that I was able to do that; I’m doing my duty,

Barbara: Did you catch the person who did this to me?

Bruce: We are close but still no, that it’s why I came to talk to you, I’m counting in your help.

Barbara: I don’t remember nothing, I was awake but I can’t remember nothing , I tried but I can’t I’m sorry.

Bruce: I understand that but if you allow me we are going to try something different. Its cognitive interview you close your eyes and try to get back with your mind in the scene crime.

Don’t worry I lead you in that cognitive path. Our mind has more information that we are aware.

Barbara: If you say so.

Bruce: Let’s begin. You can stop whenever you want,

Barbara: Okay I’m ready.

Bruce: Let’s travel in the place when you were before he kidnapped you,

Barbara: It’s raining and I’m getting in my car to go in the office.

Bruce: You are doing well describe me the environment around you,

Barbara: I’m entering in my black car which is between two other cars. And I’m down my flat in other side of road it’s a man with another woman who entered on the car and leaved. Nobody else is on the road now just me. A door touched me and I return my face to see who is it(she gets emotinised and cries)

Bruce: It’s okay you are doing wonderful, I am here don’t worry.

Barbara: Its him I scream but he… he hits me on the face. I wake up I don’t know after how much time. He starts touching my face with knifes and it’s hurting… I can’t see his face it’s with a mask and doing some praying why coming to me, o my god he is going to kill me.

Bruce: No he s not I’m here he can’t hurt you, you are safe.

Barbara: He is talking but with himself: I was wrong for bringing her here, I should send her to my clinic. Now he is getting close to me with his knife.. No no I can’t,, please

Bruce: Okay Barbara it’s enough it’s over its gone.

The interview wasn’t quite productive but there was something that made Bruce think. The words: I should send her to my clinic.


 This made him doubt more about the version of the killer being a doctor or a surgeon

While Bruce was getting out of the hospital he receives  a calls:

Steven: We have got it ..


Chapter IX

     You think you know me                


The call from Steven was a big turn in the events for catching the angel killer.

Bruce: What you mean with that, you got him, you got who?

Steven: the Angel killer, come on fast he is in the interrogation room.

He went fast on the station from the hospital, couldn’t wait until he sees with his eyes who was the killer. Outside interrogation room was Steven with another officer waiting for Bruce to update him.

Bruce: I was on hospital and came as fast as I could, is he the suspect?

Steven: Yes him is it’s a kidney doctor from London hospital but he has got a personal ordinance to.

Bruce: But how you ares..

Steven: I was standing in my office when I received an anonymous call that told me to go and check this doctor ordinance if I want to catch that serial killer,

I went there with this young officer here and we found a lot of evidences that made us believe that he is the killer.

When we went there he wasn’t there but we found a lot of disturbing things.

Bruce: In his ordinance you found them.

Steven: Not entirely, there was the operations room another room and his personal room where it was a sofa and his personal library. There we found some things that made us go in his home and bring him here.

Bruce: What kind of things. You found any evidence

Steven: Here you have them……(he gives to him some evidences with which Bruce will confront the doctor latter in the interrogation room)Any information about him.

The officer: He is a well known doctor Roman Rodnick who does heart surgery in London hospital and on his private clinic, last year there were some allegations against him for unprofessional surgery operations but he escaped it.

Bruce: I will confront him with the evidences now. He looks so worried it doesn’t sound to that serial killer that does those things, but those people can fake emotions very easy I have to be careful with it.

You thought you can escape to us forever right!

Rodnick: What are you talking about, I don’t know for what,,

Bruce: Leave the games with me. We have busted you, everything it’s leading to you.

Rodnick: You are making a mistake, I need to talk with a lawyer.

Bruce: You don’t have the right for one, you have killed so many people, I can lose my job but I don’t care it will be only you and me here, we will explain things.

Rodnick: You are crazy.

Bruce: you think, look at those who think you are crazy not me (he showed the photos of three dead victims on the table)

Rodnick: I don’t know those girls, I never seen them you are making a mistake.

Bruce: Look sooner or later you will have to accept what you did, and this is not the only crime that you have done, what you can say about those documents( were paying checks for international transactions from Chile of transporting organs in London) you were involved in this business , you are a monster.

Rodnick: But those girls I don’t know them, never saw them before.

Bruce: You have to do much more to fool us. We have other evidences that make you guilty for the murders of Angel killer

Rodnick: What you mean with evidences what evidences.

Bruce: those photos we found in your room and newspaper parts with the killers, the knife that fits with the one you used for torturing women you see this one, my colleague told me that you don’t have alibi for the time when the crimes happened

 you want more in your laptop we found this one this manifesto( it was a document of 23 pages describing the crimes, the reason why he did that talking about demons, hell , the army of god and how the war should be continued) I think those are enough to close you for live and you know a secret if it was for me I would kill you. Aren’t those facts enough for you, don’t fake anymore, everything is over.

Rodnick: You are out of your mind, I never seen those things, what is that manifesto somebody has entered on my laptop and those photos I never seen, somebody has put those there  Bruce: You are done , there is no more time for your games, officer get this man out of my face.

Steven: We made it man, he will not be able to hurt anyone anymore.

Back in the main hall everybody was handclapping and happy for the end of the terror. The whole department was there. This case was getting a black stain in London police work so they are really happy that this is over.

Mrs. Norris: I know we are not allowed to drink but I brought two bottles of wine to celebrate this wonderful day.

Steven: Well you are right today is a big day for us.

Mrs. Norris started filling the glasses of more than 20 officers who were all cheering with each other in a day that will never be forgotten.

Bruce was just staying in a corner watching them and experiencing a big relief, after few minutes he will give an interview for channel 5 in order to inform people that the horror is over, they deserve to know this.

He left the main hall and went in his office when a journalist from channel 5 was waiting him,

Mrs. Norris has told him to come immediately when she found out that they arrested Dr. Rodnick


Journalist: Hello detective are you ready to give to people the good news (he was so happy)

Bruce: Ready where you are, is it fine to make the interview here.

Journalist: For me its fine.

Bruce: Okay let’s begin.

Cameraman: 3, 2, 1 and go

Journalist: Greetings from the channel 5.  We are recording a direct interview from London police department with Bruce Loan leading detective in the case against so called Angel killer. Can you tell us where the case is going?

Bruce: After a long and painful events and investigation we have catch the killer and we are waiting for the courts to do the job now.

Journalist: How did you catch him?

Bruce: We were working in some evidences but an anonymous call helped a lot by giving us more evidences and as a result of this cooperation between us and our citizens the criminal is behind bars now.

Journalist: Can you tell us his identity, who is he?

Bruce: After the interrogations and proofs we have concluded that the man who did all this terror is Roman Rodnick a 55 years old doctor.

Journalist: He was there all the time and hided his second identity,

Bruce: in forensics this is known as pathological liars people who can hide things in professional way, considering the way he did the crimes he is quite intelligent.

Journalist: What evidences you have for him.

Bruce: All I can say is that we deeply believe that the evidences we have found will be very convincing for the prosecutors to convict him for live, we even found that he is involved in other crimes also horrible one

Journalist: What crimes?

Bruce: We found proofs that involved him with organs international trade from South America.

Journalist: Can you tell us more about this?

Bruce: this is all I can tell you for now. We don’t want to affect on the court against him.

Journalist: Thank you very much, so this is was a exclusive interview with Bruce Loan the detective who stopped the killer, with this said we don’t have to fear anymore from that monster. Have a nice day

The interview was over and has reached to a big audience because the whole country was watching it. Now everybody knew that the Angel killer was only a horrible history now.

Few days have gone and everything went to normality, not in the way everybody would want in London because the crime was still present on the streets but nothing like angel killer.

What about Bruce? He is not as happiest as the city because he is still feeling the absence of Joan and Nick on his life, but things are turning on positive way for him.

Things are changing even why he don’t want to accept them, feelings about Gloria are getting bigger, he is feeling les anxious about people, obviously the group therapy is helping him so much

 the perception for humans started to change because now he believes there is still hope in humanity, conversations with Steve and Bob are getting more often,

Bruce decided to take three weeks vocation from job in order to get his head relaxed; this is the first one on his career.

He actually decided to go in Africa and pass few days with the tribes of that area.

It was one day of early autumn when Bruce arrived in South Africa airport.

 While getting out to the taxi he was looking all those happy faces and positive people convinced him even more that he did the right choice for coming in Africa.

Close to him came a man that looked a little funny guy age 34 or more a little bit overweight but  It didn’t looked like it mattered for him.

He was wearing some jeans and a shirt with sea design on it it looked more like those which wear people who go on Hawaii and finally a Mexican huge hat.

Mr. Americano do you need a taxi? I m Barany

Bruce: Yes sure but I’m not American but I come from London.

Barany: What? English American you look all the same to me let me carry your bag to the taxi.

Bruce: No its fine It’s not that heavy just send me at your taxi I’m a little tired from all that travel.

Barany: Here is it get in please Ill send you anywhere you want , Barany will be your eyes and legs here for you .

Bruce: You are polite Barany I think I may need your services here, send me in the nearest hotel please.

Barany: You will be there on 10 minutes.

They traveled at the Makati Hotel in the exact same time that Barany said on 10 minutes.

Bruce: You really know to respect time, look will you come tomorrow in 8 o clock morning and send me at Sundae tribe because I heard that you can visit them and they are very friendly.

Barany: as I said I’m your eyes and legs here, besides you European people pay nice tips so with that said ill be here on time. Enjoy the city.

The hotel wasn’t the highest quality but it had a great view. Actually he spends the whole day there mostly resting. Something good was following him since he first went on the group therapy, those nightmares are vanishing, it looks like he is beating his demons inside.

 The next day comes it was almost 8 and Barany knocks on the door. Are you ready Mr. Americano, I ll been waiting for half hour there, sometimes I go when I used to be a little bit earlier and eventually get bored waiting.

Bruce: You are not going to stop with this thing of Americano right hahha. I’m ready to just let me take my bag and we are going there I guess.

Barany: We have a long journey to the Sundae tribe village, so we better get going fast.

The journey from the center of town to the village lasted two hours with car but they had to do forty minutes walking to arrive on that location.

Bruce and Barany enter on a lovely village with a lot of activity on it. There you can see a beautiful place with small houses made of wood. It was just like on national geographic documentaries.

Barany: Americano here they are, I will leave you with them I have some business back on town but in the moment you decide to call me you have to make this road on foot and you call me from phone of locals, here in village they don’t have phone but where we left the car they do, okay.

Bruce: Good, just present me to them.

Barany: All right than don’t worry they know English because lot of Americans are coming to visit them on those last years. Come after me.

They approached to those people who looked very friendly, and Barany started to talk with them on a language that Bruce couldn’t understand.

Barany: Bruce come closer, don’t be scared man they will not bite you.

Bruce: Don’t joke please.

Tribe chief: Back in history our people with yours fought with another but now those days are forgotten. We accept you to stay with us as long as you want my friends.

Bruce: I’m ashamed to for that past but as you said gone and forgotten I’m very grateful for accepting me here, I really need this journey to fix things right in my head.

They started walking on the village with chief presenting people with him with Barany already gone he was left all alone with them.

Days started to pass and he was feeling so “in the right place with the right people”. Sunoco was a young man escorting him everywhere.

 Sunoco (22 years old man with big positive energy) was so interested to hear for the west because his dream was to escape from the tribe and chase his dream of being a engineer.

You have great village here, Sunoco I mean look at people and this waterfall, and we only see them on shampoo commercials.

Sunoco: Yes you know everything is great here but I want something else.

Bruce: Look I can see a fish down our legs this is impressive, I understand you but sometimes things are not like we think and when you archive that you just want to return at your family believe me there is nothing more important than them.

Sunoco: I don’t know here I have got my family, my people everything but we don’t have those things you have got you know good suits, cars I love Ferrari and I build houses here but I want to dream big buildings.

Bruce: I don’t know its good to chase dreams Sunoco but we have to appreciate what we got, learn to enjoy the moments with people you love, they are the best things a man can want. I’m telling this from experience.

Days here past so fast with those traveling near waterfalls, sea, big woods and those night parties around fire.

Finally after 12 long days Bruce s journey here was coming to an end. All people of village came to give him farewell because they all loved him.

Good people , thank you for some of the most beautiful days of my live, you helped me understand a lot of things and now I have better opinion for people, you restored my faith on human kind , thank you my family.

Sunoco come here my friend. Here take this shirt with London map on it you have a gift from me and if you ever decide to come just ask for me on London Department Police but before you take decisions remember what you will lose, listen to your heart not your mind, give me a hug you little brother.

Bruce called Barany to send him on the airport and then fly for London. The first thing he did was to visit a person who he was thinking a lot lately. Gloria!

He was tired and wanted to sleep with heavy beg but the legs sends him down her apartment it was late.

She lived on third floor and he started to call her loudly without caring if he was going to wake other people.

Gloriiiaaaaa.. Gloriaaaa

From her apartment a light was turned on.

Bruce are you crazy what are you doing. Wait there I ll come in few seconds, you crazy hahha

Gloria: So you came back from Africa I thought a tiger ate you.

Bruce: haha you like to joke with me right. Do you want to walk a little bit and talk?

Gloria: How was your experience there?

Bruce: I regret.. That I didn’t went there earlier, what amazing people. For some moments I thought of staying there forever.

Gloria: What stopped you?

Bruce: Well I have to fight crime here and protect my people, imagine horror they will experience with another serial killer.

Gloria: You should think more for yourself.

Bruce: I do, I actually have a personal reason for not staying there,

Gloria: What is that?

Bruce: It’s you (and he kissed her) I’m sorry for doing this it was impulsive.

Gloria: Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you did this; don’t think you are the only one feeling something special here you fool.

They were both happy walking in each other arms and talking for their feelings. All the sudden out of nowhere someone hits Bruce and Gloria on their heads with something and they passed out.








Chapter X

Why you monster


      -The night was dark and it’s getting worst for Bruce and Gloria. They were lying down on the ground after being hit by someone with a strong object on their heads.

What is this, who is doing this (Bruce was half conscious) he saw Gloria covered on blood.

Its him, we were wrong its angel killer we catch the wrong guy.(Bruce passed out after what he saw)

The next moment he opened his eyes was in a big room of some country house. Everything was so unclear.

The room was so dark with a small light on it. Gloria was near him unconscious and they both were tied in chairs.

Bruce: Gloria wake up, hey Gloria

Few seconds passed and she becomes aware of the horror it happened to her. Where are we, what happened?

Bruce: Calm down we will figure it out something I need you with sharp mind don’t panic. We have been kidnapped but we will figure it out.

Gloria: But who is doing this, I have done nothing to no one.

Bruce: This doesn’t matter just try to remain calm I know it’s hard. He is there outside and will come in any moment, it’s very important to know how to act.

In that room with all those intense emotions entered a man with black coat and a mask it was him the Angel killer. He opened that door and went straight to Gloria.

This shocked Bruce, finally he found someone else in this planet who he can love and he will not allow anything to take it from him. Don’t you dare to do anything to her, come to me I’m the one who you looking for. Here face me you beast.

The killer continued to walk toward Gloria no matter what Bruce is saying. She was terrified but couldn’t do anything even why she was seeing him getting to her. Stop please, don’t what are you doing and she lost her feelings after he gives her a injection

The event was looking like some horror movie but for Bruce was the story of his live. For him those things and demons were so usual which made him think that it will be better if he didn’t exist at all.

 Every person who gets near to him either dies or experiences terrible things. That man after checks that Gloria has passed out turns his steps in Bruce direction.

 He had everything in control because Bruce was standing there tied and half conscious.

You thought I forgot you. You did a good show of catching me with all that vine celebrating, doing interviews feeling free. The army of god will never die.

Bruce: But the evidences.

Killer: Bla la bla , not always things are as they seem, creating illusions and making it pure reality for those who are blind to see it’s something I like to  call it braking the minds.

Bruce: You are a monster, who are you, show your face you coward.

Killer: Are you sure you want to know, I can guarantee you a big surprise you will have. He was feeling powerful, in control and started to remove his mask very slow to torment Bruce s mind.

Bruce: Its you, bu..but how could you,(His heart is about to explode from what he saw).You were like a brother to me , Steven you monsterrrrrrrrrrrrrr I will kill you

Steven: You think you can kill me ,I will finish you , and you can’t deny that gave to you the chance to become my solder in the army of good but instead you decided to go and solve those puzzles.

Bruce: You were with me all the time.

Steven:  Expect the time when the murders happened, it was fun to see you trying to give meaning to my poetry, I am way smarter than you.

Bruce: Is this is all about you being better than me.

Steven: Well I was always better than you, but everybody on the department saw you like the best detective there, even why I promoted in police commander still you were the star of the department.

Bruce: I never saw you like that; you were like a brother to me.

Steven: Yes you just talk, go in hell, and except that you started to become a devil just like them , you made this even more personal

Bruce: You are mad.

Steven: No I’m not I hear voices but they come from God to me who has given me this divine duty to protect human kind, another thing is that I always saw you like someone who didn’t deserve to live here.

Bruce: You were there when Nick and Joan died. You…

Steven: About that, I know I should tell you this,,, I was the one who planted the bomb in your home and changed the evidences latter to blame that criminal what was his name oh yes Jar, you was so happy I just couldn’t see you like that

Bruce: What, what, I can’t believe I will kill youuuu, fight with me.

Steven: You had your chances, I was there all the time but you was to fool to figure it out, I mean the medical books in my office and the way I hided you that murder when you were in Birmingham , you just had to figure it out things, but it’s not my fault you are idiot by the way I killed that woman where you were in Birmingham, it’s so easy to play games with you.

Bruce: I would never ever thought that you, but how you did with the doctor, all the evidences pointed to him.

Steven: I’m a master right, that anonymous call I called my self I was following that man for a long time when I noticed he is involved on wrong things, and did murders when he was all alone in places that gives his alibi no meaning.

He wasn’t working that morning so I went early on his ordinance and left the photos and everything there. Few minutes later I went in office like nothing happened pretended like I got that call and the rest you know. This is masterful for me you got to admit that, I think I have to give some credits to my intellect.

Bruce: You didn’t have to do this

Steven: Enough with words, you heard enough for a dead man walking. You will suffer in my hands so much now. By the way your new love Gloria she will be dying in exactly eee let me see  30 minutes from the injection I gave to her.

Bruce: What you did to her? Leave her alone here you have me.

Steven: You will do any sacrifice to save her beautiful face right, you should be grateful to me that I’m not killing her in my way, but I don’t have time for that now, I have to deal with you.

He started to hit Bruce with his big hands over and over again, than he shows a portion of some green liquid. I know you want to be hero, now you have the chance, this is something I made myself and it has its origin on heaven, this will make your body eat the organs, but you can choice drink it yourself or I give to Gloria and cause to her a painful death instead of that one that she is experiencing.

Bruce couldn’t handle one more person to die especially someone like Gloria. Just don’t harm her, I ll do anything.

Steven: I m going to respect your decision, here you have it but you will drink it all. This is the end then, we will see on the other side just on different places I will be watching you from heaven and you well you know fire will overtake you in hell.

Everything was coming to an end for Bruce because he didn’t had another choice except to drink it all ,  the liquid went on his stomach but before dying Bruce had one more ass under his sleets to take the man who destroyed him in the other world.

He was released his hands from the rope and started to hit Steven even why the liquid was affecting his head. The fight continued with them hitting each other.

After some devastating punches between them Steven hits Bruce with a pipe and he falls on the ground.

Now I will kill you idiot, you can’t escape me. Look at your girlfriend she is dying to, so you don’t have to worry for not seeing her, you will meet in other side.

He lifts his hand to punch Bruce with that big pipe when all the sudden Bruce out of nowhere hits him with a piece of  broken mirror which he crashed when felt down after that monster s hit with the pipe during fighting,


The sharp object went directly on Steven s heart; hit that made him fall in the ground in slow motion and watching Bruce on his eyes. You won the battle but not the war, there will be others like me who fight for the light, and we will be bigger on number and vanish you the devils from our land.

Bruce saw Gloria there but couldn’t do anything to help her, because he has no more power to move after the fight with that dead monster now and the liquid was starting to have effects on it.

I have to reach my phone (it was few matters behind him when it felt why fighting) He started to go in that direction until he reaches it, he was dying but he has to save Gloria.

Hello.. please send an ambulance on London 7th road on vocations home of Steven Richards, ask on the department to Mrs. Norris and she tells you the right address,  you have to come fast, a civilian its dying.

Bruce remembered few years ago when Steven has told him that he has bought a small house in this small neighborhood and that its how he figure it out that that was the location where they were staying, at least he was hopping they were in that place other ways he and Gloria were both dead.

I can’t see my hand, what is happening to me ……

Next time he opens his eyes he is on hospital with a nurse checking him out. Where am I? I need to see Gloria.

Nurse: Sir you need to calm down, you are still week, and she is fine on the next room.

Bruce: How long I have been here I feel so week

Nurse: Two days now

Bruce: I remember I had to swallow some liquid of some kind, what happened with that?

Nurse: That is a miracle, the liquid content was some kind of rare element with high level of poison and in all cases this can lead to organs  destruction, but in your case there is some kind of genetic mutation and it didn’t work on you, it’s a miracle.

After two days Bruce was released from hospital but Gloria had to stay three more days for some further examinations.

He never liked being on his apartment that much, but because he knew that he was so close of losing even his own life his furniture’s looked so good.

On his head it was rotating something about that liquid, why he was different and didn’t die and before passing out he remembers his hand disappearing becoming invisible.

After few days he managed to get one more dose of it from a biological laboratory and decided to drink it again, something wasn’t right there.

It was afternoon and there he was he and that liquid piece on the table. More than 10 minutes passed there when finally he decides to take the dose.

At first nothing happens but just when he was giving up he gets shocked. His hand and legs started to disappear and become invisible, than this flow continued on all his body, he was invisible and felt a big power on him, like a nuclear energy inside his body.

He went fest to mirror but couldn’t see his vision on it. In the moment he touches the mirror it crashes on pieces, what is this, I’m invisible and I can’t touch anything,

This condition of confusion continued for 4 hours before his body turned on his primary shape and become visible without that big power on his hands.

He was so tired but understood that he has won a big gift, one that can change the world.

Tomorrow at the same time he was standing on his foot with another liquid on his hand and took a decision a big one,…

I know that my live has had a lot of changes and events that crushed me, my nightmares  challenge me every day my father the death of Joan and Nick the killer and everything else but now I have to make a change,

Nick and Joan they will always be on my heart and I know that Joan will agree of me continuing my life with Gloria not like a substation of her but like a new part of my live.

 Father well at least I have the good memories with him, the other part I can’t do nothing for it,

Me..well I’m accepting some things and with this new power I will fight the crime on London and in all the world and help people get their lives better, I will use for good this power.

Steven.. he was a monster all those years fooling us and making those crimes but I thank him I know it looks impossible but I do. Thanks to him now I have a superhuman power to be a vigilante…


The white shadow....






Text: Shkumbin Gashi
Editing: Shkumbin Gashi
Translation: Shkumbin Gashi
Publication Date: 07-16-2014

All Rights Reserved

Dear God: It was your account of the things I experienced until now in life that equipped me with motivation, will, knowledge and passion to write this book. For those and other things you gave me on my path toward life i thank you and dedicate this book to you. Forever grateful Shkumbin Gashi

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