for all the people who faved my book, thank you. I havent been on for a while but when I have the time it will be much longer. Thank u!-meepylagoe
P.S:I wouldnt mind if you people who faved my book commented, now and then!
I definitly Plan too write lots, lots more! I have always loved writing, and reading. Once I am done I hope every one enjoys it. There definitly will be a couple of Twists and Turns in this story, so be prepared! I plan to write a series of books like this in "Rose"s perspective. And maybe some in another characters view. Enjoy! I will be adding more, whenever I can!
I am impressed that someone your age is able to write as well as you do!
This seems like the opening chapter or portion of a longer story, right? Good:)
A suggestion or two to make this book stronger...find those places in the text where you can create new paragraphs. Also, re-read and watch for a few tense changes in the narrative.
I enjoyed your tale. Congratulations, and keep writing; you'll be very very good someday soon!