
Chapter 1

My name is Addison, they call me Rose. Why? I have no Idea. They have called me that since I was little for no apparent reason.I am 14 years old. I am going out for a walk later, like I usually do. I go to the Park and sit on my favorite Bench. Then I will read till dark. I will only go read on Full Moons though. I feel drawn to them. Then when the Full Moon shows up, I close my book, hug my knees close, and stare at the Moon and Stars. And I will Dream of finding the one I belong with. The Love of my Life. I usually Dream alone but some times my best friend will come out and sit next to me. Never talking, just watching. When the clock turns to 2:14, we go home. My Friends name is Josh. He has Shaggy Dark Brown Hair, and a scary Serial killer look on his face all the time, and a Funny Smile. He always makes me Laugh. He is the only one who truly understands me. I am glad I met him, I think I would probably go crazy without him. I turned to look at my clock to see it is time yet. 8:45, Perfect. I grabbed my book, and cellphone. I put them into my bag. and went to the door. I opened the door, and said "Mom, Dad I'll be back,Bye. I am going out for a Walk." I called to my Mom And Dad."Bye." They Both called, not suprised I was going for walk on the Full Moon. I shut the door and looked for Josh. He was across the street, leaning on a tree. I walked over to meet him. I looked at my watch. 9:00, time to start off. He smiled at me and I smiled back, and he stared at me with his Amazing Brown eyes. We never talked untill we were at my doorstep at the end of the night. Once we were done smiling, I held out my hand and he took it. We had no feelings for each other in that way, so we never felt wierd holding hands. We always did, it made me feel safe, and for that reason he always held my hand whenever we went some where.We, understood each other. We started walking towards the park. Finally we were there. We sat on our bench. I glance at my watch, 9:15. At 10 o'clock the moon will rise. I had 45 minutes. I pulled out my book and started reading. In what felt like a few minutes, the moon was about to come up. I hugged my knees close to me, up on the bench. Josh also did so, and put one arm around me to let me know that he was there. Then we stared at the Stars. I looked at my watch. 9:59. In one minute a wolf will Howl as always and we can start dreaming. Then came the Howl. It was beautiful. I leaned into Josh, knowing he would protect me, even though I am not afraid of Wolves. And then we stared at The Full Moon. Finally I glanced at my watch, 2:10. I put my stuff away. Then grabbed Josh's hand. At 2:14 we headed back. Once on my door step, Josh said "Till Tommorow." Like he always did then smiled. I did the same. We hugged, then he left waving as he walked away, I did the same. I walked inside and said "Hi." To my Parents. They Looked up and then Dad said"Have Fun?". I Laughed."I always do, I Love watching the Moon." I answered."Great. Good-Night then." My Mom said."Good-Night." I said to them both. I went to my room. I opened the door, and almost in the same second closed it. I knew that I would have to wait another Month untill the next Full Moon. This made me Sad. I pulled my CellPhone out of my bag, and quickly placed it on its Charger. After opening my window, I dropped my bag on the floor. I would have all Night to listen to the Wolves Howling. I fell back, onto my bed. Before I could Change or do Anything, I was asleep. *BEEP* *BEEP* ."Wha-" I muttered. I looked at the clock, time to get up. Ugh, I still want to sleep. I turned my alarm clock off, knowing that I had to get up. At least today is Sunday. I stood up, and went to my closet. After grabbing some clothes, I headed to take a Shower. I didn't eat Breakfast, so I had plenty of time. Once I was done, I brushed my teeth and combed my wet hair. Dressed, I walked out in the Hall. I walked into the Kitchen, and looked at the clock. 8:12. What am I going to do today? I could always hang with Josh. Or with Lily. Wow, I just realized why people Laugh when they say our names together. Both Flowers, Huh. Lily is one of my other Friends. She has Dark Black Hair and Dazzling Red Eyes. I loved the unusual color. Too Bad, Josh didn't get along with her. Maybe I could try , getting them to be Nice to Each other for a day. Worth a Shot, I decided.

Chapter 2

I told Mom and Dad I was Heading out. I grabbed my Cell, My Wallet, and put them in my Purse. I texted Lily and Josh and told them that I would be over in a few, and to play nice with each other. They agreed, but I had fear that this wouldn't end well. Lily's House was closer, so I walked there first. I walked up the steps and rung the door-bell."What are we doing?" Lily asked."No Idea, thought you or Josh would think of some-thing." I told her."Well, you thought right." She said."What are we going to do, then?"I asked, hopefully."Well, I was thinking maybe we could go to the Park." Said Lily."Sure. Lets see what Josh thinks." I said to Lily. We walked back down the steps, and headed to Josh's House. Before we got there I said"Play Nice, I am Serious."."Fine with me, but if he starts something I am Ending it." She said to me."As long as 'Ending It' doesn't mean ending his Life." I corrected her.She Frowned."Fine." She Agreed. We arrived at Josh's, shortly after that, Disturbing Discussion. He was waiting outside the door, with his hands in the pockets of his Baggy-Jeans."Hey, what are we doin'." he said, Looking at me and Lily."Wanna go to the Park?" I asked."Cool, with me." he said jumping of his Porch. I knew it was best not to hold hands with Josh in front of Lily, she would definitly get the wrong idea and not understand. Even some-times I dont understand why he makes me feel so..... Safe. Josh knew why I didn't reach for his hand, so he didn't try to grab it. We walked to the Park in Silence, except for the Little Small talk I said, trying to make conversation. Since Josh and Lily never hung out, they didn't know what to talk about.Once we were there, I ran to a tree and sat down under it. Then, I patted both sides of the ground next to me. Josh and Lily walked over, and sat on either side of me."So......"Josh started to say."What are we going to do now?" I finished for him."There isn't really much here to do. Maybe we could play a game.Or maybe we should go some where else?"Lily said to Josh and me."Sure, but where?"Josh asked."There are lots of places to go, and things to do." I said."How about we go to the movies, or go bowling, or get ice-cream, or..... anything?"I said to them."Or we could go to all those places?"Lily suggested.We all laughed at that."Hey, maybe that could work.Let's go on a Movie, Bowling, Ice-Cream Adventure!" Lily said."That could be fun." I said."Fine with me, but lets go Bowling first." Josh said."Ok, then. Lets head to the Bowling Alley." I said. Lily jumped up, and held her hand out to me. I grabbed it and pulled myself up. Josh stood up, then we started walking towards the Bowling Alley."If I would have known that we were going to be walking so much, I would have brought my Bike." Lily said. "Me too." said Josh. Lily opened up the door, and motioned us in. We got our shoes, and went to our lane. Once we had on our shoes, we picked out Bowling Balls.We played some, and made Small-Talk. When we were done returning our shoes, we walked out."Well, that was.........Fun." Lily said."Lets go to the movies.Bowling made me tired. What movie are we gonna see?" I asked."Whatever is there, I guess." Josh said. "'K, Lets Go! Wanna Race?" said Lily."Sure." I said."Oh, your on!" said Josh."On the mark or three." I said, standing in front of them."One...Two...THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said, right when Lily and Josh went Barreling down the side walk. I started Laughing."I guess I Lose." I called. Josh laughed. I ran up to them. Josh beat Lily. Lily stuck her tongue out at Josh."He won fair and square." I said."Are you like 4 years old or some thing?" Josh added. We laughed, Then walked into the movie theater. After getting tickets to: Hayley's Day, they got popcorn and candy. They got seats, in the very front row. After the Movie, they threw there trash away."Ok, I am so not eating Ice-Cream, I am too Full!" said Lily."Me too! Why did we get so much Popcorn and Candy?" I asked."Because then, you were hungry. Now your not, case closed." said Josh. We all started Laughing."Well, where are we going then? Since were not getting Ice-Cream." said Lily."I have no idea." I said."Lets go back to my house." said Lily."Will your parents want me there?" asked Josh."They don't care." Lily told him."Lets go." I said. We walked to Lily's House, talking little on the way.Once we were there, Lily pulled out her key. She un-locked the door quickly, then pulled me inside. Josh stayed on the porch.I pulled away from Lily."Whats wrong?" I said, running back to Josh."Nothing." He said, stepping inside. What was with him? Oh, well. I caught up to Lily, who was heading to her room."What are we gonna do?" I asked Lily. Lily unlocked her door, not answering my question.Josh came up behind me."Is that your room?......I am not going in there." he said."Don't be a big baby." Lily said, as she walked inside. I stepped inside, and sat on her bed. I had been here many times before but, some thing always seems different each time.Lily sat next to me, and smiled.Josh frowned."Your parents are going to kill me if they find me in here." he said."Oh, well.What a nice sight that would be." she said, the last part more to her self."You coming or not, your not doing anything wrong." I said."I am doing some thing wrong by just being in this house." he muttered, under his breath.I got up, and grabbed his wrist."Come on, its not like your making out with Lily!" I said. I pulled him into the room.I sighed. Lily laughed.Josh sat on the floor. I rolled my eyes, looking at him."Now, what are we going to do." I asked Lily. She smiled, looking at Josh."Well, I think Josh knows." she said. giggling afterwards. I looked confused, but on the inside I knew some thing was up. Were they secretly dating? Did they no totally and utterly hate each other?"W-what is she t-talking about?" I stuttered, looking from Josh to Lily. Josh was watching Lily, looking like he was going to try to kill her.Whats happening?Did some thing already happen?"Whats going on?" I asked, still looking back and forth between them.Josh looked at me and frowned.Then he went back to glaring at Lily.I am so confused.Josh started shaking his head, causing little strands of black hair to fall in his face.He stood up and walked over to me."We are Leaving, Now."He reached down and grabbed my arm, pulling me up."But-" I started to say."Now." Josh said, pushing me out of Lily's room.Lily started laughing."Your scared, you silly little d-" Lily started to say, but Josh cut her off by slamming the door behind us. He pushed me down the stairs silently.I was too shocked and confused to speak, not even a single word.At the bottom of the stairs, he pushed me out the door.Slamming the door, he looked at me. I realized that I didn't even protest leaving, I trust Josh too much.He started shaking his head again, causing the same thing to happen which happened before.I tilt my head, a little."What was tha-?" I begin to ask, before he cuts me off.AGAIN.Okay I am really getting sick of that."First we are getting out of here." he says to me.I realize that even if I tried to protest, I wouldnt win.I let him lead me back to the park, to our bench.I am not entirely sure what to ask or say first.But before I can even decide, Josh says some thing first."I want you to stay away from Lily.She's dangerous." he says, in a serious voice.How is Lily dangerous?What just happened?These are some questions I'm not sure will be answered, but that will be asked anyway.I sit down.Some things begin to click into place.Lily hating Josh.Lilys eyes, and family.The Moon."What is this?Lily is my friend how could she hurt me?"I ask."Screw it." he says, pulling me up.AGAIN.Wow.Either Josh is taking a chill pill, or I will shove one down his throat."Now where are we going?"I asked, still way too confused."My house.Addison we need to talk." he said.Woooow, he used my REAL name.This must be serious.I let him lead me back to his house still tugging my arm.What is all this about?Why are we going to his house?Why arent I asking him all my questions?Maybe because I know they might not be answered, you get used to that when hanging out with Josh for a while.Once we got there, we quickly went up the porch steps.The he reached under his doormat and grabbed the key.After unlocking the door he pushed me inside.He lead me to his kitchen table.Wait, is he shaking his head again?Why?Whats he thinking?Josh sighed."Sit down." he said, sitting down himself.I did as I was told."I want you to listen to what I say.And ,please dont interupt me." he said."I wont." I say, promising a promise Im not sure I should keep, but will anyway.He sighed again, longer this time."Lily is your friend.And I cant be sure if she will hurt you or not.I think maybe if she wanted to, she would have already.But I want you to stay away from her.Lily......she isnt .... normal." he says, stopping to let that sink in."What isnt normal about Lily?"I ask."Have..have you ever noticed things she does differently?Like how she never....changes?Or how she and her family dissapear every so often?" he asked.Now that I think about it I do notice those things.How she never changes.How she dissapears."W-Whats going on?"I ask, still unsure of what the answer will be."Remember how I would stay with you on full moons?And how some times I miss them?Guess, just Guess whats going on."What is this?Something from Twilight?Is this some joke?" I say to Josh."This is no joke Addison.Twilight?You wish.They are every where.People like Lily and her family.There vampires, Addison.And they are nothing like the the retarded ones from Twilight." he says, sounding a little angry and annoyed."Im sure." I say, being sarcastic.He did sound really serious, but still vampires?"I cant believe, that you dont believe me.Well, as far as I know there is no reason not to believe me." Josh said, guessing what I was thinking easily.I sighed."No, I dont have a reason not to believe you." I said, still not saying if I believe him or not."Think hard, Addison.About the people around us.About Lily and her family.And about me and my family." he says.Okay, so what? I guess I do notice some people doing things differently, but Ive gotten so used to them I dont even notice anymore.And Lily and her family are wierd.Why am I supposed to think about him?What so wierd about him?Besides the fact that he is almost ready to kill some one every time, they make him mad.At that moment in my life a few things snapped together in my brain."No,No.Noooooooooooo." I say.Josh starts nodding."Have you figured it out, yet?" he asks."Your a smart girl Addison.You should know, exactly whats going on." he says."I-I think I do." I say, studduring at the beginning.Josh lifts his head a little higher."So, you realize what Lily is.What I am.What can happen." they werent questions, they were statements."You cant be." I say, in a soft whisper."But I am." he says."But I was with you on the-" I start to say but he cuts me off."I know.Your my best friend, Addison.And you calm my emotions.Thats what makes me change.On the full moon, it brings out the anger inside of me.If I calm my mood, I wont change." he says, answering my question.

Chapter 3

I looked away.I did know what this ment, but why does this have to happen to me?I was almost normal before, but now........"Your a werewolf." I say.He nods his head slowly, letting it sink in."W-what was Lily talking about when she said"I think Josh knows," and all?" I asked."She was talking about drinking your blood.She knew I hadnt told you yet and I was worried she would actually do something." he said."Oh." was all I could manage to say."Im guessing you have a lot of questions.Well, some things shouldnt be answered.I will tell you a few things you should know later." Josh said.We sat there in silence, for what seemed to be an eternity."Friendship," I said, not knowing why I spoke these words.",is like pain.Explaining it is impossible." I finished, suprised by the words that had just left my mouth.Josh stared at me, probably wondering if I would continue."Why did you say that?" he asked."Im not entirely sure myself." I responded, staring off into space.Which is a thing I dont usually do.Josh left me be, and waited for me to say something more, in silence.I turned my head away from Josh, and looked out his kitchen window.What are we going to do next?Do what we usually do and pretend nothing is going on?We cant do that.Not entirely.I stood up and turned away from my best friend.Josh got up, and walked over beside me.Josh put his hand on my shoulder.I still didnt look at him.Unexpectedly I turned and buried my face in his chest, and started sobbing.Josh didnt push me away, he just let me cry while saying"Ill never let anything happen to you." And for an unexplained reason I believed him.I must be crazy.No, I must be dreaming.This is all wrong.Maybe its not wrong.Maybe its right, and just is different than what im used to.I dont know.My head hurts.I pushed away from him and wiped my tears away.I wish this wasnt real.That I wasnt real."She didnt go after us when we left.Why?"I asked."Im not sure." he said.Oh, great.The one person I can count on for answers, doesnt have one.Ugh,life sucks.Especially when you just find out your world has been infested with vampires and such, without even knowing it.I went to his door and stopped."Its your turn to follow me." I said.I heard Josh's footsteps behind me.I opened the door and we both walked out.Josh shut the door behind us.I kept walking, unsure if he was following me or not.I walked all the way to the park, never looking back.I went to me and Josh's bench.I sat down."Im not going to try to make sense of all this,"I began, mostly to myself."You dont need to."Josh said.I was silent.Josh sat down next to me.I looked out across the park.I saw a little boy and girl playing together.I smiled.They reminded me of me and Josh.Seeing me smiling Josh turned and saw what made me smile so brightly.He smiled too, understanding."Is it possible to just go on with life normally after this?"I asked Josh, turning to look at him."I would hope so."he said to me."Lets try." he added after a few seconds.I smiled.I liked that idea."Im going to stay away from Lily."I said.Josh nodded."Good." he said."Im ready to forget all of this and move on with my life."I said."Im not going to try to figure this out."I added."Be careful." was all Josh said."Rose," Josh began, unsure of what to say next.I held my hand up to stop him."Forgotten.Lets go get some ice cream."I said, smiling.He smiled back at me."Sure." he said.We walked to the other side of the park where the ice cream cart was.Making little jokes and small talk about random things, like we usually did.I got a Strawberry and Chocolate mix with a scoop of chocolate on the bottom and a scoop of strawberry on top.Josh got 2 scoops of chocolate.We laughed a little and walked back to the bench we always sat at.Still giggling I licked my ice cream.Josh was already half done with his."Im glad we did this."he said."Did what?"I asked."Pretended there was nothing wrong."he said."I have no idea what your talking about."I said smiling, and giggling.When we were done with our ice cream, we sat and talked for a while about usual things we talk about:School starting in a few months, blah,blah,blah.We were done talking about our little enigma.For now.I wish I knew what time it was.The sky was darkening from yellowand blue to orange and gray."We better head back."I said at last."Yeah, its getting late."he said.We stood up, and started walking back to his house.We arrived there in only but 12 minutes.We came in silently and sat down on his living room couch.He flicked the tv on and started channel surfing.One of Josh's brothers came down from the second floor.His name is Derrick.He is 2 years older than Josh and me and loves to mess with us.....even when sometimes its NOT funny anymore."Hey bro, and er bro's GF." Derrick said."She is definitly NOT my girlfriend, gaywad."Josh replied, sharply."Oh?Then why do you always hang with her?"Derrick asked."'cause she's my friend."Josh said."Yeah, right."Derrick said, walking away so he wouldnt get a reply."God, hes so annoying."Josh said."I wish he would just lay off.One of these days some one 'aint gonna like the way he is talking to him, and Derricks gonna come home crying with a broken face."I said."I wish."Josh said.I wonder what time it is."Hey, im gonna go see what time it is."I said to Josh."K, just watch out for Derrick."He said."I will."I said, getting up.I went into the kitchen.I looked at the clock, 5:00.Wow, this has been a long day.Im just glad its coming to an end.I turn around to go back to the living room, when I see Derrick standing right in front of me.

Chapter 4

Damn.This cant be good.Better get the mocking over with."What do you want?"I ask him."You know, dont you?" He asks, with no trace of mocking in his voice.For a moment I didnt know what he was talking about.Then I realized he was talking about..........Well, it is forgotten, he will not mess it up.Josh must of heard what his brother had said and came into the room."Yeah, she does.Leave her alone."Josh said."Why would you tell her?"Derrick asks."You've done a pretty good job of staying away from her when you change.Or stay with her before you change so you dont.But dont think that its okay to change in front of her just because she knows.You could kill her and I have a feeling, you dont want to do that."Derrick said."Of course.I mean, I would never change in front of her.I know the dangers."Josh said.Derrick was looking at me."Even if you didnt hurt her.She would see exactly how we are, what we are like."Derrick said, looking at Josh."It wouldnt happen."Josh said fiercely."Lets go."Josh said to me.He grabbed my arm and was about to pull me out the door, when Derrick grabbed my shoulder to hold me back."Stay."was all Derrick said.The gentle tone he had used made Josh pause."Why?" Josh asked."She needs to stay."Derrick said.I was completley and utterly confused.Why did I have to stay?Was I going to stay?Would Josh take me away?Something in Derricks words made me want to stay, but also want to go.But im not sure whether or not to go or to stay.I broke out of both of their grips."Why should I stay?"I asked Derrick."You dont.We are leaving NOW."Josh said, pushing me through the house and out the door.Before I could say anything, I am already outside and heading towards my house.Josh pushes me the whole way there silently.Once he get me to my door step, he takes of running."Bye!"I shouted."Ugh."I say, sighing.I knock on the door, realizing I left my purse at Josh's."Who is it?"my mom asks."Just me.I left my purse at Josh's."I say.My mom opened the door and let me in."You were gone a while.Have fun?"my mom asks."Yeah."I say.I walk back to my room, grab my room key out of my jeans,(where I always keep it.) and unlocked the door.I went inside, and locked the door behind me.I really didnt want to think about everything that happened today.Instead I went over to my bookshelf.I grabbed the current book I was reading:The Historian.I sat on my bed and began to read where I left off.Maybe 15 or 20 minutes later, I sat up.Standing, I put my book back on the shelf.I looked at my clock.It was 5:45.I walked over to my window, and opened the blinds.Then shut them.I walked over to my closet.I was feeling restless.I was unsure of what to do next. Feeling out of place in my house, I wanted to see Josh and talk to him. We can do this. Well, he has been his whole life. But, I can. I will. I have to. Its not a big deal. Who am I kidding? My best friend is a werewolf! My friends.......... vampires?Werewolves?And.... what else? I wont worry about it. Not now, not ever. The only alternative is to live in fear.Now that I think about it, I wonder why I havent noticed it before.Oh, well.Now it is 5:57. I am not hungry at all.I walk back over to my bed and lie down.I turn over on my side and stare at my window.I decide to listen to some music.I grad my CD player.I put on my nickelback CD.The song "Savin' me" comes on, and quickly reminds me of Josh.I wonder when the next full moon will be so I will be able to go to the park with Josh.I listen to a few more songs, then sigh.Some things even nickelback cant heal.I turned of my CD player, and put it away."Dinners ready!"I hear my mom shout.I walked out of my room."Coming!"I shouted back.

Chapter 5

After dinner, I headed back to my room.By now, it was 7:12.I sat on my bed.I looked around my room.After a while I walked to my window.Looking out, I saw it was raining.Im not sure how long I sat there staring out at the cresent moon, burning so bright in the soft sentimental rain.I saw movement to the left of where I was sitting.I looked harder, through the rain.I thought I saw something move again.I quickly closed my blinds, making sure my window was locked.What was that?Im probably just imagining it.But, how could I imagine that?I went to my bed, and away from the window.Fear ran through me.Could it be one of them?A vampire?Or possibly even a, werewolf?No, it couldnt be.Could it?I tried to dismiss the thought, with no avail.Thousands of thoughts and ideas ran through my mind at that moment.I am going to drive myself crazy.It was probably just a cat.Yeah, thats what it was.Just a cat.Who am I kidding, if I cant even trick myself into believing it?Ugh, what to do, what to do.Hide.I need to hide.No, they will find me.Josh.I need him here, to get rid of whatever is out there.I was about to go find my purse when I remembered I had left it at Joshs.Great, just great.It had my cell in it.I walked out of my room, and went to the living room where my mom and dad were."Hey,Rose.Wanna watch a movie with us?"My dad said."What movie?"I asked, a little nervous."Twilight."My mom answered.Okay, is it only me or are vampires and werewolves showing up everywhere?"Sure."I said, taking a seat next to my mom on the couch.I was nervous all through the movie, glancing this way and that.When it was over it was 9:47."Night mom, Night dad."I said."Goodnight."My mom said."Night."My dad said.I walked back to my room.I slowly opened my door, afraid of what might be behind it.When I opened it, and saw nothing I not only sighed in relief, but decided I was being paranoid.I shut and locked my door, then went to my bed. I fell asleep in a matter of minutes, completely exhosted from the days events.I felt someone shaking my shoulder.I quickly jumped up."What is going on!?!?"I asked."Addison, I think some one is watching you.Stalking you.Maybe even tracking you.I saw some one come from your house's direction last night.I also saw them behind your house and by your window.I stayed behind a little after I dropped you off."Josh said quickly."How did you get in here?"I said, completeley ignoring what he had just said."Your mom let me in."Josh said."Did you here what I just said?"he asked."Yeah, what are we gonna do about it?"I asked."I am going to stay near your house tonight, and see if the person comes back.If they do, I will go from there."Josh said."Okay."I said."I thought I saw someone last night, but I also thought it could have been a cat."I said."I think it may be a vampire.I saw lots of quick movements."he said."Well, I guess we arent doing a very good job at pretending."I said, smiling.Josh smiled."Guess we arent.Lets start over."He said."What time is it?"I asked."Like 12."Josh said."Why did I sleep so long?"I said, getting out of bed."Your alarm wasnt on.Lets go to the park."Josh said.I went over to my window, it was raining."No, thanks."I said."Im gonna get dressed and we can watch a movie, indoors."I said."Okay, see you."Josh said. exiting the room.I went to my closet and put on some fresh clothes.Then I walked out to the living room.I saw Josh sitting on the couch.I flopped down beside him."What movie do you wanna watch?"I asked."How about Panic Room?"He said."Sure." I said, going over and puttig the movie in the player."Ill make popcorn."I said, making sure the dvd had started playing.I went into the kitchen and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave.I grabbed 2 bowls and the salt.After it was done, I divided it and threw salt on mine.I grabbed the bowls and the salt and went to the living room.I handed Josh his bowl and the salt."Th-an-ks."Josh said, inbetween mouthfuls of salty popcorn.I sat, and began to eat my popcorn.The movie ended almost as quickly as it had begun.By now it was 2:14."Where is your mom?"Josh asked."Probably in her room.She was off today."I answer.We take our popcorn bowls and put them in the kitchen."Im thirsty!What about you?"I say."Oh yeah, salty popcorn equals soda!"Josh says as I had him a Diet Dr.Pepper."What do you wanna do now?"I ask."We could go to the pool."Josh says, with a shrug."Sure.Let me grab my suit."I say."Ill be back, Im gonna run home and get mine."Josh says, opening the door."See you."I say."Be right back."he says, closing the door.I walk into my room,and go to my closet.I grab my beach bag and stuff my suit in it.Then I take it out, deciding it would be better to have it on under my clothes.It would save alot of time too.I change into in, then put my clothes back on over it.I walk to the batheroom and grab sunscreen and my beach towel.Almost done.So lets see I have my suit on, my bag, towel, sunscreen.I still need my cell, my wallet,and my sunglasses. Then I will tell my mom where I am going.I quickly grab all those things, remembering to get my keys too.I walked to my moms room and knocked on the door."Mom?"I say."Yeah?"my mom says, opening the door."I am going to the pool with Josh."I say."Okay, see you later.If Im not here when you get back I might be at the store."she says."Okay, bye."I say, waving my hand as I walk out my front door.Josh was waiting on my porch."You ready?"he asked."Yep,you?"I said."Yeah."he said, as I walked down to him.We started our 5 minute walk to the pool.It was a big community pool, but with little community memebers that actually used it.We were regular customers there.We arrived soon after we had begun walking.We paid, and walked in.We sat down by the pool chairs and began to take off our clothes down to our suits.Josh had the same idea as me, wearing the suit under his clothes.I walked to the edge of the pool.I jumped in.

Chapter 6

As I was underwater, I heard a splash from above as Josh jumped in.I came up, Josh coming up shortly after me."I love swimming."I said."Me too."Josh says, treading around in the water.We swam around in the water, laughing and splashing.When Josh was turned around, I saw him turn tense.I looked to where his eyes lead.Elliot, Jamie, and Megan.Elliot was a tall, strongly built guy with light brown hair falling in his face and peircing black eyes.Jamie identical to Elliot, was slightly shorter and much stronger.Megan a tall , slender blonde with violet eyes.They walked towards us.I had seen these people at school, only once ever trying to interact with Megan and Jamie in a school project.Although to no avail.I saw Josh try to relax, without succeding."Oh, hey Josh.Rose."Megan said."Hey."Elliot said.Jamie looked at us, probably trying to figure out why Elliot and Megan would be talking to us.Same as me."Hey."I said, after a moment of hesitation.I could tell they noticed my hesitation, by the way they smiled back at us.Josh was silent.They walked on, to the chairs.After undressing, the jumped gracefully into the pool.Right next to us.Josh was watching them, and by the way he looked I could tell something wasnt right.Megan swam over to me."Hey, Rose."she said, with a smile.I felt weak and scared.I held my ground, thinking of anything she could possibly be.By everything I have been told it points to one thing and one thing only.Vampire.I couldnt flee.It would show weakness.Instead, without hesitation I spoke."Hey, Megan.What brings you here today?"I ask causually, as if she wasnt someone who could kill me.Right now."Oh,Just wanted to hang out.Get some fresh air."She says, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly."Yeah, me too.Got bored of the usual stuff."I said, struggling to keep a smile on my face.I looked to Josh for help, but he had already moved beside me."So, we were wondering if you would like to hang out with us for a few hours.Maybe head back to my place, watch some movies."Megan said.Both she and Josh looked at me eagerly for the answer."I'd love too."I said, feeling a bit more safe."Great."She said, smiling hugely.She tugged on my hand and ushered me over to her and her friends.Why would she ask me to hang out with them?I dont think they would hurt me.Would they?No, Josh would have said I had other plans if he thought they would.I glanced back at him, he was leaving.I watched him grab his stuff and walk out the entrance.I didnt feel sorry I had ditched him.I always hang out with him."Hey, Rose."Elliot said.Jamie glanced at me."Hey."He said."Hi."I said.After going through small rounds of small talk I finally decided to ask the question that had been bugging me."Why did you want me to come over?"I asked.They looked a little suprised."Well, we have really never had the chance too.And really would like too."Said Megan."Yeah.You always seem so busy at school.Besides it must get boring just hanging out with Lily and Josh."Elliot says."We see you hand out with other people too.But mostly them.Its nice to have a change.Isnt it."Jamie says."Definitly."I say smiling.I know they wont hurt me.If they wanted too, they would have already.Thats probably what Josh was thinking."Be right back.Gotta tell my mom Ill be home later then I expected."I said, getting out of the pool.I go over to my bag and pulled out my cell.I texted my mom, then after placing in back in my bag, I jumped back into the pool."So, Rose."Megan said."Yeah?"I say."How have you been?Has anything unusual come up lately?"she asked.The question brought me up short.Does she know, that I know?What is she going to do?Are one the people right in front of me, the person that was outside my window?"No, anything different with you?"I say.Megan dropped her smile slightly."No.Everything is exactly the same."she says, answering to counter question.After swimming and chit chatting for about an hour or so, we got out.I went to my stuff and dried off.I sat on the chair.Grabbing my bag, I pulled out my cell.It read:ONE NEW MESSAGE.I clicked on the READ button.BE HOME FOR DINNER, it read.I texted my mom back OK.Then slipped my phone, back into my bag.I finished drying off and started putting my clothes back on.After I was finished I realized that Megan, Elliot, and Jamie were waiting for me.I grabbed my stuff, and hurried over to the entrance."To my house."Megan says."We live about 7 minutes away from here."Megan says.She strolls over to a Jet Black car and gets in the driver side.Jamie and Elliot follow after.I hurrie towards them.Elliot and Jamie take the back seat, that leaves me with the front."Hop in."Megan says.I jump in, and we start speeding off down the road.In a matter of minutes we are her house.I have never been here before, and I start wondering why I ever came.I wish Josh was here.Or Lily, but Im supposed to be staying away from her.Ugh.Should I even trust these 3?Why would I?I am beginning to have second thoughts on coming with them.If there even is anything supernatrual going on with these 3, now they have me in there clutches, unable to leave.I follow them inside, trying to show no fear.I am just overthinking things.They wont hurt me.Josh wouldnt let them.Or would he?No.Well?Ugh.I have to stop over reacting.We entering straight into the living room, which was big with lots of furniture."This is the place."Megan says to me.
"Cool."I say."Come on, sit down."Jamie says gesturing to the couch."Yeah, sit down."Megan says, taking a seat of her own and patting the space beside it.I walk over, and sit."Do you wanna watch a movie?"Megan asks."Sure."I say.She leaned in closer to me."Sorry, no love stories.It just causes the 2 idiots to talk all through the movie."she whispered.I laughed."I heard that."Elliot said."Well, you do."Jamie says."Oh, like you dont too."Megan says, still giggling.We laughed.These are just regular teenagers.Nothing to be afraid of.Besides, im supposed to be forgetting the recent scenario and move on.But it might be impossible.No, I can do it.But I know one thing, if these 3 are un-human he is watching me, no matter how safe they are.Megan stood up, and walked to the movie rack in her living room."Okay, we have:Twilight,New moon,Eclipse,Breaking Dawn,Vampires suck,I Am Sam, Simon Birch,ZombieLand,and lots more."Megan says."Lets watch ZombieLand."Elliot says."Is that okay with you?"Megan asked me."Yeah."I say.Megan makes popcorn and we watch the movie.Laughing, and laughing.After the movie is over I realize its 3 o'clock in the afternoon."I gotta go,thanks for having me over."I say standing up."No prob.Bye."Megan says.I leave out the door with a wave of my hand.I arrive back at my house in no time, where I find Josh waiting for me."Oh, hey."I say to him."Have fun?"he asked, not even making eye contact with me."Yeah."I say, throwing my stuff on the couch."What did you do?"I asked."I found out who was watching you and why."He said.I had almost forgot about that."Does this person have a name?"I ask, impatiently."His name is Jackson.I was right, definitly vampire.He means no harm."Josh said.A guy vampire?Why would he be watching me if he meant no harm?"So, why was he watching me?"I asked."He was wondering why a human would hang out with a werewolf."Josh said."Oh.But....still.That doesnt seem like a good reason to be WATCHING me."I say.This makes no sense.Whoever this Jackson guy is, I wanna know what he was up to.And im pretty sure Josh knows.But hes not telling me."Well, ditching your best friend because the populars asked you to hang out, isnt a very good reason either."He says."Im sorry, but I spend everyday with you.And if you remember I didnt ditch you.You left."I say."Thats not how I remember it."He says."Well, thats how it happened."I say.I walk up the stairs to my room, and shut the door behind me.Screw Josh.He could have stayed if he wanted to.Almost as quickly as I had arrived in my room, I heard Josh pounding up the stairs.He began knocking on my door.I checked to see if my door was locked.It was.I sat down on my bed."Go home Josh!"I shout through the door."Not until you let me in."He says.Why should I?I looked to my window.Without thinking it through,I jumped out.It was only a few feet from the ground.Right before I hit ground, something came as fast as lightning and scooped me up.I looked up, only to find a pair or violet eyes staring back at me.Within seconds, I was screaming my head off."JOSH!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!"I screamed.I struggled, away from the man with violet eyes.He held me still.I continued to scream.Josh knocked down my door, and came to the window.I think I saw him smiling.Was he crazy?"Rose.Rose, calm down."he said in a calm voice.I fought back the urge to scream again.So, instead I bite my lip."This-"he began gesturing to the man holding me-"is Jackson."Josh said.I stared at Josh confused."The guy who was watching you."he said.Jackson set me down.I whirled on him."Why were you watching me?!"I half screamed at him.I was....angry and confused.Ugh, I needed to lie down.The past days events have really taken a toll on me.Jackson stayed silent."And more importantly why did you grab me when I jumped out the window?!"I scream-asked.Josh jumped out the window landing softly next to me."He just arrived here from California.He saw you talking to me and figured you were either an angry werewolf or a pretty peaceful vampire.The night he watched you, he found out you were niether because he whispered greeting through your window.And if you had been either of those two things, you would have heard him."Josh said explaining.I blinked at him.i turned to Jackson."What he says is true.I picked you up, because I was in the woods and I thought you were falling."He said."And the you started screaming your head off, but I didnt realize that I was the only danger."he said.I nodded."So, vampire?"I asked, Jackson."Yep."He said.I realized he had a slight british accent.Under other circumstances, I would have thought him to be cute, maybe even hot.He twisted his mouth into a smile, when he realized I was staring.I turned back towards Josh."Im still mad at you."I said."I figured as much."he replied.I turned back to Jackson."And just to annoy you.Im going to do what you accused me of doing."I said."And what would that be?"he asked.I walked to my window , and grabbed my purse though the slot."Ditching you."I said, not looking at him.I walked over to Jackson and grabbed his wrist."Come on."I said.Im pretty sure Joshs mouth was hanging open, but I didnt look back to see.I smiled to myself.Once we go to the road,I realized Jackson was watching me."So, where exactly are we going?"he asked me."To a friend of mines, house."I said."And what are we going to do once we get there?"he asked."Anything."I say.In my pusre, I pulled out my cell.Megan had given me her number.I texted her:CAN I COME OVER?.I realized i was still holding Jacksons wrist.I let go.I could see him smiling.A few seconded later I got a text back:SURE,ELLIOT AND JAMIE ARE STILL HERE.I replied:CAN I BRING A NEW FRIEND I MET?.I waited for a respond.I started walking to Megans house.Jackson followed.I got a reply:SURE.I walked on, and we arrived quickly.Megan answered the door on the first knock.She looked behind me to see who my"friend"was."Hey."she said to us, opening the door wider so we could go through.I walked in, followed by Jackson."Everyone this is Jackson."I said gesturing to him."Jackson, this is Megan,Elliot and Jamie."I said pointing at each one as I said there name."Hey."Elliot said."Hi."Megan said.Jamie remained silent."Hello."Jackson said."Well sit, sit."Megan said.We walked to where there were empty seats on the couch, and sat down.I for one, was getting tired of these rapid....changes,disturbances,and weird british guys.Oh, well.I wonder what Josh is thinking right now.Wait, I shouldnt care.Megan smiled and sat at down on the couch in front of us.Jackson looked at me."Okay, now that you've kidnapped me, what are we doing?"Jackson asked.Megan and Elliot laughed, Jamie remained silent."I wasnt the one that watched me through my window."I said.He only smiled."Wow, dude.You were watching her?"Elliot asked.Jackson shrugged."Misunderstanding."he said.I realized that nothing was going on in the room.No tv, no nothing."Are we interupting?"Jackson asked, before I could.Megan looked at Elliot."No, we were just talking."Megan said, still smiling brightly.Jackson seemed to just notice Jamie.He was still being silent, not even looking up, just down at his hand that were folded neatly in his lap."What should we do?"Megan asked.

Chapter 7

"Well, im not sure what you all are going to do, but I need to go."Jackson said, standing.Megan looked at me.I shrugged."Oh, come on.You were watching her, and you cant stay a few more minutes?"Megan asked."Nope."jackson said, going to the door."But Rose, if you were smart you would come with me."Jackson said.Megan frowned.Elliot and Jamie were being quiet."Maybe im not smart."I say.Megan smiled."But maybe it was a mistake to come here."I say standing.Im not sure why Jackson wants to leave, but it must be for a good reason."It wasnt a mistake, you should stay."Megan insisted.I walked to the door, by Jackson."No, my mom doesnt even know im here.I need to go."I say.Not only megan, but now Elliot and Jamie were frowning."Bye."I say.And before any of them could respond, me and Jackson were out the door.We started walking in silence."Why did you want me to leave?"I ask."Because im a vampire."Jackson says, as if I should know what thats supposed to mean."And?"I ask."And, those three back there are vampires too.The only difference is they were......hungry.And no matter who or what it is, when a vampire is hungry it gets blood.Megan was trying to keep me there so I could stop them if I needed too.Because it looked like Elliot was biting his tongue, and Jamie couldnt even move.They were so thirsty for blood.You have no idea what its like."Jackson said."Your right.I dont.So they were going to.... eat me?"I ask."Yeah.I suppose you could put it that way."Jackson said, drawing out his accent."Are you ever going to do that?"I ask.Jackson smiled."We'll see."He said."Well, that makes me feel so much better."I say.We get back to the house.Only to find Josh sitting on my bed."Any more mystical creatures stalking me, that I should know about?"I ask.Josh looked at me."Well thats nice.If you havent notices, im right here."Jackson said."None."Josh said.After a moment he added"For now." Jackson looked at me.Josh stood up."Hey, can you kill a few hours?I wanna show you some things.'Jackson asked, all of a sudden.I looked at Josh."Sure."I say."Lets go."We walk out of the room, with Josh trailing behind us."Ill be back in a few hours mom.I have my cell."I call to my mom."Okay."She called back.We are almost at the door, when Jackson turns to Josh."Alone, please."He says.Josh steps back."Go ahead.Im gonna go home."Josh said.Me and Jackson walk out the door."Why do we have to go there alone?"I ask."Youll see."Jackson says.I bite my lip.Is he gonna show me like the coffin he sleeps in or something?I hope not."And lets not walk this time."Jackson says. He leads me into a cleared area, that isnt visible from the road.Lying there is a jet black mustang.Okay, maybe this guy isnt that bad."Thats your car?"I ask."Yep.Why, disappointed?"He asks."No.Its just, I dont know anyone who has a car like that."I say.All of a sudden Jackson turns around in a few quick circles, with his teeth bared, his voice comes a low growl."Get behind me.They are coming." I dont think about it, not even for a second.I run behind him.Who was coming?My breathing increased.My heartbeat quickened.Jackson was looking around rapidly.My eyes went wide.My mouth dropped.Two wolves-or what sord of look like wolves- jumped from the trees.I took a sharp breath.They were both black.Huge.I knew straight away they were not regular wolves.They slowly crawled low to the ground, near us.Jackson was snarling and growling.The wolves started growling, and baring their teeth.One of the wolves jumped.It landed just at Jacksons feet.I was too terrified to speak.Jackson got in the wolf's face.My breath came quick and fast.I couldnt believe what I just saw.Two razor sharp, white teeth, peeked out from under Jacksons snarling lip.The wolf stared at Jackson.Waiting......planing.The other wolf made no move.The wolf farthest from us started twisting.Wrangling, contorting, until it finally let out a long howl that sliced through everything.There lying on the ground, gasping with effort, was Josh's brother.Derrick.That must mean the other wolf is Jake.Josh's 2 older brothers.Jackson shut his mouth.The other wolf transformed, and he too was lying on the ground breathing heavy.My mouth had long since been open.Jackson took a deep breath.Derrick and Jake stood."What doyou to think your doing?Dont trust me enought to come in human form?"Jackson asked."We came for the girl.Not for you."Derrick said."Oh, really.And just what makes you think i'll let you take her?"Jackson said.Jake growled, and moved closer.Derrick put his arm on Jakes chest, moving him back."She will be coming back with us.She doesnt need to be here with you.You could hurt her."Jake said."I would never hurt her."Jackson said.I was still frozen.Almost forgetting to breath, I took a breath.Hearing me for the first time, the looked towards me. I moved away from all of them."Addison, wait."Jake said.I looked at him."Whats going on?"I asked desperatly.Everyone exchanged glances.Jake walked to me, leaving Derrick and Jackson."Addison, the war between our species has been going on longer than before you were born.Hundreds, thousands of years we have been at war.We cannot trust them."Jake said to me.I shook my head."Then why was Josh so nice to him?"I ask."Because Josh is a young werewolf.His hate for them is not......fully developed."Derrick said, walking to stand beside Jake.Jackson kept an eye on both of them.I breathed in and out.In and out.Why was this happening?This is probably just a dream."Your coming back with us."Jake said."Oh, yeah?And why should I? Just because you guys say some history lesson, doesnt mean I should come with you."I say."Addison.He can hurt you."Jake said slowly."So can you."I said.Jackson was watching, slowly, quietly.I took a step back.Jake looked at Derrick.Without warning, I turned and ran.They were calling after me, but i didnt listen.I ran and ran.Im not sure if they were following me.I never looked back.I ran on and on.Finally reaching Josh's house, I knocked on the door.Slowly the door opened revealing Josh. He smiled."Hey, you came at the perfect time.My brothers arent here."Josh said, moving to let me inside.Then he noticed my expression and his face darkened."Whats wrong?"he asked."I know your brothers arent home.I just saw them.I was with Jackson.He was going to take me some where.Next thing I know Im behind Jackson and 2 wolves come out from behind the trees.Everyone was fighting.Your brothers wanted me to come with them.And Jackson wouldnt let them take me.So i cut and ran, ran all the was here."I said, talking quickly."This isnt good.Why did you come here? They will expect you to come here and follow you.They will be here any second."Josh said."Do you have any idea why they wanted me to go with them? I mean besides to keep me safe from Jackson."I asked.Josh laughed, while he locked both doors."Jackson wouldn't do anything to you.They just hate vampires so much they only see bad or what they want to see.They are......exaggerating."Josh said.We heard pounding on the door."Hey, Josh.Can you let me in? I dont have my keys."Jake said from behind the door."Okay."Josh called back.I looked to Josh in panic.'Go to my room' he mouthed.I ran silently up the stairs and into Josh's bedroom.I shut and locked the door behind me.With a sigh of relief I turned.I saw Derrick standing right in front of me.I screamed.

Chapter 8

Derrick moved toward me.I was frozen in my place."No need to be scared.Im not trying to hurt you.Im trying to protect you."Derrick said."I dont need protecting.Jackson would never do anything to me."I said.Derrick shook his head, and stared at the floor.His eyes met mine."Your an idiot.Im not letting him hurt you.Your coming with me." Derrick said.I was scared.I stood my ground."No.Im not going anywhere with you."I said.I heard footsteps on the stairs.Thank god, Josh is coming.I was about to sigh when I heard Jakes voice come from behind the door.I looked at Derrick."Wheres Josh?"I asked."Jake took care of him." he said.Derrick walked to the door, shoving past me, and let Jake in.Took care of him?What does that mean?Did they hurt him?Oh,no.I hope they didnt hurt him.What happened to Jackson?Oh, god.I dont know whats wrong with these people.They are acting like they are in some movie where they say they are trying to protect someone, but end up hurting them.I hope im not in one of those now.I realized that Jake and Derrick were standing at the door.The window was open.They were discussing something, and whispering quickly.I could jump......But im 2 stories up.I could get seriously hurt.Wouldnt it be worth it?I need to think quicker.I took a running start towards the open window and jumped out with my arms bracing my face.I fell hard.My knees hit, and I put my hands infront of me to keep me from falling.Jake and Derrick would already be on there way down here.Oh, this was a dumb idea.I could hear yelling from in the house.I heard a loud smash.Next thing I know, Jackson comes out of the house running towards me."Hurry, get up.Those 2 are knocked out, for at least a little while."he said, grabbing my arm to help me up."We need to get out of here now.I'll explain on the way."he said.He started running towards the woods, and I followed.He lead me to his car.We got in.I saw something moving in the back.IT WAS JOSH!"Oh my god!What happened?"I asked."The idiots knocked him out.I found him and stuck him there."Jackson said.He pushed the gas pedal, just as soon as I got my seat belt on.He was going REALLY fast."Where are we going?" I asked."Anywhere, away from them." Jackson said."Jackson....just a little while ago the people back there... they were just Josh's brothers.Now, whats going on?"I asked."Well, these 2 come from a protective pack.It means they want to protect everyone even if they dont need protection.And they are willing to do anything even kidnapping if they set there minds to it."Jackson said."And, thats what theyre doing with me." I said.Jackson nodded."There are different werewolve packs all over the world.Each have different main qualities.They all have mostly the same qualities.But each pack has one quality that stands out from others."Jackson said, I guess trying to explain to me.


Publication Date: 08-12-2011

All Rights Reserved

I Dedicate this Book to: My Family, Including My Beloved Dog GiGi. Also My Friends. Thank-You. I hope you enjoy this book. Oh, and I just want everyone to know that I didnt write this book because of Twilight or anything like that. It may show some resemblance to those stories but is totally different. Thank-You.

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