Sleeping Vampiress

Sleeping Vampiress
Anastasia is a 18 years old vampire who was asleep for 800 years in a cave. One day, a guy named Matt found her. When he woke her up, he was not expecting to go on a wild adventure with her to destroy the person who put her to sleep. During the trip, they start falling for each other. Will they try to figure it out or will they even survive to even try?

vampire, kiss, love
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Deleted User

The book really sonds intresting, is it allready finished?


It's not finished yet

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Deleted User

First I want to remind you that I told you that I love vampires, right?...right, but this time, I was more interested in reading in Matt view....this book is great, it should be made on the TV or in Movie version or something.....nice Job again Samara!

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Deleted User

Simply amazing Samara, breathless.

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Deleted User

You need to update much more!!! c:

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Deleted User

hey whos the girl on the cover!!?? shes really pretty
no homo!! im straight as an arrow!!

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