
Chapter 1- Matt

'Pant''pant' So far I've been hiking for 3 hours. I pulled out my canteen and drank some water as I looked around. I love hiking. I love the fresh air and the smell of nature all around me. I haven't hiked in this area before, so I left marks on trees to lead me back. I pushed my hair out of my face as I looked up. The clouds were gray, so I knew it was going to be pouring down raining soon. I continued to hike up the trail, hoping I could find shelter in time. After I hiked for 15 minutes, the rain starts pouring down. My clothes and hair started getting soaked. I shivered as I looked around. After a few seconds of looking, I finally spot a cave up ahead. I sighed in relief as I ran towards the cave. When I got in the cave, it was pitch black. I took out my lighter and looked around. There were puddles on the ground and I could hear critters crawling on the ground. Then, my light go to a pathway with a dim light coming out of it. 

"Someone else must be in here." I thought to myself as I walked towards the light. The further I walked, the lower the ceiling got. When I got to the end of the pathway, there was a cell-like door there with a chain on it. The door led to a room. I picked up a big rock and hit it against the chain until it broke. I opened the door and walked in. 



Each wall had a lit torch on it, bringing light in it. There was a casket in the middle of the room. Carefully, I walked towards the casket and opened the top, thinking I would find skeletons. To my surprise, I saw the most beautiful girl I ever seen. She look like she was at least my age, 19 or she could be 18 years old. Her pale skin looked soft and smooth, with thick, long lashes lying on her cheeks. She has pink pouty lips and soft, silky fire red hair. She has on a light purple silky dress on that showed the nice curves of her body. The thing that threw me off was that the girl had chains wrapped around her body. Why would someone wrap chains around her? A part of me wanted to unchain the corpse, but another part of me is saying, "hell no" and would leave the room fast. After a few minutes of debating myself, I just decided to unchain the girl. I mean, what harm could be done. She's dead for god's sake. After struggling for awhile, I start feeling shivers going down my spine. It felt like someone was watching me. I backed up a little and looked over my shoulder, but there was no one there. I looked back towards the corpse and jumped. The eyes of the girl who I thought was dead were wide open, blue eyes staring at me. 

"What the hell!"

Chapter 2- Anastasia

There was darkness all around me, and then there was light when I opened up my eyes. Everything was blurry. All I know is that I felt someone leaning on top of me. By the smell of it, it was a man. He has the husky smell of a man. My eyes finally adjusted, so my vision is clear now. The man leaning over me was younger than I expected. He looks real handsome. His chocolate brown eyes were focused on the task he was trying to do. His damp brown hair is falling in front of his face, making him look even more handsomer. He was well built, but not muscular. I watched as his tanned biceps flexed as he continued to try to get his job done. After a few minutes, I see his body tense up as he stepped back. He must have noticed something. He had a nervous expression on his face as he looked behind him. Then, after looking, he turned towards me and looked me straight in the eyes. His expression went from nervous to terrified. Some how it hurt me to see the guy looking terrified at me. I don't know why it does because it never happened before, but it do. The guy's face turned white as a ghost as he backed away from me.

"What the hell!" he said under his breath, even though I heard him perfectly clear. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I tried to move. That is when I just noticed that I am chained up. That is what the guy was struggling with. He was trying to set me free.


The guy just kept standing there, staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable. 

"Are you going to help me out of these chains or what?" The guy just moved back some more as if he just heard a dog talking to him. I tried moving again, trying to sit up, but my body is so weak, I barely had the energy to move. I looked back towards the guy and saw that he was getting closer to the door. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. As you see, I'm chained down. You can help me, though. All you have to do is help an innocent girl get free." The guy stopped moving backwards and stood there for awhile. It looks like he was debating himself. Then, he finally spoke.

"I...I thought you were dead...” He starts stepping closer. 

"Practically, I am." I said under my breath, low enough so the guy couldn't hear me. I looked up to the guy and gave him sweet smile.

"Me too, but as you see, we are wrong. Now, can you help me out?" The guy hesitated at first, then he came towards me. He seemed to have calmed down. I just noticed that the guy is wearing weird looking clothes. It kind of scared me a little bit because now I'm wondering how long I've been asleep. 

"Are you okay?" Now the guy is standing next to the casket. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Can you please help me now?" I said impatiently.

"How? I tried pulling it off, but it is on you pretty tight." I sighed as I tried to figure out how I am going to get out of the chains. That is when an idea popped up in my head. 

"Help me out of this coffin." The guy looked confused at first, but he helped me out of the coffin. Once my feet touched the ground, my legs buckled beneath me and I almost fell, but the guy caught me and leaned me against the casket. That's when I knew I was asleep for too long.

"Do you see a lock somewhere among the chains?" The guy looked around me.


"Good. Do you have a pin?"

"Sorry, I don't." I sighed out of frustration. That is when I thought of something. 

"Wait, hold up. Get the hair pin out of my hair." When the guy did, my long soft curls fell loosely. 

"Pick the lock." The guy followed my orders. The guy struggled to get the job done in 10 minutes, but then the click sound I have been trying to patiently wait for finally came. The chains fell off as soon as the lock came off. 


I start moving around my stiff arms. Finally, I'm free. I looked back up to the guy, who was staring at me.

"Thank you so much." I wanted to say his name, but I forgot I don't even know it. 

"You really save me. What is your name?"


"Matt? What a strange name. My name is Anastasia, but you can call me Ana for short if you want to." I extended my hand out for him to shake, but he didn't extend his.

"Why were you in that casket, since you're not dead."

"It's a long story. I'm hungry."

"I think I still have some trail mix in my bag." He went toward the big thing he call a "bag." 

"Trail mix? What in God's name is that? Never mind." What I want is what Matt has plenty of. But, I know I can't feed off of him because he just helped me get free.

"So, is this a new style they have out now?" Matt look confused when I asked that.

"What do you mean?" "Those clothes. That bag. The "trail mix" you call food." 

"Wait... hold up. What are you talking about?" Now I'm really getting scared.

"What year is this?" 

"2012. Why?" That is when it felt like time has stopped.

"Oh my lord. This can't be right." I start pacing around the room. Matt starts looking nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"When I was put to sleep, it was the year 1212." Matt's face went totally white, in spite of his tan.

"So, you're telling me you were put in this casket in 1212. So that means you were asleep It can't be." "It is. I've been asleep for 800 years." Matt start shaking his head and backing away from me.

"No. How. How can that be true."

"Because..." I looked Matt in his eyes. "I'm a vampire."

Chapter 3- Matt

All I remember is that the room went black. The rest seem like a dream. I remember the beautiful girl with the face of a goddess, the long, fire red hair that now frame her perfect face, and light blue eyes that look soft, yet fierce. But, I also hear the one word that got me shocked. Now I'm hearing the word everywhere: vampire, vampire, vampire

Next thing I hear her beautiful voice that sound like bell chimes. That is when I woke up. I looked up to find Anastasia leaning over me, looking at me.
"Wh-What happened?"
"You fainted." She helped me up from the cold concrete floor. I brushed off my pants. That is when I remembered what Anastasia told me, so I backed away from her.
"You didn't feed off me, did you?"
"Of course not. You helped me out of this casket." A hurt expression showed on her face, making me feel horrible.
"I'm getting out of here. It should have stopped raining again." I grabbed my bag and start leaving the room, but Anastasia grabbed my arm.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going home. I'm tired and this is some crazy stuff." I walked out of the room and start walking through the pathway. I can hear Anastasia's light footsteps behind me.
"You can't just leave me here in this room."
"Just go home." I turned to her.
"Just to remind you, I have been asleep for 800 years. Right now, I don't know what have happened during the years. My home could be gone."
"Well, you can't come with me."
"And why not?"
"Because...I don't even know you."
"I don't know you either, but I'm risking myself. Please, I'm going to need your help."
"For what? I already helped you out of those chains."
"You are the only one that I could trust right now."
"I didn't ask you to trust me."
"Please." She gave me the pity face. I sighed out of defeat.
"What is it you want me to do."
"Well, let's just say we will be going on an adventure."
"Whoa... Adventure to where?" This girl is crazy.
"We are going to find the person who put me in this casket." That is when I burst out laughing.
"You are as insane as I thought."
"I beg your pardon. I am not crazy, so I don't see what is funny."
"Yeah. Okay. Well, it was nice meeting you. Bye." After that, I walked out of the cave.

This girl have lost her mind, thinking that I would go help her find a person who could be dead. I knew I was in to trouble. Next thing I know, Anastasia have caught up to my pace and got in front of me.
"Look, you must have forgotten who I, what I am, I'm trying to calm down so I wouldn't rip out your throat. The best you can do is help me." She look so serious now, her eyes cold as ice.
"Fine." Her face went back to a smile.
"Now, I'm hungry."
"You said that already."
"Well what?"
"Where can I find some food. If you know what I'm talking about." She start sniffing the air like she was some dog.
"You act like I carry a pack of blood on me."
"Is there any animals around here?"
"I don't know. Now let's go."
"Where are we going?" She pushed some of her hair behind her ear.
"First, we are going to get you some clothes." Anastasia looked down at her clothes.
"What's wrong with my dress?"
"This is the 21st century. We do not dress like that anymore." She just kept quiet after that, so I continued.
"Then, I have to meet up with some of my friends, but we'll do that after we go to my place so we can freshen up."
"Okay. Where's your horse?"
"Yes. Your horse. The animal we travel on."
"Wow. You have so much to catch up on." I'm trying to hold back a laugh. This is too good to be true.
"The things we use to travel in this century is called a car." 

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and turned away. She probably felt too embarrassed to look at me.

"How far away is your 'car'"
"About 3 hours from here."
"Ha. I can get us there in less than two minutes."
"Oh yeah. I forgot you vampires have speed."
"Get on my back." She turned her back from me.
"No! I could probably break your back."
"I'm a vampire for Christ sake. I'm stronger than you."
"I'm not going to get on your back."
"Fine." That is when she swiftly, without me knowing, picked me up and ran. It was like a breeze. Next thing I know, we are at my Jeep. Anastasia put me down.
"Told you I will get us there quicker."
"You are crazy!" I said as I tried to steady myself.
"Thank you. Now let's go." I pushed my hair back from my face and got my keys out. I unlocked the door and got in the car, but Anastasia stayed outside. I rolled down my window.
"Get in the car."
"You are suppose to open the door for me."
"Why?...Never mind." I got out of the car and went to the other side to open the door. Anastasia gave me a smile and got in. I shut the door and went to my side and got in. I turned to Anastasia to find her looking around.
"This is nice, yet weird looking." I wanted to say something, but I was too exhausted. After that, I drove off.

Chapter 4- Anastasia

I feel so out of place. So many things have changed over the years. As I stared out of the window, I watched the new world as we passed it. The world I knew now gone. There are so many big buildings. The ground we are now riding on is now black. Matt is right, I have so much to learn.

I looked down at the door. There are so many buttons on here. I pushed one of them and the glass on the door start to disappear. I start to panic. I hope Matt didn't see that. I looked towards Matt to see if he noticed, but he was too busy looking ahead at the road. A gust of wind came into the car, blowing my hair back, and it felt good. I stuck my head out the window, letting the fresh air hit my face. I looked all around, seeing other cars in different colors and sizes.

"Stick your head back in the car. Are you crazy. You can get your head knocked off if we hit something." he said I sighed as I pt my head back in. Next thing I know, the glass rolled back up/ Matt looked toward me. He is so upset right now.

"Put on your seat belt." he ordered.
"What's that?" I asked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes. He pulled over the car away from the other cars and got out. He came to my side of the car and opened the door. He got the strap thing from behind me and pulled it in front of me and fastened it.
"There" he said as he shut the door and got back in from his side and drove off. I do not like this at all, not knowing anything at all. I might as well be a child, learning everything all over again. I also hate how I am thirsting for some blood right now.



We get to a two story house. As soon as Matt stop the car, two adults and a girl with long brown hair walked out of the house.

"Who are they?"
"The adults are my parents and that thing beside them is the family pet, Maria. I don't give you permission to do anything to my parents, but you can have Maria." After Matt said that, he got out of the car and opened my door for me to get out. We walked towards the house and when we got there, Matt's mother hugged him.
"Where have you been? We were worried about you." his mother said as she squeezed him tight.
"I wasn't." Maria said under her breath, low enough for the others not to hear, but I still heard.
"I'm fine, Mom. You're embarrassing me. I'm 19 years old." He pushed his mother away, his face as red as a beet.
"Awwww. Little Matthew is embarrassed." Maria cooed at him like he was a baby.
"Shut up." Matt said
"No you shut up."
"No you"
"Both of you shut up. You guys act like you still 9 year old. Don't ya'll see we have guests." The father yelled. I know both of them feel humiliated.
"What is your name dear?" The mother said sweetly.
"Anastasia. You must be Matt's parents." I shook Matt's mother and father hand. I turned to Maria. "And you must be the family pet Matt told me about, Maria."
Maria looked mad. She turned to her mother.
"Mom, can I kill Matt now?"
"No. Matt, apologize to your sister." his mother said.
"Sorry." Matt said in a low voice. Maria smiled and looked at me.
"I'm Maria, Matt's twin sister."
"Okay." After that, we were all quiet. I felt all awkward until Matt finally said something.
"Um, Mom. I will be going out of town for a while."
"Why?" his mom asked. He took a glance at me and turned back to his mom.
"I have to handle some things. Don't worry though. I will be back. Anastasia is coming with me." Matt's mother looked upset, making me feel bad that I'm taking her son from her for a while.
"Let's go inside so we can discuss this." Matt father said. We all walked into the house. Matt's father led us to the living room and we sat down. I sat on the sofa while Matt and Maria sat on both sides of the sofa while I sat in the middle. Matt's father sat in the big cushioned chair while the mother sat on the arm of the chair. I looked around the room and saw strange object. I saw this big object with a big glass covering it. There were also some small objects on the small table in front of me. Now I really feel out of place. I was interrupted of my thoughts when Matt's mother said something. Matt tapped my arm to get attention.
"Anastasia, my Mom talking to you." Matt whispered to me.
"Excuse me. I was thinking about something." I said
"It's okay. I was just asking where are you from." she said
"Oh. I'm from England, but I moved here... I don't know how many years it been."
"Wow. England's a nice place." She got up and went to the kitchen.
"Do you want something to eat?" Matt's mother asked. Hearing the word 'hungry' made my thirst come back. It also reminded me that I was in a room of humans, bodies filled with blood. I was filled with alarm. I start to feel my fangs come out. I have to clear my mind of thoughts of hunger and when I did, my fangs went back in. I sighed in relief, even though I know the next time this happen, I won't be able to control myself.
"I'm fine, thank you." I said as I cleared my throat. Maria spoke up.
"How did you meet my brother, just asking?" Before I got to say something, Matt interrupted.
"We met while I was hiking. Um, Mom, we won't be able to stay any longer. We have to meet up with some of my friends. I just came here to ell you about me leaving town." Matt's mother left out the kitchen, looking heart broken.
"Okay." she said. Matt turned to Maria.
"Maria. I need to talk to you." "What if I say no" Maria said
"Just follow me." Matt and Maria got up and walked out of the room into the hallway. Even though they were talking low enough for their parents not to hear, I could hear them as if they were talking out loud.
"Maria, I need you to lend Anastasia some clothes."
"Why should I? She's your girlfriend. You buy her some clothes."
"Please. I'll give you 50 dollars if you do it. And she is not my girlfriend." It was quiet for a while.
"Fine. I'll give your girlfriend some clothes."
"She is not my....nevermind. Thank you. I will give you the money when you are done."
"Fine. You lucky I'm just accepting $50. These are designer clothes that I paid alot for."


"Send your girlfriend upstairs to my room.”

“She is not my girlfriend!!” Next thing I know, I hear footsteps coming back in here. I sat back in my seat, pretending I wasn’t doing anything.

“Anastasia, come with me.” Matt said in a grumble. I got up and followed him up the stairs to what must be Maria’s room. Matt turned to face me.

“Maria will give you some clothes. Please don’t kill her. I saw what happened earlier.” Matt said.

“I promise nothing bad will happen.”  Matt took one glance at me and went back downstairs.

“At least I will try.” I said in my thoughts.


I walked into Maria's room and some weir music was playing. Maria came from out of her closet.

"Hey Anastasia. I was assigned to dress up, Now let me see." She start studying me.

"First let's give you as shower."

"A shower?"


"Okay. Where is it?"

"In the bathroom."

"Okay." Maria looked at me like I was weird, then she went to a small closet in the hallway and got out a small cloth and a towel. Then she led me to the bathroow.

"There's the shower." Maria pointed to it. I looked in it.

"How do I work it?" Maria sighed and walked to it and did somethng. All of a sudden, water start pouring out of the small thing on top. Maria walked to the door.

"I will be waiting outside the door so you knock when you finish. The soap is in there for you to use. Wrap the towel around you when you finish. Also, leave your clothes in here. I will get it and wash it for you."

"Okay. Thank you Maria." I said. Maria smiled at me and left out. I slid off my dress and panties and stockings. I got in the shower and it felt good, the water falling on me, washing my body. Of course it feels good. Water haven't touched my body for 800 years. I got the cloth and the soap and I lather the cloth with soap and scrubbed my body clean. I then wahed my hair, lathering it up with soap. I rinsed my body and hair off and I felt good and clean. I got out the shower and wrapped myself with the towel and knocked on the door. Maria came in and turned off the shower. After she checked the hallway to see if it was clear, we went to her room. She went straight to her closet and start looking through her wardrobe.

"What size do she wear." I hear her ask herself quietly as she looked through her closet. She pull out a cute green short dress.

"Here. Put this on. I'll turn around." When she turned around, I put on the dress. Maria turned around and her eyes widened with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! You look so beautiful.That dress is so you. But now I need to do something about this hair." She start running her fingers through my hair.

"All I'm going to do is dry it and flat iron it and it should be straight enough. Let's get started." she sat me down in the chair and went to work.

Chapter 5- Matt

"Mom, I said I don't know how long I will be gone. Don't worry about me."

"I'm sorry. It's just out of the blue, you tell me you are going out of town without even giving me a heads up. Why you have to leave at all?"

"I didn't even leave yet so don't worry." Before my mom got to complain some more, Anastasia entered the room. My heart start beating real fast. She looked up at me, her eyes locking with mine. My mom and dad turned around and smiled when they saw Anastasia.

"You look gorgeous sweet heart." My mom said.

"Yes she do." I said to myself in my thoughts.

"I know I did a good job, didn't I?" Maria said all excited.

"You did alright." I said as if I was not interested. Anastasia looked at me as if she was reading my mind. I know she knew I was lying. Maria snarled at me.

"Now we need to go." I grabbed Anastasia's hand and start pulling her toward the door. I pulled out money from my pocket and gave Maria 50.

"Wait, why the rush? Why you have to leave so soon?"

"I have to go to my apartment and take me a shower. Then I have to meet up with the guys. I will call you later." Before mom got to say anything, Anastasia and I left out of the house to my car and drove off.

"What is the rush?" Anastasia says.

"Sorry about that. Mom was just asking me a whole bunch of questions and I had to get out of there."

"It's okay. So, where are we going?" 

"Well, I kind of lied. First we are going to Bob's Cafe to meet up with my friends. I was suppose to be there already, but of course the distraction I got early today." 

"Well excuse me. Sorry I'm such a burden on you. But, we have one problem." she snapped.

"And what is that?"

"I have this big hunger inside me that I have been holding for 800 years. If you expect me to hold it any longer, in a place filled with humans, you are sadly mistaken."

"Crap, I forgot that I am holding a blood thirsty vampire in the car with me. Don't worry I have a plan." I said sarcastically. I can feel her glaring at me the whole ride to the cafe. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten her mad, especially if she's hungry.


We get to the cafe and I see that Drew's and Brandon's car are parked. I parked the car and turned to Anastasia.

"Now I want you to..." Before I got to finish, she interrupted me.

"Behave. I know. Let's just get this over with already." She said as she got out of the car and start walking to the building. I got out of the car and locked the door. "Don't let her get to you, Matt. She is just trying to get in your head. As soon as you are finished helping her, you are done with her." I kept saying to myself as I walked into the cafe. I looked around and I see Drew and Brandon sitting in the booth in the middle. Brandon spotted me and waved me over. The problem was that I don't see Anastasia. I walked over to the guys and sat down.

"Hey bro, what took you so long? We have been waiting here for 30 minutes." Drew said as he scooted over for me to sit.

"I'm sorry guys. I just had a little issue that came up and it set me back a little."

"It's alright. We almost called you until this hot red head chick came in." Brandon says. That catches my attention.

"Where did she go?" I said as I looked around.

"Don't get so excited. Wow, calm down. She went to the bathroom." Drew says.

"I'm sorry. You right. I should be calming down. She came with me." Their eyes widened with astonishment. 

"For real? How did you meet her?"  Drew says.

"Its a long story. Why the both of you look so surprised. I had girls hang around me before." Both of them looked at each other and laughed.

"What is so funny?"

"I'm sorry, Matt, but think about it. You barely look at any girl that aproach you. You always say you need to focus on yourself."

"Well, just to let you guys know, this girl is a pain in the ass. She is so annoying. As soon as we met, she just stuck to me."  

"I think you're over exaggerating. Here she comes now." I looked behind me and see Anastasia leave the bathroom with a smile on her face. She look like she is glowing a little bit. Oh no, I wonder what she have done in there. She see me and walk over to the table. Brandon scooted over as she sat down, right in front of me. 

"Hey, Matt have told us you came in with him, but he didn't tell us your name." Brandon says. She smiles at him.

"I'm Anastasia." She says.

"As in the princess in the cartoon movie?" Drew asks.

"What?" she asks. She looks so confused. 

"Never mind. I'm Drew and the guy beside you is Brandon. We are Matt's best friends." he says.

"You guys are so nice. Much nicer than how Matt was to me." I gave her a glare. She is trying to humiliate me in front of my friends. 

"How did the both of you meet?" Brandon asks. 

"We met on the mountains." she says.

"Oh, you hike too?" 

"No, actually, Matt found me and helped me on the way down." I hear a door open and I turn to see a woman leaving the women restroom. She looked a little dazed and dizzy, but she straightened up and walked out of here. I turned to Anastasia and frowned, but she ignored it and smiled at me, then went back to her conversation with the guys. 

"Are you hungry? We can get the waiter over here to order you something." Drew says to Anastasia. 

"Oh, no thank you. At least you asked me. Your friend didn't even think about me." she says as she looked at me. 

"Hey Ana, can I speak to you privately outside?" 

"I rather not. I want to stay with your fellows." Both Brandon and Drew looked at each other and chuckled when she said that. I really need to teach her how to speak 21st century language. 

"Fellows?... No, we need to talk."

"Oh fine. I swear, it seems like you need some slumber because you seem quite angry." She said as she got up. Now Brandon and Drew are cracking up.

"Matt, dude, where did you get this chick from?" Drew asked as he kept laughing. I feel my face heating up with anger as I dragged her out of the cafe. We got outside and I pulled her to the side.

"Matther, why are you so angry?" she asked, trying to look all innocent.

"What did you do to that woman in the bathroom?"

"What woman?"

"That woman who left out of the restroom after you."

"Oh, you talking about her. She should be okay."

"Okay? She walked out of that restroom looking drunk, holding her neck. Did you drink from her?"

"Don't worry. When I compelled her and bit into her neck, I didn't drink from her... well. maybe a little bit. Not enough to quench my hunger. You should be thanking me."

"Me? Thanking you?" 



"You are lucky because at the table I was so tempted to tear your friends' necks open and drink their blood until they are dry. I don't know if you forgot, but I am a vampire who haven't had any blood for 800 years. I told you my hunger is increasing but you take me to this place that is filled with humans. I can't hold my thirst too long." she said, her voice now raised. Her eyes are starting to darken.

"I'm sorry, okay. Let's leave now. Just calm down." I was almost tempted to grab her shoulders but I'm afraid of what she might do. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. When she opened her eyes, her eyes were back to their beautiful eye color. She smiled up at me.

"I am so sorry. I don't know what has gotten over me."

"Um, it's okay. I understand. Just let me go and say bye to my friends and we will stop by my apartment next so I can freshen up."

"That would be good. I am so sorry thant I am such a burden on you. I just entered into your life and I probably made it into a living hell."

"No, of course you're not a burden on me. You kind of surprisded me, that's all." 

"How did I surprise you?" 

"Well, from what I learned in school. I would think that women from the 1200s would be quiet, submissive. But you are so outspoken, independent, and brave. You do not follow the definition of how the women were back then that were taught to me."

"That is absurd. In my time, most women were like that because they were taught to be like that, but I was different. I did what I wanted instead of what was expected of me to do. I think it is partially had to do with the fact that I had two older brothers. I always fought with them."

"You have siblings?" 

"Yes. Their names were Adam and George. Adam was 20 and George was 23. I am just the baby in the family, at 18 years old. We did fight alot but I loved them dearly." When she was saying this, her smile went away and sadness took over her face. Now I feel bad that I even brought it up.

"Are they like you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are they vampired like you?"

"Yes. We are original vampires, which means we were born vampires and we can choose when we want to stop aging. The thing is I don't know if they are still alive. If Williamm was able to take me down. there is a possibility that he could have taken them down and slaughered the, if he wanted." she looked like she was on the verge of crying. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed her and brought her in for a hug. She broke down crying and it lasted at least a few minutes.

"It will be okay." I said softly to her. She looked up at me and into my eyes. Those blue eyes are so mesmerizing. A tear fell out of her eye. I wiped the tear from her face. She cleared her voice and backed away.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't br crying all over you." she said as she wiped her tears from her face.

"It's okay. I understand." I said. That's when I start feeling so awkward and I could tell she was feeling so awkward and I could tell she was feeling the same way. She smiled at me.

"We should be getting back to your friends. They could be getting worried about you." When she said this, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Trust me. they are not worried about me. Right now they are probably talking about what both of us could be doing right now."

"What could we be doing right now?" I almost thought she was joking, but then I remembered where she came from.

"Don't worry about it." I said . She looked at me suspiciously but she then just shrugged.

"Okay. If you say so." She was walking to the entrance but she stopped and turned back around to me. She looked a little confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well..." she walked to me and leaned up and kissedme. At first I was surprised because I wasn't expecting it. I put my hands on her cheek as I kissed her back. She broke the kissed and looked me in my eyes again.

"Just to let you know, just because I am from a different time period than you, things are not that different. You can go tell your friends about what just happened if you want." She smilled at me and walked to the entrance and went in. I was too busy trying to get myself together. I am still in shock that she kissed me. I wonder what interested me the most. The kiss or the fact that I underestimated her. Well, both are what made me more attracted to her and now I have to cool myself because the only thing I am suppose to be doing is helping her and that's it. I just need to keep myself together.

Chapter 6- Anastasia

I had to keep my heart beat down as I was walking away. Even though I kissed Matt to play with him, I couldn't help but to enjoy it. I have to keep myself from running back to him to get another kiss because I can't risk it. When we kissed, it almost felt like we were in our own world but it all went awawy when my hunger decided to come out and take over. The sound of his heart beating and the sound of his precious blood pumping through his veins. You don't know how hard it is to keep myself from biting into his neck. I do not want to hurt him because I am lucky enough that he is willing to help me.


As soon as I entered the cafe, I leaned against the wall. Now that my hunger senses are here, all I hear are blood pumping heartbeats of all the people in here. I couldn't breathe almost. It was almost as if I was suffocating in all these heartbeats. That's when my fangs start to come out. I closed my eyes as I tried to calm down and get myself together. Next thing I know, I feel someone grab my hand. I opened my eyes and looked over to see Matt there.

"It will be okay. Just relax and calm down." he said softly to me as he squeezed my hand gently. Somehow it worked. My huger senses start going away and the heartbeats were fading away. My fangs start going back in too. How did he do that? Usually  something like this never happens to me, especially by a human.

"Are you okay now?" he asked softly.

"Yes. Can we just leave now?"

"Okay. Let me just sau bye to my friends." We walked over to Drew and Brandon.

"Hey, are you okay? We saw what happened." Brandon asked, looking concerned. Drew was looking concerned too.

"She's not feeling well so I'm just going to take her and leave." Matt said.

"Dude, what did you do to her while both of you were outside?" Drew asked. 

"Shut up Drew." Matt says as he shakes his head.

"I'm just kidding man. You go take your girl home. We'll talk to you later."

"She's not my... never mind. See you guys later." Matt said. He did this weird hand mothion with both Drew and Brandon before we left.


As we left out, I looked over at him.

"What was that hand motion you did with your friends?"

"You mean when I gave them a dab?"

"Is that suppose to stand for some type of handshake?"

"I guess you can say that."

"That was not a handshake. And you called me weird." Matt didn't even respond. He just chuckled.

"Let me just hurry and get you out of here." He opened the car door for me and I got in. He got in the car and drove off.


Both of us were quiet for a while. Matt was driving faster than the last time but I understand because he did say he needed to hurry. Next thing I know, I hear some noise. I looked over at Matt.

"Crap." he looks upset so I know this is not good. 

"What is that?" I asked.

"The police." He pulled the car over to near some trees. I looked behind me and see a white care with flashing lights on the top of it.

"What are you doing?"

"I have to pull over. I must have been speeding. Do'n'w worry, it won't take long. He would probably just give mme a ticket."

"Ticket?" All these weird things I am hearing about is getting on my last nerves.

"Yes. When I get a ticket, I am fined and I have to pay that amouint of money they have on the ticket." He said as he reached over and opened this little door that led to this little cubby. He grabbed a folded paper and a small card.

"What are those?" I asked. 

"My drivers license and registration. The policeman will ask for it." I looked behind me and I see a man in a nice uniform coming towards us. He gets to Matt's side of the car and the glass on his door goes down. 

"Hello sir. Nice day isn't it?" Matt says as he laugh a little bit. I start laughing a little bit, even though I don't see what is funny. Maybe it is some new saying people from this time say. Maybe it stands for something... at least for some people because the policeman was not laughing with us. The man's face was so hard and serious. Matt must have noticed because he stopped laughing and that is when I stopped laughing.

"Sorry." Matt says softly.

"License and registration." The man says, ignoring Matt's apology . Matt hands him the card and the now unfolded paper. The man looks down at the card and back at Matt. He handed Matt back his card.

"You know you was going 65 on a 45 speed limit?"

"No sir, I barely noticed." The policeman just shook his head and start heading back to his car.

"Stupid teenagers." The man said softly, low enough that I know Matt didn't hear.

"Where is he going with your papers?" I asked.

"He will bring them back. He just need to get my ticket."

"Oh. Well, he is very rude. Someone should teach him a lesson about being rude." 

"Most of them are like that. I 'm used to it so you will have to get used to it too."

"I don't think I can. I am going to talk to him."

"Are you crazy? You can't get out of the car."

"Why not?"

"I'm not trying to bail you out of jail."

"Listen, I have been hung three times for standing up for what is right... also some more times because they thought I was a witch. All those times my family and I had to move from city to city. If I can handle being hing, I think I can handle a prison cell." Matt didn't say anything after that. He just winced and touched his neck, as if it happened to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Ana? You are crazy!" I ignored him and opened the door and got out of the car.

"Ana, no!" I ignored him again and shut the door. The policeman saw me coming towards him and he hurried up and got out of the car.

"Ma'am I suggest you get in the car."

"Excuse me sir but who did you call 'stupid teenagers'?"

"Get into the car young lady." the officer said, his voice raised. Next thing I know, I hear the car door open behind me. I look and see Matt getting out.

"Officer sir, please excuse her. She's a little crazy."

"Sir, get back into the car." The policeman says, now shouting. He is now reaching down for something on himself.

"I will. I am just trying to get her. All of this is just a big misunderstanding. There is no need for any harm." Now Matt is right next to me.

"Get into the car right now." he said so low, only for me to hear.

"No, I will not get into the car until this policeman apologize for what he said." I said out loud so the policeman can hear.

"What did he say?" he asked.

"He called us stupid teenagers." Matt looked at me like I was crazy.

"What the hell, Ana. All of this for him calling us stupid. It is not that serious."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is." While Matt and I were going back and forth, the policeman was just ignoring us and he start talking into this small black box connected to his uniform.  

"I need back up here. There are two young people refusing to get back into thei car and it seem like they are about to attack." he said. 

"Where are you?" A voice says from the box.

"I am..." he get to finish, Matt hurried to the policeman and touched his arm.

"Sir, that is not necessary." Matt says but the policeman swiftly grabbed Matt's arm and put it behind him and pushed him down on the front of the car, where the side of his face is touching it.

"Sir, this is not necessary. We are no harm to you. Hell, we don't even have any weapons." Matt says loudly.

"Shut up. You should have listened to me." the policaman yells.

"I suggest you let him go." I said as calm as I can. The policeman left his attention on Matt and looked at me.

"What did you just say?" he said angrily.

"Shut up, Ana." Matt yells, but I ignored him.

"I said I suggest you let him go." I said louder. Maybe he didn't hear me.

"No, I suggest that you listen to your little boyfriend."

"Why do people keep saying that! She is not my girlfriend!" Matt yells but both the policeman and I ignored him. I start walking again to the policeman and he quickly let go of Matt and pulled out a black, unusual looking object.

"Little girl, I suggest you back up or you might get hurt."

"You have been calling me a little girl and a stupid teenager but you don't know my whole story. I am not as young as you think." As I was saying this, I let my age show in my voice, filled with power. The policeman's eyes got wider with shock. I continued to speak.

"Now I suggest you let him go."

"No,you back away before I do something we both will regret."

"Ana, just listen to him." Matt says. I start getting closer to the policeman and that's when the man pressed  on something that triggered. I am so happy I have this great eyesight because I saw this small thing come out of the object and I moved just in time before it hit me. Even though all of this seemed to go in slow motion for me, I know it was so fast for them. I look over at Matt and his face is in horror. He hurried and got up and tried to grab the policeman again but the policeman quickly turned to him and all I heard was the loud noise again. Next thing I know, Matt is on the ground, leaning against the policeman'd car. His arm was bleeding and he was holding on to it, groaning in pain. I ran up to him and helped him up.

"Matt, you shouldn't have done that."

"He almost shot you with his gun. You lucky you moved just in time before the bullet hit you, but he could have tried it again and suceed."

"Sweet Matt. You forgot what I am. I don't feel pain, unless that's wood or vervain." Matt looked at me in shock.

"I forgot all about that. So I got shot for nothing?!?"

"Yes, basically. But I thank you, though. Wait a minute." I said as I got back up. I had to hurry and get away from Matt because the smell of his blood is so intoxicating and tempting and I don't want to do something I will regret. I turned back to the policeman, who was too busy looking at his "gun", whatever they call it.  He was looking at it, as if something was wrong with it. Something about seeing Matt in pain brought me anger. And the person responsible for it was right in front of me.


The policeman must have saw me walking to him again because he lifted the gun at me, like he was about to shoot, but the terrified look in his eye told me that wasn't going to be the case. 

"Stay away from me or I will shoot!" he yells at me, the gun still pointed at me, but I still kept on walking to him. 

"No you won't" I said as I smiled at him. If my brothers were here and they saw the sweet, innocent smile I a put on my face, they would already know someone is about to die. Now I am right in front of him.

"Please don't kill me. I have a wife at home."  he said in almost a cry. 

"No you don't. You don't have a wedding ring on your finger."

"FIne. Just please don't kill me. I will leave and there will be no problems."

"Now that would be a lie because Matt is sitting there, injured with a wound. All I wanted was a sorry and for you to let Matt go, but now look at what happened."

"I'm sorry!" he cries.

"It's too late." I says as I grabbed the back of his head, pulled it down and bit into his neck. As soon as the blood filled my mouth, I was in heaven. I thought I would never taste that ever again. The taste is so intoxicating and fresh as it gives me more energy the more I drank. As I continued to drink, I felt warmth all over but I can also feel the policeman getting limp in my arms.

"Um, Anastasia, let him go!" I hear Matt yell. I wonder how long he was calling me but it doesn't matter because I was too busy ignoring him. Next thing I know, I feel someone grab on me. I swiftly turned around and tackled the person to the ground where I ended up on top of them. I hissed at him but then I realized I was on top of Matt. He look terrified.

"Ana, it's me, Matt. Calm down." he said as he grabbed my shoulders. That is when I finally gathered my senses and predator senses start going away. My senses now told me that Matt was my friend and not an enemy. 

"Matt? Matt, I am so sorry." I said as I got off of him and helped him up. 

"It's okay." I said as he brushed off his clothes.

"I don't know what happened? I kind of blacked out." 

"That is what happened." Matt said as he pointed to the policeman, now on the ground unconscious.

"I did that?"

"Yep." I walked over to him, bent down and touched his neck to find a pulse. I sure hope he is not dead. That's when I felt a pulse, but it is faint. 

"He is still alive. Help me get him into his car." I said as I picked up his front half.

"Well, I would love to help you with this but as you see, I was shot in the arm." he said as he winced as he grabbed his arm. Even though it was covered by his dark gray jacket with a hood on it, it was wet and soaked from the blood. There was also a heavy scent of blood hitting me in the face, trying to turn my senses on. I had to control myself and ignore the smell before I accidently attack Matt and probably kill him. I finally ignored the scent and I calmed down. Thank god I just fed or I would not have this much control on my hunger.


I picked up the policeman like he was a baby and carried him to the car. Matt opened the door for me and I put him in. He helped me put the policeman in driving position. I even so far as to put his hands on the wheel, the same way Matt always have his. See, I can learn something new. The policeman is now sitting straight up with his head leaning back against the seat. I stepped back and looked back at my masterpiece. 

"What do we do now?" Matt asks.

"We leave." 

"Wait,what? We can't leave him here."

"Yes we can. All we have to do is get in the car and you drive us away." 

"No Anastasisa" he said, his face now serious. I sighed and went back to the policeman. I pushed his head to the side so I can see the bite punctures. I thought I would see blood all over his neck because with my hunger, you would think I would make a mess. All you see is the bite punctures and there was no blood on his neck. I leaned my face close to his neck. I bit down on my tongue until it released blood. I let a few drops of my blood fall on his bite wounds and automatically they start to heal. I kissed ther rest of the blood off and I moved close to his ear and whispered the word "Forget." After that I backed away and shut the door. I turn back to Matt and he look a little disgusted.


"What did you do?" he asked.

"Oh, I just healed his marks and compelled him. He will not remeber us nor this little situation that just happened. Now let's leave now before we get caught." I said as I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him towards his car.

"Wait, what if he don't make it by the time the others come." 

"He will. He's not that far gone."

"What about my driver's license." I sighed out of impatience as we went back to the policeman's car. Matt opened up the door and grabbed his license. Then he did something on this other technology in the car before he got out and we ran to the car. We got in the car and next thing you know, Matt is driving off. I listened really close and I can hear the same siren noises that the policeman's car made. They must be close to him so we are safe. I turned back around and smiled at Matt but he did not smile back.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Let me see. I got shot in the arm trying to save someone who didn't need to be saved in the first place. You almost killed that policeman, even when he gave you that damn sorry. Oh wait, I almost forgot about the part where you tackled me to the ground like some wild animal. All of this could have been avoided if you just let the damn man give me a damn ticket and stay in the car but nooo, you want to stand up for what is right just because he called us 'dumb teenagers'. I didn't even hear that part but of course I didn't because I don't have bionic hearing like YOU!" he said, his voice raising the he talked. After it looked like he finally calmed down, I start to talk.

"Are you done? Are you calm now?" I asked. He glanced over at me and frowned but he looked back in front of him.

"Okay. I do deeply apologized for what just happened. Maybe I should have controlled myself more and stayed in the car so we could have avoided all that have happened. But, you can't entirely blame me for you getting shot. I didn't tell you to get out of the car and follow me. To be honest, you should be thanking me for what i did."

"Thank you for what? Wait, maybe I should thank you for almost getting me arrested because you wanted to keep running your mouth. Oh, I should also thank you for this gunshot wound I have on my arm. Thank you so much, Anastasia." 

"Well I am so sorry I burdened you so much. I thought I was helping." I snapped at him. I know I got carried away back there but he know I am going through something. He is lucky that is all I did.

"You are so unpredictable." I grumbled.

"And you are a natural disaster." he snapped. I just sighed and looked outside. I can tell this will be a long, stressful adventure.

Chapter 7- Matt

My head is hurting, my arm is throbbing in pain and I already know the cause of all of this... Anastasia. All of this started when I agreed to help her. No wait, it started when I opened that damn casket. All of this could have been avoided if I wasn't so suspicious. Now I am  in my car with a vampire who I don't even know if she is stable.


I pulled up to the apartment complex. For mines and Maria's 18th birthday, dad got me an apartment as a present since I just finished my first year in college. He told me I don't have to worry about paying the rent for now but if my grades start to drop drastically, he will stop paying the rent and I will be on my own. I agreed because it seemed fair to me since all I had to do was worry about food and I was expecting dad to pick out a tacky apartment complex but he chose one of the grand apartment complex.  Dad did do the same for Maria but she lost hers on our 19th birthday. Let's just say that day was filled with surprises. It would be in my second year of college completed in a few monthes at that time and dad had a surprise for us. He bought both of us a jeep, the Jeep I have now, and they both are paid off. Both Maria and I were both excited but Maria had a surprise too- her grades. Maria failed her classes that year and the year before that. Maria wasn't even plannin on telling dad but he got a letter from the school saying she was put on probation. Dad was so furious that day, he took away both her apartment and car. That's why she is now stuck at home with mom and dad and I don't know when she is going back to school. I'm not worrying about anything now because summer just started for me so all I wanted to do is relax but the plan was blown when Anastasia came into  the picture. So much for a relaxing, fun summer break.




"Here we are. Welcome to my home finally." I said as I opened up the apartment door, which led to a modern two bedroom apartment with one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. 


Publication Date: 09-09-2012

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