Cheshire, CT
I love it! The Stormy Daniels critics don't believe her because she works in
the hospitality (i.e. porn) industry, but they believe Trump who has told at
least one lie every day since becoming president, and even admitting such
(see: Canada, prime minister, openly lied to).
Now, perhaps those same critics and happy Arizonan Christians can explain why
the Trump lawyer forked over $130,000 (ostensibly of his own money)... Show more
Cheshire, CT
I love it! The Stormy Daniels critics don't believe her because she works in
the hospitality (i.e. porn) industry, but they believe Trump who has told at
least one lie every day since becoming president, and even admitting such
(see: Canada, prime minister, openly lied to).
Now, perhaps those same critics and happy Arizonan Christians can explain why
the Trump lawyer forked over $130,000 (ostensibly of his own money) if they
knew she was lying... i.e., they paid her not to tell her lie anymore? That
doesn't quite meet the smell test...
O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k︀ ︀➝︀ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?sharrprime_1495159372.6109979153