Goddesses: Amphitrite

Goddess of the sea By:
Goddesses: Amphitrite
Amphitrite, goddess of the see,crush of Poseidon. She is new at Myth Academy, a mortal. Will she fit in or will be outcast as a goddess of lame?

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OMG your book rocks and it has greek mythology that I love! ;) just wanted to say your book was awesome.

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Really cute and cool book! I'm actually into this kind of stuff and you actually inspiring me to create a new series similar to this one... that is if its alright with you, i'm don't like plagiarism

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i luv you guys so much!! As for Amphitrite her story is just the begining!!! Make sure to check for updates, kay?

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Thank you guys!!!! I luv working on Amphitrite and the next book will probably be published in July if this one is finished so check out for Goddesses:Aphrodite next!

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