

Amphitrite stared into the blue eyes of Poseidon, she was swimming in the salt water of the sea.It was over 4 hours since she was in the water but she couldn't break away from his stare.
"I don't ever want to leave," Amphitrite murmured.She could talk under the water.Breathe too, for Poseidon,the great god of the sea gave her the power of a sea creature.
"Then don't," he said, it was so simple.She was seventeen, and her parents would worry but if she told them that the Greek god of the sea loved her, well, Amphitrite didn't know what would happen.
"I feel like...a mermaid," she said, giggling.This felt unreal, but then again it had been happening for about a month,ever since he caught her dancing with "the moonlight shining in her blue-black hair,her light blue eyes smiling in happiness." Those were Poseidon's words, but if it were Amphitrite speaking she would have said she was "dancing to 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey with her hair loose and her feet bare."
"So you will be," Poseidon then let go of her and swam around her,creating a tiny whirlwind.
Amphitrite laughed as the whirlwind spun her around in the water,she felt her legs attached together,she felt her feet go outwards and her ankles go wide and join as one.
It felt weird - and blissful too.It was like a puppy saying "I Love You."
She felt her clothes slip off of her.Embarrassed, she covered herself.
"Open you eyes,my beautiful Amphitrite."
Amphitrite opened her eyes and stared down at her legs and smiled joyfully.
A blue-purplish fin replaced her legs.The fin stopped at her hips and sprouted shortly in blue and purple.
"Oh,it's so beautiful Poseidon, is it permanent?" she asked.Despite what was waiting above,Amphitrite wanted it to be forever.
Poseidon waved his powerful arm around her and smiled."Now it is."
Amphitrite swam up to get her white t-shirt before it can float above the water.She turned around from Poseidon and pulled her arms through it and pulled it down.She then felt a tug of her pink ribbon that held up her blue-black hair.She felt it come loose and her hair float.
"Poseidon!" she shrieked,laughing again.She was in such a joyful mood that she did not want it to end.
She swam as fast as she could, it didn't feel weird,it felt sort of natural.
"Catch me if you can!" He teased as he went around a large boulder.
She quickly intercept him.
She crashed into Poseidon.She felt his arms wrap around her.She felt her arms grab on the back on his hair,rubbing on the blond silk.
Amphitrite kissed him.But something went wrong,the arms no longer supported her,instead they were trying to push her away.
"I-I-I c-can't," he stammered,trying to block her lips.
"Well,why not?" she asked.
"Amphitrite,baby,when a teen god falls in love in love with a mortal,it's OK.But when a teen god kisses a mortal or the mortal kisses the teen god the mortal is no longer human,they are a goddess.Same thing happens with goddesses."
Amphitrite blinked,taking it all in.Then she smiled.
"Poseidon,look at me," she put a gentle hand on her lover's face."Poseidon...I love you.I want to be your companion in the sea,I want to experience all the good and bad times with you.Poseidon....kiss me."
Poseidon looked like an little kid,his blue eyes were tinkling with adoration and were very unsure.
Amphitride held his face and guided it closer towards her.
Kisses, Amphitrite thought.They are wonderful and great.They are the opening of a new door of love,all you have to do is find the key.
Poseidon backed away from Amphitrite,his aquamarine eyes were wide.He ran his fingers through his blond hair."Do you know what this means?"
"Yes," Amphitrite whispered."I am a goddess."
Amphitrite felt tired all of an sudden."Poseidon," she said as she swam to him."I don't feel very goddess-like.I feel tired."
Poseidon laughed."Let's get you above water."
"" Amphitrite protest.
"Oh,that depends if you want to have a fin and a tail in dry land."
"Well, I don't want a tail in 'dry land'" she said as she swam back into his arms.
"Fine," Poseidon said. "I'll do all the work. Just relax," he continued, his voice became warming and alluring.All at once he knew what he was doing, he was inspiring her. But only he didn't do any actions that Amphitrite wanted to follow. To gods and goddesses,inspiring meant influencing a mortal.
But before Amphitrite could protest,she felt her legs go weak and... melt.Well, it was sort of like it was melting. Just for a moment,she felt her legs turn into nothing,but it didn't feel like it.
Amphitrite stared down at her ivory legs, she looked up and smiled at the gorgeous god before her.
"Come, my love," he held out a hand, Amphitrite blushed and grabbed his hand.
Suddenly, she started spinning around. Scared, she clutched Poseidon's shoulders, closing her eyes. She felt like she was being lifted in the air.
"Poseidon!!" She screamed, startled. A warm hand ran up and down her back, instantly soothing her.
"Shh," Poseidon murmured in her ear," My beautiful goddess, I'm getting you home, we can talk about this when we get home, okay?"
Amphitrite nodded against his chest. "Poseidon?" She asked.
"Yes, gorgeous?" He said, and laughed as she blushed.
"I love you," she said, sighing.
"Amphitrite, You don't even know how much I love you," He declared, kissing the top of his soul mate's head.

Mythology school

"Poseidon?" Amphitrite shot up, a layer of sweat covering her face and neck.
"Yes?" The god's voice was across the room. Amphitrite squinted her eyes at the clock, trying to shake the sleep off her. It was 11:48!! Her parents are going to have a cow in the morning!!! Amphitrite was suppose to pick up her sisters from the airport because they had a slight delay because of the heavy rain that was outside, they were probably waiting there, planning ways to kill Amphitrite. But it wasn't Amphitrite's fault! No way, Jose!! It was Poseidon's fault! He was on the beach, leaning against a tree, with his Khaki board shorts on, his button shirt loose, showing his abs, his wet hair shining like gold. His aquamarine eyes twinkling. He was just so cute...
Amphitrite snapped out of flashback. She winced as her dad hollered. She took the covers off her and went in hallway.
Her room was in the middle of the hallway, with the mahogany staircase on the left her, the banister in front traveled until you got to staircase, then it went down turning into a rail.
Poseidon appeared next to her, hands in his pockets.
"What the hell do you think your doing?", Amphitrite hissed.
Poseidon ignored her and ran to the top off the staircase, Amphitrite kept up with him.
She put a hand on his chest." Again I ask,What.The. Hell.Are.You.Doing?"
Poseidon shook his head. "Amphitrite, I tired of getting you on trouble. Your my girlfriend, no, erase that, your my soul mate, And even though we met a month ago, I know that your the one don't ever forget it."
With that, Poseidon grabbed Amphitrite"s shoulders and smashed his lips to her's.
He pulled away reluctantly, but was grinning like a greedy leprechaun.
He went downstairs, Amphitrite followed quiet;y, her mind still in a haze from the kiss.
"Who in the world are you suppose to be young man?" Amphitrite's dad yelled. That snapped her out of her state.
"Hi, Mr.Hewerts, how are you," Poseidon said. His voice was cool and calm, Amphitrite can almost imagine Poseidon leaning against the statue of an angel.
"AMPHITRITE, GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!!!!!!!" Amphitrite's dad yelled, Amphitrite cringed and slowly slouched down the stairs.
Amphitrite's house was beautiful it was painted a light grey that Amphitrite thought was depressing but the light blue trimmings went well with it. There were portraits of stormy seas and ships and sea animals jumping from the ocean, it decorated her house artistically. The marble floors were a a whitish-grey with tiny silver flecks. Five statues were created especially for the Hewerts.
But Amphitrite was not rich like her classmates thought she was. This house was in the will of her grandmother, who was a kind soul that had died of diabetes.
Amphitrite went to the white, creamy sectional where her parents were seated. Her sisters were leaning against the wall, looking half-peeved and half-awed with their soaking wet hair clinging to their backs.
"Hi Carla, Diana, Dayla, Heather and Flaya." Amphitrite said, her voice was quiet from the tension in the room.
The sisters glared back at her, "Hi Amy." Carla, Diana, Dayla and Heather said. Amphitrite cringed again at the mention of her nickname. Amy always had minimum respect for her sister because of their cruel treatment about her.
Carla was the oldest one at 20 years old, Carla was beautiful with dark blonde hair she inherited from Mom, she had blue eyes that were covered with mascara and eyeliner. She wore a navy blue peacoat that was black from the heavy rain.
Dayla was the second oldest with electric blue hair that she dyed, she had hazel contacts and a snake bite. She was wearing her tweety bird raincoat. Dayla was Amy's favorite sister because of here mysterious, rebellious attitude. She and Flaya were always the closest to her.
Heather was the 3rd oldest, she had black hair that was the same as Amy's and big brown eyes that were magnified by her red circle-rimmed glasses. She was the nerd of the Hewerts sister clan but she had a big heart and was a big flirt, she smiled at Poseidon and flipped her hair.
Amy walked to Poseidon's side and grabbed his hand. Poseidon smirked and kissed her on her cheek.
"Who is this?" Amy's dad demanded. His face had turned red and his mustache was doing that weird twitchy thing.
"This is Poseidon,dad, he is my boyfriend." Amphitrite said. Her hands were shaking slightly as she looked at her parents.
Amphitrite's dad, Roger, was forty-six with wrinkles that were slight he had a big mustache that tickled when you kissed it. He had short salt-pepper hair and blue eyes that twinkled when he laughed.
Amphitrite's mom, Tanya, was thirty-seven with no wrinkles at all, she had almond-shape eyes that were brown, her frost blonde hair was tied in a bun and she had a bunch of laugh lines.
"WHAT!!!!???" Roger roared, as he stood up, his face the color of a tomato."You left your sisters in the rain for some boy?

He asked.
"Actually, we have more to tell you," Poseidon continued. He gripped Amy's hand and began rocking back and forth.
Tanya stood up and said, "Dear God, if you say you are pregnant so help me."
"I'm not pregnant," Amy said in disbelief. "I'm just in love with a God, that's all."
Amy had sad calmly as possible but her voice was layered in depth. There was a deathly silence in the room while her parents and sisters looked at Poseidon in disbelief.
Someone pulled at her pocket and Amy looked down to see Flaya.
Flaya was a gorgeous kid. She had frost blonde hair down her waist, she had twinkling aqua blue eyes that were the size of baseballs. She wore nothing but a bubble coat and some leggings.
"Awe you twelling the twuth?" She asked. Flaya was only seven but she still talked like a child.
"Yes." Amy said softly as she kissed Flaya on the cheek, Amy love Flaya with passion and would hate to see her go.
"And I have to go, I have to go to Mythology School because I kissed Poseidon, I a goddess no longer a human, I am so sorry for it to end like this. " Amphitrite said solemnly.
Poseidon let go of her hand and without warning turned into his true form. Everyone gasped, including Amy because,well, you can never get over it.
"Amphitrite, you must leave all your belongings here, you do not need them, say goodbye because your leaving in the morning." He said as if reciting a paper.
Amphitrite sobbed and shook her head. She couldn't go any longer,she needed to leave now to make sure her family felt no pain.
"No Poseidon, I need to leave now, please?" Amy asked as she looked once more at her family.
She kissed each of them hastily and quickly with force. She stood by Poseidon and said, "I love you all and I'm only doing what's best for you, I will try to visit as much as I can. I... Love you."
Tears ran down her eyes and she sobbed into Poseidon's shoulder as he held onto her.
Then it began to happen.
Her tears began to drip and as they dropped they defied gravity, she gasped as the tears began creating a whirlpool around the couple. They spun faster and harder and they began to to float.
She screamed as they shot up in the cling into this whole new place.
It was breath taking.
There was clouds all over the place, soft and fluffy with blonde angels doing their activities. There was a soft mist that enveloped around her and if Amy squinted her eye she could make out a vague shape of a school.
The school was a golden ivory with classic structure except for the gym that was on top of the school.
Amphitrite felt blissful her family was soon forgotten, just for a moment.
Then the hell happened.
The doors of the school shot open and Poseidon was tugged away by the mist. Amphitrite just floated for about five minutes before diving into the clouds.

New Friends and old enemies

With a scream, Amphitrite realized she was pulled

down. Amphitrite looked around in search of Poseidon.
She was in a classroom with a bunch of eyes looking at her, Amphitrite blushed.
The classroom was like any regular classroom except for the strange absent of posters.
"Hello," A female voice broke through her thoughts. It sounded beautiful, like an unknown accent that you had to keep on hearing in order to decipher it. Amphitrite looked up and gasped.
There stood Mrs. Lagada, her old science teacher who died from a car accident. She stood there, more beautiful than ever.
Mrs. Lagada was fairly old for her age but she looked like she was 27! The grays that were in her light brown hair were gone, she no longer needed her glasses and her eyes showed the most vibrant green of an olive. She wore a black sweater that was pulled at shoulders and some black shorts.
"Mrs. Lagada? Is that you?" Amphitrite asked. Her voice was squeaky with surprise. All of this was just too much..
Mrs. Lagada peered at her as if deciphering a spy code. Her face was overcome with acknowledge.
"Amphitrite Hewerts? What are you doing here? How did you die?

" Mrs. Lagada asked. That startled Amphitrite. Died?
Amphitrite looked at the class, they were all blurs, white blurs she could not see them clearly except for their eyes. the eyes that seems to catch her the most were the blue eys that twinkled when she looked into them.
"I-I-I didn't die," Amphitrite stuttered. The eyes were creeping her out, she could hear the voices. Who is she? Is she new? Who did she kiss? Is she a goddess? What is her subject?

"I kissed somebody and he told me I was a goddess." And as soon as Amphitrite said those words, the bodies started clearing up.
There were phenomenal, not real. They were all there looking at her with curiosity. They were all tall, for 17 and had a golden light around them that seemed to strike Amphitrite.
"Oh," She squeaked as she saw those beautiful creatures in front of them. They intimidated her greatly.
"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h...." She stuttered, her words seemed stuck in her mouth and she began to hyperventilate.
Mrs. Lagada placed a reassuring hand on Amphitrite's shoulders and nodded, sympathetically. "Honey, it takes time to get used to it, but," she turned her head to the class and with a stern voice continued, "They should know better to be in there god forms while a new student is here."
There were groans and whines as Amphitrite saw them transform into their human forms.
It was almost magical as the goled light seemed to over come them and shrink them into gorgeous models.
"Is that better, dear?" Mrs. Lagada asked. Amphitrite nodded and smiled nervously at her.
"Here's your schedule," Mrs. Lagada handed her a piece of paper and smiled once again at her.
She looked at the class and her green eyes roamed over the magical gods and goddesses before smiling and snapping her fingers at a girl.
"Athena! Would you like to be Amphitrite's tour guide to school?" Mrs. L asked.
The girl named Athena got up from her seat and walked over to where Mrs. L was. She was.. striking. She had brown-golden locks of hair pulled into a messy bun and high cheekbones with clear, dewy-like skin and dark brown eye that were covered with long eyelashes. She wore a black cami with a gray over-sized cardigan over it, she had dark skinny jeans on and a brown messenger bag that had hand-drawn words in dark navy blue that read ATHENA: GODDESS OF AWESOMENESS!
Athena smiled at Amphitrite and said in a voice that you can tell sounded out every syllable in the word, "Hello, I am Athena, goddess of wisdom. You must be Amphitrite, Poseidon had spoken all about you." Athena rolled her beautiful brown eyes and laughed. "You must be some special girl!"
Amphitrite felt strangely relaxed around Athena. She stuck out a hand and grinned. "Hi, I'm Amphitrite, but my s-sisters call me Amy." Amphitrite's throat clogged up when she spoke of her sisters. She coughed to get rid of the tears.
Athena noticed and ignored her hand to hug her, "I understand, you miss your parents and your sisters. It's hard for a un-born goddess to deal with all of this, but you did a fantastic job. Your parents would be proud of you."
Amy nodded and smiled a watery smiled and thanked her.
"Right now your in Homeroom, next we got Gym. Gym is where we relay on our powers in daily life. It's my favorite subject." Athena said excitingly.
The bell rang and Athena pulled Amy out the door.
"Just stick with me and you'll be fine..." Athena trailed off as Amy looked in wonder at the creatures that roamed the halls.
Cyclops, Titans, Nymphs and other famous creatures strolled past her, eager to see their friends. Amy gasped when she saw a girl that had snakes of all colors and kinds around her head. They slithered and snapped as students passed them. The girl acted indifferent to them. She was quite pretty but did not compare to the goddesses that were in Amy's class. The girl with the snakes had green eyes that looked like cat's and fangs that poked at her bottom lip. She wore dark flare jeans and a red top. She stopped and sneered at Athena.
"Medusa," Athena said bluntly. She wore a angry expression on her face as she glared at the creature before her.
"Athena," Medusa stated just as bluntly. Her voice was shrill and high.
The rivals both glared at each other before huffing and walking away. "I'm sorry you had to witness that cold conversation, Amy." Athena said as she smiled down at Amy. "I am still trying to learn that forgiving is an hard thing to do.' Athena said with a smile.
Amy nodded and smiled back.
"Here we are," Athena said as she stood in front of a double- door that had black, bld letters across it that said GYM.
"We don't have a supervisor for this gym period but we do for the gym that is on the roof. This room is similar to a work out area but more," Athena paused, trying to find the words to express it. "Extreme. Which is why you should stick with me."
Amphitrite nodded and felt the nervousness rack through her system as Athena opened the door.
As soon as they stepped in the threshold of the room Amphitrite felt glitter dust wrap around her and began raining over her and as it did, Amphitrite's clothes began to fall off and in it's place, there was a turquoise blue bikini.
"Wow, I guess your subject is with Poseidon," Athena said, Amy looked at her and saw that she had on a dress-like outfit on. The bottom was gold and she had on an Spartan helmet and a sword.
"Don't worry, I'll be close to you if there's any trouble." Athena smiled. She opened her mouth to say more but was cut of by a shrill whistle.
Athena pulled Amy out of the glitter dust and into this large gym that had a pool, an indoor field, gymnastic bars, and even a gaming room for those who don't have physical subjects.
Amphitrite felt a strong pull to the pool and without warning began walking to it, Athena following her with a knowing smile.
The pool was very huge and had golden tile beneath it and ladders of different lengths. There sat three boys and three girls.
The first guy was amazingly gorgeous with jet black hair that fell in his face and golden eyes that were looking at Amy with interest, he wore this thick armor X-Men-like armor that covered his entire body.
The second guy was OK with jet black hair and black, pitiless eyes. He wore a leather jacket with a white T-Shirt and dark jeans with combat boots.
The third guy was...... Posedion. His hair, his eyes, his abs.

Were all so recognizable.
"Amy, This is Zeus, my.. something. I don't really know since I popped out his head. This is Hades, underworld god and bad boy," Athena paused and giggled as she pointed to Poseidon, "You already know who this is."
There was a silence as Amy blushed and raised her hand to wave at Poseidon. "Hi," She whispered.
"Hi," Poseidon whispered back, his eyes fill of emotion as he smiled that smile that mad Amy want to melt.
"Anyway," Athena said, her eyes wide. "This is Hera, Miss Popularity, Persephone, Sweetie Girl,and Aphrodite, Beauty."
Hera had short blonde hair that came up to her shoulders and hazel eyes that glared at Amy. She wore a black tank top that said in black letters: QUEEN SUPREME. She had on light blue skinny jeans and red pumps.
Persephone had strawberry-blonde hair that came to her waist and silver eyes. She had a glum expression as she stared at the blue water. She had on a white belly shirt under a cream-colored cardigan with a lace, layered shirt, on her feet were light pink ballet flats that had a brown bow on them.
Aphrodite was.... shocking. She had blonde straight, silky hair that came to her back and topaz-colored eyes. She wore white shirt with a mini skirt and red converse.
"Zeus aren't you suppose to be in the field practicing your lightning bolt throws with Hermes?" Athena asked, her eyebrows raised.
Zeus shrugged and lounged against one of the ladders. "He can wait," Zeus stated surly. Zeus reminded Amy of a lazy cat that has everybody wrapped around his paw.
Athena huffed and shook her head. "Laziness is not what will soon be ruling Mount Olympus. Perseverance, Persistence, Knowledge will rule it." Athena spoke with wisdom lacing her voice.
Hera rolled her eyes and got up. "Athena, you may be the goddess of wisdom but you are not the goddess of what will be. Shouldn't you be playing with knifes or something?" Hera said. She wore a smirk of supreme cruelty on her face.
"What will be is

based on wisdom. You should be doing something fitted for your subject, like delivering a baby maybe?" Athena asked with a raised eyebrow. She snickered as Hera huffed and turned her nose up.
Amphitrite giggled too. It was pretty funny..
All eyes were on her and she blushed and looked down. "Sorry," she mumbled. "It's was funny."
There was silence and soon Athena and Poseidon were laughing.
Hera growled under her breath, she filed her nails like she did not care but Amphitrite could see the frustration and anger on her face as Amphitrite slowly took the attention away from her.
"So Hera....I like your pumps." Amphitrite said politely. She hated to start problems on the first day of school, she felt like first impression are everything here so it's best to be as nice as possible even though she hated being a suck-up. But Amphitrite had a feeling that Hera had people around her who complimented her all the time.
Hera looked up at her with her beautiful hazel eyes. They were glinted with hardness and hostility. Amphitrite looked down at her own light purple colored flips-slops as she heard Hera answered.
"I know, got them from Rainbow, I just love that store, all the cool kids go there, where do you shop at? Children's Place?" She asked with a fake innocence that disgusted Amphitrite.
Ouch. That was low. Amphitrite felt her cheeks blush a rosy red and she began tugging her hair and blinking rapidly to hold in the stray tears from her departure of her family. Zeus yelled out, "Burn!" and Hades laughed and threw his head back, Aphrodite chuckled and looked up at Amphitrite with a sympathetic look. She looked away from Poseidon, not wanting to see his face anymore.
Amphitrite felt slow tears drip down her face and fall into the pool. She didn't bother to wipe them away for some mysterious reason, she let Hera see her angry, washed-out face to let her know that she was not afraid to show her tears. Amphitrite felt a pull inside of her, tugging ever so gently on her soul, it was an odd feeling that she had never felt before.
She looked down and gasped as she saw a turquoise light pool from her tears. The light began enveloping around her and Hera, who gasped and dropped her file as she began backing away from the pool. The light enveloped around her, casting her gorgeous face in a light of blue. Amphitrite's light seemed to bubble inside of her hand with the tugging of her soul. She let go of the rope that seemed to latch inside of her and with a small fizz!

Hera was flung back with amazing force.
There was a eerie silence, all over the court. Everyone had there eyes on Amphitrite with awe and shock. She had just thrown Miss Popularity out onto the lawn.
Hera coughed and sat up in awe and anger. Her blonde hair was shocking wet, her hazel eyes hard as rock. She slowly stood up and without a warning, she struck something at Amphitrite.
Amphitrite felt herself being blown back about 40 feet before landing in the field next to a frighten curly-haired boy who moved quickly out of the way. Amphitrite landed on her back, feeling a sharp pain go up her back before a cooling sensation came over her. No longer in pain and in a daze, she stood up and began treading water on the grass

, she flew into the air with a small sprout similar to a fountain and began flying over to the pool.
"Don'!!" Hera warned with a smile before proceeding blasting Amphitrite back again. Amphitrite caught it, forming an energy ball of strength and water before blasting it at Hera. This time Athena caught it with a golden light.
"Enough!" Athena yelled, stopping the commotion and chaos at once. She had a clear, strong voice that made everyone obey. Hera "Humph", before crossing her arms and glared at Amphitrite as she slowly brought the water down, soaking it onto the green grass.
Amphitrite didn't know what came over her but she felt violent and rage as Hear insulted her. Amphitrite was never the one to break into fights or to insult somebody but it was an unexplained action that made Amphitrite question if she was truly a goddess now. Her hands shook at the thought of not becoming human anymore, she would loose her entire self! She would become violent and mean, like Hera. The thought of being like Hera made her shiver in fear.
For now on, she would have to keep her emotions in check.



Publication Date: 05-15-2011

All Rights Reserved

To Bellafan and bellafani.

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