Don't Whisper to the Mist...

He sought her soul.... By:
Don't Whisper to the Mist...
Rene' found love after an abrupt divorce. Or did she find her own doom?

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Fresno, Calif.

Our democracy is too easy to manipulate. The weakness and fairness of
democracy makes it easy pickens for shifty lawyers to game for their clients.

Then it's necessary for someone in Muellers position to work even harder to
find the truth.

American democracy has ebbed and flowed over the years with many low points
including the JFK assassination, killing civilians at My Lai in Vietnam,
torturing prisoners at... Show more

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I appreciate the time you took to analyse my writing and point out my mistakes - i will keep them in mind when i write again!!!


Reema :)

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because I did not like it, have not read enough for that. I would point out that many of your paragraphs are far too long and one loses track. Also your speech from different people should be on different lines, starting a new paragraph. Small things bjut they help the reader delineate who is saying what at a glance. Not being picky, just practical comment. Then perhaps I could enjoy the book and read more. Bluedragon

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