
The Eyes That See No More By:

This book is about Marisa a girl who up until her 16th birthday was as normal as any other girls her age. Yet the night after her birthday she found that she could hear someone in her room in fact she could feel them on her bed sitting next to her. However no matter how hard she tried she could not open her eyes to see them. She tried to yell but she found a cold hand over her mouth before any sound could escape. She had been Blinded!

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Now, this kept me on the edge. The only thing that I need to say about this story is that it has a lot of grammar and misspellings. Otherwise, it was fantasy!

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i hope the book keeps going or theres another book in the series or something because this is an awesome book

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No one in real life. Only Taken is based on real people I know. Well Except Cold Blood but that one I will not bring public until its done.

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So, something I've been wondering about for awhile now is, who is Johnny and who is Amber?

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