Oh wow. :) I loved it. I clicked it because the title was similar to a band I like (Keys for the Kingdom) and I'm really glad I did. It was short, but touching.
I feel a lot like Erik sometimes in that anybody and everybody is out for personal gain. I think we all feel like that sometimes, though.
I'm happy you enjoyed it! I worried for a long time that people would just think he was whiny, so it's nice to see that instead readers tend to relate :)
Maybe a bit closer to misguided. :)
Yeah, I really liked it.
<3 Short and sweet! Erik reminds me of myself in the sense that sometimes I feel that almost everyone would throw me under the bus is they'd get something out of it.
I'm glad you liked it :). I think everyone feels like that at some point. I know I did when I wrote it. This piece was actually meant to be very much like the 'Self-Portrait' in the story. I'm glad it functioned properly at least for one reader ^_^. Thank you for the heart.
Yeah got some deep art vibes just like Kool doing RA, I kinda dig it, it did go over me head as I'm a bit slow like that, but it's like a real unexpected story!!! Nice one dude!!!
Well it's the first time anyone has said as much, so thank you for being the first :). It's nice to know someone likes it.
Yeah sure as, and cheers for the convo, I dig your pretty serious about the writing vibes so thanks for having a gas with someone like me who has given up and just got real cynical!!!
Aw, don't be cynical. There's always room for things to get better :3
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