The Last Azvisalokya

(ON HOLD) First book in Azvisalokya trilogy By:
User: 마리암
The Last Azvisalokya


The ugliest inter-dimensional war is about to start between the demons and the satnees, but the battle field is our Earth. The preparations began milleniums ago, while the key is a human, a weak human girl, but not an ordinary teenager.


I discovered that my father became a half-saatnee, his girlfriend was a demon; and I fell in love with an immortal who came to Earth, through the moon gate.

   Do you think that's a lot to deal with? Especially, when all creatures of the dark believe that a dagger in my heart is their only salvation! According to a stupid ancient prophecy.

And there is more in my cursed life...

I am Nina, the seven dimensions of our universe want me sacrificed!
They call me: The Last Azvisalokya.

First book in Azvisalokya trilogy.

This Book is Part of a Series "Azvisalokya trilogy "
All Books in this Series:
The Last Azvisalokya
(ON HOLD) First book in Azvisalokya trilogy
Posts and Comments
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Thank you so much Robert K.Galvez for reviewing my book.

11-23-2018, 3:22pm

...Greetings Mii Ryouma;...

...I hope this message finds you well...Fear not, this is not a meaningless spam message: I am merely messaging you to inform you that I read your novella 'The Last Azvisalokya' and wish you every encouragement...

...It was, personally, like Silverberg and LaVey meeting Le Guin for me...The potential of the narrative is... Show more

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I mean the sahed and Nina can be togather and they should. Be after all they went through now I don't like. Lucida but the ending in which he said my daughter is not a mere trophy man!!!! Intense what a rollaecoster of emotions it was man!!!! I wanna kill demons now!!! It's a beautiful book and I'm waiting for more

16 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

Okay ^_^


mii i have a question pm?

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Reading the first few pages, I can barely review but from what I see you don't really need much critiquing. At least, not from me. But how you write is by far categorized in a league above the people I've read from. You paint a picture with your words and you don't go around info-dumping your readers. I would love to know more about the Namaka and our protagonist as well as what trials she'll be facing from here on out.... Show more

1 Comment

That's way more than anything I've expected ^_^
Honestly I'm not confident about the way I write, I feel that something is missing, but I can't put my hands on it.

So, finding this post about my book was the ultimate happiness I've ever dreamed of...
Thank you sir for all the time... Show more

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the one who writes

its an incredible interpretation of universes and its creator with clever structure impressive and quite frankly im impressed and wish i wrote at your standard.


I didn't see the notification of this post! And I'm so sorry for the late reply.


Thank you so much for this comment! It took my breath away!! And literally left me speechless!
And I'm so grateful for all the precious time you put in reading my first English book.
Thank u again :)

Important Post

No, don't split the book. Your book is well done. Such a book with that keeps you on your toes for the longest time is best kept long since the reader is constantly yearning for more. At least in my experience.

By the way i like the new cover. :)

1 Comment

Heyyy :D

Thank u so much for this sweet post, I was really in need of someone's opinion..
and glad u like the new cover :]

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Do I have to split the book into series, each one covering one or two chapters? Since the chapters are long.
I'm not sure if it will help the reader to read thoroughly.

6 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

I miss that smile on your face my big boy ^_^
Hope you're doing great in your life dearest friend .


but im missng u all


please , be safe and stay happy my friend

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I've read a book that kept me on my toes but it was a comedy book. Yours however was intense, you were able to keep the pressure on and slowly building.

Let me just cut to the chase and say;



I'm so flattered by this post, it kept me smiling for more than few minutes.
And thank u so much for giving my book all that time to read it. I'm so glad u enjoyed its long chapters even if it's not finished yet :)

Book two is not coming soon, at least until I put a full stop to... Show more


Yes i agree, while i am eager to see what happens next; it is important to polish the book to a shine :) so you know it is finished and can focus on the next.


yep :)
I totally agree.
Good luck with polishing your book too :)

Important Post

Ok on pg 15 last paragraph instead of "Black tears started flooding... " try started flowing or begun welling up. Also pg 17 the last paragraph 1st sentence is abit confusing, plz revise it. In fact these small errors can build up and cause lazy readers to toss the book. However you did say english is your third language. In that case you've done really well. I will keep pointing out a few things here and there. The story is... Show more

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Just finished chapter 2; and oh my!!! You really know how to spin a tale.

In fact chapter two qualifies to be a thriller. I love the way you kept the momentum going all the way through the chapter, it was beautifull.

Also filling in the blanks from the preface was well done. I... Show more


I've never expected that kind of comments on my book, since it's my first book ever. And especially when English is my third language.
Thank u so much for lifting my spirit that much, your comments made my day ..


:-) Don't sweat the third language part. From what i can see this bk is great. You can always polish the language; but the story is a whole other issue. Just think. If it's this good now imagine what it will be like after smoothing it out. :-)

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love it though the pics kind a creep me out but over - all its great so keep writing

1 Comment

Do you think that it should be rated +16 instead of +14 because of the pics?

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