






I am a spirit watcher in this universe.
You can't see me, or hear me, or even feel my presence now, here by your side, my hand on your shoulder, while your eyes are reading those words.
Don't be afraid of me, of the unknown, of the different...
Once you come to see its real essence, you'll find how beautiful it is...even in its darkest incarnation.


To be a human, a spirit, a saatnee, or even a demon.. means you are one among the amazing creatures of God, living in this multidimensional universe.


This is about my world...
Ancient prophecies are candles enlightening the time path...
Don't be surprised to see them alive, walking around...
The time is set...
It is time...





- I used in this book The Harvard-Kyoto Convention to write words in Sanskrit.


 - English is my third language, and I'm trying my best.. So, helpful feedback and comments are the most appreciated.








Namaka, the closest dimension to Earth, an under-oceans civilization :


          On the dry land, Lucida, the fierce demon warrior; wearing her war skull armor, was moving fast, carrying behind her a beautiful strange blue-grey creature. That was a Namakan female child, tightly tied up, in what it seemed like some kind of visible fire power strings. The Namakan was floating unconsciously. Her tired small body, partially covered with shiny black circles, was trembling. Her black thin lips were gasping for air. Her huge golden eyes were half opened with black tears there, painting curved lines on her face, and soaking her curly long hair in a deeper indigo shaded color instead of its warm purple.


          The Namakan female was not the only one suffering. It was true that she couldn't live more than few hours without being in water: her natural environment. But Lucida also, was in a very unusual pain. She was a demon who could easily manipulate the fire power; and even for a top class warrior, to be in a water-dimension (Namaka) meant weakening her powers with every breath she exhaled.


          In that hostile atmosphere, a planet of oceans and black sharp rocks. She was carrying her prey, and heading towards the sacred Namaka moon temple. Which was majestically, showing its six golden sparkling domes under the red moonlight, and floating as if it was a Flying fortress.


          It was absolutely a terrifying moment, even for a demon warrior like Lucida, when land began to merge with oceans under her feet. Namaka was in a chaos, it was as if this dimension was dying along with that Namakan female child.


          With every teardrop, oceans gained over land. With her gasping, devastating quakes tormented the heart of this planet. Even the eclipsed midnight red moon, began to show on its surface some black shades.


That was a crucial time.


          Namaka was painting its destiny in darkness, with no life energy left, all drained by its living creatures. For two thousand years, with each birth on this planet, the slightest amount of energy was taken, until its lifecycle was about to end. Namaka needed its energy back, to begin a new two millenniums lifecycle again; as it was forever since the unknown past.


          Without its life energy, the beginning of a horrifying era was certainly inevitable: the annihilation of all Namaka. Or, in the best way, life energy would be taken from other closest dimensions, through the opened bloody moon gate. That should bring this universe, including Earth, to a period of unbalanced energy. Darkness would be spread, causing catastrophes in every part of it.


          Those inevitable side effects were collateral damages in Sahed's eyes, that's how he used to call those kinds of catastrophic consequences.


(For a divinity he was, all creatures were going to die one day or another. It didn't matter for him the loss, since life energy was returning home after every lifecycle of each dimension.)


          He was waiting inside the sacred moon temple for Lucida, his servant, to bring that special Namakan. Sahed was already done with the preparations of the sacrifice ritual, the Namakan female sacrifice. She was the fruit, born at the end of this era carrying inside her body the life energy of Namaka.


          That was not her choice to make, nor her parents', it was her destiny. She was trusted with the most sacred mission, the chosen to carry the purest life energy inside her body, and then to give it back to its origins in a sacrifice ritual, under the bloody eclipsed moon.


          From her heart to Namaka heart, she had to die in a painful way to give others life.
That would be Sahed's responsibility,
to make sure every dimension was going to survive for another lifecycle.
That time, he was the one performing the ritual under the bloody moon light inside the sacred temple.


          Lucida entered the shield field of her master who was projecting his power, protecting this sacred place. She appeared in front of the sculptured golden-turquoise entrance of the temple, kneeling, bowing her head in the most respective way.


          Sahed's Piercing sharp golden eyes glanced down to her, it made her heart sunken in freezing blood, then turned his attention to the circle of light in front of him, and muttered:
"you're late.." ,
That was the voice Lucida feared and respected the most, more than the demons army leader's, or even her lord's himself.
"Hand over the Azvisalokya." And added after a brief silence "I need my full energy ".


          The Namakan floated slowly to the light circle. Once she was on the floor in the center of that light, the fire power strings disappeared. Lucida still kneeling finally asked:
- "May I return to keep an eye on the outside? Master."
- "leave." The answer came rapidly, and the power shield already gone.
- "Thank you master." and (woooosh) she disappeared along with her voice in a blink of an eye.




          Lucida left the temple entrance, and went outside to accomplish her duty, which had been as always obeying her master. She was Sahed's bodyguard, his servant, and his right arm. She was a fierce demon warrior, the symbol of evil and darkness, and could never put a foot inside a sacred place like the moon temple. Yet, her master was the ultimate incarnation of pure life energy and light.


          Inside the sacred moon temple; surrounded by mesmerizing mosaic in gold, silver, and every shade of blue. Sahed, the human-lookalike divinity in the center under the opened roof was wearing a white and gold vestment, with scarlet strange symbols written on. The same symbols but in white light, were binding the Namakan Azvisalokya to the light circle in a crucifixion way.
किरण दर्शपूर्णमास हर्म्य


          He was himself bound to that ritual circle. Under the red moonlight, that writing was crawling slowly, burning his skin with deep scarlet tattoos. It went the same for the unconscious Namakan.


          He glanced through that opening in the roof, admiring profoundly his long-life partner, the red moon. It was there, a divine beauty in the center of the opened circle, appeared as it was surrounded by the six majestic golden domes.


          When he closed his eyes, his left forefinger ring turned into an open book suddenly appeared between his hands.
He opened his eyes and read something in a strange language:
" vikasitanayanavadanakamala " . ( विकसितनयनवदनकमल ) = opening lotus-like eyes and mouth.


          The blue gray Namakan child opened her eyes and mouth. Shocked, tried, but could not move, or scream, or say anything, or understand what was going on.
"An important part of the ritual is accepting your destiny " Sahed kept speaking with his freezing voice, this time to the shaking frightened child who was struggling in the worst desperate way. " we owe you an explanation... " He added.


I'm dying! Can't breathe... I need to see Aenon (her little brother), hopefully..He was able to survive that demon attack. Please please please please pleaaaaase... my body is burning like hell...I don't think I can keep taking care of you, or even see you, little beautiful love...Oh my dear! ... (That's what she was thinking about).


           Sahed continued explaining "you were born with Namaka energy inside your body, your duty is to give it back to save your world... that will end your life... "He paused for few seconds, but it seemed like forever for her.


          She tried not only once, or twice, or hundred times to close her eyes when he was speaking, she wanted desperately to picture, for the last time in her existence, her little brother smiling, but couldn't close them. They were widely opened, and fixed to the red moon in Namaka night sky.


          Deeply frustrated, she was suffering in pain and agony. Black tears started flooding, blurring the sight of the moon.
The last words she heard from him were "you have one granted wish."


She tried to smile but couldn't. To die for someone she loved, to give her sweet little brother life she believed he deserved.


You take care of Aenon, my final request.


          A sphere of light, a very small one, appeared from that ancient book in Sahed's hands, and flew away in lightning speed, that was her granted wish.


          The most horrifying moments were about to begin. Sahed step by step, started very slowly circling the Azvisalokya, he was reading again from the book he was holding with his left hand in that strange language "candraja... jenya... param ananda... azvisalokya ." He tore the papyrus from his book with his right, rolled it up into a scroll, and spoke "sasyesti".


          Sahed still slowly circling when Red smoke appeared in his hand, and turned magically the scroll into a small curved dagger. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to that dying child, and stabbed ruthlessly her right palm.
Terrible mighty thunder was heard, Blood and tears couldn't scream. Her widely opened eyes started to change color, from bright gold, to a shaded golden-brown, her breathing went faster and faster.

 Her widely opened eyes started to change color, from bright gold, to a shaded golden-brown, her breathing went faster and faster



         He repeated what he did "candraja... jenya... param ananda... azvisalokya." . . . "sasyesti" and aimed this time for her left Palm.

Again and again,
Not only her eyes, hands, and feet were bleeding; but also his. Being bound to the ritual circle with that burning tattooed skin, and all those bloody deep wounds, had one explanation: Sahed was sharing with this child the ultimate sacrifice.
          He was killing himself too...
          That was his curse.


          After what it seemed for both of them like eternity of torture. Six daggers found their way deep in flesh, swollen crimson eyes instead of bright golden, and deafening tremendous thunder took the place of her screaming voice.
The exhausted near-death Sahed, and for the seventh time repeated whispering,
param ananda
while he was pushing his legs to continue their circling, his body above all possible limits, he added
"sasyesti" .


          The final moment came, no tears left. The blue Namakan child almost drained from her blood, was ready to go, knowing her little sweet brother will be alright.


          Her executioner opened his mouth for the last time, gathered all forces left inside him, closed his hand tightly on the last jeweled dagger's handle, then ended the ritual with "tamohara" while aiming directly to the heart.
At that time, his demon bodyguard appeared in front of the temple entrance, the word master still between her lips when his body hit the floor.


          Lucida horrified, instinctively retracted what left from her weakened fire energy field that was all over the temple in no time, and launched it, to protect her master's body.
That field had been protecting the sacred place from the terribly destructive power humming around, and of course from the two Namakan soldiers, who were searching for that kidnapped child, and managed to make it there.


          Every piece of the mesmerizing mosaic inside was cracked, along with the dead Azvisalokya thin body. Chaos took place, and every piece was falling shattered. The temple destruction was inevitable.


          The sacrifice blood began to turn into heavy smoke, and easily found its way to the outside. The Namakan child turned immediately to dust, and the temple collapsed on the rest.


          No one was protected. The two Namakan soldiers died, and Lucida was severely injured with no fire energy left within her, she used it to protect her master who was miraculously alive inside that floating fire shell, and his opened injuries were already healed.




          All the sacrifice blood smoke covered Namaka sky, it became the heavy red rain washing the ground, and purifying the oceans. That stopped all quakes and thunderstorms. When Sahed opened his golden eyes, he was drained from blood, but fully recovered inside Lucida's floating fire shell. His ring was already in his finger, the ritual vestment that appeared magically on him when he entered the temple was gone.


          He went directly to where his servant was lying, severely injured, she was dying. He could sense her life power extinguishing, and fading away. In fact, since he was the ultimate incarnation of pure life energy and light, he could sense, feel, and give that life energy.


          Sahed kneeled to be near his servant, he removed gently Lucida's helmet and put his right hand on her forehead, she was receiving the life energy needed to restore her powers. Finally, when she opened her eyes, her master was smiling. That was the first time ever in her entire life, seeing his icy freezing face doing such a thing, and a millennium was indeed a very..very long time.


- "It is good to know I can rely on your help." He put his smile into words.


          I am in heaven...
That was what she wanted to believe, for a demon she was.


- "Luci!" His voice interrupted her unusual thoughts, of course the priceless smile was gone.


          Lucida came to realize that she was alive, a huge smile on her face, and still lying on the ground. Deeply embarrassed, she instantly switched-on to her kneeling mode, and apologized:
- "Master... I do beg your pardon. I'm blessed to see you safe and sound." still kneeling, she put her skull helmet on.
- "Such a smart kid." He was mocking in a sarcastic tone, and continued "doesn't saatnee ring a bell?"
- "Oh..." she opened her mouth, and just did not remember how to bring her lips together.


          She forgot completely, in the middle of the past events, that Sahed was a saatnee. Saatnees had great powers, including an amazing regeneration rate. And her master was not just one of them, but he was born as their supreme leader.


- "Dear Luci! " shaking his head. And happy as a puppy she was, every time Sahed called her name. He stood up, turned his back to her, and raised his head admiring the moon.
After a long moment of silence, she stood up bowing respectfully her head. He turned to face her, put both hands on her shoulders, and spoke " the eclipse is over, another one will occur in about six months. "


          She immediately understood that her master had to stay on Namaka for about a half of a year, he could not jump from a dimension to another, when the bloody moon gate was closed.


          She had to return home, to report what happened on Namaka to the lord, alone for the first time in a millennium. She was Sahed's shadow since her teenage years.


          Her father was the one who took her to Sahed, it was the day when the lord gave that noble demon a chair in the elders council. He couldn't say no, defying the lord orders was the ultimate high treason. Eternal sleep (death sentence) was waiting to whoever had thoughts against the lord will.


          I can remember clearly that day as if it was yesterday; father came to the training place in our mansion, I was very happy to see him. He did not visit us often; he was the divinity servant, that's exactly the same as serving the lord himself.


          He took me to master Sahed place. Father had been begging master for three whole days to accept my services, as an apology for leaving his side, after fifteen hundred years. Finally master took me under his wings. That day marked the beginning of my real life.
Sorry father, I won't take your path, I will never ever left master's side.


Lucida finally spoke:
" I'll be back as fast as I can, master."
Not being able to hide her deepest secret inside the pleading look in her eyes, she added
"You need your energy, master".


          Sahed's golden eyes turned black, thirst and hunger was consuming him to the bones, the overwhelming craving for blood was printed in black veins on his face. He had never fallen in this state before, it bothered him a bit. That was the first time to him performing suchlike rituals, that drained him from blood. Regeneration, and healing power he used on his servant, also took a huge amount of his energy.


          Lucida looked away, tilted slightly her head to the left, exposing her neck. She was anticipating the bite she dreamed about for hundreds of years. To be the special one to her master, taking her blood in this intimate way was the highest privilege she could have received.


          Sahed inhaled, not blood scent or air, but strength to restrain himself from that act of shame. A divinity can't share intimate relationships with demons, or Namakans, or even with his own people.


          He stepped back, and opened his hand. A flying small sharp stone came to him in a high speed.
Sahed used it to perform a tiny cut on Lucida's hand. He took a few drops with his right forefinger, and licked it while he was healing the cut with the other hand. Not what she was waiting for, but satisfying.


          She kneeled again, waiting for his command, and didn't have to wait for long. He gave her a special message:
- "give my respectful regards to the lord" the definition of: go now.
- "Of course master, I will."


          Lucida immediately jumped to the highest point she could reach, swift scarlet feathered wings appeared when she said " bahirdvAra". A big black hole burst open and she rushed in, it closed immediately behind her.


          At that moment, the sphere of light appeared before in the temple from Sahed's book, returned to stop in front of him, bigger and then disappeared. A small blue grey Namakan, a very small one was in its place sleeping. That was Aenon, the Azvisalokya sweet brother she wanted to protect, while she was painfully dying.


          After one month, Lucida returned in a full moon night,
          five other lunar months passed,


          they went back, the three of them to the demons dimension Akma.


Eighty three years later... Aenon became the Namakan powerful servant of sahed, he was raised by the fierce demon Lucida, and taught and trained by the divinity himself.


the lifecycle of Akma: its energy was extinguishing, but things were not worrying. the lord in person had been always taking full responsibility of his own planet, and people.


          09/01/2001, the balcony of Sahed's castle/ Akma


         Sahed was laying in his ancient golden brown armchair, he was barefoot, and wearing a brown rob that matched perfectly his honey skin



         Sahed was laying in his ancient golden brown armchair, he was barefoot, and wearing a brown rob that matched perfectly his honey skin. Mesmerized by the red eclipsed beautiful moon. He had to close his eyes from time to time, the bloody moon gate was opened, and he could look easily for moon children energy in other dimensions.


          He closed his eyes maybe for the sixteenth time, looking for new golden eyes; a broad grin split his freezing face "found you, my beloved Nina".


          The longtime awaited Azvisalokya was born under the full eclipse, one of the moonchildren who had the most beautiful golden eyes seen in the entire existence. The purest life energy sparkling from the inside of the iris, with an innocent dancing gravity, inviting every soul deep in.


          Sahed wanted to keep his eyes closed forever, he forgot the bloody moon for a while, and that was a first. He had to fulfill his duty, to make sure the Azvisalokya would be protected until the day of the inevitably coming holy sacrifice.


He called for his servants " Luci, Aenon ". And (woooosh ) they appeared kneeling in front of him.


-"It's time to visit our friends on Earth... my homeland."   











Nine days ago... Sunday 31/12/2000
Tampa: the county seat of Hillsborough County, Florida, United States.

          David Hades, the FBI field agent just returned from a long day surveillance mission, to the Tampa division headquarters. He was a special agent in this Criminal Investigation Division (CID), and was assigned to get information about a transnational criminal organized gang.


          The secretary general of the (CID) came directly to face him, almost running. David sighed, eying the annoying redhead chatterbox from head to toe. She shouted:
- " The boss is waiting for you. What have you done this time Dave? "
Every agent was craning his neck impatiently, waiting for an answer.


          Harsh words took-over his thoughts.
None of your business.
But in front of all his coworkers, he couldn't take off his —Mr. perfect agent— mask, so he answered:
- "My job." can't she keep her nose out of my pants?..
- "Your job? Well, I hope you'll manage to keep it this time." And she pointed her hand to the plasma on the wall. "As you can see, news are already on TV."
He uttered in a sneering manner:
- " yeah, me too." And continued walking to his boss' office.


          David was in front of the wooden door when he heard two voices, the boss' and a stranger's. He just stood there waiting for that meeting to end.
The unknown guest was speaking:
- " meet him, I need his file. " after a brief silence he added: "he's here."


Perfect, today's mission report is already on his desk, I'm officially a dead man. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead....


          Another voice came from the inside, cut his puling thoughts .This time was his boss':
- "David, come in."


Behind the mountain of files on the desk.
Alex his boss and childhood best friend was standing, waiting for him; arms crossed, glasses down on his nose. He had never forgotten rolling-up the sleeves of his boring white button-down shirt.


          David was the first speaking:
- " Evening boss." Then his eyes went directly to the guest sitting in a dark corner, and nodded in a greeting way. What Mr.Jeffry Klein is doing in the boss' office?
- "just sit down Dave." Alex was anxiously biting his lip. "I warned you. And yet, you have just wasted your last chance." He took the mission report from the top of the files and threw it on his desk to David.


          Very reassuring, thank you boss. He took the file; his left fingers didn't stop scratching his head while reading. The mission wasn't a total failure; at least we won't worry about the criminal gang leader anymore.
- "That's the real success; I mean the head is dead, and both of his assistants are in the hospital..."


          Alex interrupted the flow of his agent words by punching the desk angrily.
David turned his head to see Mr.Klein in the dark corner slyly smiling. Why this person is still sitting here? This conversation should be in private.


- " Dave, the man you killed..."
- "I swear it was self defense, I have witnesses." He was obviously worried.
- "David Hades, you fool. Just listen. It doesn't change the fact that he's gone forever. He was one of our best undercover agents." A brief silence and he went on screaming "Why didn't you confer with us about that gang, instead of working alone? Stupid Dave."


          What the f***!


Not waiting for any kind of response, Alex ordered,
- "Weapon and badge. "
He slowly put his Glock first on the desk, the pistol he had carried with him for more than five years. It felt like tearing a piece from his soul, but couldn't object. Those were the consequences of his misplaced impulsiveness.


- "Now David. As a friend, I have to give you the best chances you can get in the middle of these unfortunate events; we have some very serious business to talk about. "
Friend my ass! I'm stripped of gun and badge. Nothing to do with your fake friendship.
- "What are you waiting for? Say it out loud. I'm under arrest now? I need to call Jullia, and talk to my lawyer."
- "Well, dear friend. That's not exactly what's on Mr.Klein's mind."


          Alex was referring to the man sitting in the dark corner, nodded to him, and showed him, palm facing upward, the chair next to David.
- "Thank you." That's what Mr.Klein said, and just came and sat.


          He was a tall man, in his fifties. His navy blue double-breasted suit matched perfectly his salt and pepper short beard. Jeffry Klein, the well known businessman owner of many museums, hotels, and towers across the country.


          Alex continued explaining,
- " No pressed charges, no bills, no trials, and happily ever after. work for Mr.Klein."
- "Hello! I'm an FBI special agent, not a bodyguard!" Jerk...Jerks. I'm not his dog, or yours.
- "Of course you are, mon ami. If you haven't noticed, you're a dead man. Your best chance will be a life sentence."


Dark nightmares flashed before his eyes. He wanted to be the perfect father for his unborn baby, but in jail, loneliness would be his ghost guardian until dying breath. Julia, her love the reason for overcoming the odds against him, would be taken away by time and distance.


- "Cut it... Please Alex, I can't hear another word... I... I... I can't handle all these at once. What do you want from me, you and you?" David was glaring at Mr.Klein when he pronounced the last you.


          They exchanged glances and nodded to each other. Then, Mr.Klein directed his attention to David.
The speech that turned his world upside down was about to begin.


- "Mr. Hades."
- "Yeah?" Give me the best of what you have.
- "No need for a preface. Let's face it, you have two options. You'll be charged with first-degree murder, my lawyers will make sure to frame you... And you can kiss your family and life good bye.
The second option, and please don't interrupt me."


          Go to hell, you can't threaten me like that; I prefer jail over your second option. But, In this miserable situation I've put myself in , I'm forced to zip my mouth and endure his acerbic nature until the end.


          Mr.Klein pursued his suggestion in a less scathing tone; his electric blue eyes sparkling with an overwhelming persuading power convinced David of his sincerity.


- "Give-up your career as an FBI special agent, which is by the way gone with, or without your approval. Quit the (CID). Start your own business as a private investigator, your childhood dream. Once you accept, there will be no way back. "
How do you know about my childho..? Of course, Alex. My childhood best friend!


          David was wondering why a guy like Mr.Jeffry Klein was in a place like a (CID) office, imposing his will on him and his boss. No doubt about his crushing influence.


          He ended his suggestion with a promise.
- "Mr.Hades, One thing I can guarantee. You'll see the world in a way that you have never imagined, the truth you've always sought about hidden agendas will be freely open to you. And I need your answer now, not in two days. "


          David paused, roaming around the thought of missing his first child birth. All the planning he went through, along with his loving beautiful wife. Will go with the wind, if he opened his mouth with a NO.


          It's clear that my career as an FBI agent is officially dead.
His boss was staring at him with his impatient eyes.
You're looking ahead to my years in jail! Still holding to your teen dreams about being a part of Jullia's life?... Stupid Alex... Over my dead body.


          Waiting for the answer that came rapidly, Mr.Klein raised his eyebrows anticipating the positive answer he wanted to hear.


- "Mr.Klein, boss. You had succeeded in whatever you wanted. From the beginning you had nothing to lose, unlike me. Well, I blame myself. "


          Both of them had the wide victory smile drawn on their faces, that sent chills down David's spine. But he carried on.


- "You threatened me; I'm not a gangster nor a man without honor. I'll be working for you Mr.Klein as an investigator, but my life is mine not yours. And my family will stay forever out of any troubles. "


Mr.Klein showed his huge white-teeth grin to his new partner, and stretched out his hand to shake David's.
- "You have my solemn pledge."


No comments left, I'm trapped for the rest of my life. No, I did put myself in this obvious trap.


          The truth was crystal clear, what just happened was David's true nature unconsciously manifested. What his soul always thirsted for, investigating the unknown underworld, seeking the hidden agendas. That Jeffry opened for him all of the seven hell-gates. He walked into happily, but never expected what lays waiting behind them.


THE FIRST GATE (of David's Hell)


          David went directly to what it was few hours ago his office, picked up the phone and dialed his apartment number.
- "Hello?" The soft voice came overflowing with warm-heartedness he needed after the unexpected turn his life took.
- "Hi, Jullia."
- "Dave, thank god you called, I was very worried for you. Have you heard about what happened in El Centro Español? "
- "Honey, please. I'm fine; I've asked you many times to stop worrying about me. You're taking care of our angel, and that's too much to deal with."
- "Thank you darling, you've been very understanding from the beginning."
- "Don't mention it again. Hey, babe, I'll be there in..." No, I need few more minutes for myself.


          In the center of that tornado, He remembered a small spotlight that could bring peace to his mind, at least for tonight.
- "At nine o'clock. Be ready for tonight."
- "Yay, I love the spontaneous man inside you. I'll be ready in time, bye, love you. "
- " Bye, love you too babe."This spontaneity cost me my job.


          David needed desperately to push that pause button, mulling over today's disturbing events. Still not believing that an hour back, he let his career slipped between his fingers for craving greed and burning curiosity, and perhaps for a monstrous darkness awaiting not just him, but threatening the piece of heaven he wanted to create for his family.


          The Clearwater Beach was lightened up that night with fireworks cruises. The happy couple enjoyed their New Year's Eve dinner with the soft piano music, and the clubby conviviality at Bob Heilman's Beachcomber. The best moment of the night was when the song (One More Time) started, and the blooming radiant expectant mum dared her husband to an unforgettable dance.


          David never told his wife about the real reason behind his resignation from the CID. Jullia believed that going over to his new job, and fulfilling his life dream, is the best that can happen to their growing family.


          Next day, at the Stovall-Lee historic mansion. David had an appointment with his unclear, yet somehow promising future, which wasn't an uncommon situation for an ex-FBI agent.


          Behind an impregnable wall of trees, laid the luxurious massive compound of structures. A main house, guest house, pavilion, conservatory, pergola, fitness and service building, and a pool. Undisputedly, it was the private, and secluded estate which epitomizes gracious, elegant and exclusive living.


          For David's amazement, the welcoming committee were the Klein's who looked like royalties or nobles. They were very cheerful, especially the three-and-half year old child, who couldn't stop playing and laughing with his parents.


- "Welcome to my abode, Mr.Hades. You're in time. "
- "My pleasure Mr.Klein, call me Dave. "
- "This is Inessa. My beloved wife. "


          I did my homework last night. Mrs. Inessa Klein is the aristocrat Russian founder of the anti-racism foundation.
- " nice to meet you ma'am. " she just smiled and nodded.


          They sat by the pool, it was an absolutely stunning place. Trees flickering in the gentle breeze, and a warm golden thin layer of the afternoon sunshine covering every corner of this exquisite estate in that winter day.


- "The small devil" Mr.Jeffry continued introducing his family. He put his son on his lap, kissed him on the cheek, the neck, and the forehead "is Kyser, my baby".


          That was one of Mr. Klein's uncounted ways to earn someone's trust. Every man has his price, and David has always had a weakness to people who put faith in him.
Introducing his family was exactly the most perfect method that worked on David.


- "David." The Klein's began the serious business talk. "I need your services to investigate a secret auction; it'll be taking place in Egypt." A secret auction! And in Egypt! What a hell of a start! "I'm interested in the DRAGON SHIELD, nothing else. It's one of the supposed lost works of Leonardo Da Vinci."
That doesn't sound strange from an art collector, but smuggling really does look highly dangerous to me.


          David's vivid thoughts almost spilled or speaking, were interrupted by Mrs.Inessa.


- "Mr.Hades. You can find here ..."
She took the file which was on the table and gave it to him explaining
- " ...the ownership documents, and a photograph of the original DRAGON SHIELD. That rare masterpiece belongs to my family..." just who the hell are you people? "... It was stolen decades ago and never been found until those auction rumors."


          Relieved after taking a look at the papers in his hands, David asked


- "Any idea about the actual owner?"
- "Just the name Ilen, nothing more." Mr. Klein answered. "A meeting is already arranged with him... once you've arrived in Giza, a team of professionals is therefore at your disposal, and you'll have access to whatever you need... Have you any other questions David? "


- "No." Shaking his head. "... In fact, I do. The deadline?"
- "Few days, meeting Ilen will be your ticket to the auction."


          Finally, Mr.Klein fired his last gunshot directly to David's heart.
- "I believe Mrs.Hades would like to go on a ten-days trip to the land of pharaohs."




she'll be delighted to hear that,perfect timing for our late honeymoon.Better late than never.


- "You've got a deal."


          That ability of gathering talented people around, and the unprecedented persuasiveness capability; were the unbeatable combination Mr.Klein had always used wisely to keep his high social standing, and his significant influence on the financial markets.


One week later...Tuesday 09/01/2001
MENA HOUSE HOTEL, Giza, Cairo, Egypt.



          In the historic house hotel that witnessed important meetings during WWII, the hotel Winston Churchill and General Montgomery were amongst its guests; the honeymooners were enjoying for the fifth day their breakfast served in a nice sett...

          In the historic house hotel that witnessed important meetings during WWII, the hotel Winston Churchill and General Montgomery were amongst its guests; the honeymooners were enjoying for the fifth day their breakfast served in a nice setting in front of the pyramids, they were telling jokes, laughing, touching hands, and deeply in love.


- "This garden suite with pyramid view feels like a dream, especially at night when the pyramids are lit." Jullia quietly spoke.
- "Hum." David agreed... "The pool and grounds are a diamond in the rough. The hotel is peaceful, and you can relax and breathe Tranquility."


          Jullia twitched, grabbed David's hand, then loosen her gripe.
He asked immediately with a fading concerned voice.
-" another contraction? The New Year's Eve dance was a bad idea. "


          She shook her happy smile, and put her mate's hand slowly on the nub of her pregnant belly.
- "It wasn't. Thanks to that dance, we're going to meet our daughter soon. "


          He just jumped from his chair when a tiny punch came from underneath of the white lace nightgown Jullia was wearing.
- "Wow... that was really something. "
- "Yeaaah..." nodding and laughing together.
- "Do you think she'll be a boxer? Maybe our baby is a boy after all."
- "No, no no no no no Dave, she's a very sweet girl. No boxing, but she can kick hard for sure. "
- "Ha ha ha ha ,Like mother like daughter. "


          That morning, Jullia was feeling tired, which was so natural and normal for an eight months pregnant woman. She preferred taking a morning nap on the comfortable bed instead of going out with her husband.


- "Who are you?"
She was made of pure soft light, perfect in every way.
Long black hair, golden eyes full of love and sparkling with joy.
She was wearing a long flowing gown that was white,
yet glowed with an iridescent life color that encompassed her.
- "Takara"
As she began to speak, the air around her seemed to move like heat waves rising.
The love and contentment that she emanated was so appealing.
She had her arm extended out toward me.
" I mean you no harm, dearest Nina."
She wasn't talking to me;
I could feel the tremendous love that the angel had for my baby,
as if she wished to hug her as she talked.
And she did
It was like I was just suspended in time for a moment,
trying to catch my breath, still in the same vibration as the Angel.
"I claim your blood"
I cried, I wanted more of it,
nothing seemed to be more important than being with that angel.
" go to the khan"


         As Jullia brought her conscious awareness back to what was happening, she could no longer see her. That wasn't about a vivid dream, IT WAS REAL.
The khan! The only khan she knew was Khan El Khalili.


          In the afternoon, after begging David with all her never-convincing talent. He asked their guide and driver Eldiis to take them for the third time to the heaven of shopaholics, but was wondering at the same time about his wife sudden urge. Women, you'll never understand them.


          They were waiting in front of the hotel entrance for their guide.
Jullia was wearing flat sandals, and a nice red gallibaya. It went perfectly with her creamy skin, and her short brown curly hair.


          David didn't waste time, his meeting with Ilen was that night at 10 pm, and the supposed auction was going to begin half an hour later. So, he was already in his blazer and loafers.


Eldiis' new red-metallic car showed up.


- "I don't like that craggy face." Jullia muttered to her husband, she was referring to the willowy man who was parking his Ford Excursion: Eldiis, their guide.
- "Since when? You've never had that kind of problem before. "
- " well, since now... I have that..strange..feeling. "
- "Babe, It's not late to cancel the tour."
- "No, I wanna go there."


          For about twenty-five minutes, which was the time needed to reach the souk from the hotel.
Jullia sitting on the backseat with her husband became very nervous, worried, stressed, and afraid.


          Unpleasant waves of sizzling heat began to slowly crawl from her toes up to her face, heavyweight pressing against her chest; her breathing became more and more shallow. She leaned her head on David's shoulder, and closed her eyes.


          She wasn't the only person suffering in silence, their guide Eldiis was under an ocean of panic and coldness behind the steering wheel. He was trembling since his eyes met Jullia's today, something wasn't right about her. She wasn't the same, that's for sure.


          Her appealing in the most painful burning sensation took away all his strength and self control, that hole of bloody desires he felt in his chest became bigger and bigger. His true nature, the predator he was, was beginning to manifest through the darkened eyes hidden behind the lenses.


          The famous Khan-El-Khalili souk (the Arabic word for bazaar) saved everyone. That maze of streets and lanes where shops were amassed by all sorts of clothes, jewellery, toys, and spices. Saved our tourists from whatever was waiting for them, and their guide from exposing his saatnee nature to the human world.


          Jullia needed to be in the souk to look for whatever the Angel wanted her to find, and running away from their guide was as instinct of a prey trying to escape from the hunter. Therefore, she asked him to wait in his car for them; no one can get lost, the friendly local shopkeepers had been always happy to point the way.


          The afternoon... the sunset... dark...


          David wanted to know what Jullia desperately was looking for, but they were late, it was already 09 pm.
- "Babe, we need to go back."
- "yes, your job."
- "we'll be back tomorrow.. Why wouldn't you tell me about what you're looking for?...I can help."


          She looked up with her hazel almond-shaped eyes to her loving husband, she wanted to describe what happened to her with the Angel, but couldn't. She didn't want him to worry about her.
- "Something I saw in a beautiful dream "


           Someone grabbed her arm from behind; she turned her head to see an old lady looking to her in such a weird manner.
- "Come to my shop." the old lady asked in a very weak voice.


          That's the sign, it was exactly what Jullia was searching, and without any hesitation she asked her husband:
- "Honey please, can you wait here for few minutes, I'll be inside the shop."
- "Jullia!"
- "You can go, it's fine, I can take a taxi back to the hotel...Please go, the job that brought both of us here must be done. "
- "10 minutes, no more."


          The shopkeeper took her inside the interior shop where she faced her, and put her shaking fingertips on Jullia's face , then on her belly.
Finally, her weak voice came trembling.
- "You're daughter will be born tonight, she is the chosen ...Takara already made her choice"


Jullia in her astonishment garbed the lady shoulders, and shouted.
- "The Angel! ..."
- "You're hurting me child." She instantly took her hands off.


          The shopkeeper put her forefinger on Jullia's confused thin lips, and went on explaining.
- "She's not an Angel, but my ancestor... You're daughter is unique, protect her with your life and never doubt her ..."


          She paused for a while, as she was deeply thinking, then took the pendant around her neck, and put in Jullia's hands. She continued her explanation.
- "This is Takara's jet-stone, it's your daughter's now... It'll protect her against evil... Listen to me and don't ask questions."


          Jullia nodded showing her acceptance. Then the old lady put both hands on the pregnant woman chest and said.
"You are no more in the world you have been thinking you're living in; don't be afraid anymore, all my powers as a witch elder will belong to you...protect the Azvisalokya."


          She started chanting, and Jullia was suspended in what it was like a swirling mixture of pain and light. Nothing she could do, but hoping for her baby to be alright.
Few minutes passed, and David entered the interior shop. He froze when the chocking scene became clear before his eyes.


          A lightning-like power knocked him down unconscious.
When he opened his eyes, Jullia's face was smiling to him, and he was sitting on a chair beside the door of that old lady shop.
- "What happened, babe? Are you alright?"
- "Never better, you were sleeping... did you forget your job?... I'm sorry honey, you're late... Time passed quickly inside and..."


          He stopped her, glanced at his watch... No! It's 09:23 pm.
- "I won't make it...."
Jullia took his face between her hands and told him.
- "No need for going back to the hotel, I'm fine. We're going to go together to that meeting. And...taraaaa, no harm done. "

          This is not the Jullia I knew, this confident strong woman isn't the sweet timid person I've known since childhood.
He just said
- "Jullia... babe... I love you."
- "I know."
Even her answer was strange


          Eldiis took them directly to an amazing villa-penthouse in Mountain View of Giza plateau.
That time nothing happened to him or to Jullia, it was as it never happened hours ago.


          Jullia was smiling all the way; she wasn't only the woman from this morning, but also a witch that lived for hundreds of years.


          Not afraid from that craggy face anymore, she was an awakened human: a vapidus, a half-saatnee that her powers exceeded those of normal awakened ones, the elder's powers. She knew he was a saatnee from the vampire clan, but the baby was safe, he couldn't smell her anymore, that stone was the perfect protection spell.


          Ilen came to meet his prey: David, but his eyes went directly to the beautiful wife.
- "Oh my! Welcome to my residence...witch! "


David was like:
what the hell!?  










          Jullia dropped her husband's hand, walked directly to face Ilen, kneeled in the most implicit obedience. She took his left hand, and kissed his ring that was set with a jet-stone, the same stone she was wearing as a pendant around her neck.


- "Your name, beautiful witch elder." Ilen finally spoke arrogantly.
- "Jullia, you majesty. " eyes closed, and her forehead touching Ilen's hand.


          David screamed to them
" What the hell is that Jullia? .. What..." Eldiis seized him in a blink of an eye; a strong kick came from behind, caused him to fall on his knees.
David tried his best, but nothing to do between the beast's arms.


          He didn't want to think about that humiliation for his years of an FBI agent, or about the monster who handcuffed and gagged him, or even about that trap he walked in, with his free will.


          Struggling was his worst idea. The one who pinned him down was Eldiis, the mighty vampire warrior, and the lord right hand.


          And... as if he was no longer existing , no one seemed to notice him. Not even his honey... his babe... his wife... his love...his...


          Jullia was still kneeling, eyes closed, waiting for his majesty to give an order. ILEN lifted her chin up with his fingertips, leaned over her face, and kissed her lips.


          That was a long kiss, a very long one. He was sucking blood from her lower lip and his red eyes turned black, the frenzy he felt was unstoppable. The greatest lord almost fell on his knees weakened by an unprecedented need, if it wasn't for Jullia who put his hand on her pregnant abdomen.


          He pulled away questioning with his —finally normal— red eyes about what happened:
To him, the absolute powerful lord of saatnees , he couldn't restrain himself from the blood of a witch!
And to that witch elder, how dare you resist me?


          He wasn't the only one asking questions, Eldiis was shocked to see a saatnee defying the lord will, and David already has killed —in his own world— that Ilen more than ten times in the most extreme torturous ways, how could they force him to witness such a sick behavior.


- "Allow me your majesty to explain." Jullia looked directly into the lord eyes.
He just nodded.
"I put my powers in this vessel to accomplish Takara's wish.."


He grinned and said
- "The blood and the power of the Azvisalokya is sacred" he touched his lips as he was savoring the left taste. "I believe it's almost the time... Aaaaah, the moonchild of the prophecy.."


Ilen put a light kiss on Jullia's cheek, and whispered in her ear threatening
" Awakening a human on one's own will, has never been allowed... dear Jullia. "
He added pulling away from her " such a waste"


Why is everything dark?

Babe, what happened to you?
 His majesty! ..Majesty my a**
When? Where? How she...


          David was hearing a very distant voice calling his name, an unpleasant one.


          He tried to open his eyes, a sudden horror jumped in front of them.
The last thing he remembered was Jullia's hand on top of his head.
- " Jull ... Jull..." he was screaming the fire inside him, the killing layers of rage, anger, shame, madness, and the black destiny hole he jumped in, few days ago.


          He remembered what Mr.Klein said back then in the CID office.


          You'll see the world in a way that you have never imagined, the truth you've always sought about hidden agendas will be freely open to you.
Witch!... Ilen called Jullia witch!... he is like a king!... your majesty!!
Is that the truth hidden from us? Am I living inside a nightmare?


          He decided not to live anymore inside his own shell, wailing from every cell in his body. His former lifestyle was gone for good, the day he shook hands with Mr.Klein. He needed to understand and confront the other version of this world, if he was planning to take his family back.


          Years of training and learning every single way to infiltrate the mafia, weren't useless. The ultimate challenge I was always seeking, is about to begin... from... now.


          David opened his eyes to see...



          David opened his eyes to see


THE SECOND GATE (of David's Hell)


          He was handcuffed to an armchair, not just him. Six other people were there, not in a dark small room, but in an auditorium!
Three women and four men including him.


          Pain, Anger, frustration, sadness, fear, and countless other feelings were printed on their faces. Except for one woman in her late twenties, who seemed relaxed in a very comfortable way.


          David raised his head to the source of the annoying and irritating noise, to see the audience. All those people were gathered at this place to see or to watch something.. that's for sure.
He turned to the man next to him, anxiety was screaming through his wide opened eyes, and muttered to him.
- "Do you think we're going to die tonight?"
- «shut up, shut up, shut up..." the other five people were shouting.
- "Well, I'm not going to perform in a striptease show for them." David was trying to ease the volcanic atmosphere humming around them.


          The young man on the farthest chair from David started crying, he was the skinniest among them, and apparently the youngest.
- "stop it, four eyes." The relaxed woman seemed to be annoyed now, she continued
"Consider yourself one of the luckiest humans, stupid. You should be happy, celebrating your rebirth tonight, your awakening as a half-saatnee... Aaaaah... finally... "


- "Half what? Are you playing a sick joke on us? First witches, and then half I don't know what? "
That was David's boiling anger


She answered him
- "The audience, those hundreds of people are saatnees and half-saatnees, vapidus, I don't like that last name though. Saatnees are not humans, but can breed with them. Their children or grandchildren are humans with a hidden potential, like us. Once awakened, their original powers are back."


         No one opened his mouth, frozen. Not humans! Aliens! f*********k!


She ended her explanation
- "There are seven clans, every clan has the right to add a member in the night of a full eclipsed moon, like tonight. Each one of us was chosen to be the new member of a clan. I... "
She couldn't talk anymore; something was preventing her from moving and speaking, not just her, but all the handcuffed humans sitting there.


          Ilen was without a warning in front of the audience, the noise stopped in a lightning speed, no human could see him arriving. He wasn't the only person appearing all of a sudden there, another human was with him!


          The handsome yet frightening human retreated to a corner; his black leather sherwani couldn't hide the statuesque well-built body underneath. He stood there leaning on the wall, hands and legs crossed as if he was waiting for something or someone. His long braided white hair added more mystery around the fearsome appearance he was already reflecting.


          Ilen stood behind David, his hands on David's shoulders, and began his royal speech:   


" My friends...


elders, warriors, all saatnees and half-ones... the next era...



the longest awaited prophecy...

is about to blossom, under the sacred light...


witchcrafter clan...

for sin within your elders...who already awoke a human...
    death shall be the punishment...

the clan will be forgiven..though.

Only the sinner blood should feed the awakened...


     my beloved people..

the miracle soon be witnessed before our eyes...


I wish nothing..but glory for us...


Glory for saatnees... "

          Every one repeated after him "glory for saatnees "


          He turned his head to the right and nodded.
Jullia, the witch elder came, wearing a white gown. She was ready to face her death, that's the punishment she deserved for defying the laws, for awakening a human on her own will. She wasn't that much of Jullia , but the parasite that was taking her name and memories.


          Ilen gently helped her to climb, then to lay down on a sculptured ancient big table.
He took his time when running his fingers on her body from head to toe, and going back. Then stopped when reached her pregnant abdomen, and put his hands on both sides.


- "I shall show you the way out. Asvisalokya, and no doubt. " He said to the unborn baby.
Then looked into Jullia's eyes and added
"Face you death tonight witch elder. The life given by your sacrifice, we will hold dear. "


          No words could describe the burning flames of hell eating David from the inside of every single cell.
For sin within your elders who already awoke a human, death shall be the punishment!
That's ... Jull..
Face you death tonight witch elder...


          His body and soul were wrapped in burning coal that started eating his brain and heart.
Only the sinner blood should feed the awakened!
We... the awakened... will feed on Jull...
I'm not going to survive this night...
He closed his eyes, and isolated himself in his own volcanic hell.


"It is the time." Ilen raised both arms and ordered "open the dome"
The huge dome of that auditorium began to move slowly, until it reached the last inch. The eclipse was almost full.


"Elders performing the awakening, be with your humans."Ilen ordered.


In that same lightning speed, every human was between a saatnee's arms.


          Ilen as the lord, had the right to awaken his own human, David was the one that Jeffry Klein chose, this person— Mr.Klein — had been always Ilen's eyes and ears in the human world.


          Red light began to shine brightly, and Ilen without any hesitation planted his sharp teeth deep into David's neck.
The long-time dried veins in his mouth began gulping, eyes turned black, no need for more than few seconds to stop any human heart.


          Every second was a movie in David's head, a movie about his life, childhood, family, and friends. The freezing cold in each memory started crawling from toes and fingers to the deepest center of his heart. The dark ice was gaining over his memories; the face of the man he killed back in Tampa was the last thing fading away.


          Once the dark ice reached his heart, nothing left but his frozen body suspended in the center of a black hole sucking life from him. His shattered body in thousands of icy pieces was being swallowed so fast by that dark thing.


Every piece of him was slowly suffocating, burning, and melting away in that blast furnace, but never reached the death edge.


          I know exactly how the hell feels like...


          The moon awakening rituals had the same basics, draining the human from his own blood, then filling the heart with the elder's. The differences were in the painful process.
Sucking blood, tearing flesh with teeth and claws, and deep cuts using daggers or blades, that's the first step.


          Then came the most delicate move, depending on the regenerating ability of each clan. Vampires, werewolves, elves, and fairies had been known as the fastest.
All elders knew the perfect way to fulfill their duties. Some of them were crushing those hearts, then filling them up with their saatnee blood. Others were just injecting, reinjecting, and forcing their fluids into those human's hearts.


THE THIRD GATE (of David's Hell)


- "David..."


          David jumped from his chair in an inhuman speed, dropped to his knee, a slight but respectful genuflection to the lord.
He was awakened and not as a simple half-saatnee, but one of the lord's retinue.
"Happy... to welcome you between us David... my friend."


          He was the first awakened human tonight, no doubt about the lord abilities.
Every clan was different from the others, but Ilen as the lord had control over all their powers, and it went the same for his retinue, for David.


          His saatnee's instincts finally awakened after sleeping for more than thirty two years.
He was mesmerized by all the brightness, the charm, and the magic that was hidden from the human eyes. Everyone, everything was so beautiful.


          A powerful hit crushed all his senses when inhaling his first breath tainted with the scent of all the blood out there. The shaking thirsty mouth, the dry veins inside screaming for that deep metallic warm taste, and the increasing slow suffocation were just the beginning in this life painted in red.


          Waiting for his lord orders, loyalty never allowed him to move.


          In the middle of all what was happening, Ilen ignored everything, and went to where Jullia was lying.
" Be proud witch elder... your death shall bring neither shame nor disgrace to your clan. "


          His majesty... the merciful forgiving lord... spared all clan members...
my lord...
all my powers will remain until my last breath, to your service... your majesty...


          She took the pendant around her neck, and put it on that bronze table, closed her eyes, and mumbled
"agadyati "


          With that spell, she turned all her powers to the healing energy. That was the best way to thank her lord for his forgiveness towards her clan. With that regeneration rate, she could stay alive for more longer minutes, and could feed the awakened with more flowing blood. Even if it meant an extreme torturous way to go...


          Then she repeated
" grathita " seven times


          Strings of the red moon light attached, and bound her to that ancient bronze table, her breathing became faster. She was expecting Ilen's move, knew what was waiting for her, but never doubted her decision.


          Ilen tore the white gown Jullia was wearing, that exposed more than her pregnant abdomen, much more. Then with his sharp teeth, he started a cut in the flesh, that's when she clenched her teeth in pain.


          He was so fast, with his bare hands he enlarged the small cut to an up-and- down midline opening, and did the same thing to her womb, finally a small human newborn baby girl was between his hands.


          The mother couldn't stop tearing, struggling, and shrieking in pain. Her screams were so loud, coming not through her glued lips with the red light she used to hold herself to the table. But it was from her throat exploding with the impossible sharpest pain ever.


          Ilen was holding the crying baby girl; he put the pendant around her neck, then turned to his people.
He held her up and yelled
" Tonight marks the beginning of the end, for the human's empire.
Glory for saatnees"


          Everyone was repeating with him "Glory for saatnees... Glory for saatnees... "


          After that Glory cheering-moment, he turned towards the man in sherwani, and asked him respectively to join him
" Commander Dacos, please join us. " and went back to the ancient bronze table, where he put the little baby.


          Considering all the accelerated events going on that night, that person seemed to be isolated from what happened. His brittle smile didn't ease the mystery coat that wrapped him.
He came calmly, stood there beside Ilen... glanced over to Jullia, she was almost healed. Then turned to Ilen saying


- " Lord of saatnees, I'm flattered by your generous hospitality... The Azvisalokya is the only hope for saatnees and demons together.."


          Whispers broke the silence abruptly; Dacos was a demon not a human! That wasn't completely strange considering the demons ability of hiding their powers. But the moment Ilen raised his eyebrows questioning the unpleasant noise, silence overran again the auditorium. He took two steps to his left, allowing the demon to take his place near the crying newborn baby girl.


          Dacos didn't waste time; his huge black feathered wings appeared. His hair, eyes, and fingernails turned to black. Dark purple waves were rising from his body. He put his hand on the baby's chest, the pendant also was under his palm, then muttered "nimajj "


          All that dark energy enveloping him began to shrink; apparently it was concentrating in one spot, in the jet stone. Dacos eyes turned back to grey, their original color, and also did his hair, and fingernails. His wings gone.. Then he moved up to stand with Ilen, where both of them were savoring the moment of Nina's piercing crying.


          Every set of eyes was on that innocent baby on the bronze table, it was the perfect time to continue the planning of this night.
Ilen ordered his new subordinate
"The witch is all yours, David. "


          One hand on her mouth, the other on her breast pinning her to the sacrifice table, while his teeth found their way deep inside the blood vessel in her neck.
He was David the loyal half-saatnee, not the loving and caring husband he used to be, as well as Jullia the witch elder, who had never lived any human experience before.


          The metallic taste finally invaded his senses, allowing the killing instinct to take over the rest. That dazzling warmth crawling under his skin was chasing the prickling sensations, and suffocation away.


          The weakened witch began to lose control over Jullia's mind and body, she was in her last moments, her power was fading away. The red light strings disappeared, but she couldn't move anymore. Her eyes, fixed on David, were flooded with farewell tears, her shaking lips breathed the End of her life:
" N i n a ... D a v..."


          A big black hole burst open few feet away from the killing scene, then closed immediately behind the three strangers appeared from nowhere.

         In a blink of an eye, David shrieking in pain, was tied up by Lucida's fire whip, the crying of the baby in Sahed's hands stopped, and Aenon's hundreds of sharp ice rocks were pointed to the Warriors who were surrounding the intruders



         In a blink of an eye, David shrieking in pain, was tied up by Lucida's fire whip, the crying of the baby in Sahed's hands stopped, and Aenon's hundreds of sharp ice rocks were pointed to the Warriors who were surrounding the intruders.

          "Master Sahed... what a pleasant surprise?" Dacos, the frightening demon bowed to Sahed then raised his head. His lie couldn't be more obvious than it was.


          "Sahed... son of Takara... I am delighted to meet you. "Ilen was welcoming Sahed, waved to his warriors who returned in no time to their places.
The defensive wall of sharp ice rocks disappeared along with the warriors.


          "My apologies... lord of saatnees... long time no see. "Sahed answered Ilen, then brushed the pink mark on the baby chest with his forefinger, looked directly into the demon's eyes, and stated
- "You didn't have to tame her, Dacos... that wasn't necessary."
- "The lord orders, master. "he wasn't referring to Ilen, but to the lord of the demon's dimension, lord of Akma.
- "I see... my respectful regards to the lord."
- "With pleasure, master."


          Dacos opened widely his black wings, and flew muttering "bahirdvAra", rushed into the big black hole. The moon gate closed behind him.


- "The Azvisalokya belongs to me Ilen...son of Vasil. She is under my protection."Claimed Sahed.
- "That was expected..." Ilen commented.
- "I can see the mother already dead... the father?" asked Sahed.


          Ilen glanced at his new subordinate, who was struggling. In a lightning speed, David was under Lucida's foot.
- "A newborn half-vampire!" Sahed wasn't very comfortable with that.
The father turned to a slave, and ordered to kill his mate...
"I see."


          Sahed touched David's forehead with his hand, a white light ring penetrate his head. Lucida's whip disappeared, and David was standing on his feet.
He just took his baby girl from Sahed, hold her the closest he could, and went to the bronze table.


          Tears were frozen in his eyes at the memory of the monster he became; he put his baby next to her dead mother. Then took off his blazer jacket, and covered the torn part of her gown.
" Nina... the name you chose for our daughter...babe..." her hand was between his "l will ask for your forgiveness when I meet you. Until that day babe, I have to carry your wish."


          He took off his shirt, swaddled his baby, then put a long farewell kiss on Jullia's forehead, and turned to face everybody else.


          Sahed was the first one speaking, not to David, but to Ilen.
- "As you noticed Ilen, the human is back alongside the vampire... I believe you wouldn't mind."
- "Of course not, dearest friend, he's all yours. We won't argue over a vapidus!" Ilen's words went slowly through his thin smile.
- "Another thing Ilen.. Never trust a demon.. I'll see you soon... lord..."


THE FOURTH GATE (of David's Hell)


          Sahed, his two bodyguards, David, and Ilen bowed.
Lucida opened the moon gate, where they disappeared taking David and the baby with them.
Ilen muttered " see you soon dear friends... see you soon..."













Akma, demon dimension...


          Their feet touched the ground simultaneously, and the gate immediately was closed behind them. A saatnee, a demon, a namakan, and a human (half-one) holding his newborn baby.


          Sizzling thick waves of extreme evil heat pierced every cell in David's body, and put a huge amount of pressing heaviness on his senses. Almost seen with the naked eye, David felt those malicious burning waves fumbling slowly the inside of his mind.


          He tightened his hold on Nina...


David Hades:


The poor baby who deprived of knowing her mother, her growing hateful unforgivingness toward me, the sinful monster, will be my own hell I deserve living in


The poor baby who deprived of knowing her mother, her growing hateful unforgivingness toward me, the sinful monster, will be my own hell I deserve living in.


- "Welcome to my world, human." Lucida glanced at David and added, "or, do you prefer vapidus?"
- " My name is David." a sort of rage invaded him so easily, fueled his already grieving heart, he didn't even know why he wanted to rip Lucida's head off, to plant his teeth deep inside her demon neck, and to let freely his dried veins gulping the life from her evil existence.


          His eyes began to change their color, when every sad memory rushed into a movie, blocking his sight, every horrible day he went on through his life, joined that movie. This atmosphere is indeed the beginning of my hell.


          "This is my home sweet home: Akma, can I call you Dave?" Lucida asked.


He wasn't there, couldn't help himself when the human disappeared. David at that moment was the beast, craving for not just blood. All his rage, hate, sadness, anger, and the ocean of misery, were gathered in the center of his heart, nourishing and feeding that beast he became.


          The sleeping baby was already in Sahed's hands, he was brushing lightly the baby's soft cheeks with his lips, then put light kisses on them, and ended with a long one on her little forehead. At the same time, David was unconsciously falling down; the dark veins of thirst and rage on his face were fading away. No one saw how, or when this happened.


"You go to the castle." Sahed ordered his followers, then turned his back to them, and flew heading toward the fortress, to see the lord.


          Hundreds of years ago, that was the last time they met, even living in the same dimension. Yin and yang, the two greatest forces maintaining the power balance of our universe, opposing in their most complementary ways.


          "Silorvid! You became a fine elder! The silver forehead suits you.."
Sahed was suppressing a tittle, he was referring to the mark on Silorvid's forehead, the demon who was, for more than a millennium, his servant. The cursed eye, a huge silver one, once accepting the demon elder chair, it appeared on his forehead.


          That was the link between the demon elder and the spirit watcher shrine, the way to receive orders, and messages from the lord himself, and the connection between the supreme council members, army commander, and clan leaders, even if they were wondering in other dimensions.


          Silorvid bowed briefly his head with a very welcoming giggle.
He was wearing a long black robe with ancient writings and symbols, all in silver. A silver dragon's head on each shoulder, and a stole decorated with small silver heads of some strange creatures. Black fire flames were surrounding him in a shielding way, it was his energy manifesting against the combination of Sahed's and Nina's.


-" Always at your service, master. The lord is waiting." pointing the way through the fortress entrance, with his open hand.
-" Your rigid face is suffering in pain!..trying to put this ridiculous smile on! "
Teasing his old companion was something new to both of them, Sahed was aware of the Asvisalokya's power influencing his, of that change in his powers essence, but Silorvid had no clues when it was about divinities' life and secrets.


          He stood glaring to his former master, wondering, but never could step in the forbidden area. Questioning the divinity or the lord, or rejecting anything from them, had been forever a redline for everyone else. Crossing that line had came, for millennia, alongside the eternal sleep.


-" You will never change, don't you? I know the way.." That's the definition of: don't come with me.
Sahed gave Silorvid the time he wanted to see his daughter Lucida. The demon elder opened his black-and-silver wings, gave Sahed a thank you head-bow. Then flew in an impressive speed toward Sahed's castle, drawing behind him a faded bright trail.


          Black, silver, and every shade of red, were the colors of Akma. The inside of the fortress, where Sahed was halfway from the throne room, wasn't an exception. He was walking in the huge hallway, where gigantic statues standing upright, each one holding a sword.


Black flames were attacking him furiously from everywhere, taking huge-beasts forms. With each fierce attack, a loud terrifying scream was heard. Another intruder would be immediately reduced in shreds, and could never last for a blink of an eye.


          Princess Ishtar, the lord's daughter appeared, about a hundred feet away from him. Her white hair with silver ends flew behind her back to the waist, and a silver hoop-snake on her head.
The silver jeweled chains of her tight dark-red gown was slipping onto her shoulders, revealing everything underneath, as every flowing piece of her gown did.
" Welcome to the nest! Maïtreya!... Severest saatnee! "


          She disappeared, letting dark-red smoke in her place, then appeared in no time in front of him, her face was one inch away from his, her lips almost touching Sahed's.
" Ishtar, the morning star! Long time no see, princess." Cold words running calmly, as if he was seeing a wall, not the goddess of love, lust, desire, beauty, and the most appealing eternal charm.


          She pulled away, pondering the way Sahed was holding protectively Nina, to better look at the baby.
" Your Youtan is about to blossom... I'm jealous!" she called Nina Youtan, the rare flower that had been blooming once every three thousand years. As well as the Azvisalokya, which came to life every two thousand years.
She disappeared again, and surprised him with a tight hug from behind. His shield against her flames, black and white, dark and light, pure and evil.


          She continued poisonously her breathing.
-" So sad! Why don't you let your guards down? Come, let us create the perfect universe... "
-" Not this time eternal beauty... " With a disapproval smile, he added:
" Not in this era..."


She turned to face him again, trying to hold his face between her hands. She couldn't touch but the thin power shield of light, finally muttered:
" Stubborn..boy.."


"Dearest friend.." A thunder-like voice came from the farthest point of the hallway.
Ishtar took few steps back, bowing her head in a welcoming way to her father, the lord. He was instantly in front of Sahed, showing few sharp-silver teeth through his evil smile. Dacos also was there, shadowing his lord, holding two half-full silver cups of light ruby red liquid in his hands.


- "You are going to destroy my fortress!"
- "I'll give you my castle instead.."
Both of them put the right hand on the other's left shoulder, that was their most respectful way of greeting and welcoming.


          The lord turned to face his daughter.
" My every-morning star! Dacos is dying to play your favorite game." That was true; Dacos couldn't hide his super-intolerable craving for the goddess of lust. His eyes were devouring every inch underneath the all-revealing gown of Ishtar, she could have taken off that supposedly-kind-of-wearing, and nothing was going to be changed.


          He added, touching her lower lip with his thumb, before going outside of his fortress with Sahed:
" Save the best of yours for your lord..."
"My deep desire, is for my lord, for my sire."
They both, Ishtar and Dacos, bowed. Dacos offered to his lord and to Sahed the elixir, then both of them went outside.


          Incest wasn't something uncommon between demons; they didn't have the family system, but the clan. Same thing for saatnees, namakans, and many other civilizations.
Families existed in aristocracies and royalties, where also, every aristocrat, or royalty member was a purebred.


          Ishtar, Dacos, Sahed, Ilen, Eldiis, Aenon, Silorvid, and also Lucida, were all purebreds.




Ishtar: daughter of the demons lord.

Dacos: commander of the demons army, and the lord councilor.

Sahed: the Saatnee supreme leader, and a divinity.

Ilen: lord of Saatnees, only because Sahed refused to sit on the throne.

Eldiis: commander of the saatnees warriors, and Ilen's right arm.

Aenon: a namakan prince, a mighty warrior, and Sahed's servant

Silorvid: a demon elder, the lord counsilor, and Lucida's father. He was once Sahed's servant.

Lucida: a high class demon warrior, and Sahed's servant.



          Sahed showed the pink mark on Nina's chest to the lord, then in a low tight voice, asked calmly the lord, while both were looking to the moon, the eclipse was finally over.


-" Don't you trust a divinity? Sealing a part of you inside her was unexpected."
-" She is the last Azvisalokya, the resurrection of Takara depends on her sacrifice, I won't take any chances." The lord answered in his clear voice.
-" In order to come back, mother cursed all the universe, she definitely was unique!"
-" Aaaaah... Indeed my friend... Indeed. "


          The lord couldn't hide is evil grin when talking about Takara; he took a gulp from his cup, and continued...
"The dimension will suffer the total annihilation, if its Azvisalokya accidentally dies before the ritual. Since your birth, her eternal sleep, Takara has been collecting this energy. We need to be patients for just few years."


          Sahed turned his head to face the lord, his godfather, if that would make sense.
Cherishing the last wish of Takara, the lord helped every saatnee to travel through the moon gate, when their dimension (Deimos) was collapsing. Demons were, since the unknown past, the gate keepers, no one was able to use it without a demon help.
He raised Sahed as his own son, gave him his castle, and ordered Silorvid, the noble demon, to serve him.


          The evil itself has a heart! A magnet for other full-of-darkness hearts. Takara! O mother!queen of Deimos, and soon queen of Earth...killing for power, in life and death, is your favorite game..


-" So, Earth is going to be her rebirth gift.. after exterminating humans.." Sahed stated, sipping the red ruby drink.
-" Not exterminating.." the lord's eyes met with Sahed's "..Enslaving.." raised his eyebrows "that would make it more valuable.. " everyone was studying carefully the raising power waves from the other.


          Finally, Sahed's words ended the threatening silence confrontation between those two absolute powers.
"I'm going to live on Earth, no need anymore for a demon servant."
No need to travel again looking for, or protecting, or taking life of another Azvisalokya, Nina was the last one. His plan to stay on Earth, with his people, was set, the moment he learnt about them. Back then, in the time he was still a little kid.


          The lord's face showed no surprise, but he remembered when he offered the elder chair to Silorvid, that demon suffered for years, craving for Sahed's company. Obviously, the divinity intoxicating power effect, wasn't something to take lightly.


- "Send her in few years..she is not the disloyal type of warrior..time would be the best cure. "
- " Fair enough.. faaair enough.. " Sahed closed his eyes, a hand grabbed his left shoulder. He opened his eyes again, and managed to show a hint of gratitude in his brief smile. He put down the empty silver cup, and did the same; his right hand was on the lord's left shoulder...


- "It's valediction then!" with the usual famous evil grin.
- "Not one is going to be able to see through mother's intentions."
-"Agreed, I look forward to hearing from you.." they both ended that hand-shoulder contact, and bowed briefly their heads.
- "My regards to the spirit watcher.."


          With those last words, Sahed was on his way back to his castle, the baby in his arms began to open her mesmerizing golden eyes, her tiny rose-red lips were yawning, and suckling the air forming a perfect O shape (she was hungry). He couldn't resist brushing, with the back of his hand, her soft warm cheeks. His palm was already healed from the burning caused by the silver cup that he was sipping from.


          Few years later..

03/10/2015 ...Tampa Bay History Center.. Florida.. USA.. Earth..


"What do we have this time young lady? " Mr.Klein was asking from behind a very realistic statue of Atlas holding the Celestial spheres. He was brushing the thin layer of that annoying dust, which keeps coming back forever.


          In his history museum, and for many years, he has been studying every piece of his collection. But when heard about Nina strange paintings from David, he kept asking to see them, then to put them in the art gallery.


"Uncle Jeffry! Hi.. You quite startled me! How are you?" The fourteen year old teenager wasn't very surprised to see Mr.Klein. He was an important client of her father, and she had met him many times at her apartment, which was her father's investigation office.


"Startled you!... huh.. By the way, weren't you looking for Kyser?.. He will be here in anytime..."


He eyed the rolled paper in her hands "I believe this is the painting David mentioned few days ago... Can I..? " she handed her painting.


- "Amazing... perfect...wonderful.. Nina, what is the name of this masterpiece? "
- " I haven't found any appropriate name yet.. "


- " Göbekli Tepe... That would be appropriate. " Another voice, few feet behind them interfere, it was no ordinary voice for Nina. She forgot about breathing, about blinking, and maybe her heart also did, and stopped beating. For few seconds, Atlas statue was looking more alive than she was.


          Mr.Jeffry turned his head speaking to that man:
- "I believe you are Mr.Sahed, the Art expert." He stretched out his hand to shake Sahed's.
- "In flesh .. you convinced Mr.Ilen Ashyari that you have interesting paintings in your gallery.."
- "You are the most welcome in my museum."


          Kyser interrupted them with an excited loud shouting:
" Nina! Hi! Dad told me you're visiting us today.. haven't seen you since the beginning of the school year.." 


kyser Klein:



 She didn't even heard him



She didn't even heard him..
The mixture of that Sahed's voice with those vivid bloody visions, were blocking all her senses. The visions living in her paintings..


Was that a coincidence? his voice in my visions! the strange name he gave to my painting without seeing it! this..weird..unexplained..feeling of pain..that is tightening its grip on my stomach.. Ouch!!


"Niiiinaaaa!" Kyser was waving his hand in front of her eyes "where are you?
Sahed was smiling, but Mr.klein was really irritated by his son's behavior. He was no more a teenager, but a college student. For God sake..


          He tightened his lips, and was about to speak when Nina jumped from her temporary paralysis.


- " Kyser! Hi! you want to come out?" She was already leaving " Take care uncle Jeff.."
- " Have fun and thank you.. Nina."


          She grabbed Kyser's hand and dragged him behind her, while running away from that mysterious Sahed, she couldn't even raise her eyes to look at his face.
Kyser was smiling happily, his heart dancing and bouncing for her soft touch. He missed her so much.. missed the summer days they spent together.. between the beach, his house, and the investigation office.













          Nina was gasping, hidden behind the trees next to the building entrance, the terrible pain, tightening its grip on her stomach, was getting worse. Her legs, as if she had been running for hours, were violently shaking, and totally exhausted. The trees, the wall of the museum, and even kyser along with everything else, were swirling around her.


          Blood! Blood was wherever she turned her eyes, more than the bloody experiences she had been used to, every eclipsed night. But it was midday, no night, no full moon, and no eclipse though. The ybor channel turned to red, that noise of its flowing was scratching deep the inside of her brain.



          She tried to cover her ears, to close her eyes while shaking her head, nothing had been able to chase the blood away anymore



          She tried to cover her ears, to close her eyes while shaking her head, nothing had been able to chase the blood away anymore. It was getting worse, she fell to her knees fighting for breath, drowning, caught in that vortex of pain and blood.


          She couldn't hear Kyser calling her name and yelling desperately, pain had already grabbed her heart, and continued its way tearing the back of her body.. She opened her eyes, glaring at Kyser's lips repeating her name, when he cupped her face with his hands.


To the sight of her eyes changing colors, from hazel to a moving golden-silver, Kyser had been taken aback for few seconds. He couldn't feel himself falling to the ground, and wasn't able to hear his own cursing and swearing. His heartbeats were the loudest, that thumping in his ears didn't let, but fear, invading his trembling spine. Nina was getting worse, blood was ruining the back of her flowered-white-dress, along with a terrible sound of bones-breaking.


          Kyser, after the longest seconds ever of that panic moment, was regaining control over his head. He picked his phone up immediately to dial 911.. Before his thumb reached the last number, the phone disappeared from his hand! it was on the ground broken into many pieces..


Two men were there standing.. The most fearsome lifted Nina up in his arms, and ordered Aenon " Bring the boy.." . Every muscle in Kyser's body, felt frozen..


Everything around them was melting away, letting the place for the inside of David's apartment. Nina, in Sahed's arms, wasn't only fighting for her life against the unprecedented chaos that was ravaging her back, and caused by broken bones and torn muscles. But she was also trying to free herself, and to push Sahed away.


          All her struggling, screaming, and shouting "Let-go-of-me.." didn't affect his arms nor his body, he was the perfect definition of made-of-steel. That person tightening his arms around her, was the scariest in her worst nightmares. She remembered him, he was her slaughterer .
The monster with golden eyes, who had been stabbing her heart to death, in every hunting bloody vision, was completely enfolding her, not even an inch away.


Sahed, son of Takara:



THE FIFTH GATE ( of David's Hell)


THE FIFTH GATE ( of David's Hell)


          As if all that horror wasn't enough...


          Another monster was waiting for them inside her apartment. The intruder didn't waste time, its fangs were planted furiously into Lucida's neck!
Her father's girlfriend was under the mercy of that hideous black-eyed creature. The sound of gulping her blood was heard across the living room, where that weird gathering was attended.


In a fraction of a second, which was the time that needed the monster to notice the arrivals, its eyes met with Nina's. Fangs that were sucking life from the innocent woman retracted immediately, while the engraved dark-veins map on its face began to fade away.


The monster itself was fading away, a human was appearing from the underneath of that horrifying mask, and not just any human!


          The sorriest apologetic-pleading-look, since the beginning of the humans' existence, was nothing compared to David's.
Ashamed of the outrageous beast being debunked, of the hidden evil inside him totally exposed to his precious daughter. He was praying for a miracle that would take him directly to the real hell, instead of the one he was standing-in there.


Nina was also at that time in her own hell. She gave up on fighting for her life, on trusting people, on believing in love and honesty. David was her closest friend, and the only family she had.. Maybe he's not even my dad, sure he's not .. In spite of looking like a human, he is the ultimate interpretation of the devil itself. LIAR! I HATE YOU! MONSTER!


Blackness started crawling slowly to her from everywhere, along with an intense prickliness inside her head, gaining over each existing colorful feeling. In just few seconds, nothing left, except for the dark emptiness combined with a dead silence.


Before David could say anything, Nina was lost in her own depression, prisoner in the nowhere, and withdrawn from the reality. That situation allowed the demon sealed inside her heart, which was in torpor, to wake up and to take control over her body.


          Five pairs of eyes witnessed the abrupt eruption of four swift wings, two silver and two golden. Emerged, from between her shoulder blades, along with a mighty burst of sizzling waves of power. It caused the earthquake that shook, for a second, the 10 Radial Miles area around.


The inside of the apartment was a mess, everyone was pinned against the crannied walls. Long-sharp feathers had pierced every muscle and bone in their bodies. But Kyser's wounds were the worst. With no regeneration power nor protection shield, and considering the huge blade-shape feathers penetrating every part of his body, he was in his last moments...


She was flapping her wings in the middle of the living-room, her head few inches away from the ceiling, and her body was as glowing as the iridescent diamond under the sunshine. No one had escaped her scanning golden-silver eyes, which were analyzing everyone's power.


          That was the only situation Sahed wasn't ready to confront, he took his ring immediately from his left forefinger, and threw it in the air muttering "kAlacakra".
The wheel of time had been invoked.. Sahed was able to freeze time for a minute. That level of divine power surpassed every living creature's abilities. Even the lord of demons (El-Hareth), had never been able to have influence on time.


His ancient book was opened in his hand.. he tore a papyrus, rolled it, and murmured "zatacandra" as he swung out an adorned sword. He tried to direct his attack on the silver wings (the demon's ones), but his attempt was a failure against the iridescent power shield of that female-like wild thing.


Nothing to do against her without hurting Nina's body... He turned his head to where Kyser was laying, in a pool of blood, on the floor ... Now comes your turn.. moonchild ...


Sahed removed the golden blade (feather) that was planted in the boy's heart. With his sword, he cut his own left wrist's arteries, and let his blood filled Kyser's heart .. More than a half-minute had passed, he took his phone to write a message, then he sent it.


          Time was almost up, he jumped to reach his frozen-in-the-air ring. The moment he reached it, he muttered " devAlaya ", then landed on the ground, not inside the investigation office.
They found themselves, all of them in a deserted place. Nothing to see apart from huge rocks, standing in a circle.. A beep was heard from Sahed's phone.. (The message was sent to Ilen).


Göbekli Tepe, Urfa , Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey..
17:21 ...


          They were inside the ruins of the oldest temple, humans had ever built



They were inside the ruins of the oldest temple, humans had ever built. "Göbekli Tepe"
Lucida immediately was ejected from those ruins, with an unbelievable force .. Demons had never been allowed to be inside any sacred moon temple..


-" Son!..Is that you? ... I'm in love! " She was talking...not Nina ... Takara...


David and Aenon, taking Kyser along with them, in a blink of an eye, were out of the ruins.
- " This is not the best place to take a seat." David stated.
Then added Aenon :
- " the divinities' family business could drag all the universe to a chaotic era. "
- " Let's pray that won't happen! "
Both of them repeated " Amen! "


          Sahed tried to bow respectively to her, but couldn't. They were both trapped frozen inside the gravitational field of the sacred moon temple. The divinity part of Takara was paralyzed, but the demon power that possessed her, was being absorbed.


He just answered her with the most extreme fondness and affection.
- " Mother! Queen of Deïmos! What an honor to stand, in front of your Reverence!"
- " My Sahed! You are everything I wanted... Where is El-Hareth? He should be here .. And, if you noticed, I-c-a-n-n-o-t-m-o-v-e!"


- " El-Hareth sealed a part of his power inside the last Azvisalokya, to protect her until the sacrifice. That's why, my queen, you were able to temporarily awake using all that energy.." He added "Just three years to go, your Reverence.."


          Takara fixed her eyes on Sahed's, she giggled trying to shake her head, and finally gave him an indirect warning..
" You are indeed, my son! Your plan is great, but not perfect...You can't compete with me.."
She paused for few seconds, then continued her under-breath threatening...
"Never-forget-that-you-belong-to-me! .. Son .. Watch your back! "


That was the first encounter of Sahed with his mother Takara...


The gravitational field of the sacred moon temple disappeared, and Sahed was able to catch Nina before her body touched the ground. Her wings were gone, but her back was deeply wounded.


He used his life power to cure her, caressing gently her bare skin, until she was able to move. When she faced him, he just put two fingers on her mouth shushing her..


- " Shush.. shush.. You don't want Takara in your body.. Am I right? " Nina nodded .
" Then, don't panic! .. Ok? " I won't panic.. I won't panic.. I won't panic.. And she kept nodding .. nodding .. nodding ..
" Stop doing that! " She just froze.. then exhaled the longest 'Ouuuuuuf' of her severe emotional distress.


Nina began to remember what happened when she was possessed by Takara..
Kyser! No! ..
          She started feeling sick, as if someone had been clenching the inside of her chest... Two hands grabbed her shoulders shaking her.
She raised her head up, to see a pair of golden eyes questioning the sudden sadness on her face..


-" K-y-s-e-r.. " with a fading voice, almost disappearing " I killed h.."
Sahed interrupted..
-" He is fine.. Please don't start panicking again."
- " You saved him! .."
He just nodded once, smiling.


With the most grateful expression, she put her hands on his arms.. then whispered..
- " ... Tttthank you...I..I..I owe you my life.."


For the first time ever, Sahed felt the warmth invading the inside of his chest, then crawling into every part of his body.. A sort of gravitation, invited him to brush Nina's cheek with the back of his hand.. He needed that touch, which brought memories from nearly fifteen years ago, of that unforgettable night between earth and Akma, the first time his eyes met hers.


He just muttered :
- " You should .. "

          He stood up, and helped Nina to stand on her trembling legs..


THE SIXTH GATE (of David's Hell)


          His servants, all of them were there, including the newest member : Kyser.
They just bowed.. Waiting for any order from their master..


           David wanted to hold his daughter, and to tell her how sorry he was, about her being drugged into the darkest side of life .. But she shook her head whispering " Don't.. " She wasn't ready to talk to him, not mentioning to forgive him..


          It didn't matter for her that he was a vapidus. After being in touch with Takara's memories, she knew about the saatnees clans, about the awakening process, and about the fact that both races: humans and saatnees, were from the same origin.


          The most important was the lie she had been living-in for her entire life. That short period of about fifteen years, was a drop in the ocean of those new memories inside her head. But, it never changed the fact that it was her whole life


         She walked to where Kyser was standing, stumbling many times on the huge rocks planted there. When she reached him, she put her hands on both sides of his face.. Tears were speaking instead of words. " I'm so sorry Kyser.. It wasn't me.. I.." He just stopped her lips from moving with a grateful stolen kiss " I'm in love with you, Nina! ".  Obviously, the half-saatnee got more guts than the human.


          As much as it was a surprise for Nina and her father, it bothered Sahed to see the Azvisalokya being touched in such inappropriate way..


She never expected that! the young man she had been always thinking of him as her big brother, was in love with her!


          Her hands still on both sides of his face, she was searching for an explanation inside his electric blue eyes (his father's eyes). Wondering, if all those changes he went through from a human to a vapidus, were the origin of his awkward confession.


She wasn't even thinking when she run her hand through his white blonde hair, the same way she always did since her early childhood. She remembered that time, when she was five, the day she accused her father of being evil, unlike Mr.Klein who let Kyser inherit his mother's hair...


          Nina had never noticed before, how handsome Kyser was. The boy she used to have a good time playing with him, the loving big brother she never had.
She slapped him lightly " Kyser! Wake up! ... you are confused with all that changing inside you, that's it.. I'm Nina... remember.. the ugly.."


          " I've never been as clear-minded as I am now... That change you are accusing.. " he put his hand behind her head, and rested his forehead on hers " ...can't create new feelings, it just clarify the blurred mixed emotions."


He paused for few seconds then asked:
-" Have you ever seen me with another girl apart from you? "
-"Aaaaa... No!"
- " And you never asked why! Silly! "


          Sahed interrupted in his usual clipped way of speaking when addressed to his servants:
" We're expecting guests.." Kyser stiffened as every cell in his body did, when hearing the voice of his master, the one who awakened his hidden saatnee side.


He continued ordering "saatnees and demons are coming tonight. Keep your eyes on the 5 Radial Miles area around ... North, South, West, and East... "
The demon, the namakan, and the two vapidus were heading to their destinations.


          Sahed and Nina, both of them, sat on a big flat rock inside the moon temple ruins, few inches away from each other, resting on their hands which were on that rock behind their backs.


He was the first one asking..


- " Do you remember everything? when Takara possessed your body? "
-" I do! with some of Takara's own memories! "
- " I'm amazed! " he turned his head to her " How much important are those memories? "
- " Enough to weaken your spells" Nina was slyly smiling.


          He stood up, turned to face Nina, and covered her hands with his. Leaning towards her, his face almost touching hers.
- " Nina! "


          Her throat felt dry, her heart start racing, and her face was burning from the waft of his breath. She wanted to touch her cheeks, to ease that uncomfortable hotness, but her hands were blocked under his.
- " Yes? "
- " Are you afraid of me? " his eyes fixed on hers, anticipating the answer...


          She turned her head away from his face, away from his intimidating whispers. Trying to gather every piece of logic left inside her head, she answered..

- " Considering you're the one who is going to kill me? Exactly as you did to that beautiful blue creature?... I've seen everything in my visions. You were hunting me in every moon eclipse! stabbing my body to death with that d-a-gger!! "


          Nina stopped talking, closed her eyes, inhaled the scent of terrible visions.. But inside her head, Takara's thoughts and memories were drawing a new path for her life.


          She turned her head back to face that immortal who was glaring at her, then pulled gently her hands from underneath his, and just rested them on his shoulders..
Then continued...


" You intend to do the best you can for all creatures of the universe, not only humans... But, my life is going to be ended soon, and in the most terrifying way.." She couldn't continue with all the tears blurring her vision..
She whipped her tears, and continued speaking, trying to be positive as possible as she can "I'm scared to death... Then, I got that strange feeling, that keeps telling me.. that I can trust you!"


         Those were the sweetest words, Sahed had never imagined he could hear from an Azvisalokya. They filled his longtime empty-soul with satisfaction and contentment. At the same time, he was wondering what Nina discovered inside Takara's mind and memories.


He finally got to the point that brought all the actions of the day. To the story he wanted to tell Nina about, one hour ago in Tampa..
"I'm not the one who is supposed to kill you, or kill any other Azvisalokya.. I am the peace keeper of our universe.."


A long silence took place between those two, in the middle of nowhere... Then...
"I performed the sacrifice ritual on Namaka.. I did it for the first time in my life, which is thousands of years. Because the Namakan elders, who were under some sort of powerful spells, refused to sacrifice the Azvisalokya... That caused the activation of the most powerful curse of all time. Takara's curse.."


He paused again, and continued with bitterness in every word:
"Do you remember that curse?" Nina nodded, and asked "Who cast those spells on the Namakan elders?"
He answered:
"El-Hareth of course, to bother me.. " then added "So, the moon temple absorbed all the elders powers, and Namaka was about to join the dust of Deïmos.. I was able to save that dimension... Of course your visions told you how."


        Sahed glanced at his watch, it was 10:54 am in Tampa, that means 12 minutes before the sunset there, in Urfa. He stood up, backed few feet away from Nina, and adjusted his watch to the local time 17:54


A tinge of seriousness shaded his face this time, they are coming..
- " Nina! You won't be in danger, Saatnee's elders are coming with their lord.. I invited them. No one is going to harm you, you're the most precious diamond to them... So, NO PANIC.. Clear? "
-"I know, at least.. not yet.." swallowing her disagreement with all that crap, which was going to take her life.


          He added:
- " Lord of demons knew about what happened today, it was his Energy manifesting inside you.. He might send an elder with the army commander Dacos.."
- " No, he's coming himself .. "


          She definitely caught his attention in the most critical moment of that day.
For his amazement, she added..
- " It's my turn to tell you not to panic.. " She laughed for his eyes going wider, then continued ..
" I have faith in you.. " Nina stood up, and walked few feet to face Sahed..


          She just rested her head on his chest, and whispered:
-" I feel home... Please, let me deal with El-Hareth.. After what happened today, I believe that I know him better than you do.."


He put his arms around her, and couldn't stop himself from brushing her hair with his lips.
- " When you speak like that, you seem older than me.." She smiled, burying her face between his arms, those same arms that caused her panic attack one hour ago, resulting Takara's temporary awakening. Sahed wanted to invoke that wheel of time, not for one minute, but for eternity..


Why mother? Why did you curse the entire universe, just to come back to life?.. to your evil greedy game, you are  still playing with El-Hareth...harvesting life energy from innocents, who are supposed to be the eligible lords... those you named Azvisalokyas..
The truth is so real, and so warm between my arms... every soul has the right to fulfill its destiny, far away from your greed.


- " Nina! Do whatever you want.. The lord of demons is very dangerous though.. Never let him touch you.. Takara could easily return back.. "


- " I have a surprise for him, and not a pleasant one.." She backed from the hug of Sahed.
- " That's interesting.. Just remember.. Stay inside those ruins.. Demons can't use their powers inside the moon temple.."


18:06  Sunset


          They began to appear, nine of them. Thirteen, when Sahed's servants were added to them.
A huge black hole burst from nowhere in the red sky of the sunset, then immediately closed behind the two demons.. The lord himself (El-Hareth), and an Elder (Silorvid).


          All the guests landed out of the moon temple, a circle of fire suddenly arose and surrounded them. Its flames lightened up the beginning of that unbelievable night. That deserted place in the modern civilization eyes, had been forever the Sacred moon temple, the cradle of life for that dimension called Earth..













    All the guests landed out of the moon temple, a circle of fire suddenly arose and surrounded them. Its flames lightened up the beginning of that unbelievable night. That deserted place in the modern civilization's eyes, had been forever, the Sacred moon temple. The cradle of life for that dimension called Earth..


Ilen, the lord of saatnees, was the first one speaking, showing the hugest welcoming white grin on his sharp face. He was hosting this imperial meeting in his dimension.
He walked slowly into the moon temple ruins, his red scarlet eyes were smiling to the unexpected guest of all time, the lord of demons: El-Hareth.


"What an honor to have your Reverence on Earth." bowing his head to El-Hareth. Then to Sahed and Nina, who were standing in the center of the moon temple.


Everyone there; apart from Nina and those three terrifying powers, was kneeling in a perfect circle. The high flames behind them were moving, taking distinct beast-forms, as if they were waiting for an order to attack.


All the eyes were on El-Hareth, the mighty lord of the scariest creatures in the universe (demons). Those gray-eyed beings were the moon gate keepers, the energy manipulators, and the shapeshifters who could take any form they wanted. They were the invisible ghosts that fed on fear and terror, on hatred and greed, and on any negative nature or feeling or thought. However, the ability of hiding their powers, was the best camouflage to infiltrate any population.


          And El-Hareth was their lord, their sire, and their deity..


He started walking slowly towards the temple ruins, showing his silvery teeth to the ones standing in the center. Once his foot touched the border, black smoke started billowing from the crumbling ground, and red flames began trailing behind him.


The smoke, alongside the flames, formed a huge dome covering the temple in a shielding way. This powerful shield isolated everyone out-of-the-ruins, from what was about to happen between the four different forms of life: the demon(El-Hareth), the saatnee(Ilen), the human(Nina), and the divinity(Sahed).


"Forever exceptional!" Sahed directed his words to El-Hareth "The temple is moaning under your prestigious might!"


The possibility that a demon could walk into the moon temple, had never crossed Sahed's mind before that moment. But; the one standing with them wasn't a fierce warrior, or an elder, or even the army commander. He was way beyond any expectations. The only power that could rival with El-Hareth is no one but Sahed, or Takara.


"Thousands of years.. yet many things for you to discover.. dearest friend.." He responded with a victorious evil smirk.


That wasn't, definitely, a promising start of a decisive meeting. Ilen instantly retreated, and Sahed's energy field immediately cocooned Nina. He tried to ease the sudden exploded tension under El-Hareth's smoke-and-fire dome, by asking:


- "Could you please enlighten us about the origin of all this hostility?"
- "You provoked my patience!" El-Hareth answered Sahed growling "I entered this forbidden sanctuary to claim her." He pointed his finger towards Nina, then continued pouring out all his anger. "My energy protected her when she felt the danger, not you! I sensed her fear.." Then added, speaking to Nina, after a brief moment of silence "Until the red light shines on this temple. Akma should be your home, precious one, not Earth.."


- "Not a chance! Demons' dimension, Akma, has never been the perfect home for a human." Sahed interrupted in a clear voice, and began to utter his seriousness, blaming El-Hareth "She wasn't in danger, just scared of her visions. Your energy added more difficulties in controlling the situation, and resulted in a temporary awakening of mother.. Aaand don't be mad.." Sahed smiled slyly "Takara.. asked for you." 


All that time, Ilen was few feet away from the two rivals. He knew that this conflict was about to become a major threat to Earth. El-Hareth was reluctant to cede power to Sahed, and vice versa.
Life in this dark world needed blood. Ilen came with a brilliant, yet horrifying, idea to satisfy both sides. And to calm the uncontrollable ignited hell, which was going to annihilate another dimension added to Deïmos.


"Well..Well.. May I suggest a compromise?" Raising his eyebrows, and waiting for an unexpected YES.


Three sets of eyes turned at the same time to where Ilen was standing, they were glaring impatiently at his untrustworthy face. Even the vicious lord of saatnees needed to save his life, and also, his people's.


- "Master Sahed, you shall keep the Azvisalokya under your protection here, on Earth, until the fulfillment of the prophecy." Then turned to face El-Hareth. "Lord El-Hareth, your reverence.. Would you please accept in exchange, a similar power to hers?"
-"Sounds interesting! Son of Vasil!"
-"The powers of the saatnees' elders are all yours. Would you please accept their powers as an apology for disturbing your reverence?" Of course, Ilen could never forget bowing his head, in the most respective way, for Sahed and El-Hareth.


That was a rare opportunity for El-Hareth, to take all this power for himself. So, without much thinking, he answered:
"Agreed!" The famous evil grin finally found its home. " But" speaking to Sahed "I want a minute with her... Without your shield."


Sahed and Nina exchanged glances, and nodded.


El-Hareth stretched his hand out towards Nina, who did the same, and put her fragile clenched fist on his palm.
"Your intoxicating energy is overwhelming.. Precious one .. Would you mind granting me a taste from the essence of the last living prophecy?" His silver eyes were starting fire inside her mind and soul.


She felt the burning; all over her creamy skin, and from underneath. As if her blood was the boiling lava, trying to melt every cell in her body. But, the most intense heat came from the inside of her clenched fist. She decided to take the risk, and to challenge El-Hareth..


- "I have a message for your reverence ... From Takara!" Looking directly at his powerful magnetic silver eyes.
- "And I am the messenger of God!.." Smirking, and giggling..


His skin began to change, preparing to receive the divine energy. It turned from smooth light purple to thorny pickle-green. Then added in an emotional gratitude "Thank you precious one, for letting..." Nina interrupted him when she opened her fist, to put a jet-stone in El-Hareth's hand.


It was the  jet-stone that was sealed inside her heart, the day of her birth. The jet-stone that had the protection spell, and was bound to El-Hareth's energy. Sahed showed a slight smile on his face, relieved. But Ilen's mouth dropped widely open as his eyes did.
Nina managed to separate it from her heart using one single magic spell. Just one memory from Takara's, was able to cause some damages to El-Hareth's plan.


"Takara left this message for your reverence: My shell is sacred."


El-Hareth; for the amazement of everyone standing inside his power dome, bowed his head in a greeting way to Nina. Or maybe, to the message received from Takara. His skin turned back to its original color and texture, smooth light purple.
"Message received, precious one... I look forward to the awaited day.. the red light shall shine on this temple.."


She bowed her head respectively in response, then went back to Sahed, and patted his shoulder.. Her sad eyes were trying to tell another story to him, a very worrying story. She was left with no other option, except for standing there until the end of that meeting. Even time wasn't at her side, and she had never been in suchlike imminent life-threatening danger before, facing the lord of demons himself.


Sahed tried to understand her thoughts, but failed.. He was himself absorbed in his own new hell, now Ilen saved their night, but at what price!!
That night, all the seven elders (clan leaders) were about to be delivered to their eternal sleep. Letting their places to newcomers, who had to wait at least ten years to gain the energy needed for performing the moon ritual.
          But the time is set: less than three years left!


          No one, but Sahed, would be able to extract that life energy from the last Azvisalokya. Her bloody visions were not lying, he was her slaughterer, no doubt about that.


Millenniums of trying to maintain the balanced universe, resulted in a silent war between the two sides of the ultimate power. But that day, El-Hareth was winning the battle.


He managed to take the Saatnees elders' lifes, putting his hand on their powers, which was the synonym of weakening one of the most challenging races. That would boost El-Hareth's plan to the next level, his plan of domination and reign over Earth to enslave all its inhabitants.


At the same time, he slapped Sahed on his face, by forcing him to perform that harvesting ritual. Sahed was, even with his loneliness and cold heart, the peace keeper and the protector. Not the cruel sadistic evil creature, that loved and enjoyed torture and killing.


However, Sahed didn't say his last word yet. And that day's meeting, was way far from the end.
He objected to Ilen's offering, to the unfair one-sided-deal with the lord of demons.


- "You had the time you've asked for, lord, along with an incomparable power. In return, I DEMAND you take your demons with you. Or else, meeting their eternal sleep, shall be the moment I encounter them."
- "Have you heard yourself? friend! Every human has a demon consort, nothing to argue about! Since when you began throwing nonsensical jumble of words?!"


Sahed pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes, and clenched his jaws. Things were clearly getting more intense. Everyone standing there, could see Sahed's burning golden eyes, and could sense the raising waves of his piercing divine power.


- "Lord!.. I'm not referring to your pathetic consorts, who are busy with sex, crimes, and wars.. Take your warriors and elders away with you."
- " Aaaah... I won't let you win, smart boy!.. Takara wants you badly, you are her perfect achievement, her son.. but I want her more.." El-Hareth continued breathing angrily "Meanwhile; send whoever you meet, to their eternal sleep, I don't mind... I am El-Hareth; I shall never veer, from what I know to be my path."
- "You are declaring the beginning of an apocalypse! ... So be it!"


With no other word, El-Hareth turned his back to the three standing there, and his energy-dome disappeared. The ten-minutes imperial meeting was over, it ended up with the worst devastating decision.. Earth was about to enter the darkest era of all ages, the era that could mark the demons' invasion of that dimension. The end of the human's empire, that Ilen was eager to hear about, became a threat to everyone, including saatnees.


El-Hareth's beasts of fire attacked simultaneously the saatnees elders, enveloping them in black ferocious flames. Their broken bodies turned, in no time, into silver dust. The lord of demons revealed, for the second time that day, his predatory thorny green face. He raised both arms, and started receiving the powerful dust.

Ilen closed his eyes, and muttered "Forgive me..brothers."

Nina, tightened her hold around Sahed's arm, and Whispered "I need to be alone with you.. Please!" He nodded.

Lucida, Aenon, David, Kyser, and Eldis were just starring at the cruel scene, at the head of demons devouring the mightiest saatnees in a heartbeat.

Silorvid showed no emotion on his chiseled face.


Few seconds, and nothing left to see. El-Hareth, floating, turned back to face his rival. He was fully satisfied with the new powers he gained. In his new glossy skin, he looked thousands of times more dangerous than he was, just seconds ago.


He bowed briefly, then walked out of the temple ruins, and ordered Silorvid "Bring your daughter." After that; Sahed added "Luci!.. Take care.." That was the good-bye she deserved, after a millennium of serving his divine existence. And of course, Lucida could never object to her lord, or her master.


The three demons disappeared inside the moon gate, and an exited Kyser shouted "what a night!".. The flame beast which was behind him, ready to extract his soul from his body, finally gone along with El-Hareth.
David and Aenon wanted to rip Kyser's throat out, both were in shock, their longtime partner was gone.. For that, Sahed just gave them what they wanted, to ease their grieving "Do whatever you want with him." and reassured Nina that her friend was going to be fine.


"Reign of demons!" Ilen was thinking out loud... So, Sahed reminded him " I told you once.. " both of them spoke in a synchronized voice "Never trust a demon."
Ilen muttered "Yes! you warned me .. You definitely did."


Same day: 03/10/2015 .. 16:20
Castillo de Butrón.. Bilbao.. (Basque Country) Spain..



 (Basque Country) Spain



"Where are we? ..This is not my apartment! That's for sure!.. "


Nina was confused about the sunlight (it was dark one second ago, back in Urfa), and about the huge-and-very old room she was inside. Sahed had used his teleportation to take both of them there.
She asked wondering "The sun?!"


- "I believe, you asked for a private place, away from the others' eyes and ears."
-"Y-yeah, I did.. You need to..."


Sahed interrupted ..
- "Walk with me.. I'll show you the place.. " Then bowed in a very formal way, as he was welcoming a queen, and added "Welcome to my castle Miss Hades." smiling at his beautiful guest.
- "No.. No.. No.. You don't understand.." She covered her ears "You're the one who needs to hear me.. Please!" almost crying.


His smile was changed to a frown.. Aware of her being worried and frustrated, he just hold her hands between his "Alright, as you wish.. You can tell me whatever you want.. Let's go to my office."



          They sat facing each other, then Nina started speaking


They sat facing each other, then Nina started speaking..

"I'm loosing Takara's memories.. I can't remember many important things that I wanted you to know.."


The awakening of Takara, caused by the huge amount of energy that Nina couldn't control, was temporary. Exactly as her memories were. They began to fade away, the second she opened her fist, and gave that jet-stone back to El-Hareth.


"I can remember that saatnees were humans, thousands of years ago. Takara managed to experiment with her powerful magic on many races' DNA across the universe, to create the perfect race.. saatnees.. eeeeh!.. She's not a bad person though.. What else?! ..Both of you .. I mean Takara and you.. No!.. I can't remember.." Tears started flowing on her cheeks.. And at some point, she didn't even know why!


- "Nina! I don't care about those memories being lost forever.. I'm concerned about yours.. Do you remember clearly, everything you said to me, before meeting El-Hareth?"


- "Yes, absolutely.. "
- "Even when Takara possessed your body?"
- "What?!.. When.."


She touched her forehead, and pressed her lips, trying to concentrate more. But Sahed was aware of the amount of problems, she was about to go through. He stood up, walked to where Nina was sitting, and sat on his desk facing her.


          He cupped her face gently between his palms, and fixed his eyes on hers.


- " Nina! Please.. You are the one who really needs to hear every word I'm going to say.. Please! you told me that that you can trust me, and that you have faith in me .. Do you remember?"
- "I know I said that, but.." Her heart began to race.. That was a bad sign, a very bad sign.


Every single minute, from the beginning of the day, flashed before her eyes. Taking her painting to the museum, meeting her worst nightmare ever, pain ravaging her back along with a panic attack...


Then began the strangest moments of her life...


Was her father a blood sucking monster?!


Why did she believe that she killed Kyser?! He was alive after all.


How did she manage to use magic, to get rid of the demon's power inside her heart?!


Why wasn't she afraid from all the aliens gathering around a single human?!


And the most terrifying thought was about hugging her slaughterer!! and telling him, while burying her face in his chest, that she feels HOME!! .. creepy.. That she trusts her killer!! And that she has faith in him!! ..I was hypnotized! Help me God! I'm facing the most dangerous monster of them all..


Why would she tell him such a dangerously stupid thing?! She remembered everything for sure, except for that possession moment. And of course : no sign of any of Takara's memories.


Sahed tightened a little bit his hands, kissed her forehead, and continued his lessons ignoring her shaking body with the sudden fear..


"David and Kyser are not monsters, they are human moonchildren turned forcefully to Saatnees. Your father was feeding on Lucida, because she was a demon, and they are in love.. Everything is possible... You are the last Azvisalokya chosen to be sacrificed.." He paused, and inhaled the force he needed, to say those terrible words, to the one who warmed his heart. "And yes.. I'm the one..Who is going to perform that ritual.. " He paused for the second time.


The fact that he felt the need of fighting his own decisions, was more than unnecessary drama in his untroubled long immortal life. It was a first, and definitely the last, considering Nina was the last Azvisalokya.


"But; you have my word as a divinity to figure out a solution.. Nina.. "


He wanted, at that exact moment, to be in an alternative world. Where he could live, away from the game that chained him to this unbearable life.. a world without demons.. or another, where he could be a simple saatnee, or just an ordinary human. Or maybe, he could tell Nina the real story, that both of them were siblings, and they didn't belong to that multidimensional universe. But how? Her mind wasn't protected against the spirit watcher, El-Hareth's most dangerous spying weapon.


          Nina cut his thoughts, when she jerked from his grip. Her unblinking-howl-eyes and non-breathing-feverish-face, made it obvious that she was scared to death, and about to have a heart attack.


Sahed knew that she had nothing left from Takara, she was a frightened teenager, locked in a strange castle, far away from her home. And she was looking directly to the monster, who was stabbing her heart to death, for years of nightmares.


He just stood up and began to back away slowly from her frozen body, palms up, until he reached the doorway of his office. Then reminded her of their last conversation "Please try, just try to remember your own words and feelings.. I won't come inside, until you ask me for.. I promise.." Then he was out of his office.


Nina went to the door of the office, and double-closed it. Resting her back on the door, she was now able to exhale the longest Ouuuuuf that was holding the pressure on her chest. The office was a little bit different from her father's.. very different.. it had nothing to do with her father's.


The furniture was the oldest she could imagine, And it needed some brightness with all the dark colors there. But it was comfortable, especially with no Sahed around.


Nina sat on the main armchair. Then, took a pen and a notebook, and began to draw whatever came to her mind. She was an artist after all.


... Knock... Knock... Knock..


Her heart jumped out of her chest, to the sound of knocking at the door. She didn't want to open it, but curiosity was about to suffocate her.. She played with her fingers.. crossed her arms.. went to the window.. and even tried to meditate. The only satisfaction came from going next to that door on her tiptoes.


She glued her ear to the reddish brown wood, but nothing to hear.

plan B
Her body was completely on the floor.. She was trying to see if there were any feet behind the door. nothing to see.

plan C
She just opened the door to find a serving cart. And Sahed was standing at the farthest point of the hallway laughing .. "Bon appétit.. " Then he just melted away..


          "Bon appétit!" Demon! Monster! Alien! She had no idea about the time, but feeling hungry meant that it was lunch-time back in Tampa. And, at least, this monster is kind enough to bring her some food.
Where the hell is this place?..
Three different dishes! Gosh.. I'm not a tigress!.. But, the growling of her stomach, couldn't agree with her.


She took one covered dish and a bottle of mineral water, and replaced them with the notebook. Then closed the door and went to the desk, to realize that the Pintxo de Pulpo was waiting for her. It was a skewer with grilled octopus and shrimp that looked really great! and smelled even greater.


...Knock... Knock... Knock...


That time she opened the door, and of course Sahed was leaning his right hand on the door jamb, with the note book in his left.
They stood silently there, still, as if both of them were asking tons of questions without moving their lips.


- "Ok! No more drama! come in, it's your office not mine.."
- "Are you sure about that?" Smiling and raising one eyebrow.
- "Just.. don't eyebrow me.." And she returned back, irritated, to sit on a smaller chair than the main one.


Sahed just sat on his armchair facing Nina, and flipped through the notebook, from the first page to the last one. With each page, he eyed the obviously-frightened girl sitting in front of him. Nothing to see but strange symbols written in that notebook. The most serious complexity invaded his already frozen face..


          She felt his gaze penetrating to the deepest of her soul. Those weird feelings of being fully exposed to the bones, of being naked in front of a whole audience, were absorbing every bit of confidence left inside her terrorized heart. She was the most fragile girl, made of thin glass; but now, shattered and crushed between Sahed's hands, without even being touched.


"I owe you my life! Dearest Nina!! My"















Author's note:
Dear readers; this chapter is the slowest, and the shortest I've ever written. I apologize for not giving you what you were waiting for. But it reveals many secrets and leads to a new twist in our adventure.

Happy reading :) I appreciate all comments and feedback.



          Sahed just sat on his armchair facing Nina, and started flipping through the notebook, from the first page to the last one. With almost each page, he eyed the obviously-frightened girl sitting in front of him. Nothing to see but strange symbols written in that notebook. The most serious complexity invaded his already frozen face..


          She felt his gaze penetrating to the deepest of her soul. Those weird feelings of being fully exposed to the bones, of being naked in front of a whole audience, were absorbing every bit of confidence left inside her terrorized heart. She was the most fragile girl, made of thin glass; but now, shattered and crushed between Sahed's hands, without even being touched.


"I owe you my life! Dearest Nina. My"




He went on, fixing her hazel eyes with his magnetic golden stare:
"The light I've been forever longing for, throughout millennia of loneliness, shall never be ignored.."


The mist of confusion along with the mixture of emotions, all combined with her racing heart; didn't help her to understand the hidden meaning behind his words. She just mumbled:
"Speak English!"


A hint of smile lit across his face.. That was fast! .. He could easily use his powers on the poor girl.. The only problem is that, once understanding what was going on around her, she would never be able to forgive his magic abuse, nor thinking of helping him. That was the exact meaning of total-devastating-end of his ultimate plan, the greatest plan of using Nina's power against the dangerous game played by Takara and El-Hareth.


Everyone was playing his own game!


          He decided to start clearing the blurred events of that unforgettable day. Explaining to Nina whatever she wanted to know, might help chasing away her uneasiness over him.


"Ok, English..No more Chinese.. Yes ma'am.. Understood." Sahed began, trying to erase his old-fashioned way of speaking.

She faked a faded smile, but he gave her a real one.


- "So, you are a serial killer, I suppose?" frowning at him.
He pressed his lips to a straight line..that hurts.. but he answered:
- "Ouch! This is a terrible way to describe your protector, I believe."
- "Protector! I can remember every detail of your killing scenes.. I-I mean in my visions. But I have no clue how you are protecting me, and from what?.. The only person I need to be protected from, is you!" glaring at the pleading in his eyes.
- "Look at me Nina.. Do I seem to you like a blood-thirsty monster?" He tried his best to paint a caring look on his lifeless face. Even if he already knew the answer.
- "Definitely! Are you a real alien? You really are different from us, aren't you?.. You know, I just..I can't.. Please, what happened to me, to dad, to Kyser?" Her eyes flooded with tears at the memory of David planting his teeth in Lucida's neck, few hours ago, back in Tampa...


He moved his hand unwillingly toward hers, but stopped. Instead, he crossed his fingers on the desk, rested his back on his old armchair, and took the deepest breath. Preparing himself for a long, and detailed explanation.


"Takara was one of the seven, one of the most powerful demons elders, and she was the queen of Deïmos. El-Hareth was her lord, and the lord of all seven dimensions: Akma, Deïmos, Namaka, Earth, phobos, Travos, and Cârpo."


Nina was listening carefully to Sahed who continued telling the most interesting story in history:
"She is my mother, and she had never been satisfied with being the lord's mistress. For a queen she was, her ambitions and her thirst for power, led her to start an unprecedented game with El-Hareth. A simple game, with simple rules. Yet, with devastating consequences.

The most powerful between them, at the end of the game, shall be the absolute ruler over this universe."


Sahed paused for few seconds, studying Nina's face. Then added:
"The lord of demons granted her ten millenniums, and endless resources to fulfill her dream. But, if her plan happened to be a failure, she'll be erased from the memory of the whole universe, along with everything related to her."


          Nina crossed her legs, shifted to a more comfortable position, then asked with amusement:
"So, the hideous pickle monster is your father?! No offense! But, you don't look like him! at all!"


He giggled, finally life began to spread across his face. He was speaking about the possibility of a total annihilation of entire civilizations. And yet, Miss Hades was concerned about him being related to El-Hareth. But of course, he answered her innocent question:
-"No, he is not my father.. And, don't ask me about myself, if you want to understand how was your destiny written in the stars."
-"Yes sir!" Although she was dying to know everything about him, Nina tried to sound obedient.
-"No need for sir! Nina.. Please, just Sahed."


And, at that moment, when he realized that he should have never asked her to call him by his real name, it was late. The first letters were already out of her lips:
- " How I ended as Takara's pawn in this game? Please, Sahed, tell me what to do, to rid of that cursed power hidden within..."


Thud.. Thud.. Thud.. Thud.. Thud.. Thud..

That was the pounding of his icy heart blocking his inhuman sharpest senses. A slow-suffocating power was around his neck, and all over his body. And the-almost-forgotten scarlet tattoos, from his last ritual on Namaka, were burning his skin for a second time. 


Nina was the key of that magic, which was sealed inside his name. Her voice, and only hers, could open the unknown passages to forgotten places and spaces.


          As if there were thousands of daggers, deeply pressed all over his immortal body. He was paralyzed by the ultimate pain, a pain that was beyond the impossible. It was a real mountain, on top of sharp blades; which were penetrating, with thousands of tons of force , every single cell.


          No one, living in all seven dimensions, could break his shield so easily, reach and manipulate this level of power. It was the power of a divine outsider. A power that wasn't completely strange to Sahed, who was being sucked into another world, and crushed from the inside. Once out of his shell, the pain was gone. He was a ghost, a divine energy floating inches away from two frozen bodies.


          He realized that the wheel of time had been invoked, and he was extracted from his host into a parallel universe.
"Duties forgotten?" Thunderous sounds were echoing inside the office.

His father came to talk to him! To blame him, for neglecting his duties!
- " Speak. " The voice ordered.
- " Forgive my callous disregard, your mightiest. Humans, in their early life, are immature creatures . Nysrevina is ready now."
- " Deceive me, and forgiveness shall never be upon you."

Faster than a lightening, the voice was gone, and Sahed retuned to the body of his host.


Nina was still asking her questions, when Sahed came to his senses. He was suddenly behind her, grabbing her neck as if he was going to kill her. Just his whispers, behind her ear, were heard: "Vibudhyate.. Nysrevina."


          She gasped when hearing those two words, and her head was hit with a sudden vertigo. This brief dizziness that she felt, spread warm calmness and serenity through her body; and took the deepest fears of her heart away. She felt light, so light, lighter than a feather, and realized that she was floating in the middle of nowhere. Her eyelids however, were the heaviest they could be. She just gave up, and couldn't keep her eyes open, nor her body on whatever was under her feet.


            It smelled so nice, so fresh, so relaxing, and so familiar. In that place, where the nature offered its ultimate collection of thousands of perfumes, Nina could distinguish every single flower-or-rose essence from the others. Yet; the mixture was as heavenly as if it was coming from the eternal morning of the Angels realm.


Sahed was behind Nina inside an endless continuation of melting places, his right hand was still grabbing Nina's neck, when he cuddled her with his left.

"Don't be afraid, my beloved Nina. In our realm, your are protected from the spirit watcher. You may open your eyes."


That was exactly what she did; when she felt his right hand softened its grip on her neck, then went to help his left to cuddle tightly the young girl. His lips were busy, brushing her dark wavy hair, and kissing the top of her head, while he was explaining:

"It is the right time to reveal everything to you, beloved sister.. Shhhht, I'll explain everything, now, and for good."

Same time at Akma... Demon dimension...


"What fu**ing hole sucked them? Where the fu**ing hell they've disappeared?"
Under his gigantic statue, El-Hareth, sitting on his throne, was furiously shouting.


Nothing to know about Nina and Sahed..


El-Hareth used to infiltrate her mind through his energy, but after cutting that link, the only available way was the spirit watcher.


Even protected by Sahed's shield, the spirit watcher could easily track their movements. They were like the only blank spot in the universe, easy to find. Their minds were protected by that divine power, but the fact of knowing about their exact place was giving El-Hareth some shreds of satisfaction.


Not anymore!


Ishtar appeared in front of her father in her black gown, trying to ease the horrifying pressure of his destroying dark power. She knelt down on her knees, then took his hand between hers, and brushed it gently with her lips, putting light kisses on every inch.

"My lord?" Still kissing. "I am willing to be your wrath on the renegades, my sire."


          El-Hareth pulled his hand from hers, and started circling around her. His silvery evil smile returned to his face, while his eyes were burning with the unprecedented desire.

"Granted. Bring them, or end them.. And Takara shall be yours to play with." Breathed El-Hareth, while running his fingertips on her still kneeling body. He ordered her to stand up, and to accept her lord's desire.


          Ishtar had never been more satisfied than that moment, when thinking about sending Takara (her rival) to the eternal sleep, after centuries of torturous hell. My lord, I will never deceive you..


          They were telepathically connected. The second she received her lord's order, the black on her body started to melt down, letting the place to a silver-red filmy gown. It was reacting to El-Hareth's fingertips, melting away, to let the lord in direct touch with the fire on Ishtar's olive skin. Then back to its original filmy fabric, once the lord's hand moved to other parts of her eternal beauty.


Shifting from their appearance of mighty demons, to every known form of life, was the best way of tasting and reaching the ultimate pleasure. Snake tongues were playing with each other hidden desire, and the burning bodies turned to smoke with every wave of frenzy peak.




"My lord, my sire.. Maitreya and his youtan, shall perish in your fire."


She jumped to open the moon gate.


And the game of hide and seek began between Ishtar and Sahed. Apparently; El-Hareth, after millennia of patience, felt the danger of his own deal with Takara. He began his planning to eliminate them one by one. It was too risky, to let them be united against him.



UNVEILING ALL SECRETS (not edited yet)








"It is the right time to reveal everything to you, beloved sister.. Shhhht, I'll explain everything, now, and for good."


          The warm calmness that kept caressing every part of her body and soul couldn't keep her curiosity away. This handsome yet frightening human-look-like creature called her beloved sister ! That blessing of the ultimate comfort she felt between his arms wasn't strange at all, it was as if she returned back to her right place, and to her one and only love of her entire life.


" Sister! Why you're calling me sister ? "


          Sahed closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of the longest memories through thousands of years.


          She has the right to know every single story, every bargain, and every deal hovering around her existence. But her fragile human side, that is still dominating, could never handle properly her old memories of the angel's realm.


" My beloved Nina ! Please let me tell you everything, I won't lie to you, and you will have at the end the right to choose your path."


          She twitched her lips smiling, feeling the serinity of his emotions, and receiving through her senses those waves of honesty.


          She closed her eyes and turned her head lightly, so his lips could brush her cheek instead of her hair, and gave him the freedom of being himself when she gave him the most serious look :


"If I'm that important to you, don't hide anything. "


          He couldn't ask for more, Nina gave him the opportunity of finally revealing the pain he endured for thousands of years, the pain of living inside his loneliness waiting for her to finally return back to his arms. He needed her as much as she needed him to overcome their ultimate challenge. To have the right of existence, or not to have.


" You are indeed my twin, our father is the guardian of hell, one of the most powerful Angels. When we reach ten thousand years old in our realm, we have to face some kind of a test. If we fail, we won't have the right to exist anymore. Our realm is no place for failures and weaknesses.

Our test was keeping the balance in this universe, it's one of the most important ones, because of a special race. Humans."




"We are Angels my beloved Nysrevina, this is your real name. Would you please grant me the honor of telling you all what you need to know?"


          She turned to face him, her intense hazel eyes were gazing at his golden ones while he tightened his embrace. No force could separate their bodies, and nothing could stop the gravitational field of the new passion between the two Angels' souls . She studied every inch of his face with her fingertips, then reached his hair to play with it, rolling it on her forefinger, then touched delicately his lips going from a side to another while she was asking:


" Are you really my twin? You are much older than me, more powerful, and we don't even have the same features."


          He surprised her when he kissed her finger which was tracing a prickling sensation on his lips, and continued the story by including the answer of her question:


"yes, we are twins. When we were sent to this universe, we were given the right to choose our vessels, and the time of our coming to life. I was the first and unique experiment of mixing a human DNA with every other intelligent species in this universe, and I was born as Takara's son. But u chose to wait until finally you put your essence in the last Azvisalokya, and that was very expected from a talented young angel like you. You'll find all your memories once being awakened, but you are not ready yet.


The most challenging part of our test was El-Hareth, he was sent to stop us from achieving our mission. The most dangerous of some rebellious Angels who was punished for uncounted millennia in hell. But now, a golden chance would be waiting for him, to find his place again in our realm; if he could successfully complete his own mission, which is preventing us from keeping balance in this universe."


          Sahed continued after putting the longest kiss on Nina's forehead:


"And he is very close from taking his freedom back. We have to stop him dear Nysrevina, from unleashing his demonic wrath on humans, he wants an inter dimensional war that will exterminate every shape of life."


          Her kneels betrayed her, and she found herself sitting on a thin layer of air, as if she was inside a non-gravitational world. The endless continuation of melting places around her was still a mystery, light then dark then light then dark, exactly as hundreds of questions that were waiting in the back of her brain.


- How long do we have to hide from El-Hareth in this place?

- Are we moving now? why the dark and light is still changing?

- What's the plan to defeat the lord of demons, and his mighty army?

- What's an awakening? When? And how?

- Do I have to die? I'm the last Azvisalokya after all. Earth and all its creatures would be reduced to dust, if the sacrifice couldn't take its course at the right time.

- Or, do I have to share the same body with her? With Takara? gross!

- Maybe she wants to send me there, exchanging places! Yes! This is her plan!

- He said: I owe you my life, my divine immortal life. Does he have his own plan? I guess, he does.


          Nina was used to be the nicest little girl in the human world, and she was feeling like nothing happened or had been changed for her. Angel or not, she was Nina. Except for that strangest day ever.


          She discovered that her father was a blood-drinking monster, his girlfriend was a demon, who left them to be with her lord, El-Hareth. Lucida was like a mother to her, and she was missing her like no one did before. A mother that turned to a severest enemy serving El-Hareth.


          She received a love confession from her lifetime best friend, and witnessed the end of powerful satnees by the hand of that El-Hareth. Apparently, he was indeed, the most dangerous enemy of all time.


         Also, a frightening person, who had been the definition of a serial killer in her visions, was an angel! And they were twins! That means she was an angel too!
An angel who was given a mission of keeping balance in this universe, while facing the most dangerous enemy of their realm, El-Hareth, the falling angel, as many people called him.


What a day!


I need two shots of vodka!


          Or maybe just to rest, to close her eyes, and to travel inside the nowhere. Far away from all complications that were causing her the most terrible headache ever. Maybe she was already inside some kind of vivid nightmare, and she needed to fall asleep in order to wake up from all this illogic story.


          Nina was consumed in her thoughts, floating on that thin layer of air. She closed her eyes to prove that she was trapped inside the most realistic nightmare, and visualized her home in Tampa. She imagined herself on her bed, inside her bedroom which was like an art-studio with all the painting tools and materials in every corner of her place.


          She wanted to be there, to return back to the morning, and to tear to shreds her latest paiting, before even thinking of taking it to the history museum of Mr.Klein.


          The smell of her oily colors gave her the needed comfort she was longing for...




          Nina opened her eyes confused, just to show the most bewildered look on her face.




It wasn't exacly her room, maybe a very detailed copy, the most perfect one. Because Nina was still trapped inside that bubble of the angels' realm vibrations. Perhaps, it was a very vivid dream after all, and those vibrations were just some kind of dizziness.


05:11pm on her four-wingged wall clock.


"Not awakened, yet powerful! You have used perfectly the teleportation dearest Nina!" Sahed muttered. And Nina realized that all what she went through, all the day, was not in a world of dreams.


          He dropped to one knee cutting her thoughts, took her left hand in his, and put a ring around her finger. She gasped, and her cheeks turned to the cutest blush ever.


- "What ... ? .. I mean... "


- "My beloved Nysrevina, I was born a satnee, but you were born a human. As much as it sounds surreal, but the naked truth about us was revealed to you. We are Sahed and Nysrevina, children of Cronueel, the guardian of hell. "


He added:


" we are twins, we live together, fight together, rule together, and if we die , we will die together. This ring is yours dear Nina, a copy of mine that symbolizes our unique destiny, our union until the end of this universe's days, until our return to our realm."


          A sound of a brutal explosion was heard inside the apartment..


"They don't waste time!". Sahed dropped Nina's hand mumbling, and stood up, then went to the source of the explosion. At the same time, Nina's steps were shadowing his.


          In the living room; Ishtar, wearing her dragon armor, was sending her demonic energy to every corner of the room. Her white braided hair with silver piercings matched perfectly the color of her widely opened wings behind her back.


And she was not alone...


The fire whip, the scarlet wings, and the skull armor were not strange at all, they were the most familiar to Sahed!






Lucida! ... No one is more cruel than El-Hareth! ... Even with his own children!


          That was one of many mysteries about demons, all demons were descendants of El-Hareth. The closest they were to him in the bloodline, the more powerful they were. That's why Ishtar was one of the most powerful demons in this universe, exactly as Takara was. They were both El-Hareth's daughters; unlike Lucida, who belonged to the third generation, the lord was her grand-grandfather.


          Nina couldn't help herself. Anger was taking over her sweetness, to the memory of what it was for her, a betrayal. Lucida, who was a mother and a close friend to her, left with El-Hareth without even saying bye. She shouted at her calling her name:




          She was screaming inside a bubble ot vibrations, no demon inside that apartment could hear her, or see her, or even sense the tiniest sign of her existence.


          Nina realized that she was still in the Angel's realm, and she began to understand that power she was experiencing.


          She could walk into any place she wanted without being noticed, even by the most terrifying creatures of this dimensions: demons.


          A new sensation of power arose from that astonishing discovery, and she turned her head smiling proudly to Sahed, who nodded, as if he was granting her the permission of going on a magical adventure.


          She widened the opening of her mouth giggling. Excited, she went without hesitation to where Lucida was standing, and put a light kiss on her cheek. She could touch her, but Lucida had no ability of sensing her presence in front of her; then said:


"Unlike you demon, I'll give you a decent goodbye gift... Be patient."


          At the same time, Sahed was standing before Ishtar, but his face was a map of black veins. Long fangs and pointed black nails appeared, then his eyes turned to gold-and-black instead of gold-and-white.


"Watch and learn Nina, this is going to be your first lesson," he breathed.


          He put his palm on Ishtar's chest between her breasts, clenched his fist, and muttered:




          Her dragon armor disappeared! And nothing left but a naked body and a huge diamond, with a dragon skull on the top of it, in Sahed's hand.


"Those are some advantages of being an angel, dear Nina". He gave her that diamond and stated:


"Your first trophy."



A green hand with silver nails came from nowhere, grabbed that diamond before Nina could touch it, along with a well known deep voice :

" My daughter is not a mere trophy."

Yeppp,, that's the writer ^_^



Text: Mii Ryouma
Publication Date: 04-01-2017

All Rights Reserved

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