What an ending. Really scary story and commendable writing :)
Enjoyed the read. Thanks :)
have you read 'Unwind' by Neal Shusterman? Your story has that feel to it....Paula
I know..the wife created the ending. what she failed to understand is that i had the ending first and was building up to it. lol
into a couple working together.
I wrote the story, she edited it, she didn't like the ending and changed it. I didn't like her ending, but we posted it because I didn't want to work on it again. Then a friend read it and when we pitched the different endings, she liked mine so we edited again, together this time, and we re-posted it.
Just goes to show that when you think you're thinking the same thing, it takes some more... Show more
and we forgot to mention that the dedication is to Bocaj (a real hero).