Durham, NC
Good grief... it's high time they installed a revolving door to the entrance
of the White House. This turnover of key staff is surely unprecedented in the
history of the Presidency. Of course, if you constantly undermine your people,
you will never earn their loyalty. And without their loyalty you really have
nothing. The Trump presidency is a real Easter egg. Gold and shiny on the
surface, hollow on the inside and the... Show more
Rockville, Maryland
Whether your internet company is large or small, your brain ought to be
competent enough to identify sex for sale. If the product isn't legal don't
advertise it.
Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com
well i'm sorry i'm not perfect. thats just me so deal with it
Hey sorry reality check. Some of your words are spelt really wrong in your blurb and also you need punctuation. It would be good if you added punctation and then I could understand it. Anyway pelase dont take this offensive take it as adivce