I like your theme. Gto a good story going. You need to proof read it and redo some of the punctuation. also, got a funy spot, wh4ere Philip takes her home on his bike and her car is at school - next morning it's at home, but wont start.
As you said, it's in progress so when you reread it, you'll pick up on that stuff and can clean it up.
I hope you finish it - I want to see where you go with it.
Sorry guys I haven't written any in a long time, I know. Wow, that is is cool that you're trying to read my book even though you're German! I've been insanely busy doing summer classes and all. Just so you know why I'm busy I'll say that I'm skipping a grade! That's no realexcuse though and I promise to get to it ASAP!!
Okay, first I say, I'm german, so it wasn't as easy to understand all. But I have understood it, and I like you book!
I can't give you a good comment where I say what you could do better, because, you know, I'm german and I don't know all the words and... okay, stop. Would you tell me when you write any more?
YAY! I'm glad everyone's faving my book! I will try to work on it soon but I've been busy and, sadly, forgot about it....
uh bluemonkey....that doesnt relaly make any sense...lil bit random eh?